CNN/HuffPost Report New Source Backs Reid's Claim

And what all the "fair sharers" never realize is that even if the wealthy have a lower capital gains rate than the average guys income tax rate, they pay many multiple times over what John Doe does. Many wealthy people (even with loop holes) pay the equivelant of sometimes hundreds of middle class citizens. Obama knows this. It's why he doesn't talk actual numbers or define what a "fair share" is. Are the rich "overburdened"? Probably not. Do they pay substantially more than the average person? Yes, many times over. How much more do you want them to give when 47% of Americans pay zero?

Saying 47% pay nothing is incredibly disingenuous, especially since your argument is that the rich pay other taxes. To then turn around and disreguard that the poor and middle class also pay other taxes is a great example of distorting facts to fit your narrative.

Stay focused. I was talking capital gains and income tax. 47% pay none.

I agree, it's awful! To think that 47% of Americans are so poor that they can't contribute to income taxes ... Something really needs to be done about that.

Now, back to the topic at hand. What does that have to do with Romneys tax returns?
No one is suggesting he broke the law, only that he used loop holes in the tax code to pay little to no taxes.

All of us who pay taxes do that. We all use the loop holes in order to pay less.
Change the tax code then.
Not one single American should pay one penny more in taxes, until the Federal Government gets rid of the corruption and mismanagement of tax dollars in each and every agency.

I agree everyone wants to pay the least amount in taxes they can. That's not the point. Its about the perception of the average American. If his tax returns show he used loop holes to pay little to no taxes for some years, it makes the argument that the rich are overburdened seem flimsy and is a good sound bite for Obama to suggest that Romney is out of touch with most Americans.
Can you put a definitive number as to what "little" or "no" taxes means to you? I think we need a reference point to use for this debate.
No one is suggesting he broke the law, only that he used loop holes in the tax code to pay little to no taxes.

All of us who pay taxes do that. We all use the loop holes in order to pay less.
Change the tax code then.
Not one single American should pay one penny more in taxes, until the Federal Government gets rid of the corruption and mismanagement of tax dollars in each and every agency.

I agree everyone wants to pay the least amount in taxes they can. That's not the point. Its about the perception of the average American. If his tax returns show he used loop holes to pay little to no taxes for some years, it makes the argument that the rich are overburdened seem flimsy and is a good sound bite for Obama to suggest that Romney is out of touch with most Americans.

If you want to talk about being out of touch with most Americans, you are aware that Obama never lived in the continental US until he entered college aren't you? He has no concept of the average American experience. For every sound bite his campaign trots out, there is an easy counterpunch.
No one is suggesting he broke the law, only that he used loop holes in the tax code to pay little to no taxes.
We have no idea if he's broken the law. That's why we must see them.

I've been told by a reputable source that you diddle chickens. Prove you don't. Asshat.
If there were documents that proved it, and I needed to prove it in order to pass a background check, I would release them.

Why won't Bishop Romney?
We have no idea if he's broken the law. That's why we must see them.

I've been told by a reputable source that you diddle chickens. Prove you don't. Asshat.
If there were documents that proved it, and I needed to prove it in order to pass a background check, I would release them.

Why won't Bishop Romney?

Because, like all responsible adults, he simply does not care what a load of screaming, whining babies that are jumping up and down, clenching their fists really really tightly, and crying for something they are not entitled to have to say on the matter.
All of us who pay taxes do that. We all use the loop holes in order to pay less.
Change the tax code then.
Not one single American should pay one penny more in taxes, until the Federal Government gets rid of the corruption and mismanagement of tax dollars in each and every agency.

I agree everyone wants to pay the least amount in taxes they can. That's not the point. Its about the perception of the average American. If his tax returns show he used loop holes to pay little to no taxes for some years, it makes the argument that the rich are overburdened seem flimsy and is a good sound bite for Obama to suggest that Romney is out of touch with most Americans.

If you want to talk about being out of touch with most Americans, you are aware that Obama never lived in the continental US until he entered college aren't you? He has no concept of the average American experience. For every sound bite his campaign trots out, there is an easy counterpunch.

