CNN/HuffPost Report New Source Backs Reid's Claim

But what dollar amount do you think it will be compared to the average citizen?

Ohhhhh is that what your going with?

Romney may only pay 12% but you poor people! You won't ever see that kind of money in your lifetime so you should be happy with that 12%!

12% of lets say $5M from one person as opposed to 0% from 47% of Americans. Do the math and tell us who is actually giving a "fair share"? How much more will you demand of them for it to be "fair"? I'm willing to bet that you have a "spare" room where you live. I'm also willing to bet that you have a family in your neighborhood where they have more kids than bedrooms. Tell me, are you sharing your extra room with your neighbors? According to Obama, you are fortunate, lucky even, to have more than you need and should spread it around. Are you? If not, why not?
You seem to really prefer talking about what poor people can't afford to pay as opposed to the issue at hand.

I don't much feel the need to speculate on what percent of taxes Romney does or doesn't pay. I would much prefer talking about the actual numbers, maybe he should release his tax returns and then you can defend what he does instead of the preemptive strike you've got going.
That's fine. When the Democrats are done, the perception will be ingrained in the American people that this guy cannot be trusted and is hiding something from THEM.

It will result in an even bigger Obama landslide. And it may just switch the House back to Speaker Pelosi.

Please continue to tell the voters that Mitt's failure to pay income tax is none of their business.
You have as much proof to this as Harry has...and he's looking like an ass over this to most Americans these days.
No he's not. Just to the wingnut echo chamber.

You must present 3 years of tax returns to get a mortgage - why should being President carry a lower standard?

What's he hiding? We already know that the mega-wealthy are not embarrassed by their wealth, so it must be criminal.

You have to present photo ID to cash a check or board an airplane. Why does your party resist ID to vote? What are you hiding? See how that works? Hypocrite.
I, like most Americans don't give a shit about Romney's tax returns. It's simply a non-issue except for the bitter, socialist, entitlement crowd who envy wealthy people. People like Romney are to be admired and emulated. It's as simple as that.

Maybe if you close your eyes and wish really hard, most Americans will stop answering yes when asked if Romney should release his tax returns.

How are you entitled?

You're right. I hate that 4.5 million jobs have been created and that the DOW has more than doubled, and that corporate profits are at all-time highs. Yes. I hate how much he's "Failed" by pulling our slumping economy back on the right path despite obstruction at every turn. Just imagine how much more he'd be "failing" if Republicans still believed in compromise!

So let me get this straight: You have less of a problem believing that Obama lied about going to Harvard than you do believing that a man as rich and powerful as Romney having the resources and motivation to use every loophole imaginable to get his final tax bill down to either zero or virtually zero?

Again, this says a lot about you, and explains why you're such a fucking Luddite.

I hate that 4.5 million jobs have been created

That's funny! I hate that we have fewer jobs than the day the choom gang strolled into the White House.
And that the debt is $5.5 trillion higher. And that GDP growth is decelerating.

You have less of a problem believing that Obama lied about going to Harvard

I just want to see his grades.

Reagan tripled the debt. And his unemployment rate hit 9% in his first term. You Conservatives have a retarded definition of "failure."

Reagan added less than $2 trillion to the debt and he won the Cold War.
The boi king has added $5.3 trillion and all he won was Solyndra.

Yes, Obama's failed term could be called retarded.
You have as much proof to this as Harry has...and he's looking like an ass over this to most Americans these days.
No he's not. Just to the wingnut echo chamber.

You must present 3 years of tax returns to get a mortgage - why should being President carry a lower standard?

What's he hiding? We already know that the mega-wealthy are not embarrassed by their wealth, so it must be criminal.

You have to present photo ID to cash a check or board an airplane. Why does your party resist ID to vote? What are you hiding? See how that works? Hypocrite.
Nope. Doesn't work at all.

Continue your temper tantrum, while Bishop Romney slides in the polls.

Obama may just win all 57 states! :)
You have as much proof to this as Harry has...and he's looking like an ass over this to most Americans these days.
No he's not. Just to the wingnut echo chamber.

You must present 3 years of tax returns to get a mortgage - why should being President carry a lower standard?

What's he hiding? We already know that the mega-wealthy are not embarrassed by their wealth, so it must be criminal.

You have to present photo ID to cash a check or board an airplane. Why does your party resist ID to vote? What are you hiding? See how that works? Hypocrite.

Oh oh! Maybe for your next topic change we could talk about how the movie theater gunman was part of OWS, or Mrs Obama's crusade to steal your deep fried Twinkie.
Ohhhhh is that what your going with?

Romney may only pay 12% but you poor people! You won't ever see that kind of money in your lifetime so you should be happy with that 12%!

