CNN/HuffPost Report New Source Backs Reid's Claim

No, Oldy McSagBalls, it's a FACT that the OPINION of the MAJORITY of the country is that he should release his tax returns.

Mmm. Goddamn I love schooling you on your arrogance.

You FAIL epically and claim to school me?

Thats fucking funny....:lol:

ONE POLL does not equal scientific statistical accuracy and cannot be intelligently extrapolated as the opinion of the entire fucking country... Lack of intelligence certainly explains why you want to, though...

Your knowledge of statistical analysis is on par with Truthmatters knowledge of nuclear physics...
Yet, the unemployment is at 8.3%.
Something just ain't jiving with the 4.5 million jobs. I know when they were counting the census jobs that the workers would work and get laid off and work again creating several job numbers for 1 job.

You know that, or you have a link to bank it up?

You're right though, unemployment could be a lot lower...if Obama was allowed to expand the public sector like Reagan, Bush I, Bush II and Clinton did...


I know, I know. ThinkProgress = Not Facts right?
so president Bush grew goverment jobs much much much much more than Obama? Interesting. You'd never know by the cries from the right???

edit: Obama is doing a much much better job than I had thought in rducing the size of government workers.... he should be praised for it, honestly!

You'd never know by the cries from the right???

Everyone I know on the right says Bush spent way way too much.
Made government bigger, not smaller.
Of course, compared to Obama, Bush was like Scrooge when it comes to expanding the debt.
Yet, the unemployment is at 8.3%.
Something just ain't jiving with the 4.5 million jobs. I know when they were counting the census jobs that the workers would work and get laid off and work again creating several job numbers for 1 job.

You know that, or you have a link to bank it up?

You're right though, unemployment could be a lot lower...if Obama was allowed to expand the public sector like Reagan, Bush I, Bush II and Clinton did...


I know, I know. ThinkProgress = Not Facts right?
so president Bush grew goverment jobs much much much much more than Obama? Interesting. You'd never know by the cries from the right???

edit: Obama is doing a much much better job than I had thought in rducing the size of government workers.... he should be praised for it, honestly!

Obama is doing a much much better job than I had thought in rducing the size of government workers....

I'm sure the reduction is state and local, not Federal. Honestly.
Mitt is ending this race now imho, if he does not release his tax returns so he can get on to other issues.

MANY Republican operatives like george will, bloomberg magazine, national review.... have said such themselves....

I say if he hasn't broken any laws, he should just release them back to 2000.....if he has broken laws, then he does have the right not to testify against himself, (or not release information that could get him legally in trouble, the 5th) and he probably shouldn't release them.

We already know he is rich, we already know he pays a lesser income tax rate than most in the mid to upper middle class, and less than other wealthy people like Newt Gingrich and Obama....we already know about his offshore tax haven investments through his 2010 if his previous tax returns only show the same ole same ole, then mitt should have no problems releasing my opinion.

BUT if there is something else that he doesn't want us to know, like taking amnesty in 2009, or how he got soooooo much money in his IRA when there are legal limits on what can be put in them each year, or that he lied about Bain Capital and when he left.....

Then by all means, he should keep hiding them....

We already know he is rich, we already know he pays a lesser income tax rate than most in the mid to upper middle class

No he doesn't.
He doesn't? Well Newt paid 31% on $930k a year, Obama paid over 25% for his money earned, Bush and Cheney even paid more than romney....He didn't pay any social security tax on his money so you know he didn't pay those federal taxes like everyone else that works for a maybe you need to explain your objection to what I said....? This is all known through the 1 year that romney chose to show, I'm assuming his previous years worth of taxes would just show the he should just release them...unless as I speculate, he has something ELSE to hide.
Mitt is ending this race now imho, if he does not release his tax returns so he can get on to other issues.

MANY Republican operatives like george will, bloomberg magazine, national review.... have said such themselves....

I say if he hasn't broken any laws, he should just release them back to 2000.....if he has broken laws, then he does have the right not to testify against himself, (or not release information that could get him legally in trouble, the 5th) and he probably shouldn't release them.

We already know he is rich, we already know he pays a lesser income tax rate than most in the mid to upper middle class, and less than other wealthy people like Newt Gingrich and Obama....we already know about his offshore tax haven investments through his 2010 if his previous tax returns only show the same ole same ole, then mitt should have no problems releasing my opinion.

BUT if there is something else that he doesn't want us to know, like taking amnesty in 2009, or how he got soooooo much money in his IRA when there are legal limits on what can be put in them each year, or that he lied about Bain Capital and when he left.....

Then by all means, he should keep hiding them....

