CNN Commentator: 'Blacks CAN'T Be 'Racist'!

Of course, because they are hated, that makes them "white" in your mind.
Wow. Hard to respond to a racist conspiracy theorist, so I won't.

What I will do is prove you're wrong that most of the world's corporations/multinationals are non-white

The World's Largest Companies 2015

While the U.S. and China charge ahead, their dominance pushed out other developed economies. With 218 companies, Japan slid to the third spot. While the United Kingdom kept its fourth place with 95 companies, Europeoverall lost 20 spots to finish with 486 companies this year, falling further behind Asia (691) and North America (645) in continental rankings. France fell out of the top 5 countries, ceding its spot to South Korea. Two countries debut on the list this year: Argentina and Cyprus......

The World's Top 10 Economies | Investopedia
  • United States. The U.S. economy is the largest in the world in terms of nominal GDP (measured at current prices in U.S. dollars). ...
  • China. ...
  • Japan. ...
  • Germany. ...
  • United Kingdom. ...
  • France. ...
  • Brazil. ...
  • Italy.
You would approve. Yes, you want a white GOP run government.

and Jake Starkey wants a government run for the benefit of the Israeli demographic... specifically

1. no re-opening of the 911 investigation
2. war with Iran
3. war with Hezbollah
4. guns confiscated from everyone in the US not chosen
You are dupe, son.

1. let's open a new investigation on the Iraqi invasion.
2. let's make sure Iran and Israel and Hezbollah cannot turn the ME into molten glass.
3. let's confisicate your guns but no one else, unless they are insane like you.
Of course, because they are hated, that makes them "white" in your mind.
Wow. Hard to respond to a racist conspiracy theorist, so I won't.

What I will do is prove you're wrong that most of the world's corporations/multinationals are non-white

The World's Largest Companies 2015

While the U.S. and China charge ahead, their dominance pushed out other developed economies. With 218 companies, Japan slid to the third spot. While the United Kingdom kept its fourth place with 95 companies, Europeoverall lost 20 spots to finish with 486 companies this year, falling further behind Asia (691) and North America (645) in continental rankings. France fell out of the top 5 countries, ceding its spot to South Korea. Two countries debut on the list this year: Argentina and Cyprus......

The World's Top 10 Economies | Investopedia
  • United States. The U.S. economy is the largest in the world in terms of nominal GDP (measured at current prices in U.S. dollars). ...
  • China. ...
  • Japan. ...
  • Germany. ...
  • United Kingdom. ...
  • France. ...
  • Brazil. ...
  • Italy.

Well, thank you for refuting yourself. :thup:

So to recap, about half of the top companies are Asian, and that continues to rise, giving lie to your "white" claim.... :eusa_whistle:
Of course, because they are hated, that makes them "white" in your mind.
Wow. Hard to respond to a racist conspiracy theorist, so I won't.

What I will do is prove you're wrong that most of the world's corporations/multinationals are non-white

The World's Largest Companies 2015

While the U.S. and China charge ahead, their dominance pushed out other developed economies. With 218 companies, Japan slid to the third spot. While the United Kingdom kept its fourth place with 95 companies, Europeoverall lost 20 spots to finish with 486 companies this year, falling further behind Asia (691) and North America (645) in continental rankings. France fell out of the top 5 countries, ceding its spot to South Korea. Two countries debut on the list this year: Argentina and Cyprus......

The World's Top 10 Economies | Investopedia
  • United States. The U.S. economy is the largest in the world in terms of nominal GDP (measured at current prices in U.S. dollars). ...
  • China. ...
  • Japan. ...
  • Germany. ...
  • United Kingdom. ...
  • France. ...
  • Brazil. ...
  • Italy.

Well, thank you for refuting yourself. :thup:

So to recap, about half of the top companies are Asian, and that continues to rise, giving lie to your "white" claim.... :eusa_whistle:
Again, easy to see why you're not an investigator.

If one nation has 10,000 corporations making $500M/year each and another nation has one large company like Walmart. Would you claim the first nation has the bigger economy or the second?

There are the top corporations and then there are the total number of corporations.
I point out how hypersensitive you, and righties are....and that has what to do with Nazi's?

You whine that your hated enemies don't remain silent as you slander and libel them. You are a demagogue and have the RIGHT to smear enemies of your party.

Did you just play the Nazi card because you couldn't figure out anything else to do?

You're not the sharpest marshmallow in the bag, Herr Goebbels.
I don't have any hated enemies, just people who play the pathetic victim, and I'm not sure why they do
JimBowie is a Christian dominionist, if you must know.

He is mentally feeble.
Marc Lamont Hill: Black People Can’t Be Racist [VIDEO]

CNN political commentator Marc Lamont Hill argued on Monday that black people cannot be racist and that the “moral failure of gun culture” needs to be changed. ... Blacks 'don’t have the institutional power to be racist or to deploy racism'.

...but they sure can ambush / assassinate cops.

I suggest Hill and BLM START trying to change the 'moral failure of gun culture' in CHICAGO, where 3 DOZEN people were shot on the 4th of July weekend!

