CNN/HuffPost Report New Source Backs Reid's Claim

I have it from a reliable source, that was confirmed as reliable by another reliable source with impeccable credentials as a reliable 'reliable source' verifier, that Harry Reid had sex with a chicken on numerous occasions. The reliable source has confirmed that Reid is deeply in love with the chicken and wants the chicken to have his baby. The source of this information is reliable. It's reliable because the source is a reliably reliable person who relied on reliably reliable sources for the source of the reliable information. You can rely on this reliable source for reliable information, because it's verified as reliable by very reliable sources! Rely on it!
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This is the democrat plan. You watch me, I'll prove it.* I'll make people think it.* I don't have to prove it.* All I gotta do is make 'em doubt it, and I can do it.* My problem is this guy's impeccably moral.* This guy has an impeccable, extraordinary personal morality"

This is your party dems. Stupid evil assholes.

So far the Reid offensive is working unbelieveably well. What else you got?

Only with those who were not voting for Romney anyway... I would go as far as to say that it is having the opposite effect on independents and moderate undecideds... who probably do not give a rat's ass about this obvious poo flinging distraction attempt

Several GOP members and right wing publications are paying attention. So you're either uninformed or stupid.
So far the Reid offensive is working unbelieveably well. What else you got?

Only with those who were not voting for Romney anyway... I would go as far as to say that it is having the opposite effect on independents and moderate undecideds... who probably do not give a rat's ass about this obvious poo flinging distraction attempt

Several GOP members and right wing publications are paying attention. So you're either uninformed or stupid.

In general we have never required presidents to release their college transcripts, did reagan release his, did carter release his, did clinton release his, did pappy bush release his, did gore release his, did mccain release his? did romney release his? The answer is NO. Kerry and bush did, that's about it, and only cuz they went to the same school did people want to know to compare, but they did not make that big of a deal over it and kerry and bush went along with it...

Where is romney's transcripts, why do you only want to know obama's?

Have Romney release his college transcripts and then maybe you would have an argument....

Gore's came out too.

Sure, after Obama releases his, I'll be interested in Romney's.

Right. And now that Obama's released 10 years of his returns...

Fuck, Dummy! You're 0-2!

Did Obama's returns show the money he got from Tony Rezko?

So why is he hiding his transcripts again?
So far the Reid offensive is working unbelieveably well. What else you got?

Only with those who were not voting for Romney anyway... I would go as far as to say that it is having the opposite effect on independents and moderate undecideds... who probably do not give a rat's ass about this obvious poo flinging distraction attempt

Several GOP members and right wing publications are paying attention. So you're either uninformed or stupid.

No option for "all of the above?"
Gore's came out too.

Sure, after Obama releases his, I'll be interested in Romney's.

Right. And now that Obama's released 10 years of his returns...

Fuck, Dummy! You're 0-2!

Did Obama's returns show the money he got from Tony Rezko?

So why is he hiding his transcripts again?

What is he hiding? Release the transcripts.
In general we have never required presidents to release their college transcripts, did reagan release his, did carter release his, did clinton release his, did pappy bush release his, did gore release his, did mccain release his? did romney release his? The answer is NO. Kerry and bush did, that's about it, and only cuz they went to the same school did people want to know to compare, but they did not make that big of a deal over it and kerry and bush went along with it...

Where is romney's transcripts, why do you only want to know obama's?

Have Romney release his college transcripts and then maybe you would have an argument....

Gore's came out too.

Sure, after Obama releases his, I'll be interested in Romney's.
no Gore's didn't...gores were not released and even with Kerry and bush they did not release their full transcrips, they did release their GPA's/ just partial transcript ....
I agree, they do care about the economy, but mitt won't be able to concentrate on that, unless he shuts up the rumor mill, by releasing past years worth of income taxes....

and as far as the economy, the Dow Jones has increased 4000 points since Obama was in office and the unemployment rate was reduced from over 10% down to 8.3% and by all means this is not great when it comes to employment, but many people KNOW the facts about what condition this country was in when he took office, they know about the Wall Street crash of 2008, the Housing Bust/Crash in 2008, the Bank fiascoes with mortgaged backed securities, the bail outs of Fannie and Freddie, TARP, Goldman Sachs, auto industry bailout promise etc etc etc THAT ALL OCCURRED BEFORE Obama took office and they know he can not work miracles ON HIS OWN.... Only the partisan foolish want or put the entire blame for all of the 2008 shenanigans on to Obama.

and the unemployment rate was reduced from over 10% down to 8.3%

It was 7.8% when he took office.

Yeah, and then we lost over 1.5 million jobs in the first two months. Thanks to Bush.


Thanks for helping our cause, Dummy McStupidfuck.

The smartest President ever still has negative job growth?
How was he going to stop the rise of the oceans again?
The only people Mitt is upsetting is the democrat base....potential voters? Not for him and never would be.

Meister, that's so not true dude. This Gallup poll shows that majority of Americans want him to release the tax returns.

Majority of Americans Want Romney to Release Tax Returns


He's fucking up royally on this, and if you don't want to admit it, that's fine. You can ignore both the Democrats and Republicans numbers on that chart, but you (and most importantly Mitt) should not ignore the Independents. 53% to 36% want him to release more.

C'mon Republican Posters, you have to at least see that THIS issue is a win for the Democrats so far.

