CNN/HuffPost Report New Source Backs Reid's Claim

If you want Obama to release his college transcripts, why dont you petition Romney to release his and then have him call for Obama to do the same.

I know this may shock you, but the president of the united states isn't in the habit of giving in to the demands of angry posters on a political forum.

It doesn't sound like Mitt is in the habit of giving in to the demands of angry protestors either.

Angry potential voters? We'll see. He's circling the drain so he'd better do something to change the topic. Quickly.
The angry protesters are all OWS parasites like you and conservaderrrps. He was not going to get your vote anyways.
Wanting him to release his returns and being a potential voter are two separate items, CD.
It won't change anybodies minds if they don't like Obama.

So now you're arguing that the facts aren't the facts. The fact is that the majority of Americans, and you can easily extrapolate that as being voters too, want to see his tax returns. But let's just say you're right. Let's say that current voters don't care. What if he pisses off enough people who were on the fence about voting?

Don't you see, Meister? The country wants him to release his tax returns, which means it's probably fairly easy to conclude that voters too. You can pretend it's not true if you wish, but the polling data suggests a much different reality.

It's clear what is driving the voters now and nearer to the election is the economy and jobs, CD. The tax returns won't be that significant come election time. Just too many people out of work or are under employed. This is why the left is really hammering down on the tax returns, and the media is giving them every opportunity to run with it.

The economy and jobs are what is important to normal people. The OWS parasites could care less.
If you want Obama to release his college transcripts, why dont you petition Romney to release his and then have him call for Obama to do the same.

I know this may shock you, but the president of the united states isn't in the habit of giving in to the demands of angry posters on a political forum.
Neither is the opposition candidate. So why are you complaining that Romney won't release his tax records?

The president has released his tax records. The least Romney could do is match what the president has already disclosed.

no, you parasite, the least Romney can do is release two years.
Mitt is ending this race now imho, if he does not release his tax returns so he can get on to other issues.

MANY Republican operatives like george will, bloomberg magazine, national review.... have said such themselves....

I say if he hasn't broken any laws, he should just release them back to 2000.....if he has broken laws, then he does have the right not to testify against himself, (or not release information that could get him legally in trouble, the 5th) and he probably shouldn't release them.

We already know he is rich, we already know he pays a lesser income tax rate than most in the mid to upper middle class, and less than other wealthy people like Newt Gingrich and Obama....we already know about his offshore tax haven investments through his 2010 if his previous tax returns only show the same ole same ole, then mitt should have no problems releasing my opinion.

BUT if there is something else that he doesn't want us to know, like taking amnesty in 2009, or how he got soooooo much money in his IRA when there are legal limits on what can be put in them each year, or that he lied about Bain Capital and when he left.....

Then by all means, he should keep hiding them....
Mitt is ending this race now imho, if he does not release his tax returns so he can get on to other issues.

MANY Republican operatives like george will, bloomberg magazine, national review.... have said such themselves....

I say if he hasn't broken any laws, he should just release them back to 2000.....if he has broken laws, then he does have the right not to testify against himself, (or not release information that could get him legally in trouble, the 5th) and he probably shouldn't release them.

We already know he is rich, we already know he pays a lesser income tax rate than most in the mid to upper middle class, and less than other wealthy people like Newt Gingrich and Obama....we already know about his offshore tax haven investments through his 2010 if his previous tax returns only show the same ole same ole, then mitt should have no problems releasing my opinion.

BUT if there is something else that he doesn't want us to know, like taking amnesty in 2009, or how he got soooooo much money in his IRA when there are legal limits on what can be put in them each year, or that he lied about Bain Capital and when he left.....

Then by all means, he should keep hiding them....

Succinctly put, and a good summary of why this is a big story that won't go away, despite what Fox News and their local contingent of sycophants say the contrary. The ironic aspect is that had he come clean, the country probably would have moved on already. But here we are well under 100 days away from election day, and this is a HUGE story.

Good times, I say.
Bishop Romney couldn't get picked as VP in 2008 - why does anyone think he's competent enough to be president?

Because a community organizing nitwit was elected last term.

And your party didn't think he was good enough to run against that "community organizing nitwit" (why do Conservatives talk so much shit on community organizers? You know who as an amazing Community Organizer? Jesus Christ.) back then. So yeah...there's that.
If you want Obama to release his college transcripts, why dont you petition Romney to release his and then have him call for Obama to do the same.

I know this may shock you, but the president of the united states isn't in the habit of giving in to the demands of angry posters on a political forum.

Neither is the opposition candidate. So why are you complaining that Romney won't release his tax records?

