CNN Commentator: 'Blacks CAN'T Be 'Racist'!

Marc Lamont Hill: Black People Can’t Be Racist [VIDEO]

CNN political commentator Marc Lamont Hill argued on Monday that black people cannot be racist and that the “moral failure of gun culture” needs to be changed. ... Blacks 'don’t have the institutional power to be racist or to deploy racism'.

...but they sure can ambush / assassinate cops.

I suggest Hill and BLM START trying to change the 'moral failure of gun culture' in CHICAGO, where 3 DOZEN people were shot on the 4th of July weekend!

About the only thing I agree with Hill on is when he said THIS:

“In the same way the Tea Party movement called for fiscal responsibility. But there are racists at the rallies. I’ve been to some Tea Party Rallies, there are racists there but I wouldn’t say the Tea Party is racist as such. I would say there are people who invaded and divert the movement and that’s what is happening here.”

It only takes a few assholes to hijack a 'movement' and get that movement branded as 'radical' / 'racist'.

Cheering and taunting the Dallas police after 12 of their members were shot did nothing to help improve BLM's image, though.

Liberal Dictionary:

racist -

1) A white who does not support special government treatment for blacks

2) A black who doesn't vote for Democrats

3) Anyone else who doesn't vote for Democrats

4) Anyone who votes for Democrats and questions them on any issue on any subject

5) Anyone else who Democrats want to be a racist
During negotiations with the Dallas Police Department Friday morning during the ambush shooting that left five officers dead and seven other people shot, Johnson said he was not part of any group. He stated he wanted to kill white people and white police officers.

KNEW IT: Liberals Silent After Shocking Discovery Reveals Dallas Sniper Was Member of...

Interesting article--was kicked out of the New Black Panthers a couple years ago and although he was not a member of their group, the BPPO claimed responsibility for the kill, the sick fucks.
I can't wait to read where it says people actually GASPED and said that or where they actually GASPED and said .
Oh you've gone full retard? Nevermind
Oh come on, CC - you said all I had to do was say 'I don't believe it' and you would be more than happy to post those links. I called your bluff - where are the links? Ante up, boy!

Let me save you the trouble - you are full of shit, pulled stuff out of your ass and presented them as fact, puffed up when you got called on it, went too far in defending your credibility - that has taken a serious hit, and now are personally attacking me for asking you to do what you said you would do. Were I you, I would take this time to drop this and let it fade away instead of keep it up, refusing to post the links to these 'direct quotes' you said you had and would present.
You think my point was if someone gasped or not so I cant help you. If you object to anything more than that let me know
You think my point was if someone gasped or not so I cant help you. If you object to anything more than that let me know
Got it - no links. What you posted was your own opinion / 'point' presented as 'fact'. Thanks for playing...
It has been reported over and over, including by the Dallas PD, that he was not a BLM member.

I realize the DNC/BLM alliance is attempting to spin this, But BLM has no "membership" per se. There is no registration of "members." You are attempting to bullshit your way out of this.

Did the sick bastard get hyped up about their message? Sure. That crazy who shot up the Planned Parenthood got hyped up about the Pro-Life message. Are the RW's embracing him as their messenger, their hero?
There's no difference here.
Condemn the man who did this. Condemn any individual who advocates killing whites. Keep this debate one on one. If you don't like "racists" generalizing that all whites or all cops are bad, why is it alright for you to say that all black activists are bad based on the lunacy of a violent fringe?

First off, this was a well planned attack that clearly used triangulation. The idea that you have a lone shooter is laughable, Further, I didn't say "all black activists," said BLM, which is a racist hate group. This ain't the Rainbow Coalition we're talking about.
Every race has their own racist...

I have known Caucasian, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, and yes African American racists but the Progressive Liberal can only see the racist within the Caucasian race...
As I posted in another thread, a CNN Commentator actually argued that Blacks are incapable of being 'racists'. :p yeah, ok....
Technically, the definition allows any race to be "racist," but the connotation usually implies the racist is from the group in power. It's a silly thing to argue over. Deflection technique.
Gasping wasnt the main point of my post
You said you had LINKS to those exact words / comments. You don't, despite declaring you did and daring me to say 'I don't believe it happened'. Who gives a damn about what your point lied. THAT is the only point you proved. Thanks for playing.
Marc Lamont Hill: Black People Can’t Be Racist [VIDEO]

CNN political commentator Marc Lamont Hill argued on Monday that black people cannot be racist and that the “moral failure of gun culture” needs to be changed. ... Blacks 'don’t have the institutional power to be racist or to deploy racism'.

...but they sure can ambush / assassinate cops.

I suggest Hill and BLM START trying to change the 'moral failure of gun culture' in CHICAGO, where 3 DOZEN people were shot on the 4th of July weekend!

About the only thing I agree with Hill on is when he said THIS:

“In the same way the Tea Party movement called for fiscal responsibility. But there are racists at the rallies. I’ve been to some Tea Party Rallies, there are racists there but I wouldn’t say the Tea Party is racist as such. I would say there are people who invaded and divert the movement and that’s what is happening here.”

It only takes a few assholes to hijack a 'movement' and get that movement branded as 'radical' / 'racist'.

Cheering and taunting the Dallas police after 12 of their members were shot did nothing to help improve BLM's image, though.
For the bazillionth time since Thursday, the shooter was not a member of BLM, nor did they endorse him. Like Hill said, "there are people who invaded and divert the movement and that's what is happening here." Same is happening to BLM. Why are you refusing to see that?

Heres the funny part.

The shooter said he wanted to kill white people and people gasped. "I cant believe it, did you hear that"

The shooter also said he wasnt part of any group and the same people gasp "What a liar!"

They believe what they want even if it contradicts
Wow closed with a other swing and miss
I married a Black women. Her Grandmother would not speak to me directly and hated my guts for no other reason than my skin color.
Good for her! Even older blacks know race mixing is disgusting and should be outlawed
Go back under your bridge.
Oh nice retort oil driller
Yep I've been with every race of women out there except for Arabic and women from the country of India but that was from a lack of opportunity believe me those two are on my bucket list. Being a bigoted, racist is boring.
Every race has their own racist...

I have known Caucasian, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, and yes African American racists but the Progressive Liberal can only see the racist within the Caucasian race...

Racism is instinctual. It is part of the human nature to form groups. Those in the same tribe are safe, those who are different are a danger to the group. It is the reality of being human. Racism is not rational, so the struggle is to overcome instinct with rationality. Racism comes from the primitive parts of the brain, which is why race baiters like Obama appeal to emotion to stir up the mob. Reason comes from the most developed part of the brain and often is not enough to overcome instinct.
I married a Black women. Her Grandmother would not speak to me directly and hated my guts for no other reason than my skin color.
Good for her! Even older blacks know race mixing is disgusting and should be outlawed
Go back under your bridge.
Oh nice retort oil driller
Yep I've been with every race of women out there except for Arabic and women from the country of India but that was from a lack of opportunity believe me those two are on my bucket list. Being a bigoted, racist is boring.
Ah so you are a whore. That's absolutely disgusting you and those like you won't get a chance to be rehabilitated just done away with

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