CNN Celebrity Chef Anthony Bourdain Says He Would Murder Trump

Yes, I read that .... I couldn't believe he said that!

For all we know, they are poisoning him already, I mean, the hatred and the desperation towards the President, from the Left and from the neo cons who work for him in the WH is so enormous ....that..... well....nothing would surprise me.:dunno:
What they're feeding him is driving him crazy a little at a time By the end of the year he should be howling like a wolf caught in a trap

Let's belong decisively towards the Left when it comes to politics, yes?

Yes, I thought so.
Yes I have no problem admitting it I was a republican even voted for GWB in 2000 But couldn't tolerate them anymore I despise everything about the repub congress and many of their supporters .... but that's just me
So you supported Obama and Hillary?
Yes I did And Kerry too vs GWB
Yes, I read that .... I couldn't believe he said that!

For all we know, they are poisoning him already, I mean, the hatred and the desperation towards the President, from the Left and from the neo cons who work for him in the WH is so enormous ....that..... well....nothing would surprise me.:dunno:
What they're feeding him is driving him crazy a little at a time By the end of the year he should be howling like a wolf caught in a trap

Let's belong decisively towards the Left when it comes to politics, yes?

Yes, I thought so.
Yes I have no problem admitting it I was a republican even voted for GWB in 2000 But couldn't tolerate them anymore I despise everything about the repub congress and many of their supporters .... but that's just me
How's the Trump stock market Eddie?
A continuation of the Obama market great earnings and low interest rates plenty of money on the sidelines GREAT Think Trump can triple the DOw he was left with like Obama did??
Yes, I read that .... I couldn't believe he said that!

For all we know, they are poisoning him already, I mean, the hatred and the desperation towards the President, from the Left and from the neo cons who work for him in the WH is so enormous ....that..... well....nothing would surprise me.:dunno:
What they're feeding him is driving him crazy a little at a time By the end of the year he should be howling like a wolf caught in a trap

Let's belong decisively towards the Left when it comes to politics, yes?

Yes, I thought so.
Yes I have no problem admitting it I was a republican even voted for GWB in 2000 But couldn't tolerate them anymore I despise everything about the repub congress and many of their supporters .... but that's just me
How's the Trump stock market Eddie?
A continuation of the Obama market great earnings and low interest rates plenty of money on the sidelines GREAT Think Trump can triple the DOw he was left with like Obama did??
Obama's flat line of the DOW shot to the moon on November 9.
What they're feeding him is driving him crazy a little at a time By the end of the year he should be howling like a wolf caught in a trap

Let's belong decisively towards the Left when it comes to politics, yes?

Yes, I thought so.
Yes I have no problem admitting it I was a republican even voted for GWB in 2000 But couldn't tolerate them anymore I despise everything about the repub congress and many of their supporters .... but that's just me
How's the Trump stock market Eddie?
A continuation of the Obama market great earnings and low interest rates plenty of money on the sidelines GREAT Think Trump can triple the DOw he was left with like Obama did??
Obama's flat line of the DOW shot to the moon on November 9.
WEATHER now do you understand?

Dow would rise to 50,000 if Trump matches market performance under Obama
John Melloy | @johnmelloy
Published 11:42 AM ET Wed, 14 Dec 2016 | Updated 12:50 PM ET Wed, 14 Dec

Kevin Lamarque | Reuters
President Barack Obama meets with President-elect Donald Trump (L) to discuss transition plans in the White House Oval Office in Washington, U.S., November 10, 2016.

Investor enthusiasm around his presidency has helped push the Dow Jones industrial average to the cusp of 20,000.

Now all President-elect Donald Trump needs to do while in office to get the Dow to 50,000 is match the stock market's performance under his predecessor.
Let's belong decisively towards the Left when it comes to politics, yes?

Yes, I thought so.
Yes I have no problem admitting it I was a republican even voted for GWB in 2000 But couldn't tolerate them anymore I despise everything about the repub congress and many of their supporters .... but that's just me
How's the Trump stock market Eddie?
A continuation of the Obama market great earnings and low interest rates plenty of money on the sidelines GREAT Think Trump can triple the DOw he was left with like Obama did??
Obama's flat line of the DOW shot to the moon on November 9.
WEATHER now do you understand?

Dow would rise to 50,000 if Trump matches market performance under Obama
John Melloy | @johnmelloy
Published 11:42 AM ET Wed, 14 Dec 2016 | Updated 12:50 PM ET Wed, 14 Dec

Kevin Lamarque | Reuters
President Barack Obama meets with President-elect Donald Trump (L) to discuss transition plans in the White House Oval Office in Washington, U.S., November 10, 2016.

