CNN Commentator: 'Blacks CAN'T Be 'Racist'!

It has been reported over and over, including by the Dallas PD, that he was not a BLM member.

I realize the DNC/BLM alliance is attempting to spin this, But BLM has no "membership" per se. There is no registration of "members." You are attempting to bullshit your way out of this.

Did the sick bastard get hyped up about their message? Sure. That crazy who shot up the Planned Parenthood got hyped up about the Pro-Life message. Are the RW's embracing him as their messenger, their hero?
There's no difference here.
Condemn the man who did this. Condemn any individual who advocates killing whites. Keep this debate one on one. If you don't like "racists" generalizing that all whites or all cops are bad, why is it alright for you to say that all black activists are bad based on the lunacy of a violent fringe?

First off, this was a well planned attack that clearly used triangulation. The idea that you have a lone shooter is laughable, Further, I didn't say "all black activists," said BLM, which is a racist hate group. This ain't the Rainbow Coalition we're talking about.
No, Johnson was quite clear when telling the negotiators that he was not a member of any group. They have not released a verbatim transcript of his discussion with the negotiators, but there is no reason for the Chief of Police to report it if it wasn't said.
As for your theory that there were two shooters or a hazy gaggle of co-conspirators that for some reason are remaining hidden from the public.....
Nope, never said I had links to gasps, periods semi colons or any of that.
Now you're just embarrassing yourself. I'm still waiting for the links you said you had...links that will never come. Unless your next post includes links to those exact quotes you admit you made that all up....and you can consider yourself and your further false objections 'ignored'. Pardon me if I don't hold y breath waiting. Thanks for playing.
I married a Black women. Her Grandmother would not speak to me directly and hated my guts for no other reason than my skin color.
Good for her! Even older blacks know race mixing is disgusting and should be outlawed
Go back under your bridge.
Oh nice retort oil driller
Yep I've been with every race of women out there except for Arabic and women from the country of India but that was from a lack of opportunity believe me those two are on my bucket list. Being a bigoted, racist is boring.
Ah so you are a whore. That's absolutely disgusting you and those like you won't get a chance to be rehabilitated just done away with
Internet tough guys are always a hoot. Let me know when you and whoever you got are coming to get rid of me I'll meet you halfway.
No, Johnson was quite clear when telling the negotiators that he was not a member of any group.
EX-member of the NBPs, attended numerous Black Militia events, supported the BLM cause....not a member of any specific group.

In the immortal words of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, 'What difference does it make?'
Good for her! Even older blacks know race mixing is disgusting and should be outlawed
Go back under your bridge.
Oh nice retort oil driller
Yep I've been with every race of women out there except for Arabic and women from the country of India but that was from a lack of opportunity believe me those two are on my bucket list. Being a bigoted, racist is boring.
Ah so you are a whore. That's absolutely disgusting you and those like you won't get a chance to be rehabilitated just done away with
Internet tough guys are always a hoot. Let me know when you and whoever you got are coming to get rid of me I'll meet you halfway.
No need a nationwide sweep will be commenced to cleanse the country no need to be an Internet tough guy just speaking facts the American empire won't stand forever
No, Johnson was quite clear when telling the negotiators that he was not a member of any group. They have not released a verbatim transcript of his discussion with the negotiators, but there is no reason for the Chief of Police to report it if it wasn't said.
As for your theory that there were two shooters or a hazy gaggle of co-conspirators that for some reason are remaining hidden from the public.....
View attachment 81185

It's called "the fog of war," which is the lack of information that occurs during times of conflict,


It is not yet clear whether the shooting in Dallas that killed five police officers was the act of a lone gunman or multiple shooters, the Texas attorney general said on Friday.

Asked on MSNBC whether the shooting was committed by a single gunman, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said: "Right now, I don't think we know for sure."

"I think they're still interviewing and going through these witnesses, or these suspects that they've brought in," he added. "I don't think we're going to know for a while what we have."


