CNN/HuffPost Report New Source Backs Reid's Claim

Harry Reid's claim about Romney's taxes is only despicable if he's lying - otherwise, he's a great American patriot. I find it hard to believe that Reid doesn't have a credible source. Otherwise, I believe he'd be saying something like "I don't believe Romney paid taxes for 10 years" - rather than stating it for a fact.

He did not state it as fact, shitting bull. He stated that someone told him Romney had not paid taxes for a number of years. And shitstains like you have eaten it up.
You do realize that his 174,000 was before taxes, right?

And what's your point? How does that change anything? Continue following the same steps. Take $100,000 and put it into savings, use the remainder to live off of. After 5 years, start investing that money into safe mutual funds, and accumulate a 5% return. Over a 26 year career in the Senate, Reid would have more than $5 million sitting in the bank.

Of course, if you want to continue to be an idiot about it, let's take a much less ambitious plan. Instead of saving $100k a year, let's save only $50k a year. Follow the same timeline of saving for five years, then turning all the money over to a safe mutual funds investment with 5% interest. Over his 26 year career Reid would accumulate $2.5 million.

Oh, and you DO realize that I'm making conservative calculations, right? If Reid in fact were to have saved $50k a year, and invested in more age appropriate investments with higher returns, he'd naturally gain alot more. For example, let's say that for 15 years Reid invested 80% of his savings money into investments that produced a minimum 13% return, and only 20% in safe investments at a 5% return rate. At the end of 15 years, he would have $3.4 million sitting in the bank. Let's say that at this point he shifts everything into the safe investments at 5% return. He would now have $6.5 million sitting in the bank.

That's an incredible story! As soon as he releases all his returns and his investment account statements, I'll stop accusing him of being a lying scumbag.
No one is suggesting he broke the law, only that he used loop holes in the tax code to pay little to no taxes.

Are loop holes illegal? :eusa_think:

Of course not.

However it would be harder to convince the average American that the rich are overburdened with taxes if Romneys returns highlight the exact opposite.

And what all the "fair sharers" never realize is that even if the wealthy have a lower capital gains rate than the average guys income tax rate, they pay many multiple times over what John Doe does. Many wealthy people (even with loop holes) pay the equivelant of sometimes hundreds of middle class citizens. Obama knows this. It's why he doesn't talk actual numbers or define what a "fair share" is. Are the rich "overburdened"? Probably not. Do they pay substantially more than the average person? Yes, many times over. How much more do you want them to give when 47% of Americans pay zero?
Of course not.

However it would be harder to convince the average American that the rich are overburdened with taxes if Romneys returns highlight the exact opposite.

At the end of the day, I wish I made as much as Romney paid in taxes. I would be a very rich citizen

You do realize you could say the same thing about Obama, right?

Just making my point that Romney pays some serious money in taxes...even with his tax shelters.
Bushes were hacked.

If Romney released his school records and then called for Obama to do the same, the argument might have merit. As it stands now, it's mostly birthers or racists who are sure that his transcripts will either show he was an exchange student or that he only graduated because of affirmative action, that are calling for school records.
It's only lowlife OWS parasites that would never vote against the hand they think will feed them that want Romney to release his tax records for the last decade. What's your point?
Even if I broke it down into 4 word sentences, I have a feeling it'd still go over your head.

As did mine, over your, apparently. Don't you have a cop car to shit on?
Transcripts are what birthers are focusing on now to try and a) deflect from the growing bi-partisan, swing-voter included demand for Romney to release his tax forms and b) reestablish some kind of credibility in the political scene.

But I notice you don't deny your Birtherism, simply trying to deflect. Good work, BirtherPatriot!

Obama is the smartest President ever! I've heard his supporters say so.
I'd like to see a little proof. His performance as president sure hasn't cut it.

You're right. I hate that 4.5 million jobs have been created and that the DOW has more than doubled, and that corporate profits are at all-time highs. Yes. I hate how much he's "Failed" by pulling our slumping economy back on the right path despite obstruction at every turn. Just imagine how much more he'd be "failing" if Republicans still believed in compromise!