12% of lets say $5M from one person as opposed to 0% from 47% of Americans. Do the math and tell us who is actually giving a "fair share"? How much more will you demand of them for it to be "fair"? I'm willing to bet that you have a "spare" room where you live. I'm also willing to bet that you have a family in your neighborhood where they have more kids than bedrooms. Tell me, are you sharing your extra room with your neighbors? According to Obama, you are fortunate, lucky even, to have more than you need and should spread it around. Are you? If not, why not?
You seem to really prefer talking about what poor people can't afford to pay as opposed to the issue at hand.

I don't much feel the need to speculate on what percent of taxes Romney does or doesn't pay. I would much prefer talking about the actual numbers, maybe he should release his tax returns and then you can defend what he does instead of the preemptive strike you've got going.

Because my dear, the "issue" at hand isn't an issue except for the envious. It's a non-issue. And I bring up everyone else because if you want to talk about how much one American pays in taxes as an issue, then all other Americans are fair game too.
12% of lets say $5M from one person as opposed to 0% from 47% of Americans. Do the math and tell us who is actually giving a "fair share"? How much more will you demand of them for it to be "fair"? I'm willing to bet that you have a "spare" room where you live. I'm also willing to bet that you have a family in your neighborhood where they have more kids than bedrooms. Tell me, are you sharing your extra room with your neighbors? According to Obama, you are fortunate, lucky even, to have more than you need and should spread it around. Are you? If not, why not?
You seem to really prefer talking about what poor people can't afford to pay as opposed to the issue at hand.

I don't much feel the need to speculate on what percent of taxes Romney does or doesn't pay. I would much prefer talking about the actual numbers, maybe he should release his tax returns and then you can defend what he does instead of the preemptive strike you've got going.

Because my dear, the "issue" at hand isn't an issue except for the envious. It's a non-issue. And I bring up everyone else because if you want to talk about how much one American pays in taxes as an issue, then all other Americans are fair game too.

Nonsense. Mitt isn't a private citizen and doesn't have the same rights to privacy as you and I.

When John Kerry ran for president his wife was asked to disclose tax returns for herself as well as businesses with her name attached.

This is not a left wing smoke and mirros issue. Presidential candidates have released several years worth of tax returns for 30+ years now, especially those who ran who were extremely wealthy. Suggesting that the democrats just suddenly decided to start asking because they want to make Romney look bad is just silly.
Ahhh it now starts to make sense. Harry Reid doesn't care if he trashes his own career by lying. He's going to retire at the end of his term. If obama kicks in a few bucks to cushy up the retirement funds or greases the financial wheels for the Reid boys, that's all he wants..
Ohhhhh is that what your going with?

Romney may only pay 12% but you poor people! You won't ever see that kind of money in your lifetime so you should be happy with that 12%!

12% of lets say $5M from one person as opposed to 0% from 47% of Americans. Do the math and tell us who is actually giving a "fair share"? How much more will you demand of them for it to be "fair"? I'm willing to bet that you have a "spare" room where you live. I'm also willing to bet that you have a family in your neighborhood where they have more kids than bedrooms. Tell me, are you sharing your extra room with your neighbors? According to Obama, you are fortunate, lucky even, to have more than you need and should spread it around. Are you? If not, why not?
You seem to really prefer talking about what poor people can't afford to pay as opposed to the issue at hand.

I don't much feel the need to speculate on what percent of taxes Romney does or doesn't pay. I would much prefer talking about the actual numbers, maybe he should release his tax returns and then you can defend what he does instead of the preemptive strike you've got going.

What you can or cannot afford is only on one person... you.. it is of no concern.. taxation, like justice, should be blind equality in treatment by government under law... if you have to work 2 jobs instead of one after paying your equal % share in taxation, so be it... maybe, just maybe, it will give you the motivation to do more and advance yourself.... and maybe, just maybe, when you actually have a stake in the game, you will actually look at government's wasteful spending and freebie handouts a little more carefully
12% of lets say $5M from one person as opposed to 0% from 47% of Americans. Do the math and tell us who is actually giving a "fair share"? How much more will you demand of them for it to be "fair"? I'm willing to bet that you have a "spare" room where you live. I'm also willing to bet that you have a family in your neighborhood where they have more kids than bedrooms. Tell me, are you sharing your extra room with your neighbors? According to Obama, you are fortunate, lucky even, to have more than you need and should spread it around. Are you? If not, why not?
You seem to really prefer talking about what poor people can't afford to pay as opposed to the issue at hand.

I don't much feel the need to speculate on what percent of taxes Romney does or doesn't pay. I would much prefer talking about the actual numbers, maybe he should release his tax returns and then you can defend what he does instead of the preemptive strike you've got going.

