CNN/HuffPost Report New Source Backs Reid's Claim

CNN (Communist News Network), HuffPoop, and Reid have ben caught lying before. And when they caught lying on this one, the ignorant Dem-Bots will just shrug it off like it never happened. This is digraceful petty Poltics. And the People know it. Very bad Karma for Reid and the others on this one. What goes around, does come back aound.

How 'bout some links PaulBot?

Use yer Google machine. All three have been caught lying before. And they're likely lying on this one too.

How 'bout some links PaulBot?
There is no reason to refuse to release the returns unless he's hiding something or he perhaps hopes to release them closer to the election to embarrass Obama.

What could be in Mittens' tax returns that could embarrass the president?

The only possible reason for Mittens' sneakiness is that he believes lying and hiding facts will hurt him less than telling the truth.

Even pubs/pots think he should come clean. But hey, a lot of pubs/pots know Mittens' is a disaster. That's okay though cuz Norquist, Rove, Ryan and other "higher taxes for us, cut taxes for the rich" gang just uh-DORE him.
A second source, said to be "close to Senator [Harry] Reid," has told CNN's Dana Bash that Reid's original a credible person

oh, well, if the second anonymous source is saying the first anonymous source is "a credible person", i say we hang romney.


Look at all the "thanks" under this stupid post. Why do rw's say stupid things? Besides getting other rw's to line up behind him, I mean.

They say stupid things so they don't have to face facts.
If Romney released his tax returns the democrats would find something else to use in those tax returns and then demand more tax returns.

See, this is the problem. You wing-nuts/re-closeted birthers, think the American people are as irrationally deranged as you.
A second source, said to be "close to Senator [Harry] Reid," has told CNN's Dana Bash that Reid's original a credible person

oh, well, if the second anonymous source is saying the first anonymous source is "a credible person", i say we hang romney.


Look at all the "thanks" under this stupid post. Why do rw's say stupid things? Besides getting other rw's to line up behind him, I mean.

They say stupid things so they don't have to face facts.

[ame=]Pelosi: we have to pass the health care bill so that you can find out what is in it - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Joe Biden to Obama: "This is a Big Fucking deal" - YouTube[/ame]
I heard that Harry Reid became a Senator with very little cash in his pocket.

I heard that that Reagan had a love child with one of the aliens that crashed in Roswell. Maybe you should find a link to a credible source.

Now he's a multi millionaire.....just how did he do it making less than 175,000 a year? :eusa_whistle:

Some old fashioned fiscal responsibility could easily do that. Take $100,000 every year and put it into savings. That alone would make Reid a multi millionaire after 26 years in the Senate. If, after five years of savings, he started investing all that money into safe mutual funds investments with an APR of 5%, that alone would turn into more than $5 million by now.

That's great! Reid should release all his tax returns since he entered the Senate.
His investing success will be an inspiration for millions!
Too bad that Reid hasn't released any of his tax returns...yep, not one.
If Romney released his tax returns the democrats would find something else to use in those tax returns and then demand more tax returns.

See, this is the problem. You wing-nuts/re-closeted birthers, think the American people are as irrationally deranged as you.

Actually that was precisely the rationale offered by left wing fruitcakes for why Obama shouldnt release his birth certificate.
I heard that that Reagan had a love child with one of the aliens that crashed in Roswell. Maybe you should find a link to a credible source.

Some old fashioned fiscal responsibility could easily do that. Take $100,000 every year and put it into savings. That alone would make Reid a multi millionaire after 26 years in the Senate. If, after five years of savings, he started investing all that money into safe mutual funds investments with an APR of 5%, that alone would turn into more than $5 million by now.

That's great! Reid should release all his tax returns since he entered the Senate.
His investing success will be an inspiration for millions!
Too bad that Reid hasn't released any of his tax returns...yep, not one.

He's been known for his shady real estate dealings for many years. So don't expect those records anytime soon.
Obama's "in touch" with real people?

Don't tell me you voted for John Kerry and Al Gore too.

Of course you did, asswipe.

Actually, I voted for Bush both times...

Once again- my problem isn't with republicans, it's with Romney personally.

Rich douchebag with a religion I hate.

great, then you can understand why someone would not vote for a candidate whose religion is Black Liberation Theology.

I heard that Harry Reid became a Senator with very little cash in his pocket.