Not clear if Dallas shooting act of lone gunman: Texas attorney general
Go back under your bridge.
Oh nice retort oil driller
Yep I've been with every race of women out there except for Arabic and women from the country of India but that was from a lack of opportunity believe me those two are on my bucket list. Being a bigoted, racist is boring.
Ah so you are a whore. That's absolutely disgusting you and those like you won't get a chance to be rehabilitated just done away with
Internet tough guys are always a hoot. Let me know when you and whoever you got are coming to get rid of me I'll meet you halfway.
No need a nationwide sweep will be commenced to cleanse the country no need to be an Internet tough guy just speaking facts the American empire won't stand forever
.Whatever sport I'll be waiting.
Oh nice retort oil driller
Yep I've been with every race of women out there except for Arabic and women from the country of India but that was from a lack of opportunity believe me those two are on my bucket list. Being a bigoted, racist is boring.
Ah so you are a whore. That's absolutely disgusting you and those like you won't get a chance to be rehabilitated just done away with
Internet tough guys are always a hoot. Let me know when you and whoever you got are coming to get rid of me I'll meet you halfway.
No need a nationwide sweep will be commenced to cleanse the country no need to be an Internet tough guy just speaking facts the American empire won't stand forever
.Whatever sport I'll be waiting.
If this is 'unified', Barry, I would hate to see 'divided'. :p
For the bazillionth time since Thursday, the shooter was not a member of BLM, nor did they endorse him. Like Hill said, "there are people who invaded and divert the movement and that's what is happening here." Same is happening to BLM. Why are you refusing to see that?

Bullshit. He specifically named BLM and that he wanted to kill white people (which might be a plank of the DNC for 2016), especially police officers.
It has been reported over and over, including by the Dallas PD, that he was not a BLM member. Did the sick bastard get hyped up about their message? Sure. That crazy who shot up the Planned Parenthood got hyped up about the Pro-Life message. Are the RW's embracing him as their messenger, their hero?
There's no difference here.
Condemn the man who did this. Condemn any individual who advocates killing whites. Keep this debate one on one. If you don't like "racists" generalizing that all whites or all cops are bad, why is it alright for you to say that all black activists are bad based on the lunacy of a violent fringe?

So what about all the BLM asswipes dancing in the street and taunting the cops about the killings?
Oh nice retort oil driller
Yep I've been with every race of women out there except for Arabic and women from the country of India but that was from a lack of opportunity believe me those two are on my bucket list. Being a bigoted, racist is boring.
Ah so you are a whore. That's absolutely disgusting you and those like you won't get a chance to be rehabilitated just done away with
Internet tough guys are always a hoot. Let me know when you and whoever you got are coming to get rid of me I'll meet you halfway.
No need a nationwide sweep will be commenced to cleanse the country no need to be an Internet tough guy just speaking facts the American empire won't stand forever
.Whatever sport I'll be waiting.
Cool sounds good your band of oil drillers vs highly armed and trained soldiers with the full compliment of military equipment
Yep I've been with every race of women out there except for Arabic and women from the country of India but that was from a lack of opportunity believe me those two are on my bucket list. Being a bigoted, racist is boring.
Ah so you are a whore. That's absolutely disgusting you and those like you won't get a chance to be rehabilitated just done away with
Internet tough guys are always a hoot. Let me know when you and whoever you got are coming to get rid of me I'll meet you halfway.
No need a nationwide sweep will be commenced to cleanse the country no need to be an Internet tough guy just speaking facts the American empire won't stand forever
.Whatever sport I'll be waiting.
Cool sounds good your band of oil drillers vs highly armed and trained soldiers with the full compliment of military equipment
Ok so this is the last comment I'll make to you. I was in the military, do you understand that firing on Americans citizens is breaking the oath that all people joining the military have to take. Any such call would be considered an unlawful order also there is the problem that the overwhelming majorrity of the troops aren't racist scumbags, Unless you are taking about the random militia morons. I think I can call up a few of my former brothers and sisters in arms that would literately wipe the floor with them.
Ah so you are a whore. That's absolutely disgusting you and those like you won't get a chance to be rehabilitated just done away with
Internet tough guys are always a hoot. Let me know when you and whoever you got are coming to get rid of me I'll meet you halfway.
No need a nationwide sweep will be commenced to cleanse the country no need to be an Internet tough guy just speaking facts the American empire won't stand forever
.Whatever sport I'll be waiting.
Cool sounds good your band of oil drillers vs highly armed and trained soldiers with the full compliment of military equipment
Ok so this is the last comment I'll make to you. I was in the military, do you understand that firing on Americans citizens is breaking the oath that all people joining the military have to take. Any such call would be considered an unlawful order also there is the problem that the overwhelming majorrity of the troops aren't racist scumbags, Unless you are taking about the random militia morons. I think I can call up a few of my former brothers and sisters in arms that would literately wipe the floor with them.
Guess you don't realize how many white racialists join the military just for the training man you are in for a surprise oh and when the country is in an uproar and martial law is declared its not like law and order is going to be at the front of people's minds
Guess you don't realize how many white racialists join the military just for the training man you are in for a surprise oh and when the country is in an uproar and martial law is declared its not like law and order is going to be at the front of people's minds

