CNN/HuffPost Report New Source Backs Reid's Claim

A second source, said to be "close to Senator [Harry] Reid," has told CNN's Dana Bash that Reid's original a credible person

oh, well, if the second anonymous source is saying the first anonymous source is "a credible person", i say we hang romney.


Good Job!
You got the thanks of most all of the right wingers on the board :)

With a valid point too. But we are talking politics here.
Mitt Romney has the legal right to not disclose his tax returns, but you can't have your cake and eat it too. You can't champion mitts right to keep them private and then rail at Harry Reid and everyone on the left who then proceed to speculate as to the reason mitt won't release them.

Why not?
Mitt has every right to release only 2 years just like McCain.
Reid has no right to make stuff up to force Mitt to release his reutrns. Reid ought to be in jail.
Why should he when Obama has his school records sealed a fake birth certificate?
And neither does Obama, so why doesn't he release his education records?

If you want Obama to release his college transcripts, why dont you petition Romney to release his and then have him call for Obama to do the same.

I know this may shock you, but the president of the united states isn't in the habit of giving in to the demands of angry posters on a political forum.

It doesn't sound like Mitt is in the habit of giving in to the demands of angry protestors either.

Angry potential voters? We'll see. He's circling the drain so he'd better do something to change the topic. Quickly.
This is the democrat plan. You watch me, I'll prove it.* I'll make people think it.* I don't have to prove it.* All I gotta do is make 'em doubt it, and I can do it.* My problem is this guy's impeccably moral.* This guy has an impeccable, extraordinary personal morality"

This is your party dems. Stupid evil assholes.
This is the democrat plan. You watch me, I'll prove it.* I'll make people think it.* I don't have to prove it.* All I gotta do is make 'em doubt it, and I can do it.* My problem is this guy's impeccably moral.* This guy has an impeccable, extraordinary personal morality"

This is your party dems. Stupid evil assholes.

So far the Reid offensive is working unbelieveably well. What else you got?
If you want Obama to release his college transcripts, why dont you petition Romney to release his and then have him call for Obama to do the same.

I know this may shock you, but the president of the united states isn't in the habit of giving in to the demands of angry posters on a political forum.

It doesn't sound like Mitt is in the habit of giving in to the demands of angry protestors either.

Angry potential voters? We'll see. He's circling the drain so he'd better do something to change the topic. Quickly.

The only people Mitt is upsetting is the democrat base....potential voters? Not for him and never would be.
This is the democrat plan. You watch me, I'll prove it.* I'll make people think it.* I don't have to prove it.* All I gotta do is make 'em doubt it, and I can do it.* My problem is this guy's impeccably moral.* This guy has an impeccable, extraordinary personal morality"

This is your party dems. Stupid evil assholes.

So far the Reid offensive is working unbelieveably well. What else you got?

Seriously? :eusa_eh:
If you want Obama to release his college transcripts, why dont you petition Romney to release his and then have him call for Obama to do the same.

I know this may shock you, but the president of the united states isn't in the habit of giving in to the demands of angry posters on a political forum.

It doesn't sound like Mitt is in the habit of giving in to the demands of angry protestors either.

Angry potential voters? We'll see. He's circling the drain so he'd better do something to change the topic. Quickly.

You're ugly fat stupid. I don't have to prove it. It's true.
Cuz I just said it. That's your party. Fatso ugly smelly shit.
This is the democrat plan. You watch me, I'll prove it.* I'll make people think it.* I don't have to prove it.* All I gotta do is make 'em doubt it, and I can do it.* My problem is this guy's impeccably moral.* This guy has an impeccable, extraordinary personal morality"

This is your party dems. Stupid evil assholes.

So far the Reid offensive is working unbelieveably well. What else you got?

Only with those who were not voting for Romney anyway... I would go as far as to say that it is having the opposite effect on independents and moderate undecideds... who probably do not give a rat's ass about this obvious poo flinging distraction attempt
Mitt Romney has the legal right to not disclose his tax returns, but you can't have your cake and eat it too. You can't champion mitts right to keep them private and then rail at Harry Reid and everyone on the left who then proceed to speculate as to the reason mitt won't release them.

Actually, Harry would be more credible if he did have some facts to back up what he stated. In fact, he could have been charged with a crime if he didn't say what he did on the Senate floor, that gave him immunity.
Actually Meister, that's the STORY that the republicans are saying, but it is simply not true. Harry Reid told the Huffington Post this information FIRST and then he brought it up on the Senate floor, so if someone wants to sue him for slander they can..... they haven't, but they could, if it is slander, I suppose? Of course the romney team would have to prove it is slander and a lie and the only way to do that would be to release his tax information.

Though I do believe that what is said about another politician has a higher standard to reach slander than for the everyday citizen on the street? I mean all kinds of lies are continually said on both sides of the aisle against opponents, and no slander suits ever come from it.

so, to repeat, Reid did not hide behind his statements on the Senate floor so he could not be approached on the subject for any legal reasons, Harry Reid told the huffington post this information BEFORE he ever said it on the Senate floor.