The president has released his tax records. The least Romney could do is match what the president has already disclosed.

What Obama releases is his business. Likewise for Romney.

When's Obama gonna prove he did not attend college as a foreign student?
So now you're arguing that the facts aren't the facts. The fact is that the majority of Americans, and you can easily extrapolate that as being voters too, want to see his tax returns. But let's just say you're right. Let's say that current voters don't care. What if he pisses off enough people who were on the fence about voting?

Don't you see, Meister? The country wants him to release his tax returns, which means it's probably fairly easy to conclude that voters too. You can pretend it's not true if you wish, but the polling data suggests a much different reality.

It's clear what is driving the voters now and nearer to the election is the economy and jobs, CD. The tax returns won't be that significant come election time. Just too many people out of work or are under employed. This is why the left is really hammering down on the tax returns, and the media is giving them every opportunity to run with it.

It's part and parcel. If you can't convince the American people you can be trusted to not run the economy like your own personal cash printing machine for you and your buddies, you will lose, plain and simple. That's what apparently you and Romney and the rest of the Conservatives on this board are missing. This isn't about the righteousness or legality of Romney's tax return shenanigans. It's about trust. And somewhere along the line Mitt's failing hard on that.

I must be missing something.....real people are hurting for jobs and full time jobs...that IS the issue. Obama isn't getting the job done and people have more issues with what directly impacts them than does a tax return. I know you won't admit to that, but that IS reality.
It's clear what is driving the voters now and nearer to the election is the economy and jobs, CD. The tax returns won't be that significant come election time. Just too many people out of work or are under employed. This is why the left is really hammering down on the tax returns, and the media is giving them every opportunity to run with it.

It's part and parcel. If you can't convince the American people you can be trusted to not run the economy like your own personal cash printing machine for you and your buddies, you will lose, plain and simple. That's what apparently you and Romney and the rest of the Conservatives on this board are missing. This isn't about the righteousness or legality of Romney's tax return shenanigans. It's about trust. And somewhere along the line Mitt's failing hard on that.

I must be missing something.....real people are hurting for jobs and full time jobs...that IS the issue. Obama isn't getting the job done and people have more issues with what directly impacts them than does a tax return. I know you won't admit to that, but that IS reality.

In the last 29 months, there are about 4.5 million people who would disagree with you. So would the DOW. So would GM's employees. Just sayin'.
Bishop Romney couldn't get picked as VP in 2008 - why does anyone think he's competent enough to be president?

Because a community organizing nitwit was elected last term.

And your party didn't think he was good enough to run against that "community organizing nitwit" (why do Conservatives talk so much shit on community organizers? You know who as an amazing Community Organizer? Jesus Christ.) back then. So yeah...there's that.

We always knew mitt was a better candidate than your nitwit messiah. We waited for a better time to put him forth. Tell me, has obammy paid your mortgage? Have the seas stopped rising? Is there a herd of unicorns in your backyard?
Is it customary to reveal a decade of tax returns?
The high-water mark for disclosure was 30 years, set by Sen. Robert Dole, R-Kan., in the 1996 election. Second-place honors go to Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., for providing 20 years' worth when he ran in 2004, although he had released 15 of those returns before his presidential bid.
After that, there is a tie between Romney's father, George Romney, in 1968 and Bill Clinton in 1992. Both released 12 years of tax returns. Close behind is Sen. John Edwards, D-N.C., with 10 when he was Kerry's running mate.
Several candidates released anywhere from six to nine years of tax returns. In 2000, George W. Bush provided nine, and Al Gore provided eight. In the 2008 primary, then-Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., delivered seven, a move that was matched by Hillary Rodham Clinton about a month later. In 1988, Massachusetts Gov. Michael Dukakis released six years of returns.

Bill Clinton's remark on release of tax returns is a bit off - Tampa Bay Times
It's part and parcel. If you can't convince the American people you can be trusted to not run the economy like your own personal cash printing machine for you and your buddies, you will lose, plain and simple. That's what apparently you and Romney and the rest of the Conservatives on this board are missing. This isn't about the righteousness or legality of Romney's tax return shenanigans. It's about trust. And somewhere along the line Mitt's failing hard on that.

I must be missing something.....real people are hurting for jobs and full time jobs...that IS the issue. Obama isn't getting the job done and people have more issues with what directly impacts them than does a tax return. I know you won't admit to that, but that IS reality.