  1. 1.
    the faculty or activity of imagining things, especially things that are impossible or improbable.
    "his research had moved into the realm of fantasy"
    synonyms: imagination, fancy, invention, make-believe; More
    creativity, vision;
    daydreaming, reverie
    "a mix of fantasy and realism"
    antonyms: realism, truth
    • a fanciful mental image, typically one on which a person dwells at length or repeatedly and which reflects their conscious or unconscious wishes.
      plural noun: fantasies
      "the notion of being independent is a child's ultimate fantasy"
      synonyms: dream, daydream, pipe dream, fanciful notion, wish; More
      fond hope, chimera, delusion, illusion;
      informalpie in the sky
      "his fantasy about being famous"
For the bazillionth time since Thursday, the shooter was not a member of BLM, nor did they endorse him. Like Hill said, "there are people who invaded and divert the movement and that's what is happening here." Same is happening to BLM. Why are you refusing to see that?

Bullshit. He specifically named BLM and that he wanted to kill white people (which might be a plank of the DNC for 2016), especially police officers.

What did he say about BLM?
Guess you don't realize how many white racialists join the military just for the training man you are in for a surprise oh and when the country is in an uproar and martial law is declared its not like law and order is going to be at the front of people's minds

  1. 1.
    the faculty or activity of imagining things, especially things that are impossible or improbable.
    "his research had moved into the realm of fantasy"
    synonyms: imagination, fancy, invention, make-believe; More
    creativity, vision;
    daydreaming, reverie
    "a mix of fantasy and realism"
    antonyms: realism, truth
    • a fanciful mental image, typically one on which a person dwells at length or repeatedly and which reflects their conscious or unconscious wishes.
      plural noun: fantasies
      "the notion of being independent is a child's ultimate fantasy"
      synonyms: dream, daydream, pipe dream, fanciful notion, wish; More
      fond hope, chimera, delusion, illusion;
      informalpie in the sky
      "his fantasy about being famous"
Get lost clown you are on the same level as Clayton is the only reason you ain't in ignore is bc someone in their oh sin infinite wisdom made you a mod you aren't taken seriously
Guess you don't realize how many white racialists join the military just for the training man you are in for a surprise ...

I would love to see your statistics and the site you got them from......
Neo-Nazis are in the Army now
White Supremacists Gearing Up For Race War by Enlisting in Military |

The FBI shows that there are hundreds–if not thousands–of white supremacists enlisted in the U.S. military. From the years 2001-2008 alone, 203 of the white extremist cases looked into by the FBI involved veterans of the military

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