CNN confirms Biden family received $20 million from various shell companies.

You: "Link to me tucking my tail and running away,..."

In response to...

Me: "Next time just tuck your tail between your legs and run."
Ok, now quote a lie, Simp.

i simply asked you for something you couldn’t provide.
I thought this was old news?

We have known 20 million went to the Biden family for months now.

Of course that is different then saying Joe got 20 million or even any of it...which is why Trump humpers love the term "Biden family" because it is ambiguous and implies Joe was involved....which of course their is no proof of.

Which of course you have to be a fucking moron to deny Joe was involved, fuck, he's the reason for it. The ONLY question is can they find one trail where the Biden crime unit fucked up. The other question is can justice overcome left's glaring corrupt "justice departments and courts". To day WE know they're covering for them, guided by the left's communist's deep state. They've penetrated the courts too. Sound crazy? Well fuck, you voted for it.
Which of course you have to be a fucking moron to deny Joe was involved, fuck, he's the reason for it.

Or someone who supports the rule of law.

The ONLY question is can they find one trail where the Biden crime unit fucked up.

That isn't the only question and disregards innocent until proven guilty.

In a court of law, your thoughts and feelings are not evidence.

The other question is can justice overcome left's glaring corrupt "justice departments and courts". are already making excuses for when the inquiry fails. 'wahh it's not fair, deep state, wahhh.'

To day WE know they're covering for them, guided by the left's communist's deep state.

No we don't. Deep state! Wahhh. Lol.

They've penetrated the courts too. Sound crazy? Well fuck, you voted for it.
Your just jealous because our system of justice is better then what you have in Russia.
Think about how desperate and cornered they are, that their current (and final) defensive position is: Joe Biden's entire family and most of his business associates are corrupt, money-laundering criminals, but Joe himself was totally unaware of this, and never benefitted from it in any way.

That's where they are at right now. There's no place to retreat to after that.

The only desperate and cornered people are Donald Trump and his indicted co-conspirators.

Trump and the Republicans have spent 5 years "investigating" the Biden's and they have NOTHING. If the gun and tax charges go to trial, they'll be tossed. There is already an appeals court Decision that the law violates the 2nd Amendment. Wouldn't the 5th Amendment against self-incrimination also apply??? The charge is only filed in connection with drug charges or other violent crimes. The filing of this charge amounts to judicial harassment

Devon Archer confirmed that Joe and Hunter never talked business ever on any of the 20 phone calls he overheard over the years.

Once the Republicans took the House, Biden staffed up a War Room, in anticipation of an attempt by Republicans to impeach him. If McCarthy can't even get his caucus to pass a Resolution, there is no hope they actually vote to impeach Biden.

Some Republicans want to be re-elected to the House next year.
Or someone who supports the rule of law.

That isn't the only question and disregards innocent until proven guilty.

In a court of law, your thoughts and feelings are not evidence. are already making excuses for when the inquiry fails. 'wahh it's not fair, deep state, wahhh.'

No we don't. Deep state! Wahhh. Lol.

Your just jealous because our system of justice is better then what you have in Russia.

I read you're a leftist. Here's one small sample describing how the left's deep state has corrupted DC to progressive levels. It's one example of ongoing shit.
Which of course you have to be a fucking moron to deny Joe was involved, fuck, he's the reason for it. The ONLY question is can they find one trail where the Biden crime unit fucked up. The other question is can justice overcome left's glaring corrupt "justice departments and courts". To day WE know they're covering for them, guided by the left's communist's deep state. They've penetrated the courts too. Sound crazy? Well fuck, you voted for it.

Only a fucking moron thinks Joe is a criminal. And there's no evidence that anything you posted is true. Trump had Hunter Biden investigated for 5 years and they found no evidence of anything you claim.

Joe isn't a criminal. Hunter Biden declared his income and paid his taxes. As did other members of the family. There was no fraud, tax evasion, and no secrecy in their dealings. Nothing in Biden's business deals is illegal or suspicious.

There is no Deep State, asshole. All you've done is parrott Donald Trump lies about the Biden Family, none of which is based in law or in fact.


CNN admits it.

The media is turning on Biden BIG TIME!


nothing burger to go.
Sorry the translator didn't work.

I tried to help you...but sometimes people are just to far gone.

Have a great day Nostra!
Since no sane person would ever consider asking for a link a “lie”, we have only one lie here…..and that would be by you when you claimed I lied.

Ironic, huh liar?

They've only got about a month to replace him without massive party infighting - unless his health goes totally kaput.

Time's a wastin', commies.
If they do it after he's nominated, the DNC can simply pick his replacement - screw the Dem voters.
I thought this was old news?

We have known 20 million went to the Biden family for months now.

Of course that is different then saying Joe got 20 million or even any of it...which is why Trump humpers love the term "Biden family" because it is ambiguous and implies Joe was involved....which of course their is no proof of.
The News is CNN officially admitting it.
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