What you can or cannot afford is only on one person... you.. it is of no concern.. taxation, like justice, should be blind equality in treatment by government under law... if you have to work 2 jobs instead of one after paying your equal % share in taxation, so be it... maybe, just maybe, it will give you the motivation to do more and advance yourself.... and maybe, just maybe, when you actually have a stake in the game, you will actually look at government's wasteful spending and freebie handouts a little more carefully

Most of your post was a whole lot of nothing. Taxing people who can't afford it doesn't push them to work harder, it just pushes them onto welfare. Also we all pay the same precent of taxes. I make 20k and you make 20k we pay the same precent of taxes on that 20k
You seem to really prefer talking about what poor people can't afford to pay as opposed to the issue at hand.

I don't much feel the need to speculate on what percent of taxes Romney does or doesn't pay. I would much prefer talking about the actual numbers, maybe he should release his tax returns and then you can defend what he does instead of the preemptive strike you've got going.

What you can or cannot afford is only on one person... you.. it is of no concern.. taxation, like justice, should be blind equality in treatment by government under law... if you have to work 2 jobs instead of one after paying your equal % share in taxation, so be it... maybe, just maybe, it will give you the motivation to do more and advance yourself.... and maybe, just maybe, when you actually have a stake in the game, you will actually look at government's wasteful spending and freebie handouts a little more carefully

Most of your post was a whole lot of nothing. Taxing people who can't afford it doesn't push them to work harder, it just pushes them onto welfare. Also we all pay the same precent of taxes. I make 20k and you make 20k we pay the same precent of taxes on that 20k

And the subjectivity you support is what exactly has put us in trouble with revenue, entitlements, and overbloated government spending... not to mention the pandering for votes and power

Taxing people equally puts them on an equal playing field...

You pay the same % on EVERY DOLLAR.. it is not like dollar 1 is any different than dollar 100000001... it spends the same, looks the same, acts the same.... what it means SUBJECTIVELY to you is of ZERO consequence... just like sales tax being the same whether you spend $1 or $9999999999

Now.. unless you believe that the government can subjectively treat others or even YOU unequally when it meets someone else's subjective criteria, you have ZERO leg to stand on when calling for the subjective treatment we see in the tax code....
You seem to really prefer talking about what poor people can't afford to pay as opposed to the issue at hand.

I don't much feel the need to speculate on what percent of taxes Romney does or doesn't pay. I would much prefer talking about the actual numbers, maybe he should release his tax returns and then you can defend what he does instead of the preemptive strike you've got going.

What you can or cannot afford is only on one person... you.. it is of no concern.. taxation, like justice, should be blind equality in treatment by government under law... if you have to work 2 jobs instead of one after paying your equal % share in taxation, so be it... maybe, just maybe, it will give you the motivation to do more and advance yourself.... and maybe, just maybe, when you actually have a stake in the game, you will actually look at government's wasteful spending and freebie handouts a little more carefully

Most of your post was a whole lot of nothing. Taxing people who can't afford it doesn't push them to work harder, it just pushes them onto welfare. Also we all pay the same precent of taxes. I make 20k and you make 20k we pay the same precent of taxes on that 20k

Also we all pay the same precent of taxes. I make 20k and you make 20k we pay the same precent of taxes on that 20k

Romney pays 15% on capital gains and dividends and so do you.
So why all the drama?
What you can or cannot afford is only on one person... you.. it is of no concern.. taxation, like justice, should be blind equality in treatment by government under law... if you have to work 2 jobs instead of one after paying your equal % share in taxation, so be it... maybe, just maybe, it will give you the motivation to do more and advance yourself.... and maybe, just maybe, when you actually have a stake in the game, you will actually look at government's wasteful spending and freebie handouts a little more carefully

Most of your post was a whole lot of nothing. Taxing people who can't afford it doesn't push them to work harder, it just pushes them onto welfare. Also we all pay the same precent of taxes. I make 20k and you make 20k we pay the same precent of taxes on that 20k

Also we all pay the same precent of taxes. I make 20k and you make 20k we pay the same precent of taxes on that 20k

Romney pays 15% on capital gains and dividends and so do you.
So why all the drama?


It's only outrage when it benefits THEM when the subjective treatment is in place
Because my dear, the "issue" at hand isn't an issue except for the envious. It's a non-issue. And I bring up everyone else because if you want to talk about how much one American pays in taxes as an issue, then all other Americans are fair game too.

Nonsense. Mitt isn't a private citizen and doesn't have the same rights to privacy as you and I..

And neither does Obama, so why doesn't he release his education records?

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