In the last 29 months, there are about 4.5 million people who would disagree with you. So would the DOW. So would GM's employees. Just sayin'.
Yet, the unemployment is at 8.3%.
Something just ain't jiving with the 4.5 million jobs. I know when they were counting the census jobs that the workers would work and get laid off and work again creating several job numbers for 1 job.
It's part and parcel. If you can't convince the American people you can be trusted to not run the economy like your own personal cash printing machine for you and your buddies, you will lose, plain and simple. That's what apparently you and Romney and the rest of the Conservatives on this board are missing. This isn't about the righteousness or legality of Romney's tax return shenanigans. It's about trust. And somewhere along the line Mitt's failing hard on that.

I must be missing something.....real people are hurting for jobs and full time jobs...that IS the issue. Obama isn't getting the job done and people have more issues with what directly impacts them than does a tax return. I know you won't admit to that, but that IS reality.

In the last 29 months, there are about 4.5 million people who would disagree with you. So would the DOW. So would GM's employees. Just sayin'.
Also, did you notice that GM earning were down 41% from a year ago? But, GM is an entire different subject we could get into on another day.
I must be missing something.....real people are hurting for jobs and full time jobs...that IS the issue. Obama isn't getting the job done and people have more issues with what directly impacts them than does a tax return. I know you won't admit to that, but that IS reality.

In the last 29 months, there are about 4.5 million people who would disagree with you. So would the DOW. So would GM's employees. Just sayin'.
Yet, the unemployment is at 8.3%.
Something just ain't jiving with the 4.5 million jobs. I know when they were counting the census jobs that the workers would work and get laid off and work again creating several job numbers for 1 job.

You know that, or you have a link to bank it up?

You're right though, unemployment could be a lot lower...if Obama was allowed to expand the public sector like Reagan, Bush I, Bush II and Clinton did...


I know, I know. ThinkProgress = Not Facts right?
Neither is the opposition candidate. So why are you complaining that Romney won't release his tax records?

The president has released his tax records. The least Romney could do is match what the president has already disclosed.

What Obama releases is his business. Likewise for Romney.

When's Obama gonna prove he did not attend college as a foreign student?
it's ALREADY been proven, but of course as smart as you are, you already knew that....right?

The claim is that Obama received a Fulbright scholarship for foreign students, proving that he is not a U.S. citizen and therefore not eligible to be president. Supposedly this was reported by The Associated Press. But the claim is false and the story is a hoax.

No “Soetoro”: Another false claim is that Obama attended and received financial aid “under the name Barry Soetoro,” using the surname of his Indonesian stepfather Lolo Soetoro. The college’s Director of Communications Jim Tranquada told us there’s no record of that. He told us in an e-mail:
Occidental spokesman Tranquada: Contemporary public documents, such as the 1979-80 freshman ‘Lookbook’ published at the beginning of President Obama’s first year at Occidental, list him as Barack Obama. All of the Occidental alumni I have spoken to from that era (1979-81) who knew him, knew him as Barry Obama. : Was Obama Born in the USA?
Mitt is ending this race now imho, if he does not release his tax returns so he can get on to other issues.

MANY Republican operatives like george will, bloomberg magazine, national review.... have said such themselves....

I say if he hasn't broken any laws, he should just release them back to 2000.....if he has broken laws, then he does have the right not to testify against himself, (or not release information that could get him legally in trouble, the 5th) and he probably shouldn't release them.

We already know he is rich, we already know he pays a lesser income tax rate than most in the mid to upper middle class, and less than other wealthy people like Newt Gingrich and Obama....we already know about his offshore tax haven investments through his 2010 if his previous tax returns only show the same ole same ole, then mitt should have no problems releasing my opinion.

BUT if there is something else that he doesn't want us to know, like taking amnesty in 2009, or how he got soooooo much money in his IRA when there are legal limits on what can be put in them each year, or that he lied about Bain Capital and when he left.....

Then by all means, he should keep hiding them....

We already know he is rich, we already know he pays a lesser income tax rate than most in the mid to upper middle class

No he doesn't.
In the last 29 months, there are about 4.5 million people who would disagree with you. So would the DOW. So would GM's employees. Just sayin'.
Yet, the unemployment is at 8.3%.
Something just ain't jiving with the 4.5 million jobs. I know when they were counting the census jobs that the workers would work and get laid off and work again creating several job numbers for 1 job.

You know that, or you have a link to bank it up?

You're right though, unemployment could be a lot lower...if Obama was allowed to expand the public sector like Reagan, Bush I, Bush II and Clinton did...


I know, I know. ThinkProgress = Not Facts right?
so president Bush grew goverment jobs much much much much more than Obama? Interesting. You'd never know by the cries from the right???

edit: Obama is doing a much much better job than I had thought in rducing the size of government workers.... he should be praised for it, honestly!
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