Investor enthusiasm around his presidency has helped push the Dow Jones industrial average to the cusp of 20,000.

Now all President-elect Donald Trump needs to do while in office to get the Dow to 50,000 is match the stock market's performance under his predecessor.
Uh, no. Slowest recovery in history and only President in history to never get an annual 3% GDP. Even those who died in their first terms.

Sell your stocks, buy those fast food places like I said so you can show America paying people a fair wage is possible and profitable.
Yes I have no problem admitting it I was a republican even voted for GWB in 2000 But couldn't tolerate them anymore I despise everything about the repub congress and many of their supporters .... but that's just me
How's the Trump stock market Eddie?
A continuation of the Obama market great earnings and low interest rates plenty of money on the sidelines GREAT Think Trump can triple the DOw he was left with like Obama did??
Obama's flat line of the DOW shot to the moon on November 9.
WEATHER now do you understand?

Dow would rise to 50,000 if Trump matches market performance under Obama
John Melloy | @johnmelloy
Published 11:42 AM ET Wed, 14 Dec 2016 | Updated 12:50 PM ET Wed, 14 Dec

Kevin Lamarque | Reuters
President Barack Obama meets with President-elect Donald Trump (L) to discuss transition plans in the White House Oval Office in Washington, U.S., November 10, 2016.

Investor enthusiasm around his presidency has helped push the Dow Jones industrial average to the cusp of 20,000.

Now all President-elect Donald Trump needs to do while in office to get the Dow to 50,000 is match the stock market's performance under his predecessor.
Uh, no. Slowest recovery in history and only President in history to never get an annual 3% GDP. Even those who died in their first terms.

Sell your stocks, buy those fast food places like I said so you can show America paying people a fair wage is possible and profitable.
I've been stuck with AAPL, FB MSFT and a few others for years I'll sell when my tax rates go down Food retail I know shit about
CNN is classy as usual.

We all know he would be fired if he said Thomas Jefferson's statue should remain in Thomas Jefferson University.

CNN Celeb Chef Anthony Bourdain Says He Would Poison Trump's Food

The left won't object. They defend leftists who dream of such violence. First, they make it clear that being as mean as you want, or killing, when it comes to (pick any "evil" non-liberal group) is understandable or even noble, and then they declare that all on the right, or anyone else who disagrees with them, as evil threats, Nazis or terrorists. Once they establish that, all on the right are fair game and it's considered virtuous to hate or attack them. So, when Griffin indicates she'd like to cut his head off, the Dem senator says she wants him assassinated or this guy outright says he'd murder Trump, they are just fighting the devil or some other evil entity. It's okay to do that.

Just don't even say you fear radical Islamists, antifa or BLM or you will be in their crosshairs. No one on the right, especially white heterosexual males, are allowed to feel intimidated or claim they are ever a victim of anything.

This is the strategy currently being used to incite riots around the country. Convince people of a boogey man, even if they have not been victims, and then tell them they are in danger if they don't actively fight said enemy. Most can't articulate why they are even protesting (rioting) but all claim some kind of victimhood. But when an adult, who should know better, utters something as stupid as Bourdain, it's immediately excused because he is just fighting the righteous fight.
:lmao:Its just like Spineless progressives to make idle threats... all bluster
The media should be shocked by a celebrity's threat to murder the president and America should be shocked in turn because of the media's outrage. If it was the popular Camelot administration Bourdain might have faced a federal indictment or if he made threats against Obama it might have been considered to be racist and his career would be over. The problem of course is that the media isn't outraged and quite the contrary has become the psychotic voice of radical anger from the crazies over the last presidential election.

Exactly. How many wishes has there been for Trump's murder in the last near eight months; liberals saying they would like to see it happen if not having the pleasure of doing it themselves?

It's what I keep telling people all the time. Liberals are violent people. They make statements like this popcorn maker and then wonder why we on the right value our guns. We need our guns because of liberals. If we are to ever have a society without guns, then we need to get rid of liberals first. You can't get rid of your guns with liberals in your country. They are just too violent.
The media should be shocked by a celebrity's threat to murder the president and America should be shocked in turn because of the media's outrage. If it was the popular Camelot administration Bourdain might have faced a federal indictment or if he made threats against Obama it might have been considered to be racist and his career would be over. The problem of course is that the media isn't outraged and quite the contrary has become the psychotic voice of radical anger from the crazies over the last presidential election.

Exactly. How many wishes has there been for Trump's murder in the last near eight months; liberals saying they would like to see it happen if not having the pleasure of doing it themselves?