So let me get this straight: You have less of a problem believing that Obama lied about going to Harvard than you do believing that a man as rich and powerful as Romney having the resources and motivation to use every loophole imaginable to get his final tax bill down to either zero or virtually zero?

Again, this says a lot about you, and explains why you're such a fucking Luddite.

I hate that 4.5 million jobs have been created

That's funny! I hate that we have fewer jobs than the day the choom gang strolled into the White House.
And that the debt is $5.5 trillion higher. And that GDP growth is decelerating.

You have less of a problem believing that Obama lied about going to Harvard

I just want to see his grades.
Of course not.

However it would be harder to convince the average American that the rich are overburdened with taxes if Romneys returns highlight the exact opposite.

At the end of the day, I wish I made as much as Romney paid in taxes. I would be a very rich citizen
You'd probably be a 1%er.

Yup....and that would be a bad thing, how?
But, you make a good point about Obama being a divider...somehow the word "rich", or "1%er" has a bad connotation with the liberals.
Obama is the smartest President ever! I've heard his supporters say so.
I'd like to see a little proof. His performance as president sure hasn't cut it.

You're right. I hate that 4.5 million jobs have been created and that the DOW has more than doubled, and that corporate profits are at all-time highs. Yes. I hate how much he's "Failed" by pulling our slumping economy back on the right path despite obstruction at every turn. Just imagine how much more he'd be "failing" if Republicans still believed in compromise!

So let me get this straight: You have less of a problem believing that Obama lied about going to Harvard than you do believing that a man as rich and powerful as Romney having the resources and motivation to use every loophole imaginable to get his final tax bill down to either zero or virtually zero?

Again, this says a lot about you, and explains why you're such a fucking Luddite.

I hate that 4.5 million jobs have been created

That's funny! I hate that we have fewer jobs than the day the choom gang strolled into the White House.
And that the debt is $5.5 trillion higher. And that GDP growth is decelerating.

You have less of a problem believing that Obama lied about going to Harvard

I just want to see his grades.

Reagan tripled the debt. And his unemployment rate hit 9% in his first term. You Conservatives have a retarded definition of "failure."
You're right. I hate that 4.5 million jobs have been created and that the DOW has more than doubled, and that corporate profits are at all-time highs. Yes. I hate how much he's "Failed" by pulling our slumping economy back on the right path despite obstruction at every turn. Just imagine how much more he'd be "failing" if Republicans still believed in compromise!

So let me get this straight: You have less of a problem believing that Obama lied about going to Harvard than you do believing that a man as rich and powerful as Romney having the resources and motivation to use every loophole imaginable to get his final tax bill down to either zero or virtually zero?

Again, this says a lot about you, and explains why you're such a fucking Luddite.

I hate that 4.5 million jobs have been created

That's funny! I hate that we have fewer jobs than the day the choom gang strolled into the White House.
And that the debt is $5.5 trillion higher. And that GDP growth is decelerating.

You have less of a problem believing that Obama lied about going to Harvard

I just want to see his grades.

Reagan tripled the debt. And his unemployment rate hit 9% in his first term. You Conservatives have a retarded definition of "failure."

If I'm not mistaken, this point in Reagan's 1st term, the unemployment was like around 6%.
If the Dem's really think that Mitt did not pay taxes for 10 years they should have him arrested for tax evasion.
Absolutely nothing happened to all the Dem's who have not paid theirs.

No one is suggesting he broke the law, only that he used loop holes in the tax code to pay little to no taxes.

All of us who pay taxes do that. We all use the loop holes in order to pay less.
Change the tax code then.
Not one single American should pay one penny more in taxes, until the Federal Government gets rid of the corruption and mismanagement of tax dollars in each and every agency.
Are loop holes illegal? :eusa_think:

Of course not.

However it would be harder to convince the average American that the rich are overburdened with taxes if Romneys returns highlight the exact opposite.

