CNN/HuffPost Report New Source Backs Reid's Claim

So what are all these Dem-Bots gonna say when CNN, HuffPoop, and Reid are busted for lying? Should be fun watching em spin their wheels on that. Stay tuned.
How much is Harry's Casino Kickback? :lol: Hey Harry , how about some complimentary tickets to a few shows?
If the Dem's really think that Mitt did not pay taxes for 10 years they should have him arrested for tax evasion.
Absolutely nothing happened to all the Dem's who have not paid theirs.

No one is suggesting he broke the law, only that he used loop holes in the tax code to pay little to no taxes.

And???? What's with all the hoopla then? Oh yeah, he's rich and that's the only thing 'the divider' can run a campaign on. :eusa_whistle:
If the Dem's really think that Mitt did not pay taxes for 10 years they should have him arrested for tax evasion.
Absolutely nothing happened to all the Dem's who have not paid theirs.

No one is suggesting he broke the law, only that he used loop holes in the tax code to pay little to no taxes.

Are loop holes illegal? :eusa_think:
If the Dem's really think that Mitt did not pay taxes for 10 years they should have him arrested for tax evasion.
Absolutely nothing happened to all the Dem's who have not paid theirs.

No one is suggesting he broke the law, only that he used loop holes in the tax code to pay little to no taxes.

And???? What's with all the hoopla then? Oh yeah, he's rich and that's the only thing 'the divider' can run a campaign on. :eusa_whistle:

The only reason there is hoopla is because he won't release them. Simple as that. Personally I think this whole nonsense is a stradegy by the Romney campaign to make Obama look foolish. I don't think there is any big secret hiding in his tax returns. However if Romney thought this was just nonsense and a way to "divide America" ... Well he could put a stop to it any time he wanted.
If the Dem's really think that Mitt did not pay taxes for 10 years they should have him arrested for tax evasion.
Absolutely nothing happened to all the Dem's who have not paid theirs.

No one is suggesting he broke the law, only that he used loop holes in the tax code to pay little to no taxes.

Are loop holes illegal? :eusa_think:

Of course not.

However it would be harder to convince the average American that the rich are overburdened with taxes if Romneys returns highlight the exact opposite.
No one is suggesting he broke the law, only that he used loop holes in the tax code to pay little to no taxes.

Are loop holes illegal? :eusa_think:

Of course not.

However it would be harder to convince the average American that the rich are overburdened with taxes if Romneys returns highlight the exact opposite.

At the end of the day, I wish I made as much as Romney paid in taxes. I would be a very rich citizen
BLT is not about true liberation. Thay already have that.

BLT is more about black power and hating white people. I find that more disturbing than the mormon weirdness.

ps the granny, typical white person comment was reaaling. He has never explained that? Why ?

If you think that black folks have equal standing to white folks in this country, you've got a hole in your head.

I thought he explained it well. We all have people in our lives that says stuff we don't agree with and kind of embarrasses us. I have a brother I never invite to parties with people I still want to be friends with the next day.

I think what Wright said was reprehensible... and completely irrelevent to Obama.

can you show us the laws that are designed to keep blacks at a lower standing? I can show you initiatives and laws designed to give blacks a more than rqual standing

Obama did not explain satisfactorily. What exactly is a "typical white person" anyway? He should answer that.

Both Obamas sat in Wright's hate whitey church for 20 years.. Some of Obama's policies are in line with BLT.

Yes, Wright, Obama's mentor, is relevant to Obama.
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So what are all these Dem-Bots gonna say when CNN, HuffPoop, and Reid are busted for lying? Should be fun watching em spin their wheels on that. Stay tuned.

You do realize what has to happen for the Democrats and Reid to proven wrong, don't you?
Oh. You're a birther. That explains EVERYTHING.

Transcripts include your birth certificate?
Oh, you're an idiot. That explains EVERYTHING.

Transcripts are what birthers are focusing on now to try and a) deflect from the growing bi-partisan, swing-voter included demand for Romney to release his tax forms and b) reestablish some kind of credibility in the political scene.

