CNN cover the Whitehouse, after Trump it moves to citizens stories "sorry, we lost the WH feed"


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Sorry, this is just bad optics and shows a clear bias. One that Obama or even Bush wouldn't face.

This was so blatant as to be an embarrassment to CNN. Trump was speaking out against ObamaCare, goes through his speech about why it is failing and his dismay that the media isn't covering the failures accurately. He then thanks citizens there for coming to tell their story about ObamaCare, he even states "maybe the media will even cover your stories" in a sarcastic manner as he passes the mic to the lady beside him.

She tells her story of her medical premiums going up substantially, has to choose between food and medical care, as she finishes and the African American gentleman is set to speak, the screen goes offline, and within a half second, John King says "sorry, we lost the WH feed". LOL. No standard, "we will try and get that feed back up" etc. This feed wasn't "lost".

I call B.S. It was cut off, as the alt-left wouldn't dare want CNN viewers to see A Black man talk about his struggles with Obama Care or how it had impacted his family's life negatively. This is clearly in line with the narrative from some, in an environment in which media is not trusted and trying so hard to remain relevant.

If CNN or any network doesn't want to give airtime to regular citizens at the behest of the president, than just say so. Let viewers know, we will cover only what the president says/. No questions. No experiences from regular citizens, hell, no FACTS that portray a particular former policy in a negative way. We will tell you the facts, and avoid any contrarian arguments.

Get 'er done Trump. One way or another. I look forward to the new NAFTA and border tariff too!
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Its should be "lost". In fact they just need to flat out say "This is theater and we cover news" and let that be done. No one is interested in his shenanigans when no one Republican or Democrat likes his bill so in defense he puts on a show to say "Hey look, this is really bad tho!" Thats not a defense of his bill.
Its should be "lost". In fact they just need to flat out say "This is theater and we cover news" and let that be done. No one is interested in his shenanigans when no one Republican or Democrat likes his bill so in defense he puts on a show to say "Hey look, this is really bad tho!" Thats not a defense of his bill.
That's actually a spot on take on this, the one problem is the media saying "In fact they just need to flat out say "This is theater and we cover news" and let that be done" because that opens the door for "interpretation" which in turn opens the door for "spin" which in turn opens the door for "who" decides these things and more than likely a behind the scenes argument by network execs who see the "theater" as garnering higher ratings than the actual news does...jus say'n.
Who watches CNN? Seriously
I think the real reason they pull stunts like the one in the OP is to keep their station from disappearing into is actually better than MSNBC but losing ground in the ratings for not being outrageous enough.
If CNN wants to continue to attack the president at every turn, he should simply not invite them to the White House. There is no upside for President Trump or anyone in his administration talking to CNN. He is not required by law to speak with them. If a news outlet wants to continually attack him, he should just tell them no thanks he's not interested.

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