I still agree with the right wing on this one though, I believe Reid should put up his witness or shut up.
It doesn't sound like Mitt is in the habit of giving in to the demands of angry protestors either.

Angry potential voters? We'll see. He's circling the drain so he'd better do something to change the topic. Quickly.

The only people Mitt is upsetting is the democrat base....potential voters? Not for him and never would be.

Meister, that's so not true dude. This Gallup poll shows that majority of Americans want him to release the tax returns.

Majority of Americans Want Romney to Release Tax Returns


He's fucking up royally on this, and if you don't want to admit it, that's fine. You can ignore both the Democrats and Republicans numbers on that chart, but you (and most importantly Mitt) should not ignore the Independents. 53% to 36% want him to release more.

C'mon Republican Posters, you have to at least see that THIS issue is a win for the Democrats so far.

Who am I kidding? There are fucking BIRTHERS here.
Angry potential voters? We'll see. He's circling the drain so he'd better do something to change the topic. Quickly.

The only people Mitt is upsetting is the democrat base....potential voters? Not for him and never would be.

Meister, that's so not true dude. This Gallup poll shows that majority of Americans want him to release the tax returns.

Majority of Americans Want Romney to Release Tax Returns


He's fucking up royally on this, and if you don't want to admit it, that's fine. You can ignore both the Democrats and Republicans numbers on that chart, but you (and most importantly Mitt) should not ignore the Independents. 53% to 36% want him to release more.

C'mon Republican Posters, you have to at least see that THIS issue is a win for the Democrats so far.

Who am I kidding? There are fucking BIRTHERS here.

Wanting him to release his returns and being a potential voter are two separate items, CD.
It won't change anybodies minds if they don't like Obama.
The only people Mitt is upsetting is the democrat base....potential voters? Not for him and never would be.

Meister, that's so not true dude. This Gallup poll shows that majority of Americans want him to release the tax returns.

Majority of Americans Want Romney to Release Tax Returns


He's fucking up royally on this, and if you don't want to admit it, that's fine. You can ignore both the Democrats and Republicans numbers on that chart, but you (and most importantly Mitt) should not ignore the Independents. 53% to 36% want him to release more.

C'mon Republican Posters, you have to at least see that THIS issue is a win for the Democrats so far.

Who am I kidding? There are fucking BIRTHERS here.

Wanting him to release his returns and being a potential voter are two separate items, CD.
It won't change anybodies minds if they don't like Obama.

So now you're arguing that the facts aren't the facts. The fact is that the majority of Americans, and you can easily extrapolate that as being voters too, want to see his tax returns. But let's just say you're right. Let's say that current voters don't care. What if he pisses off enough people who were on the fence about voting?

Don't you see, Meister? The country wants him to release his tax returns, which means it's probably fairly easy to conclude that voters too. You can pretend it's not true if you wish, but the polling data suggests a much different reality.
Meister, that's so not true dude. This Gallup poll shows that majority of Americans want him to release the tax returns.

Majority of Americans Want Romney to Release Tax Returns


He's fucking up royally on this, and if you don't want to admit it, that's fine. You can ignore both the Democrats and Republicans numbers on that chart, but you (and most importantly Mitt) should not ignore the Independents. 53% to 36% want him to release more.

C'mon Republican Posters, you have to at least see that THIS issue is a win for the Democrats so far.

Who am I kidding? There are fucking BIRTHERS here.

Wanting him to release his returns and being a potential voter are two separate items, CD.
It won't change anybodies minds if they don't like Obama.

So now you're arguing that the facts aren't the facts. The fact is that the majority of Americans, and you can easily extrapolate that as being voters too, want to see his tax returns. But let's just say you're right. Let's say that current voters don't care. What if he pisses off enough people who were on the fence about voting?

Don't you see, Meister? The country wants him to release his tax returns, which means it's probably fairly easy to conclude that voters too. You can pretend it's not true if you wish, but the polling data suggests a much different reality.

It's clear what is driving the voters now and nearer to the election is the economy and jobs, CD. The tax returns won't be that significant come election time. Just too many people out of work or are under employed. This is why the left is really hammering down on the tax returns, and the media is giving them every opportunity to run with it.
Meister, that's so not true dude. This Gallup poll shows that majority of Americans want him to release the tax returns.

Majority of Americans Want Romney to Release Tax Returns


He's fucking up royally on this, and if you don't want to admit it, that's fine. You can ignore both the Democrats and Republicans numbers on that chart, but you (and most importantly Mitt) should not ignore the Independents. 53% to 36% want him to release more.

C'mon Republican Posters, you have to at least see that THIS issue is a win for the Democrats so far.

Who am I kidding? There are fucking BIRTHERS here.