Who am I kidding? There are fucking BIRTHERS here.

Wanting him to release his returns and being a potential voter are two separate items, CD.
It won't change anybodies minds if they don't like Obama.

That is true; if you are in the Romney camp; you're not going to change based on this.
If you're in the Obama camp, you're not going to change based on this.

If you're undecided; well, you really do need to ask what is so important that he is not willing to release his tax records. You can rule out illegalities so you have to rule in the other possibilities;


I'm pretty sure it's the former and neither of the latter.

The Reid offensive is working. It's still a topic.
Total Government Employment Since 1962

Federal employment has been on the rise, while state and local employment has been on the slide. I'll see if I can find some links, but from what I've read those reductions are largely in the education sector.

Legislative branch employees has remained fairly constant over the past couple decades. Non-military Executive branch employees is slightly up in the past few years (though not as high as the all time peak under H.W. Bush). Military employees are up by about 1.2 million under Obama, constituting the bulk of increased federal employment.
What is he hiding? Release the transcripts.
Hey doofus: he's already the president. Your 'severe conservative' has to unseat him.

And he's not gonna do it with almost everyone in the country thinking "he's hiding something".

I understand, he's hiding something. Is it low grades? Or is it worse?
He's already the president. That's because he's already been vetted.

What you wingnuts can't accept is the fact that no matter what bullshit you came up with, America, in her collective wisdom, said, "OK - we're still going with him".

And it's gonna happen again. Because he has already proven himself in what George Bush and you Republicans called the paramount concern: protecting America.

Those commercials will be coming along, post-convention. :)
I have it from a reliable source, that was confirmed as reliable by another reliable source with impeccable credentials as a reliable 'reliable source' verifier, that Harry Reid had sex with a chicken on numerous occasions. The reliable source has confirmed that Reid is deeply in love with the chicken and wants the chicken to have his baby. The source of this information is reliable. It's reliable because the source is a reliably reliable person who relied on reliably reliable sources for the source of the reliable information. You can rely on this reliable source for reliable information, because it's verified as reliable by very reliable sources! Rely on it!

Remember folks, these are "RELIABLE" sources.....Reid is a chicken fucker!!
Only with those who were not voting for Romney anyway... I would go as far as to say that it is having the opposite effect on independents and moderate undecideds... who probably do not give a rat's ass about this obvious poo flinging distraction attempt

Several GOP members and right wing publications are paying attention. So you're either uninformed or stupid.

No option for "all of the above?"

We don't need to go there.
I am new here and I don't plan to vote for Romney (I may not vote for anyone given the choices) but I think Romney paid taxes. Perhaps he used legal means and tax loopholes to avoid paying much but I can't imagine since he's been running for president for a long time that he'd do anything stupid. He may not want to release them because his tax liability may have been drastically reduced due to loopholes and the tax code for the wealthy so he thinks the average Joe will not like that!
In general we have never required presidents to release their college transcripts, did reagan release his, did carter release his, did clinton release his, did pappy bush release his, did gore release his, did mccain release his? did romney release his? The answer is NO. Kerry and bush did, that's about it, and only cuz they went to the same school did people want to know to compare, but they did not make that big of a deal over it and kerry and bush went along with it...

Where is romney's transcripts, why do you only want to know obama's?

Have Romney release his college transcripts and then maybe you would have an argument....

Gore's came out too.

Sure, after Obama releases his, I'll be interested in Romney's.
no Gore's didn't...gores were not released and even with Kerry and bush they did not release their full transcrips, they did release their GPA's/ just partial transcript ....

Gore's Grades Belie Image of Studiousness (
I have it from a reliable source, that was confirmed as reliable by another reliable source with impeccable credentials as a reliable 'reliable source' verifier, that Harry Reid had sex with a chicken on numerous occasions. The reliable source has confirmed that Reid is deeply in love with the chicken and wants the chicken to have his baby. The source of this information is reliable. It's reliable because the source is a reliably reliable person who relied on reliably reliable sources for the source of the reliable information. You can rely on this reliable source for reliable information, because it's verified as reliable by very reliable sources! Rely on it!

Remember folks, these are "RELIABLE" sources.....Reid is a chicken fucker!!

Nobody will play with you?
I am new here and I don't plan to vote for Romney (I may not vote for anyone given the choices) but I think Romney paid taxes. Perhaps he used legal means and tax loopholes to avoid paying much but I can't imagine since he's been running for president for a long time that he'd do anything stupid. He may not want to release them because his tax liability may have been drastically reduced due to loopholes and the tax code for the wealthy so he thinks the average Joe will not like that!

I think you're right on the money. Welcome.
In general we have never required presidents to release their college transcripts, did reagan release his, did carter release his, did clinton release his, did pappy bush release his, did gore release his, did mccain release his? did romney release his? The answer is NO. Kerry and bush did, that's about it, and only cuz they went to the same school did people want to know to compare, but they did not make that big of a deal over it and kerry and bush went along with it...

Where is romney's transcripts, why do you only want to know obama's?

Have Romney release his college transcriptsand then maybe you would have an argument....

Gore's came out too.

Sure, after Obama releases his, I'll be interested in Romney's.

Right. And now that Obama's released 10 years of his returns...

Fuck, Dummy! You're 0-2!
He was referring to transcripts, idiot...

You really suck at this... Might want to find another hobby, dipshit...

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