It's what I keep telling people all the time. Liberals are violent people. They make statements like this popcorn maker and then wonder why we on the right value our guns. We need our guns because of liberals. If we are to ever have a society without guns, then we need to get rid of liberals first. You can't get rid of your guns with liberals in your country. They are just too violent.
I'm far from violent BUT it'd be no skin off my nose if someone offed trump
The media should be shocked by a celebrity's threat to murder the president and America should be shocked in turn because of the media's outrage. If it was the popular Camelot administration Bourdain might have faced a federal indictment or if he made threats against Obama it might have been considered to be racist and his career would be over. The problem of course is that the media isn't outraged and quite the contrary has become the psychotic voice of radical anger from the crazies over the last presidential election.

Exactly. How many wishes has there been for Trump's murder in the last near eight months; liberals saying they would like to see it happen if not having the pleasure of doing it themselves?

It's what I keep telling people all the time. Liberals are violent people. They make statements like this popcorn maker and then wonder why we on the right value our guns. We need our guns because of liberals. If we are to ever have a society without guns, then we need to get rid of liberals first. You can't get rid of your guns with liberals in your country. They are just too violent.
I'm far from violent BUT it'd be no skin off my nose if someone offed trump

Yes, because you're a liberal and even death is more satisfactory than to be anti-communism.

I hate DumBama more than any President in my life. He's done more damage to me than any other President as well. But I would never stoop as low as to support anybody killing him. When you foster that type of sentiment, we are truly headed for another civil war, and I for one can't wait.
The media should be shocked by a celebrity's threat to murder the president and America should be shocked in turn because of the media's outrage. If it was the popular Camelot administration Bourdain might have faced a federal indictment or if he made threats against Obama it might have been considered to be racist and his career would be over. The problem of course is that the media isn't outraged and quite the contrary has become the psychotic voice of radical anger from the crazies over the last presidential election.

Well yeah, because it has never ever ever ever ever happened before and it certainly never ever ever ever ever happened to our Black prez.


RWNJs have such short memories. Get off your high horse before you FALL off.
The media should be shocked by a celebrity's threat to murder the president and America should be shocked in turn because of the media's outrage. If it was the popular Camelot administration Bourdain might have faced a federal indictment or if he made threats against Obama it might have been considered to be racist and his career would be over. The problem of course is that the media isn't outraged and quite the contrary has become the psychotic voice of radical anger from the crazies over the last presidential election.

Exactly. How many wishes has there been for Trump's murder in the last near eight months; liberals saying they would like to see it happen if not having the pleasure of doing it themselves?

It's what I keep telling people all the time. Liberals are violent people. They make statements like this popcorn maker and then wonder why we on the right value our guns. We need our guns because of liberals. If we are to ever have a society without guns, then we need to get rid of liberals first. You can't get rid of your guns with liberals in your country. They are just too violent.
I'm far from violent BUT it'd be no skin off my nose if someone offed trump

Yes, because you're a liberal and even death is more satisfactory than to be anti-communism.

I hate DumBama more than any President in my life. He's done more damage to me than any other President as well. But I would never stoop as low as to support anybody killing him. When you foster that type of sentiment, we are truly headed for another civil war, and I for one can't wait.

There are almost no commies in the US.

Communism is not your most immediate threat. Nor is the left.

Fascist nazis ... That's what you should be looking for.

But of course, you can't. And there you are.
The media should be shocked by a celebrity's threat to murder the president and America should be shocked in turn because of the media's outrage. If it was the popular Camelot administration Bourdain might have faced a federal indictment or if he made threats against Obama it might have been considered to be racist and his career would be over. The problem of course is that the media isn't outraged and quite the contrary has become the psychotic voice of radical anger from the crazies over the last presidential election.

Exactly. How many wishes has there been for Trump's murder in the last near eight months; liberals saying they would like to see it happen if not having the pleasure of doing it themselves?

It's what I keep telling people all the time. Liberals are violent people. They make statements like this popcorn maker and then wonder why we on the right value our guns. We need our guns because of liberals. If we are to ever have a society without guns, then we need to get rid of liberals first. You can't get rid of your guns with liberals in your country. They are just too violent.
I'm far from violent BUT it'd be no skin off my nose if someone offed trump

Yes, because you're a liberal and even death is more satisfactory than to be anti-communism.

I hate DumBama more than any President in my life. He's done more damage to me than any other President as well. But I would never stoop as low as to support anybody killing him. When you foster that type of sentiment, we are truly headed for another civil war, and I for one can't wait.
Be careful what you wish for It might come true

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