About the only thing I agree with Hill on is when he said THIS:

“In the same way the Tea Party movement called for fiscal responsibility. But there are racists at the rallies. I’ve been to some Tea Party Rallies, there are racists there but I wouldn’t say the Tea Party is racist as such. I would say there are people who invaded and divert the movement and that’s what is happening here.”

It only takes a few assholes to hijack a 'movement' and get that movement branded as 'radical' / 'racist'.

Cheering and taunting the Dallas police after 12 of their members were shot did nothing to help improve BLM's image, though.

So one reporter on CNN said something stupid.

Fox News says 10 stupid things an hour...
[It's pretty easy to see why you're not an investigator.


I'm an Independent who leans toward Libertarianism. So you support a woman's right to choose and gay marriage along with the rest of the Libertarian platform? Platform

Like Harry Browne, 2 time LPUSA nominee for President, I oppose the taking of human life without judicial review or protection.

Why do you ask.
Again, easy to see why you're not an investigator.

If one nation has 10,000 corporations making $500M/year each and another nation has one large company like Walmart. Would you claim the first nation has the bigger economy or the second?

There are the top corporations and then there are the total number of corporations.

Don't throw your back out moving those goal posts. :thup:


Got to hate whitey - running all those corporations... :eusa_whistle:
Marc Lamont Hill: Black People Can’t Be Racist [VIDEO]

CNN political commentator Marc Lamont Hill argued on Monday that black people cannot be racist and that the “moral failure of gun culture” needs to be changed. ... Blacks 'don’t have the institutional power to be racist or to deploy racism'.

...but they sure can ambush / assassinate cops.

I suggest Hill and BLM START trying to change the 'moral failure of gun culture' in CHICAGO, where 3 DOZEN people were shot on the 4th of July weekend!

About the only thing I agree with Hill on is when he said THIS:

“In the same way the Tea Party movement called for fiscal responsibility. But there are racists at the rallies. I’ve been to some Tea Party Rallies, there are racists there but I wouldn’t say the Tea Party is racist as such. I would say there are people who invaded and divert the movement and that’s what is happening here.”

It only takes a few assholes to hijack a 'movement' and get that movement branded as 'radical' / 'racist'.

Cheering and taunting the Dallas police after 12 of their members were shot did nothing to help improve BLM's image, though.

So one reporter on CNN said something stupid.

Fox News says 10 stupid things an hour...
As the OP mentions, Marc Lamont Hill is a "commentator". If he was a reporter, he'd have to follow the rules of journalistic ethics. This is the problem with modern 24 hour cable news channels. The'd lose audiences if they just repeated the same daily news like Headline News, so they fill up their evenings with bullshit using "commentators" like Hill, Limbaugh and Maddow.
Commentators are simply talking heads free to spout whatever bullshit floats to the top of their heads. They usually cater to a particular audience by babbling crap appealing to that audience or, sometimes, to create controversy and piss people off. Either way, the goal is to attract an audience because the larger the audience, the more money their show generates through advertising revenue. It's all about the money, not Journalistic integrity nor ethics.

SPJ Code of Ethics | Society of Professional Journalists | Improving and protecting journalism since 1909
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– Take responsibility for the accuracy of their work. Verify information before releasing it. Use original sources whenever possible.

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– Provide context. Take special care not to misrepresent or oversimplify in promoting, previewing or summarizing a story.

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– Support the open and civil exchange of views, even views they find repugnant.

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– Provide access to source material when it is relevant and appropriate.

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Journalists should:

– Balance the public’s need for information against potential harm or discomfort. Pursuit of the news is not a license for arrogance or undue intrusiveness.

– Show compassion for those who may be affected by news coverage. Use heightened sensitivity when dealing with juveniles, victims of sex crimes, and sources or subjects who are inexperienced or unable to give consent. Consider cultural differences in approach and treatment.

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– Avoid pandering to lurid curiosity, even if others do.

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The highest and primary obligation of ethical journalism is to serve the public.

Journalists should:

– Avoid conflicts of interest, real or perceived. Disclose unavoidable conflicts.

– Refuse gifts, favors, fees, free travel and special treatment, and avoid political and other outside activities that may compromise integrity or impartiality, or may damage credibility.

– Be wary of sources offering information for favors or money; do not pay for access to news. Identify content provided by outside sources, whether paid or not.

– Deny favored treatment to advertisers, donors or any other special interests, and resist internal and external pressure to influence coverage.

– Distinguish news from advertising and shun hybrids that blur the lines between the two. Prominently label sponsored content.
Be Accountable and Transparent

Ethical journalism means taking responsibility for one’s work and explaining one’s decisions to the public.

Journalists should:

– Explain ethical choices and processes to audiences. Encourage a civil dialogue with the public about journalistic practices, coverage and news content.

– Respond quickly to questions about accuracy, clarity and fairness.

– Acknowledge mistakes and correct them promptly and prominently. Explain corrections and clarifications carefully and clearly.

– Expose unethical conduct in journalism, including within their organizations.

– Abide by the same high standards they expect of others.
[I don't have any hated enemies,

  • Whites
  • Christians
  • Conservatives
  • Supporters of the Constitution

just people who play the pathetic victim, and I'm not sure why they do

I know right? They should just shut up and take what your party has in store for them.

You're a huge retard, because I don't hate any of those people.

You just reinforce my point about Fox News watching social conservatives

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