But I notice you don't deny your Birtherism, simply trying to deflect. Good work, BirtherPatriot!

Obama is the smartest President ever! I've heard his supporters say so.
I'd like to see a little proof. His performance as president sure hasn't cut it.
Because no presidential candidate has ever released school records before.

Bush and Gore did.
Bush had better grades.

Bushes were hacked.

If Romney released his school records and then called for Obama to do the same, the argument might have merit. As it stands now, it's mostly birthers or racists who are sure that his transcripts will either show he was an exchange student or that he only graduated because of affirmative action, that are calling for school records.
It's only lowlife OWS parasites that would never vote against the hand they think will feed them that want Romney to release his tax records for the last decade. What's your point?
Transcripts include your birth certificate?
Oh, you're an idiot. That explains EVERYTHING.

Transcripts are what birthers are focusing on now to try and a) deflect from the growing bi-partisan, swing-voter included demand for Romney to release his tax forms and b) reestablish some kind of credibility in the political scene.

But I notice you don't deny your Birtherism, simply trying to deflect. Good work, BirtherPatriot!

Obama is the smartest President ever! I've heard his supporters say so.
I'd like to see a little proof. His performance as president sure hasn't cut it.

You're right. I hate that 4.5 million jobs have been created and that the DOW has more than doubled, and that corporate profits are at all-time highs. Yes. I hate how much he's "Failed" by pulling our slumping economy back on the right path despite obstruction at every turn. Just imagine how much more he'd be "failing" if Republicans still believed in compromise!

So let me get this straight: You have less of a problem believing that Obama lied about going to Harvard than you do believing that a man as rich and powerful as Romney having the resources and motivation to use every loophole imaginable to get his final tax bill down to either zero or virtually zero?

Again, this says a lot about you, and explains why you're such a fucking Luddite.
Deep Throat remained unknown to the public for a very, very long time. Apparently watching Fox News really does fuck up your knowledge of how journalism works.

Last time I checked Harry Reid was not a journalist so the whole protecting your source stuff would not apply to him therefore there is no reason for him not to tell us who his alleged source is. Unless of course there is no source in which case Harry Reid would then be proven to be the liar that the Republicans are claiming he is. Remember the burden of proof falls on the accuser not the accused something prince Harry and many on the left seem to have forgotten.

If they told him not to not to release their identity to the press, I have no problem with him holding onto it. If he's wrong, he'll be the biggest douchebag on the planet, no doubt; no one's denying that. What I'm saying is that it's starting to seem like he may have some merit in his story.
Reid can only make it to second biggest douchebag on the planet. you have spot #1 safely locked up.
Bush and Gore did.
Bush had better grades.

Bushes were hacked.

If Romney released his school records and then called for Obama to do the same, the argument might have merit. As it stands now, it's mostly birthers or racists who are sure that his transcripts will either show he was an exchange student or that he only graduated because of affirmative action, that are calling for school records.
It's only lowlife OWS parasites that would never vote against the hand they think will feed them that want Romney to release his tax records for the last decade. What's your point?
Even if I broke it down into 4 word sentences, I have a feeling it'd still go over your head.
Last time I checked Harry Reid was not a journalist so the whole protecting your source stuff would not apply to him therefore there is no reason for him not to tell us who his alleged source is. Unless of course there is no source in which case Harry Reid would then be proven to be the liar that the Republicans are claiming he is. Remember the burden of proof falls on the accuser not the accused something prince Harry and many on the left seem to have forgotten.

If they told him not to not to release their identity to the press, I have no problem with him holding onto it. If he's wrong, he'll be the biggest douchebag on the planet, no doubt; no one's denying that. What I'm saying is that it's starting to seem like he may have some merit in his story.
Reid can only make it to second biggest douchebag on the planet. you have spot #1 safely locked up.

You calling someone a douchebag is a badge of honor, Pho_King_Retarded.

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