You know, you could just say you don't want to talk about mitts tax returns. You could start a thread about where Obama has lived and I may or may not agree with some of the points you would make, but again, that has nothing to do with the topic of this thread.
No one is suggesting he broke the law, only that he used loop holes in the tax code to pay little to no taxes.

All of us who pay taxes do that. We all use the loop holes in order to pay less.
Change the tax code then.
Not one single American should pay one penny more in taxes, until the Federal Government gets rid of the corruption and mismanagement of tax dollars in each and every agency.

I agree everyone wants to pay the least amount in taxes they can. That's not the point. Its about the perception of the average American. If his tax returns show he used loop holes to pay little to no taxes for some years, it makes the argument that the rich are overburdened seem flimsy and is a good sound bite for Obama to suggest that Romney is out of touch with most Americans.

No one has ever said the rich are overburdened in paying their taxes.
President Obama made the statement that they should pay their fair share.
The majority of the rich do pay their fair share.
No one should pay more in taxes until the government gets rids of the waste.
We have no idea if he's broken the law. That's why we must see them.

I've been told by a reputable source that you diddle chickens. Prove you don't. Asshat.
If there were documents that proved it, and I needed to prove it in order to pass a background check, I would release them.

Why won't Bishop Romney?

I was unaware that there is a background check requiring tax returns. Oh wait, there isn't. Harry is just running interference to draw attention away from his party leader's failed record. The only traction it's getting is with the lemmings who will vote for Obama anyway. The average American doesn't begrudge a person building wealth in a capitalistic society. It's just the small fringe who think the wealth was "stolen" from them and feel entitled to something they didn't earn. Tough shitski.
Harry Reid Romney Tax Tipster 'Is A Credible Person,' New Source Tells CNN (VIDEO)

There are times [Reid] says things off the cuff that make his aides wince, like talking about smelly tourists in the Capitol -- I'm not making this up. This is not one of those times. This is one of those times he knows exactly what he's doing. He's doing it on purpose, he is doing it for political reasons, because he wants this issue -- Romney's taxes -- talked about on programs like yours, wants it to be headlines in newspapers and wants Mitt Romney to respond on this issue which they think is a negative for Romney, as opposed to issues Romney wants to talk about.

Seriously. Why doesn't Mitt just release the tax forms? It should be fairly clear to them by now that the story isn't going away, and it's picked up some steam since Pelosi has backed Reid. If there's nothing to be ashamed of, he's made a massive error in not releasing them. If there is something to be ashamed of, he's made it a million times worse by not releasing them.

Very important question that's being overlooked here, did Reid's "source" speak with a negro dialect?....... :eusa_whistle:
All of us who pay taxes do that. We all use the loop holes in order to pay less.
Change the tax code then.
Not one single American should pay one penny more in taxes, until the Federal Government gets rid of the corruption and mismanagement of tax dollars in each and every agency.

I agree everyone wants to pay the least amount in taxes they can. That's not the point. Its about the perception of the average American. If his tax returns show he used loop holes to pay little to no taxes for some years, it makes the argument that the rich are overburdened seem flimsy and is a good sound bite for Obama to suggest that Romney is out of touch with most Americans.

No one has ever said the rich are overburdened in paying their taxes.
President Obama made the statement that they should pay their fair share.
The majority of the rich do pay their fair share.
No one should pay more in taxes until the government gets rids of the waste.

Ahhhh.. the subjective notion of "fairness" rears its ugly head again....

We'll talk "fair" when 47% start actually paying more than 0% in federal income taxes...

Meanwhile, You will have more and more people championing for equal taxation on every dollar from every citizen.... for many would rather have equality in treatment, blind, across the board in all aspects... and not stand for the screaming for only subjective equality in treatment when it benefits one group that can be pandered to
I've been told by a reputable source that you diddle chickens. Prove you don't. Asshat.
If there were documents that proved it, and I needed to prove it in order to pass a background check, I would release them.

Why won't Bishop Romney?