I heard that that Reagan had a love child with one of the aliens that crashed in Roswell. Maybe you should find a link to a credible source.

Now he's a multi millionaire.....just how did he do it making less than 175,000 a year? :eusa_whistle:

Some old fashioned fiscal responsibility could easily do that. Take $100,000 every year and put it into savings. That alone would make Reid a multi millionaire after 26 years in the Senate. If, after five years of savings, he started investing all that money into safe mutual funds investments with an APR of 5%, that alone would turn into more than $5 million by now.

You do realize that his 174,000 was before taxes, right? But, if you want to go with your yarn about his savings, feel free, nobody but you and CD and probably rdean and TM would even buy into that.
If Romney released his tax returns the democrats would find something else to use in those tax returns and then demand more tax returns.

See, this is the problem. You wing-nuts/re-closeted birthers, think the American people are as irrationally deranged as you.

Actually that was precisely the rationale offered by left wing fruitcakes for why Obama shouldnt release his birth certificate.

I heard that that Reagan had a love child with one of the aliens that crashed in Roswell. Maybe you should find a link to a credible source.

Some old fashioned fiscal responsibility could easily do that. Take $100,000 every year and put it into savings. That alone would make Reid a multi millionaire after 26 years in the Senate. If, after five years of savings, he started investing all that money into safe mutual funds investments with an APR of 5%, that alone would turn into more than $5 million by now.

That's great! Reid should release all his tax returns since he entered the Senate.
His investing success will be an inspiration for millions!
Too bad that Reid hasn't released any of his tax returns...yep, not one.

Can you please post a list of the pubs/pots congress who have released tax returns?

If the Dem's really think that Mitt did not pay taxes for 10 years they should have him arrested for tax evasion.
Absolutely nothing happened to all the Dem's who have not paid theirs.
I heard that Harry Reid became a Senator with very little cash in his pocket. Now he's a multi millionaire.....just how did he do it making less than 175,000 a year? :eusa_whistle:

Where or from whom did you "hear" Reid had little cash in his pocket?

BTW, too many of 'our' representatives from both parties have 'earned' big bucks while in office. One more reason to regulate Wall Street and audit the income of all federal appointees and elected officials; Martha Stewart isn't the only scofflaw, she was simply the scapegoat in the best wag the dog manner.
That's great! Reid should release all his tax returns since he entered the Senate.
His investing success will be an inspiration for millions!
Too bad that Reid hasn't released any of his tax returns...yep, not one.

Can you please post a list of the pubs/pots congress who have released tax returns?


Seems the dems are the ones crying a friggin' river over no tax returns being released....that is the point I was making. Hypocrisy at it's finest.
Having said that, I do understand, Lud, the left can't run a campaign on the economy or employment, nor can they with the debt and deficits, and they sure can't dig up any dirt on Mitt, so this is the only thing they can run on. I do understand, and so does the everyday Joe in America.
Wingnuts could totally ruin and disgrace Harry Reid. All they have to do is convince Mitt to do what every other presidential contender has done.

Yet, he resists any transparency.

He's hiding something BIG.

His Dick......... and his Money......... A great American success story! You dumb fucking wimp!
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You do realize that his 174,000 was before taxes, right?

And what's your point? How does that change anything? Continue following the same steps. Take $100,000 and put it into savings, use the remainder to live off of. After 5 years, start investing that money into safe mutual funds, and accumulate a 5% return. Over a 26 year career in the Senate, Reid would have more than $5 million sitting in the bank.

Of course, if you want to continue to be an idiot about it, let's take a much less ambitious plan. Instead of saving $100k a year, let's save only $50k a year. Follow the same timeline of saving for five years, then turning all the money over to a safe mutual funds investment with 5% interest. Over his 26 year career Reid would accumulate $2.5 million.

Oh, and you DO realize that I'm making conservative calculations, right? If Reid in fact were to have saved $50k a year, and invested in more age appropriate investments with higher returns, he'd naturally gain alot more. For example, let's say that for 15 years Reid invested 80% of his savings money into investments that produced a minimum 13% return, and only 20% in safe investments at a 5% return rate. At the end of 15 years, he would have $3.4 million sitting in the bank. Let's say that at this point he shifts everything into the safe investments at 5% return. He would now have $6.5 million sitting in the bank.
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