We already know he is rich, we already know he pays a lesser income tax rate than most in the mid to upper middle class

No he doesn't.
He doesn't? Well Newt paid 31% on $930k a year, Obama paid over 25% for his money earned, Bush and Cheney even paid more than romney....He didn't pay any social security tax on his money so you know he didn't pay those federal taxes like everyone else that works for a maybe you need to explain your objection to what I said....? This is all known through the 1 year that romney chose to show, I'm assuming his previous years worth of taxes would just show the he should just release them...unless as I speculate, he has something ELSE to hide.

He doesn't?

No, he pays 15% on dividends and LTCG, just like you.

Well Newt paid 31% on $930k a year

Newt must have had more wages and less dividends and cap gains.

He didn't pay any social security tax on his money

Social Security taxes aren't due on dividends or capital gains.

so maybe you need to explain your objection to what I said

Your claim was wrong. Clear enough?
No, Oldy McSagBalls, it's a FACT that the OPINION of the MAJORITY of the country is that he should release his tax returns.

Mmm. Goddamn I love schooling you on your arrogance.

You FAIL epically and claim to school me?

Thats fucking funny....:lol:

ONE POLL does not equal scientific statistical accuracy and cannot be intelligently extrapolated as the opinion of the entire fucking country... Lack of intelligence certainly explains why you want to, though...

Your knowledge of statistical analysis is on par with Truthmatters knowledge of nuclear physics...

Your knowledge in general is suspect since all you seem to do is call everything that a Lefty posts a lie, or untrue. And yet, yes, I completely schooled you, asshole. Or do you not understand the purpose of the polls? Were they not invented when you voted for James Buchanan back in the day?
No, Oldy McSagBalls, it's a FACT that the OPINION of the MAJORITY of the country is that he should release his tax returns.

Mmm. Goddamn I love schooling you on your arrogance.

You FAIL epically and claim to school me?

Thats fucking funny....:lol:

ONE POLL does not equal scientific statistical accuracy and cannot be intelligently extrapolated as the opinion of the entire fucking country... Lack of intelligence certainly explains why you want to, though...

Your knowledge of statistical analysis is on par with Truthmatters knowledge of nuclear physics...

Your knowledge in general is suspect since all you seem to do is call everything that a Lefty posts a lie, or untrue.
Like you do with everything a righty posts? You truly are a dumbfuck...

And yet, yes, I completely schooled you, asshole. Or do you not understand the purpose of the polls? Were they not invented when you voted for James Buchanan back in the day?

Again - I'll type slowly for you, douchebag - ONE POLL cannot be extrapolated to represent the opinions of the entire nation with ANY degree of accuracy... Claiming the results of ONE poll represents the opinion of the entire country is beyond stupid...

That would be similar to taking a poll at USMB and claiming the results speak for all of America...

Class dismissed... You're welcome...
You FAIL epically and claim to school me?

Thats fucking funny....:lol:

ONE POLL does not equal scientific statistical accuracy and cannot be intelligently extrapolated as the opinion of the entire fucking country... Lack of intelligence certainly explains why you want to, though...

Your knowledge of statistical analysis is on par with Truthmatters knowledge of nuclear physics...

Your knowledge in general is suspect since all you seem to do is call everything that a Lefty posts a lie, or untrue.
Like you do with everything a righty posts? You truly are a dumbfuck...

And yet, yes, I completely schooled you, asshole. Or do you not understand the purpose of the polls? Were they not invented when you voted for James Buchanan back in the day?

Again - I'll type slowly for you, douchebag - ONE POLL cannot be extrapolated to represent the opinions of the entire nation with ANY degree of accuracy... Claiming the results of ONE poll represents the opinion of the entire country is beyond stupid...

That would be similar to taking a poll at USMB and claiming the results speak for all of America...

Class dismissed... You're welcome...

If you don't see the difference between the polling done by Gallup and a poll done here at USMB, you really should not vote this year, because I think being a human being is a requirement. Even the dumbest of dumbs now the difference. Thanks for trying though, Oldy McStinknuts.
We already know he is rich, we already know he pays a lesser income tax rate than most in the mid to upper middle class

No he doesn't.
He doesn't? Well Newt paid 31% on $930k a year, Obama paid over 25% for his money earned, Bush and Cheney even paid more than romney....He didn't pay any social security tax on his money so you know he didn't pay those federal taxes like everyone else that works for a maybe you need to explain your objection to what I said....? This is all known through the 1 year that romney chose to show, I'm assuming his previous years worth of taxes would just show the he should just release them...unless as I speculate, he has something ELSE to hide.

He doesn't?

No, he pays 15% on dividends and LTCG, just like you.

Well Newt paid 31% on $930k a year

Newt must have had more wages and less dividends and cap gains.