Wanting him to release his returns and being a potential voter are two separate items, CD.
It won't change anybodies minds if they don't like Obama.

So now you're arguing that the facts aren't the facts. The fact is that the majority of Americans, and you can easily extrapolate that as being voters too, want to see his tax returns.
That is an opinion, not a fact... One Gallup poll cannot be extrapolated with scientific accuracy to the entire country... Statistical analysts would laugh at anyone who did...

But let's just say you're right. Let's say that current voters don't care. What if he pisses off enough people who were on the fence about voting?
Then he'll lose... Duh! It's a gamble that Romney feels comfortable making... It doesn't seem to be hurting his ability to outraise 0bama every month... It's August and plenty of time for things to happen...

What if Barry's "You didn't build that" gaff pissed enough fence sitters? Or maybe his "evolved" position on gay marriage?


Don't you see, Meister? The country wants him to release his tax returns, which means it's probably fairly easy to conclude that voters too. You can pretend it's not true if you wish, but the polling data suggests a much different reality.
Again, opinion != fact...
Wanting him to release his returns and being a potential voter are two separate items, CD.
It won't change anybodies minds if they don't like Obama.

So now you're arguing that the facts aren't the facts. The fact is that the majority of Americans, and you can easily extrapolate that as being voters too, want to see his tax returns.
That is an opinion, not a fact... One Gallup poll cannot be extrapolated with scientific accuracy to the entire country... Statistical analysts would laugh at anyone who did...

But let's just say you're right. Let's say that current voters don't care. What if he pisses off enough people who were on the fence about voting?
Then he'll lose... Duh! It's a gamble that Romney feels comfortable making... It doesn't seem to be hurting his ability to outraise 0bama every month... It's August and plenty of time for things to happen...

What if Barry's "You didn't build that" gaff pissed enough fence sitters? Or maybe his "evolved" position on gay marriage?


Don't you see, Meister? The country wants him to release his tax returns, which means it's probably fairly easy to conclude that voters too. You can pretend it's not true if you wish, but the polling data suggests a much different reality.
Again, opinion != fact...

No, Oldy McSagBalls, it's a FACT that the OPINION of the MAJORITY of the country is that he should release his tax returns.

Mmm. Goddamn I love schooling you on your arrogance.
Wanting him to release his returns and being a potential voter are two separate items, CD.
It won't change anybodies minds if they don't like Obama.

So now you're arguing that the facts aren't the facts. The fact is that the majority of Americans, and you can easily extrapolate that as being voters too, want to see his tax returns. But let's just say you're right. Let's say that current voters don't care. What if he pisses off enough people who were on the fence about voting?

Don't you see, Meister? The country wants him to release his tax returns, which means it's probably fairly easy to conclude that voters too. You can pretend it's not true if you wish, but the polling data suggests a much different reality.

It's clear what is driving the voters now and nearer to the election is the economy and jobs, CD. The tax returns won't be that significant come election time. Just too many people out of work or are under employed. This is why the left is really hammering down on the tax returns, and the media is giving them every opportunity to run with it.

It's part and parcel. If you can't convince the American people you can be trusted to not run the economy like your own personal cash printing machine for you and your buddies, you will lose, plain and simple. That's what apparently you and Romney and the rest of the Conservatives on this board are missing. This isn't about the righteousness or legality of Romney's tax return shenanigans. It's about trust. And somewhere along the line Mitt's failing hard on that.
I have no doubt that Romney has paid taxes of "some kind" - but did he pay any "income taxes" for 10 years.

If you - or anyone else has proof, or even some reasonable evidence, let's see it. If he paid what he was legally obligated to pay, he's done nothing wrong. Hacks can choke on the messiah's ass, but unless you can prove Romney broke some law... You. Got. Nothing.
So now you're arguing that the facts aren't the facts. The fact is that the majority of Americans, and you can easily extrapolate that as being voters too, want to see his tax returns.
That is an opinion, not a fact... One Gallup poll cannot be extrapolated with scientific accuracy to the entire country... Statistical analysts would laugh at anyone who did...

Then he'll lose... Duh! It's a gamble that Romney feels comfortable making... It doesn't seem to be hurting his ability to outraise 0bama every month... It's August and plenty of time for things to happen...

What if Barry's "You didn't build that" gaff pissed enough fence sitters? Or maybe his "evolved" position on gay marriage?


Don't you see, Meister? The country wants him to release his tax returns, which means it's probably fairly easy to conclude that voters too. You can pretend it's not true if you wish, but the polling data suggests a much different reality.
Again, opinion != fact...

No, Oldy McSagBalls, it's a FACT that the OPINION of the MAJORITY of the country is that he should release his tax returns.

Mmm. Goddamn I love schooling you on your arrogance.

So what? The big "FUCK YOU" he is giving to you OWS parasites is not going to cause a single voter not to vote for him.

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