CNN Commentator: 'Blacks CAN'T Be 'Racist'! if anyone on the left calls you a must remain silent? What kind of sissy does that?
Of course you give a damn, so you're either lying about that, or you're trying to play victim
I do not have to do anything simply because someone calls me anything.

You are also think flying off the handle and attacking someone for falsely calling you a name, probably done just to pi$$ you off, is 'manly' / 'makes you more of a man' that exercising discipline and ignoring them? LOL! Sort of like declaring I must be a 'pussy' if I do not fight back because some immature person calls me a 'pussy'. I can just laugh at your ass, ignore you, and keep on going...which I choose to do now.

And by the way, when someone attacks you, especially falsely, you ARE 'the victim'.....doesn't mean you have to act like one.
For the bazillionth time since Thursday, the shooter was not a member of BLM, nor did they endorse him. Like Hill said, "there are people who invaded and divert the movement and that's what is happening here." Same is happening to BLM. Why are you refusing to see that?
Bazillionth? Do you have to sign an application form to join BLM, be screened and accepted or can you simply load up your rifle and start marching with them?

Beyonce had declared "We all have the power to channel our anger and frustration into action" and “It is up to us to take a stand and demand that they ‘stop killing us.'” Well, Johnson took action and made a stand. Results are 5 innocent dead Americans and 9 wounded. Happy now?

Beyonce': 'It is up to us to take a stand and demand that they stop killing us'
Marc Lamont Hill: Black People Can’t Be Racist [VIDEO]

CNN political commentator Marc Lamont Hill argued on Monday that black people cannot be racist and that the “moral failure of gun culture” needs to be changed. ... Blacks 'don’t have the institutional power to be racist or to deploy racism'.

...but they sure can ambush / assassinate cops.

I suggest Hill and BLM START trying to change the 'moral failure of gun culture' in CHICAGO, where 3 DOZEN people were shot on the 4th of July weekend!

About the only thing I agree with Hill on is when he said THIS:

“In the same way the Tea Party movement called for fiscal responsibility. But there are racists at the rallies. I’ve been to some Tea Party Rallies, there are racists there but I wouldn’t say the Tea Party is racist as such. I would say there are people who invaded and divert the movement and that’s what is happening here.”

It only takes a few assholes to hijack a 'movement' and get that movement branded as 'radical' / 'racist'.

Cheering and taunting the Dallas police after 12 of their members were shot did nothing to help improve BLM's image, though.
This is just an example of the changing accepted definition of the words "racist" or "racism"

To some...a "racist" statement refers to any generalization based on race, valid, or otherwise.

To others...a "racist" statement refers to any statement that espouses the inferiority or superiority of one race over another.

Why do conservative righties get all defensive when they're called "racists"?...because I'm not a racist, and it doesn't usually bother people who aren't racists, to be called racists.
Maybe because any idiot can call anyone a "racist" at anytime?

Why assign so much value to name calling from random morons?
Why do conservative righties get all defensive when they're called "racists"?...because I'm not a racist, and it doesn't usually bother people who aren't racists, to be called racists.

Because the term 'racist' is used by 'lefties' to silence anyone who condemns or even disagrees with liberal ideas, policies, or agendas. Conservatives can specifically state the individual ideas or policies they agree with yet they are subjected to liberal morons declaring, "oh, you're just a racist'.

People have been conditioned to be shamed by being called a 'racist', but personally I don't give a damn. I ignore it. I believe you shouldn't care what anyone calls you when you know it's not true. if anyone on the left calls you a must remain silent?

What kind of sissy does that?

Of course you give a damn, so you're either lying about that, or you're trying to play victim
That is the status quo on a institutional level....
Anyone of any race can be racist.
Agreed. The difference stems from the fact most LW racists love to use the definition that a racist is someone who things one race is superior over another, while most normal people recognize that a racist is simply anyone who discriminates, spreads hate against or otherwise seeks to divide people based on race.
Marc Lamont Hill: Black People Can’t Be Racist [VIDEO]

CNN political commentator Marc Lamont Hill argued on Monday that black people cannot be racist and that the “moral failure of gun culture” needs to be changed. ... Blacks 'don’t have the institutional power to be racist or to deploy racism'.