He didn't pay any social security tax on his money

Social Security taxes aren't due on dividends or capital gains.

so maybe you need to explain your objection to what I said

Your claim was wrong. Clear enough?
no it is NOT clear enough, we are talking about income tax percentage paid when all said and done and romney pays less than most well to do and yes this is because of Capital gains and this is the political shouldn't be that way....working people with ordinary income should not have to pay more in income taxes than people who merely invest in my opinion...they haven't created any jobs, which is the reason the rate was lowered to the 15%, so why continue it? and this will not make most middle class pay more for their investments, because the middle class has always had a lower rate on capital gains than the wealthiest, at least before the bush tax cuts...AND on top of this, we never get to take and pay just capital gains on our stock market investments via our 401k's, when we do have to pay taxes on our investments in our 401k we have to pay ordinary income tax rates, we do NOT get to pay a Capital gains rate.
He doesn't? Well Newt paid 31% on $930k a year, Obama paid over 25% for his money earned, Bush and Cheney even paid more than romney....He didn't pay any social security tax on his money so you know he didn't pay those federal taxes like everyone else that works for a maybe you need to explain your objection to what I said....? This is all known through the 1 year that romney chose to show, I'm assuming his previous years worth of taxes would just show the he should just release them...unless as I speculate, he has something ELSE to hide.

He doesn't?

No, he pays 15% on dividends and LTCG, just like you.

Well Newt paid 31% on $930k a year

Newt must have had more wages and less dividends and cap gains.

He didn't pay any social security tax on his money

Social Security taxes aren't due on dividends or capital gains.

so maybe you need to explain your objection to what I said

Your claim was wrong. Clear enough?
no it is NOT clear enough, we are talking about income tax percentage paid when all said and done and romney pays less than most well to do and yes this is because of Capital gains and this is the political shouldn't be that way....working people with ordinary income should not have to pay more in income taxes than people who merely invest in my opinion...they haven't created any jobs, which is the reason the rate was lowered to the 15%, so why continue it? and this will not make most middle class pay more for their investments, because the middle class has always had a lower rate on capital gains than the wealthiest, at least before the bush tax cuts...AND on top of this, we never get to take and pay just capital gains on our stock market investments via our 401k's, when we do have to pay taxes on our investments in our 401k we have to pay ordinary income tax rates, we do NOT get to pay a Capital gains rate.

But...but...he broke apart your post into separate sentences and even put your questions into BOLD! He must surely be right...!!!
If you don't see the difference between the polling done by Gallup and a poll done here at USMB, you really should not vote this year, because I think being a human being is a requirement. Even the dumbest of dumbs now the difference. Thanks for trying though, Oldy McStinknuts.

You didn't adress your FAIL, fucknut...

You're free to prove where ONE poll of 539 adults is an accurate, scientific representation of an entire country... Perhaps you can find a statitician who agrees with your idiocy....

Or you can do your usual thing and stick your fingers in your ear and say "La-La-La-I-Can't-Hear-You-La-La-La"...
Todd...a good deal of gvt reduction was at the State level as you speculated however civilian federal employees has also gone down compared to population under Obama.

Executive Branch civilians- Total U.S. population - Executive Branch employees per 1,000 population

1982 (Reagan) 2.77 million 232.1 million - 11.9
1990 (Bush) 3.06 million* 249.6 million - 12.3
1994 (Clinton) 2.9 million 263.1 million - 11.1
2002 (Bush) 2.63 million 287.8 million - 9.1
2010 (Obama) 2.65 million+ 310.3 million - 8.4

SOURCE: Office of Management and Budget. *= Figure includes temporary Census Bureau workers. += Estimates by OMB and U.S. Census Bureau.
Federal Eye - How many federal workers are there?

looks like federal employees are down compared to population under Obama and it has been dropping under all presidents except under Bush 1, it went up compared to population under him...
Mitt is ending this race now imho, if he does not release his tax returns so he can get on to other issues.

MANY Republican operatives like george will, bloomberg magazine, national review.... have said such themselves....

I say if he hasn't broken any laws, he should just release them back to 2000.....if he has broken laws, then he does have the right not to testify against himself, (or not release information that could get him legally in trouble, the 5th) and he probably shouldn't release them.

We already know he is rich, we already know he pays a lesser income tax rate than most in the mid to upper middle class, and less than other wealthy people like Newt Gingrich and Obama....we already know about his offshore tax haven investments through his 2010 if his previous tax returns only show the same ole same ole, then mitt should have no problems releasing my opinion.

BUT if there is something else that he doesn't want us to know, like taking amnesty in 2009, or how he got soooooo much money in his IRA when there are legal limits on what can be put in them each year, or that he lied about Bain Capital and when he left.....

Then by all means, he should keep hiding them....

Sweetie, if you think you can win on the tax returns thing... please, please, please keep running on that. The rest of America - you know, the majority who support neither party - they care about the economy. That's it. It really is that simple. Anyone who doesn't get that is, frankly, an ass.
Mitt is ending this race now imho, if he does not release his tax returns so he can get on to other issues.

