CNN Commentator: 'Blacks CAN'T Be 'Racist'!

Your own post shows that only 49% of whites are Republicans and 40% ore Democrats though that is going to change after this election.

IF you cant even reference your own data correctly, what is the fucking point?
You are free to cherry-pick the data however you like. I'm free to point out your cherry-picking.
For JimBowie1958 . You dodged my RINO question and accused me of fabricating facts, so tell me what you make of this data:

As the tables show, the Republican party is shrinking and the Independents are growing. Why? I gave my opinion why, what is your opinion for this shift?
2014 Party Identification Detailed Tables
The tables do not show a shrinking Republican Party, but a party that goes back and forth, up and down, and it is primarily because the RINOs running Congress are not keeping their promises and people get disillusioned.

And I did not duck you RINO question, but give me the post number and I will look it over. I dont live online, dude. I have a real life.
Your own post shows that only 49% of whites are Republicans and 40% ore Democrats though that is going to change after this election.

IF you cant even reference your own data correctly, what is the fucking point?
You are free to cherry-pick the data however you like. I'm free to point out your cherry-picking.
That isnt cherry picking, you stupid ass. That data directly contradicts what you said, idiot. 89% of whites are not Reublicans.

Welcome to my ignore list, idiot.
The tables do not show a shrinking Republican Party, but a party that goes back and forth, up and down, and it is primarily because the RINOs running Congress are not keeping their promises and people get disillusioned.

And I did not duck you RINO question, but give me the post number and I will look it over. I dont live online, dude. I have a real life.
Yes, the numbers fluctuate, but the overall trend is downward while the trend among Independents is upward. The same is happening among Democrats, but not to the degree is happening with Republicans. I attribute this trend due to each party moving toward extremism with the RNC moving the furthest.

Trends in Party Identification, 1939-2014
The tables do not show a shrinking Republican Party, but a party that goes back and forth, up and down, and it is primarily because the RINOs running Congress are not keeping their promises and people get disillusioned.

And I did not duck you RINO question, but give me the post number and I will look it over. I dont live online, dude. I have a real life.
Yes, the numbers fluctuate, but the overall trend is downward while the trend among Independents is upward. The same is happening among Democrats, but not to the degree is happening with Republicans. I attribute this trend due to each party moving toward extremism with the RNC moving the furthest.

Trends in Party Identification, 1939-2014
Your graph shows democrats declining far more than republicans.50 to 30 is a greater fall than 35 to 25.
[This is just an example of the changing accepted definition of the words "racist" or "racism"

To some...a "racist" statement refers to any generalization based on race, valid, or otherwise.

To others...a "racist" statement refers to any statement that espouses the inferiority or superiority of one race over another.

Why do conservative righties get all defensive when they're called "racists"?...because I'm not a racist, and it doesn't usually bother people who aren't racists, to be called racists.

If you're not a rapist, why would it bother you to be called a rapist.

Fucking leftists, stupid as fresh dog shit, but not as pleasant to be around...
You can call me anything you want, I don't care.

Only a pussy is all hyper sensitive and worried cuz someone called them a "not nice name"

Sure, Herr Goebbels.
I point out how hypersensitive you, and righties are....and that has what to do with Nazi's?

Did you just play the Nazi card because you couldn't figure out anything else to do?
I point out how hypersensitive you, and righties are....and that has what to do with Nazi's?

You whine that your hated enemies don't remain silent as you slander and libel them. You are a demagogue and have the RIGHT to smear enemies of your party.

Did you just play the Nazi card because you couldn't figure out anything else to do?

You're not the sharpest marshmallow in the bag, Herr Goebbels.
[89% of whites vote Republican.

That aside, I don't see this as much about race as about fin

Given that the hated whites are 63% of the population, no democrat could ever win office. .81 * .63 = .62

If 62% of the population votes Republican as you claim, then democrats can never win.
Your math is wrong!
The answer is .492
Even so, there are minorities that will not vote democratic, pushing the total result over .50

However, the total number of whites voting democrat or republican is probably 40% to 60%, depending on the political environment. Whites, overall, are more sensitive to political events as a group compared to other demographics.

In fact, the entire political cycle of party transition at the executive level is dictated by the changing political stance of the moderate(not independent!) White vote. It is also harder to control through propaganda. You really can't convince a moderate to go to war with an unimportant country if their kids are in the military, nor can you convince them to raise ta,xes if they are economically stretched.
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Do you also see the United States Constitution as "divisive and useless?" :dunno:
No. I see the Constitution as limiting the powers of government. I also see the Democratic Party seeking to rewrite the Constitution to do exactly what the majority of Founders were against: large, powerful and tyrannical government.
[89% of whites vote Republican.

That aside, I don't see this as much about race as about fin

Given that the hated whites are 63% of the population, no democrat could ever win office. .81 * .63 = .62

If 62% of the population votes Republican as you claim, then democrats can never win.
Your math is wrong!
The answer is .492
Even so, there are minorities that will not vote democratic, pushing the total result over .50


Either way, he was being disingenuous. 89% of republicans are white. Not 89% of whites are Republicans.

I will say this, any white person voting democrat is no different than a Jew voting for the Nazis. It's insane.
[89% of whites vote Republican.

That aside, I don't see this as much about race as about fin

Given that the hated whites are 63% of the population, no democrat could ever win office. .81 * .63 = .62

If 62% of the population votes Republican as you claim, then democrats can never win.
You're conflating the total white population, obviously excluding Hispanic whites, with the racial composition of the two major US political parties.

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