...but they sure can ambush / assassinate cops.

I suggest Hill and BLM START trying to change the 'moral failure of gun culture' in CHICAGO, where 3 DOZEN people were shot on the 4th of July weekend!

About the only thing I agree with Hill on is when he said THIS:

“In the same way the Tea Party movement called for fiscal responsibility. But there are racists at the rallies. I’ve been to some Tea Party Rallies, there are racists there but I wouldn’t say the Tea Party is racist as such. I would say there are people who invaded and divert the movement and that’s what is happening here.”

It only takes a few assholes to hijack a 'movement' and get that movement branded as 'radical' / 'racist'.

Cheering and taunting the Dallas police after 12 of their members were shot did nothing to help improve BLM's image, though.
Typical racist liberal thought process. When their neighborhood is overran and their wives and daughters raped and murdered they will understand.
You live in a racist hellhole inside your head. Yes, blacks can be racists, just like you.
Marc Lamont Hill: Black People Can’t Be Racist [VIDEO]

CNN political commentator Marc Lamont Hill argued on Monday that black people cannot be racist and that the “moral failure of gun culture” needs to be changed. ... Blacks 'don’t have the institutional power to be racist or to deploy racism'.

...but they sure can ambush / assassinate cops.

I suggest Hill and BLM START trying to change the 'moral failure of gun culture' in CHICAGO, where 3 DOZEN people were shot on the 4th of July weekend!

About the only thing I agree with Hill on is when he said THIS:

“In the same way the Tea Party movement called for fiscal responsibility. But there are racists at the rallies. I’ve been to some Tea Party Rallies, there are racists there but I wouldn’t say the Tea Party is racist as such. I would say there are people who invaded and divert the movement and that’s what is happening here.”

It only takes a few assholes to hijack a 'movement' and get that movement branded as 'radical' / 'racist'.

Cheering and taunting the Dallas police after 12 of their members were shot did nothing to help improve BLM's image, though.
Typical racist liberal thought process. When their neighborhood is overran and their wives and daughters raped and murdered they will understand.
You live in a racist hellhole inside your head. Yes, blacks can be racists, just like you.
And idiots like you support their racism.
Neo-Nazis are in the Army now
White Supremacists Gearing Up For Race War by Enlisting in Military |

The FBI shows that there are hundreds–if not thousands–of white supremacists enlisted in the U.S. military. From the years 2001-2008 alone, 203 of the white extremist cases looked into by the FBI involved veterans of the military
1. Thank you for the link. never heard of the source, though it does not matter much - just an observation.

2. Seemed to be a bit of opinion, such as the popularity of movies like the movie about Kyle, the draw being a white militant / military figure. It also did not, that I saw, specify if white supremacists were joining up to get training for 'life' in a militia or if military vets joined militias after getting out.

3. I believe the idea that all militia members are 'White Supremacists' is bogus just like saying the black militia the Dallas shooter attended is necessarily a 'Black Supremacist' group or Racist group. The Black Militia, for example, claimed the reason they exist is to train people to form local area / neighborhood patrols to keep the peace / keep down crime, etc. Some groups / militias are just 'survivalists' or 'preppers'.
There is also a book a reporter did on "neo nazis" in the military I'll see if I can find it
It has been reported over and over, including by the Dallas PD, that he was not a BLM member. Did the sick bastard get hyped up about their message? Sure. That crazy who shot up the Planned Parenthood got hyped up about the Pro-Life message. Are the RW's embracing him as their messenger, their hero?
There's no difference here.
Condemn the man who did this. Condemn any individual who advocates killing whites. Keep this debate one on one. If you don't like "racists" generalizing that all whites or all cops are bad, why is it alright for you to say that all black activists are bad based on the lunacy of a violent fringe?

So what about all the BLM asswipes dancing in the street and taunting the cops about the killings?
Focus on those individuals, if you actually saw them, and call them bad names if it makes you feel better. "All the BLM asswipes dancing in the street and taunting cops" ????? Maybe like the thousands of Muslims in New Jersey on 9/11, huh?

