CNN Fake Newscast...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Oh how the American Mainstream Media has fallen. But unfortunately, most Americans believe anything the Idiot Box tells em. We're living in some very bleak times. It's sad.

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I've seen that. They've come a long ways from those days. I don't think as many people will sleep walk through "news" casts since 9-11 and the fake OBL death and burial at sea BS.
It is no coincidence that alternative news outlets on the web are doing well, but all in all this nation is still full of big brother crotch huggers and will believe anything an authority figure tells them.
Peeps don't know shit about the history of deceit, or disinformation that is used to keep them dumbed down and stupid, sadly nor do they seem to care.

Rent the movie Compliance

I was just fucking appalled at the authority worship, shear stupidity and lack of common sense that this true story movie depicted, and the lawsuits it generated. A crank caller pretending to be a police detective, actually made women take off their clothes in strip searches while ordering total strangers to look up their snatches in search for fictitious missing money...I look at people when I'm out and about and just get disgusted at the thought that there are really people like those idiots that allowed this to happen to them, walking among us.
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So, we have:
a studio
a newscaster who treats his audience like morons
a fake broadcast
post shooting, added sound effects

why should we believe anything about the whole lot?
So, we have:
a studio
a newscaster who treats his audience like morons
a fake broadcast
post shooting, added sound effects

why should we believe anything about the whole lot?

Exactly....Who controls the media again?????
Granny says, "Dat's right - It must be gettin' bad if Hillary's complainin' `bout it...

Clinton complains about ‘fake news’
Sat, Dec 10, 2016 - BACK IN WASHINGTON: The defeated US presidential candidate was in Washington for the first time since the election and joked that it was not the expected scenario
Former US secretary of state Hillary Rodham Clinton, making her first visit to Washington since losing the presidential election to US president-elect Donald Trump, said “fake news” is putting people’s lives at risk and that Americans need to address the problem to protect the nation’s democracy. “This isn’t about politics or partisanship. Lives are at risk,” Clinton said on Thursday at the portrait unveiling for Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid of Nevada, who is retiring after 30 years in Congress.

Clinton’s warning came days after an episode where a North Carolina man showed up with a rifle — and fired it — inside a neighborhood Washington pizzeria in an effort to “self-investigate” reports that Clinton and her inner circle ran a child-sex operation based there. No one was injured and the man was arrested. “It’s imperative” that government and private industry fight back against the fake-news trend, Clinton said. “We must stand up for our democracy just as Harry has done in his entire career.” The farewell event for Reid was a homecoming of sorts for Clinton, who served as a US senator from New York from 2001 to 2009.

The event also drew US Vice President Joe Biden, Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell, House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi and Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, the incoming Senate Democratic leader. As she took the podium, Clinton joked: “This is not exactly the speech at the Capitol that I hoped to be giving after the election, but after a few weeks of taking selfies in the woods, I thought it would be a good idea to come out.” Two days after the election, a woman got a picture of herself with Clinton after encountering the first lady and former US president Bill Clinton walking their dogs in the woods near their home in Chappaqua, New York.

Clinton’s appearance came as Trump and his transition team are interviewing and naming officials to his Cabinet, and as Congress wraps up its final session under US President Barack Obama. Clinton has made a few public appearances since the Nov. 8 election, including her concession speech the following day. On Nov. 17, she told supporters to “never, ever give up” and “stay engaged on every level” at a gala for the Children’s Defense Fund, the advocacy group where she got her start as a lawyer. She also made a surprise appearance on Nov. 30 to honor pop star Katy Perry with a humanitarian award at a UNICEF event.

Clinton complains about ‘fake news’ - Taipei Times

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