MANY Republican operatives like george will, bloomberg magazine, national review.... have said such themselves....

I say if he hasn't broken any laws, he should just release them back to 2000.....if he has broken laws, then he does have the right not to testify against himself, (or not release information that could get him legally in trouble, the 5th) and he probably shouldn't release them.

We already know he is rich, we already know he pays a lesser income tax rate than most in the mid to upper middle class, and less than other wealthy people like Newt Gingrich and Obama....we already know about his offshore tax haven investments through his 2010 if his previous tax returns only show the same ole same ole, then mitt should have no problems releasing my opinion.

BUT if there is something else that he doesn't want us to know, like taking amnesty in 2009, or how he got soooooo much money in his IRA when there are legal limits on what can be put in them each year, or that he lied about Bain Capital and when he left.....

Then by all means, he should keep hiding them....

Sweetie, if you think you can win on the tax returns thing... please, please, please keep running on that. The rest of America - you know, the majority who support neither party - they care about the economy. That's it. It really is that simple. Anyone who doesn't get that is, frankly, an ass.

Wait. Care4all is Barack Obama? Holy fucking shit. This board just way better!
No he's not. Just to the wingnut echo chamber.

You must present 3 years of tax returns to get a mortgage - why should being President carry a lower standard?

What's he hiding? We already know that the mega-wealthy are not embarrassed by their wealth, so it must be criminal.

You have to present photo ID to cash a check or board an airplane. Why does your party resist ID to vote? What are you hiding? See how that works? Hypocrite.

Oh oh! Maybe for your next topic change we could talk about how the movie theater gunman was part of OWS, or Mrs Obama's crusade to steal your deep fried Twinkie.

Root: Obama
Mitt is ending this race now imho, if he does not release his tax returns so he can get on to other issues.

MANY Republican operatives like george will, bloomberg magazine, national review.... have said such themselves....

I say if he hasn't broken any laws, he should just release them back to 2000.....if he has broken laws, then he does have the right not to testify against himself, (or not release information that could get him legally in trouble, the 5th) and he probably shouldn't release them.

We already know he is rich, we already know he pays a lesser income tax rate than most in the mid to upper middle class, and less than other wealthy people like Newt Gingrich and Obama....we already know about his offshore tax haven investments through his 2010 if his previous tax returns only show the same ole same ole, then mitt should have no problems releasing my opinion.

BUT if there is something else that he doesn't want us to know, like taking amnesty in 2009, or how he got soooooo much money in his IRA when there are legal limits on what can be put in them each year, or that he lied about Bain Capital and when he left.....

Then by all means, he should keep hiding them....

Sweetie, if you think you can win on the tax returns thing... please, please, please keep running on that. The rest of America - you know, the majority who support neither party - they care about the economy. That's it. It really is that simple. Anyone who doesn't get that is, frankly, an ass.
I agree, they do care about the economy, but mitt won't be able to concentrate on that, unless he shuts up the rumor mill, by releasing past years worth of income taxes....

and as far as the economy, the Dow Jones has increased 4000 points since Obama was in office and the unemployment rate was reduced from over 10% down to 8.3% and by all means this is not great when it comes to employment, but many people KNOW the facts about what condition this country was in when he took office, they know about the Wall Street crash of 2008, the Housing Bust/Crash in 2008, the Bank fiascoes with mortgaged backed securities, the bail outs of Fannie and Freddie, TARP, Goldman Sachs, auto industry bailout promise etc etc etc THAT ALL OCCURRED BEFORE Obama took office and they know he can not work miracles ON HIS OWN.... Only the partisan foolish want or put the entire blame for all of the 2008 shenanigans on to Obama.
Bishop Romney couldn't get picked as VP in 2008 - why does anyone think he's competent enough to be president?
Because his life's work centers on making a bad business or a bankrupt state solvent and viable.

Right now, the US is teetering. Romney will fix it.

Romney is our own Mr. Fix It, a true handy man. :D

[ame=]DEL SHANNON- " HANDY MAN " ( W / LYRICS) - YouTube[/ame]

No he's not. Just to the wingnut echo chamber.

You must present 3 years of tax returns to get a mortgage - why should being President carry a lower standard?

What's he hiding? We already know that the mega-wealthy are not embarrassed by their wealth, so it must be criminal.

You have to present photo ID to cash a check or board an airplane. Why does your party resist ID to vote? What are you hiding? See how that works? Hypocrite.
Nope. Doesn't work at all.

Continue your temper tantrum, while Bishop Romney slides in the polls.

Obama may just win all 57 states! :)
It's too bad they're all in Kenya. :tongue:

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