Because, like all responsible adults, he simply does not care what a load of screaming, whining babies that are jumping up and down, clenching their fists really really tightly, and crying for something they are not entitled to have to say on the matter.
That's fine. When the Democrats are done, the perception will be ingrained in the American people that this guy cannot be trusted and is hiding something from THEM.

It will result in an even bigger Obama landslide. And it may just switch the House back to Speaker Pelosi.

Please continue to tell the voters that Mitt's failure to pay income tax is none of their business.

I agree everyone wants to pay the least amount in taxes they can. That's not the point. Its about the perception of the average American. If his tax returns show he used loop holes to pay little to no taxes for some years, it makes the argument that the rich are overburdened seem flimsy and is a good sound bite for Obama to suggest that Romney is out of touch with most Americans.

If you want to talk about being out of touch with most Americans, you are aware that Obama never lived in the continental US until he entered college aren't you? He has no concept of the average American experience. For every sound bite his campaign trots out, there is an easy counterpunch.

You know, you could just say you don't want to talk about mitts tax returns. You could start a thread about where Obama has lived and I may or may not agree with some of the points you would make, but again, that has nothing to do with the topic of this thread.

I, like most Americans don't give a shit about Romney's tax returns. It's simply a non-issue except for the bitter, socialist, entitlement crowd who envy wealthy people. People like Romney are to be admired and emulated. It's as simple as that.
All of us who pay taxes do that. We all use the loop holes in order to pay less.
Change the tax code then.
Not one single American should pay one penny more in taxes, until the Federal Government gets rid of the corruption and mismanagement of tax dollars in each and every agency.

I agree everyone wants to pay the least amount in taxes they can. That's not the point. Its about the perception of the average American. If his tax returns show he used loop holes to pay little to no taxes for some years, it makes the argument that the rich are overburdened seem flimsy and is a good sound bite for Obama to suggest that Romney is out of touch with most Americans.
Can you put a definitive number as to what "little" or "no" taxes means to you? I think we need a reference point to use for this debate.

My thoughts are Romney's taxes will perhaps show some years where he paid no income tax, and that the majority of his taxes are going to fall under capital gains and I'm sure he'll most likely have paid less than the 15% on that.
If there were documents that proved it, and I needed to prove it in order to pass a background check, I would release them.

Why won't Bishop Romney?

Because, like all responsible adults, he simply does not care what a load of screaming, whining babies that are jumping up and down, clenching their fists really really tightly, and crying for something they are not entitled to have to say on the matter.
That's fine. When the Democrats are done, the perception will be ingrained in the American people that this guy cannot be trusted and is hiding something from THEM.

It will result in an even bigger Obama landslide. And it may just switch the House back to Speaker Pelosi.

Please continue to tell the voters that Mitt's failure to pay income tax is none of their business.

If you stick your head any further up your ass, you're going to turn inside out.
If there were documents that proved it, and I needed to prove it in order to pass a background check, I would release them.

Why won't Bishop Romney?

Because, like all responsible adults, he simply does not care what a load of screaming, whining babies that are jumping up and down, clenching their fists really really tightly, and crying for something they are not entitled to have to say on the matter.
That's fine. When the Democrats are done, the perception will be ingrained in the American people that this guy cannot be trusted and is hiding something from THEM.

It will result in an even bigger Obama landslide. And it may just switch the House back to Speaker Pelosi.

Please continue to tell the voters that Mitt's failure to pay income tax is none of their business.
You have as much proof to this as Harry has...and he's looking like an ass over this to most Americans these days.

I agree everyone wants to pay the least amount in taxes they can. That's not the point. Its about the perception of the average American. If his tax returns show he used loop holes to pay little to no taxes for some years, it makes the argument that the rich are overburdened seem flimsy and is a good sound bite for Obama to suggest that Romney is out of touch with most Americans.
Can you put a definitive number as to what "little" or "no" taxes means to you? I think we need a reference point to use for this debate.

My thoughts are Romney's taxes will perhaps show some years where he paid no income tax, and that the majority of his taxes are going to fall under capital gains and I'm sure he'll most likely have paid less than the 15% on that.

But what dollar amount do you think it will be compared to the average citizen?

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