And what all the "fair sharers" never realize is that even if the wealthy have a lower capital gains rate than the average guys income tax rate, they pay many multiple times over what John Doe does. Many wealthy people (even with loop holes) pay the equivelant of sometimes hundreds of middle class citizens. Obama knows this. It's why he doesn't talk actual numbers or define what a "fair share" is. Are the rich "overburdened"? Probably not. Do they pay substantially more than the average person? Yes, many times over. How much more do you want them to give when 47% of Americans pay zero?

Saying 47% pay nothing is incredibly disingenuous, especially since your argument is that the rich pay other taxes. To then turn around and disreguard that the poor and middle class also pay other taxes is a great example of distorting facts to fit your narrative.
If the Dem's really think that Mitt did not pay taxes for 10 years they should have him arrested for tax evasion.
Absolutely nothing happened to all the Dem's who have not paid theirs.

No one is suggesting he broke the law, only that he used loop holes in the tax code to pay little to no taxes.
We have no idea if he's broken the law. That's why we must see them.
If the Dem's really think that Mitt did not pay taxes for 10 years they should have him arrested for tax evasion.
Absolutely nothing happened to all the Dem's who have not paid theirs.

No one is suggesting he broke the law, only that he used loop holes in the tax code to pay little to no taxes.

All of us who pay taxes do that. We all use the loop holes in order to pay less.
Change the tax code then.
Not one single American should pay one penny more in taxes, until the Federal Government gets rid of the corruption and mismanagement of tax dollars in each and every agency.

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If the Dem's really think that Mitt did not pay taxes for 10 years they should have him arrested for tax evasion.
Absolutely nothing happened to all the Dem's who have not paid theirs.

No one is suggesting he broke the law, only that he used loop holes in the tax code to pay little to no taxes.
We have no idea if he's broken the law. That's why we must see them.

That's not "why we (the OWS parasites) must see them".
Of course not.

However it would be harder to convince the average American that the rich are overburdened with taxes if Romneys returns highlight the exact opposite.

And what all the "fair sharers" never realize is that even if the wealthy have a lower capital gains rate than the average guys income tax rate, they pay many multiple times over what John Doe does. Many wealthy people (even with loop holes) pay the equivelant of sometimes hundreds of middle class citizens. Obama knows this. It's why he doesn't talk actual numbers or define what a "fair share" is. Are the rich "overburdened"? Probably not. Do they pay substantially more than the average person? Yes, many times over. How much more do you want them to give when 47% of Americans pay zero?

Saying 47% pay nothing is incredibly disingenuous, especially since your argument is that the rich pay other taxes. To then turn around and disreguard that the poor and middle class also pay other taxes is a great example of distorting facts to fit your narrative.

Stay focused. I was talking capital gains and income tax. 47% pay none.
If the Dem's really think that Mitt did not pay taxes for 10 years they should have him arrested for tax evasion.
Absolutely nothing happened to all the Dem's who have not paid theirs.

No one is suggesting he broke the law, only that he used loop holes in the tax code to pay little to no taxes.

All of us who pay taxes do that. We all use the loop holes in order to pay less.
Change the tax code then.
Not one single American should pay one penny more in taxes, until the Federal Government gets rid of the corruption and mismanagement of tax dollars in each and every agency.

I agree everyone wants to pay the least amount in taxes they can. That's not the point. Its about the perception of the average American. If his tax returns show he used loop holes to pay little to no taxes for some years, it makes the argument that the rich are overburdened seem flimsy and is a good sound bite for Obama to suggest that Romney is out of touch with most Americans.
If the Dem's really think that Mitt did not pay taxes for 10 years they should have him arrested for tax evasion.
Absolutely nothing happened to all the Dem's who have not paid theirs.

No one is suggesting he broke the law, only that he used loop holes in the tax code to pay little to no taxes.
We have no idea if he's broken the law. That's why we must see them.

I've been told by a reputable source that you diddle chickens. Prove you don't. Asshat.

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