CNN confirms Biden family received $20 million from various shell companies.

There are many within the DNP that do not want Biden to run for a 2nd term, including some in the media and it looks like CNN is one of them. How does all this not fishy as hell, and wasn't this what the democrats bitched about when Romney was running for prez a number of years ago? The only reasons I can see for using shell companies is to evade paying income taxes (hiding income) and/or receiving income from certain sources that may prove politically inconvenient.

It's easy enough for Biden to claim physical and mental issues and step down from the campaign, but he can't wait much longer cuz whoever the DNC runs needs time to setup his/her campaign and get rolling. My guess right now is Gavin Newsome, the CA governor.
LOL I was reading their fact check and started laughing. "Yeah, this is true, but ...."


The rule of law just indicted Hunter Biden for three felonies and is impeaching his dad.

Lol. Impeachment is not about the rule of law. It's a political process. An inquiry is not "impeaching his dad."

I don't care about hunter except for the fact I will never vote for him.

This is the kind of shit you get when owning the libs is placed ahead of policy.
Be a shitty member of Congress for 40 years. Fuck up everything you touch.

Get Queer Barry to make you VP because he needs a White guy on the ticket.

Be a shitty VP but get rich selling out your country.

Use the cover of the Pandemic to create fraudulent ballots to steal an election.

Be the worst President in the history of the Republic.

Turn the country into a Banana Republic.

Yea, Potatohead!
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If they do it after he's nominated, the DNC can simply pick his replacement - screw the Dem voters.

Not that simple dude.

First of all there'd be like literally three months til the election.

Then you'd have the whole Kamala "female BIPOC dispossessed" dynamic. (Mostly originating from Woke white chicks in gated communities of course...)

And then there's the out and out melee between the Gruesome Newsome contingent contra the Whitmer Girl Boss aspirational group - not to mention if Big Mike decides to make it official and resurrect the Obama legacy with their big swingin' dick.

All the while you got far Left Walrus Professor Cornell Compass waiting in the wings.

That all adds up to an uncontrolled demolition of utter chaos.


The Dems have waaaay too many divides papered over by identity politics and a pandering MSM.

If old man steps down with 90 days to go - Dante's Inferno is unleashed.

And we all know who the Orange Devil is that rises up from those depths. ;)
Yes, CNN admitted there is ZERO evidence Joe Biden received a penny of that money.


You should have read the ENTIRE tweet you copied and pasted, retard! :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

You know at first they said there was no money right?

And they said Trump was a Russian asset.

And they said Hillary would win.

And they said Michael Avenatti would make a good Presidential candidate.

They tend to either be totally wrong, or behind the eight ball by a year or so.

This instance would be the latter.

They're now admitting there IS money.

Baby steps.

You do the math.

Or, better yet - get someone else to.
Force the Democrats to pick Harris or another candidate. If it’s Harris, Democrats will need to tout what she has done since she finished dead last in the 2019 Democrat primary.,
You know at first they said there was no money right?

And they said Trump was a Russian asset.

And they said Hillary would win.

And they said Michael Avenatti would make a good Presidential candidate.

They tend to either be totally wrong, or behind the eight ball by a year or so.

This instance would be the latter.

They're now admitting there IS money.

Baby steps.

You do the math.

Or, better yet - get someone else to.
No one has ever said Hunter Biden did not make money, dumbass.

And Trump is definitely a Putin asset. He has mad gay love for Putin. He also fell in love with Kim Jong Un.

Dictator wannabe's tend to do that.
The Democrats have a deep bench. The most likely nominee if Biden bows out is Gavin Newsom.
That would be their best choice… but they are going to have to throw Harris a bone and explain why they are keeping a woman of color down. So much for shattering the glass ceiling.
No one has ever said Hunter Biden did not make money, dumbass.

Hunter would beg to disagree:

Hunter told the New Yorker he had just met Mr Li for "a cup of coffee", but 12 days after the trip a private equity fund, BHR Partners, was approved by the Chinese authorities. Mr Li was chief executive and Hunter was a board member. He would hold a 10% stake.


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