CNN/HuffPost Report New Source Backs Reid's Claim

Here's a question: why hasn't John McCain, who has seen Mittwit's returns, joined the chorus, calling Harry Reid a liar?

Simple. He's too embarrassed. If he had asked Romney to run as Vice President, he'd be President right now.

My opinion is just the opposite, had McCain picked Romney he would have lost even bigger, and I know for one thing he would have lost by at least one vote.
Bishop Romney couldn't get picked as VP in 2008 - why does anyone think he's competent enough to be president?
Because his life's work centers on making a bad business or a bankrupt state solvent and viable.

Right now, the US is teetering. Romney will fix it.

Romney is our own Mr. Fix It, a true handy man. :D

[ame=]DEL SHANNON- " HANDY MAN " ( W / LYRICS) - YouTube[/ame]

Oh my God you're gross. And like 80.
Bishop Romney couldn't get picked as VP in 2008 - why does anyone think he's competent enough to be president?
Because his life's work centers on making a bad business or a bankrupt state solvent and viable.

Right now, the US is teetering. Romney will fix it.

Romney is our own Mr. Fix It, a true handy man. :D

[ame=""]DEL SHANNON- " HANDY MAN " ( W / LYRICS) - YouTube[/ame]

How can mitt be the one to fix America when he has nearly ALL of his investments in overseas countries and not even the usa? He has no faith in america or Americans is the way his 2010 tax return reads.

Please READ this Vanity Fair article IF YOU REALLY want to know more about you Mr Fix it!

Investigation: Mitt Romney
Neither is the opposition candidate. So why are you complaining that Romney won't release his tax records?

The president has released his tax records. The least Romney could do is match what the president has already disclosed.

And the law requiring tax record tit for tat is where??

Keep saying that! Keep making up childish excuses!

America will continue to run away from Bishop Romney, knowing that he's hiding something. Maybe an illegality.
Bishop Romney couldn't get picked as VP in 2008 - why does anyone think he's competent enough to be president?
Because his life's work centers on making a bad business or a bankrupt state solvent and viable.

Right now, the US is teetering. Romney will fix it.

Romney is our own Mr. Fix It, a true handy man. :D

[ame=""]DEL SHANNON- " HANDY MAN " ( W / LYRICS) - YouTube[/ame]

How can mitt be the one to fix America when he has nearly ALL of his investments in overseas countries and not even the usa? He has no faith in america or Americans is the way his 2010 tax return reads.

Please READ this Vanity Fair article IF YOU REALLY want to know more about you Mr Fix it!

Investigation: Mitt Romney

You're all about money. Mitt Romney is all about service to the American people.

He's done plenty. When he was called to fix Massachusetts impending bankruptcy, they hired him to be governor, and he fixed their financial indebtedness and turned things around for the state.

America has had two financial downgrades under Barack Obama, which has never happened before in my lifetime. I say we give Governor Romney a shot to fix it.

Obama does not have enough negotiation skills to pass a budget in Congress. His last budget was met with 97 nays and 0 yeas.

We think that Romney can pass a budget every year that he holds office. That assures accountability to the American people.

Playing the game to obfuscate spending by refusal to negotiate comes down to one thing: Obama and his followers are only fooling themselves, and not the rest of America.

Not only will Romney pass all his budgets, he will turn America's downgrades into upgrades, which will benefit the entire world. As America goes, so goes the rest of the world. I've watched and read a lot of news articles. When we have financial problems historically, markets in Tokyo and Beijing plummet. Then Europe , South America, and the Mideast start digging for dear life, too.

You can bite his ankles all you like, but Mitt Romney will calm the quake. He will fix broken markets. And maybe a coupla broken hearts, too. ;)
He doesn't? Well Newt paid 31% on $930k a year, Obama paid over 25% for his money earned, Bush and Cheney even paid more than romney....He didn't pay any social security tax on his money so you know he didn't pay those federal taxes like everyone else that works for a maybe you need to explain your objection to what I said....? This is all known through the 1 year that romney chose to show, I'm assuming his previous years worth of taxes would just show the he should just release them...unless as I speculate, he has something ELSE to hide.

He doesn't?

No, he pays 15% on dividends and LTCG, just like you.

Well Newt paid 31% on $930k a year

Newt must have had more wages and less dividends and cap gains.

He didn't pay any social security tax on his money

Social Security taxes aren't due on dividends or capital gains.

so maybe you need to explain your objection to what I said

Your claim was wrong. Clear enough?
no it is NOT clear enough, we are talking about income tax percentage paid when all said and done and romney pays less than most well to do and yes this is because of Capital gains and this is the political shouldn't be that way....working people with ordinary income should not have to pay more in income taxes than people who merely invest in my opinion...they haven't created any jobs, which is the reason the rate was lowered to the 15%, so why continue it? and this will not make most middle class pay more for their investments, because the middle class has always had a lower rate on capital gains than the wealthiest, at least before the bush tax cuts...AND on top of this, we never get to take and pay just capital gains on our stock market investments via our 401k's, when we do have to pay taxes on our investments in our 401k we have to pay ordinary income tax rates, we do NOT get to pay a Capital gains rate.

because the middle class has always had a lower rate on capital gains than the wealthiest

Wrong. But Bush did add a lower capital gains rate for lower income earners.