Pretty weak ass response.
Should I shoot you instead?

The BLM idiots were obviously over joyed that five cops were killed.
I don't care how many times you guys repeat it: I'll keep repeating myself too. SOME jacked up trouble makers with hearts full of hate celebrated the cops' death. A lot of others did NOT and do NOT condone that. That is why they are protesting, for Godssake, to stop that shit. Condemn the individuals YOU saw and heard say that. Leave the rest of the activists to prove themselves to you one way or the other. One on one, make your judgments based on what they say and do. Stop with the fucking broad brush.
So what about all the BLM asswipes dancing in the street and taunting the cops about the killings?
Focus on those individuals, if you actually saw them, and call them bad names if it makes you feel better. "All the BLM asswipes dancing in the street and taunting cops" ????? Maybe like the thousands of Muslims in New Jersey on 9/11, huh?

Pretty weak ass response.
Should I shoot you instead?

The BLM idiots were obviously over joyed that five cops were killed.
I don't care how many times you guys repeat it: I'll keep repeating myself too. SOME jacked up trouble makers with hearts full of hate celebrated the cops' death. A lot of others did NOT and do NOT condone that. That is why they are protesting, for Godssake, to stop that shit. Condemn the individuals YOU saw and heard say that. Leave the rest of the activists to prove themselves to you one way or the other. One on one, make your judgments based on what they say and do. Stop with the fucking broad brush.
It's very simple. Liberals want dead cops. Zero sum equation.
I don't care how many times you guys repeat it: I'll keep repeating myself too. SOME jacked up trouble makers with hearts full of hate celebrated the cops' death. A lot of others did NOT and do NOT condone that. That is why they are protesting, for Godssake, to stop that shit. Condemn the individuals YOU saw and heard say that. Leave the rest of the activists to prove themselves to you one way or the other. One on one, make your judgments based on what they say and do. Stop with the fucking broad brush.
I guess it is hard to do for some. If you see in the midst of a BLM march, for example, an individual celebrating cops being shot .... or if an individual who claims to be a member of BLM calls for the murder of all whites and is hard NOT to see the entire group in the same light. Some know better but claiming the individual represents the group helps support their own beliefs / agenda.

You, however, are right to post what you did and call for ceasing the broad-brush generalizations.
I don't care how many times you guys repeat it: I'll keep repeating myself too. SOME jacked up trouble makers with hearts full of hate celebrated the cops' death. A lot of others did NOT and do NOT condone that. That is why they are protesting, for Godssake, to stop that shit. Condemn the individuals YOU saw and heard say that. Leave the rest of the activists to prove themselves to you one way or the other. One on one, make your judgments based on what they say and do. Stop with the fucking broad brush.
I guess it is hard to do for some. If you see in the midst of a BLM march, for example, an individual celebrating cops being shot .... or if an individual who claims to be a member of BLM calls for the murder of all whites and is hard NOT to see the entire group in the same light. Some know better but claiming the individual represents the group helps support their own beliefs / agenda.

You, however, are right to post what you did and call for ceasing the broad-brush generalizations.
BLM is a racist organization.
Johnson actually criticized BLM. IS EVERYONE LISTENING?

I really don't care what this freak believed or not, what groups he was affiliated with or not. I know he wanted to kill cops and whites. I know he ambushed cops, shot 12 and killed 5. I know he shot at more than just whites (mother praised cops for efforts to save her and her child), I know BLM members danced and taunted cops after the shootings, I know it isn't a matter of 'whites not just listening' and that this country is not 'unified'.

Anger, division, violence, and murder is increasing due to racial tensions, partially being driven by politicians, media sources, and groups with their own agendas. I know that American citizens need to 'step back from the ledge', see what is going on, and just say 'NO' to those agendas, voices, protests, and calls for more escalation and violence.