...AND on top of this, we never get to take and pay just capital gains on our stock market investments via our 401k's,

Why would you? 401Ks are a tax deferred vehicle.
Because his life's work centers on making a bad business or a bankrupt state solvent and viable.

Right now, the US is teetering. Romney will fix it.

Romney is our own Mr. Fix It, a true handy man. :D

How can mitt be the one to fix America when he has nearly ALL of his investments in overseas countries and not even the usa? He has no faith in america or Americans is the way his 2010 tax return reads.

Please READ this Vanity Fair article IF YOU REALLY want to know more about you Mr Fix it!

Investigation: Mitt Romney

You're all about money. Mitt Romney is all about service to the American people.

He's done plenty. When he was called to fix Massachusetts impending bankruptcy, they hired him to be governor, and he fixed their financial indebtedness and turned things around for the state.

America has had two financial downgrades under Barack Obama, which has never happened before in my lifetime. I say we give Governor Romney a shot to fix it.

Obama does not have enough negotiation skills to pass a budget in Congress. His last budget was met with 97 nays and 0 yeas.

We think that Romney can pass a budget every year that he holds office. That assures accountability to the American people.

Playing the game to obfuscate spending by refusal to negotiate comes down to one thing: Obama and his followers are only fooling themselves, and not the rest of America.

Not only will Romney pass all his budgets, he will turn America's downgrades into upgrades, which will benefit the entire world. As America goes, so goes the rest of the world. I've watched and read a lot of news articles. When we have financial problems historically, markets in Tokyo and Beijing plummet. Then Europe , South America, and the Mideast start digging for dear life, too.

You can bite his ankles all you like, but Mitt Romney will calm the quake. He will fix broken markets. And maybe a coupla broken hearts, too. ;)

Mitt is ending this race now imho, if he does not release his tax returns so he can get on to other issues.

MANY Republican operatives like george will, bloomberg magazine, national review.... have said such themselves....

I say if he hasn't broken any laws, he should just release them back to 2000.....if he has broken laws, then he does have the right not to testify against himself, (or not release information that could get him legally in trouble, the 5th) and he probably shouldn't release them.

We already know he is rich, we already know he pays a lesser income tax rate than most in the mid to upper middle class, and less than other wealthy people like Newt Gingrich and Obama....we already know about his offshore tax haven investments through his 2010 if his previous tax returns only show the same ole same ole, then mitt should have no problems releasing my opinion.

BUT if there is something else that he doesn't want us to know, like taking amnesty in 2009, or how he got soooooo much money in his IRA when there are legal limits on what can be put in them each year, or that he lied about Bain Capital and when he left.....

Then by all means, he should keep hiding them....

Sweetie, if you think you can win on the tax returns thing... please, please, please keep running on that. The rest of America - you know, the majority who support neither party - they care about the economy. That's it. It really is that simple. Anyone who doesn't get that is, frankly, an ass.
I agree, they do care about the economy, but mitt won't be able to concentrate on that, unless he shuts up the rumor mill, by releasing past years worth of income taxes....

and as far as the economy, the Dow Jones has increased 4000 points since Obama was in office and the unemployment rate was reduced from over 10% down to 8.3% and by all means this is not great when it comes to employment, but many people KNOW the facts about what condition this country was in when he took office, they know about the Wall Street crash of 2008, the Housing Bust/Crash in 2008, the Bank fiascoes with mortgaged backed securities, the bail outs of Fannie and Freddie, TARP, Goldman Sachs, auto industry bailout promise etc etc etc THAT ALL OCCURRED BEFORE Obama took office and they know he can not work miracles ON HIS OWN.... Only the partisan foolish want or put the entire blame for all of the 2008 shenanigans on to Obama.

and the unemployment rate was reduced from over 10% down to 8.3%

It was 7.8% when he took office.
If only you had his transcripts for proof.

Why, the College has confirmed his GPA... that's generally good enough for me.

Just because Obama accomplished more than you ever will, you really need to let it go.

What is he hiding? Release the transcripts.
Hey doofus: he's already the president. Your 'severe conservative' has to unseat him.

And he's not gonna do it with almost everyone in the country thinking "he's hiding something".
This is the democrat plan. You watch me, I'll prove it.* I'll make people think it.* I don't have to prove it.* All I gotta do is make 'em doubt it, and I can do it.* My problem is this guy's impeccably moral.* This guy has an impeccable, extraordinary personal morality"

This is your party dems. Stupid evil assholes.

So far the Reid offensive is working unbelieveably well. What else you got?

Seriously? :eusa_eh:

Seriously. Look, you and I both know that Reid is probably full of shit on this. But that's not really the point, as much as you'd like it to be. Reid has pushed Romney into a lose-lose situation. If he doesn't release the tax returns it will make many people think he has something to hide. If he does release his tax returns it will either show something very damaging, or will (at best) leave people scratching their heads as to why he didn't do it sooner. Not to mention add fuel to the Romney's-out-of-touch-with-everyday-Americans fire.
Bishop Romney couldn't get picked as VP in 2008 - why does anyone think he's competent enough to be president?

Because a community organizing nitwit was elected last term.

So the best alternative anyone could offer was a jobs-offshoring nitwit? I would have thought that you would have learned something from the Democrats failed "Anybody but Bush" strategy in 2004. Guess not.
If only you had his transcripts for proof.

Why, the College has confirmed his GPA... that's generally good enough for me.

Just because Obama accomplished more than you ever will, you really need to let it go.

What is he hiding? Release the transcripts.
In general we have never required presidents to release their college transcripts, did reagan release his, did carter release his, did clinton release his, did pappy bush release his, did gore release his, did mccain release his? did romney release his? The answer is NO. Kerry and bush did, that's about it, and only cuz they went to the same school did people want to know to compare, but they did not make that big of a deal over it and kerry and bush went along with it...

Where is romney's transcripts, why do you only want to know obama's?

Have Romney release his college transcripts and then maybe you would have an argument....
Why, the College has confirmed his GPA... that's generally good enough for me.

Just because Obama accomplished more than you ever will, you really need to let it go.

What is he hiding? Release the transcripts.
Hey doofus: he's already the president. Your 'severe conservative' has to unseat him.

And he's not gonna do it with almost everyone in the country thinking "he's hiding something".

I understand, he's hiding something. Is it low grades? Or is it worse?
Why, the College has confirmed his GPA... that's generally good enough for me.

Just because Obama accomplished more than you ever will, you really need to let it go.

What is he hiding? Release the transcripts.
In general we have never required presidents to release their college transcripts, did reagan release his, did carter release his, did clinton release his, did pappy bush release his, did gore release his, did mccain release his? did romney release his? The answer is NO. Kerry and bush did, that's about it, and only cuz they went to the same school did people want to know to compare, but they did not make that big of a deal over it and kerry and bush went along with it...

Where is romney's transcripts, why do you only want to know obama's?

Have Romney release his college transcripts and then maybe you would have an argument....

Gore's came out too.

Sure, after Obama releases his, I'll be interested in Romney's.
Sweetie, if you think you can win on the tax returns thing... please, please, please keep running on that. The rest of America - you know, the majority who support neither party - they care about the economy. That's it. It really is that simple. Anyone who doesn't get that is, frankly, an ass.
I agree, they do care about the economy, but mitt won't be able to concentrate on that, unless he shuts up the rumor mill, by releasing past years worth of income taxes....

and as far as the economy, the Dow Jones has increased 4000 points since Obama was in office and the unemployment rate was reduced from over 10% down to 8.3% and by all means this is not great when it comes to employment, but many people KNOW the facts about what condition this country was in when he took office, they know about the Wall Street crash of 2008, the Housing Bust/Crash in 2008, the Bank fiascoes with mortgaged backed securities, the bail outs of Fannie and Freddie, TARP, Goldman Sachs, auto industry bailout promise etc etc etc THAT ALL OCCURRED BEFORE Obama took office and they know he can not work miracles ON HIS OWN.... Only the partisan foolish want or put the entire blame for all of the 2008 shenanigans on to Obama.

and the unemployment rate was reduced from over 10% down to 8.3%

It was 7.8% when he took office.

Yeah, and then we lost over 1.5 million jobs in the first two months. Thanks to Bush.


Thanks for helping our cause, Dummy McStupidfuck.
What is he hiding? Release the transcripts.
In general we have never required presidents to release their college transcripts, did reagan release his, did carter release his, did clinton release his, did pappy bush release his, did gore release his, did mccain release his? did romney release his? The answer is NO. Kerry and bush did, that's about it, and only cuz they went to the same school did people want to know to compare, but they did not make that big of a deal over it and kerry and bush went along with it...

Where is romney's transcripts, why do you only want to know obama's?

Have Romney release his college transcripts and then maybe you would have an argument....

Gore's came out too.

Sure, after Obama releases his, I'll be interested in Romney's.

Right. And now that Obama's released 10 years of his returns...

Fuck, Dummy! You're 0-2!
It doesn't sound like Mitt is in the habit of giving in to the demands of angry protestors either.

Angry potential voters? We'll see. He's circling the drain so he'd better do something to change the topic. Quickly.

The only people Mitt is upsetting is the democrat base....potential voters? Not for him and never would be.

There are about a dozen right wing leaders and publications calling for him to release his tax records. I guess they are part of the democratic base?

This is tennis without a net.
It doesn't sound like Mitt is in the habit of giving in to the demands of angry protestors either.

Angry potential voters? We'll see. He's circling the drain so he'd better do something to change the topic. Quickly.

You're ugly fat stupid. I don't have to prove it. It's true.
Cuz I just said it. That's your party. Fatso ugly smelly shit.

Tantrum over?

You are responding to Reid's allegations thus giving the story validity. As have several right wing papers and commentators. The Governor will have to respond eventually if he wants to change the subject. This is the way the game is played and Romney is getting quite an education. You should get one as well.

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