I know, again, it starts with '1 person', everyone individually, choosing to follow the greatest advice / guidance ever given: "Love one another. Do unto others as you would have done unto you." THAT is about the ONLY way to solve this problem.
I was responding to a poster who was portraying the shooter as a BLM spokesman; he wasn't, and it sure isn't going to help things having that kind of propaganda spread around. It is a matter of whites not listening, as much as it is blacks being similarly hateful. Both sides have ignorant haters on board and we can't all take the hit for ignorant sonsabitches in our 'tribe.' BLM, neither. Putting your head in the sand isn't going to stop the escalation of the violence. I agree we all need to give our 24 hour news feeds a rest and go outside to admire the roses. But ignoring this will not help it go away.
Johnson actually criticized BLM. IS EVERYONE LISTENING?

I really don't care what this freak believed or not, what groups he was affiliated with or not. I know he wanted to kill cops and whites. I know he ambushed cops, shot 12 and killed 5. I know he shot at more than just whites (mother praised cops for efforts to save her and her child), I know BLM members danced and taunted cops after the shootings, I know it isn't a matter of 'whites not just listening' and that this country is not 'unified'.

Anger, division, violence, and murder is increasing due to racial tensions, partially being driven by politicians, media sources, and groups with their own agendas. I know that American citizens need to 'step back from the ledge', see what is going on, and just say 'NO' to those agendas, voices, protests, and calls for more escalation and violence.

I know, again, it starts with '1 person', everyone individually, choosing to follow the greatest advice / guidance ever given: "Love one another. Do unto others as you would have done unto you." THAT is about the ONLY way to solve this problem.
I was responding to a poster who was portraying the shooter as a BLM spokesman; he wasn't, and it sure isn't going to help things having that kind of propaganda spread around. It is a matter of whites not listening, as much as it is blacks being similarly hateful. Both sides have ignorant haters on board and we can't all take the hit for ignorant sonsabitches in our 'tribe.' BLM, neither. Putting your head in the sand isn't going to stop the escalation of the violence. I agree we all need to give our 24 hour news feeds a rest and go outside to admire the roses. But ignoring this will not help it go away.
Oh he is 100% BLM.
Marc Lamont Hill: Black People Can’t Be Racist [VIDEO]

CNN political commentator Marc Lamont Hill argued on Monday that black people cannot be racist and that the “moral failure of gun culture” needs to be changed. ... Blacks 'don’t have the institutional power to be racist or to deploy racism'.

...but they sure can ambush / assassinate cops.

I suggest Hill and BLM START trying to change the 'moral failure of gun culture' in CHICAGO, where 3 DOZEN people were shot on the 4th of July weekend!

About the only thing I agree with Hill on is when he said THIS:

“In the same way the Tea Party movement called for fiscal responsibility. But there are racists at the rallies. I’ve been to some Tea Party Rallies, there are racists there but I wouldn’t say the Tea Party is racist as such. I would say there are people who invaded and divert the movement and that’s what is happening here.”

It only takes a few assholes to hijack a 'movement' and get that movement branded as 'radical' / 'racist'.

Cheering and taunting the Dallas police after 12 of their members were shot did nothing to help improve BLM's image, though.
Typical racist liberal thought process. When their neighborhood is overran and their wives and daughters raped and murdered they will understand.
You live in a racist hellhole inside your head. Yes, blacks can be racists, just like you.
And idiots like you support their racism.
Those are you silly words. Of course not. Their racism is as repulsive as yours. I oppose yours and theirs.
Johnson actually criticized BLM. IS EVERYONE LISTENING?
Oh he is 100% BLM.
I don't care how many times you guys repeat it: I'll keep repeating myself too. SOME jacked up trouble makers with hearts full of hate celebrated the cops' death. A lot of others did NOT and do NOT condone that. That is why they are protesting, for Godssake, to stop that shit. Condemn the individuals YOU saw and heard say that. Leave the rest of the activists to prove themselves to you one way or the other. One on one, make your judgments based on what they say and do. Stop with the fucking broad brush.
If this were true, then why are they using heated rhetoric which incites others to violence? Comments "We all have the power to channel our anger and frustration into action" and “It is up to us to take a stand and demand that they ‘stop killing us'”?

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