CNN/HuffPost Report New Source Backs Reid's Claim

We've been hearing wingnuts cry for years about how bad and hated Harry Reid is.

Yet, now when they have a perfect opportunity to disgrace and embarrass him publicly, and ruin his credibility, they pussy out.

Why is that? :lol:

Opportunity? He disgraced himself by making allegations and being too pussy to substaniate them. The burden of proof is on Harry, not Romney. I realize your grasp of the Constitution and law is tainted by liberalism, but here in America, we are innocent until PROVEN quilty and proving it is the responsibility of the one making the allegation. Harry needs to put up or shut up. He's looked like the total ass he is since he opened his drooling pie hole.

They have been screaming about Nancy and Harry for years, and now when they have the chance to make Harry the issue and take the focus off of Bishop Romney's tax returns, they don't do it? :lol:

FOXNEWS could be leading the drumbeat for Harry's resignation in disgrace. It could fill up all 6 hours of RushSean! The wingnut blogosphere could explode in ecstacy!

What's keeping it from happening?

Whatever is in those tax reurns must be pretty fucking bad, politically or legally.

They know it. They just don't have any legitimate complaints so they are going to milk this dry. I think they all know Romney's tax returns contain some pretty damning information.
We've been hearing wingnuts cry for years about how bad and hated Harry Reid is.

Yet, now when they have a perfect opportunity to disgrace and embarrass him publicly, and ruin his credibility, they pussy out.

Why is that? :lol:

Opportunity? He disgraced himself by making allegations and being too pussy to substaniate them. The burden of proof is on Harry, not Romney. I realize your grasp of the Constitution and law is tainted by liberalism, but here in America, we are innocent until PROVEN quilty and proving it is the responsibility of the one making the allegation. Harry needs to put up or shut up. He's looked like the total ass he is since he opened his drooling pie hole.

They have been screaming about Nancy and Harry for years, and now when they have the chance to make Harry the issue and take the focus off of Bishop Romney's tax returns, they don't do it? :lol:

FOXNEWS could be leading the drumbeat for Harry's resignation in disgrace. It could fill up all 6 hours of RushSean! The wingnut blogosphere could explode in ecstacy!

What's keeping it from happening?

Whatever is in those tax reurns must be pretty fucking bad, politically or legally.

RushSean ;) lol con teevee/radio :tinfoil:
We've been hearing wingnuts cry for years about how bad and hated Harry Reid is.

Yet, now when they have a perfect opportunity to disgrace and embarrass him publicly, and ruin his credibility, they pussy out.

Why is that? :lol:

Opportunity? He disgraced himself by making allegations and being too pussy to substaniate them. The burden of proof is on Harry, not Romney. I realize your grasp of the Constitution and law is tainted by liberalism, but here in America, we are innocent until PROVEN quilty and proving it is the responsibility of the one making the allegation. Harry needs to put up or shut up. He's looked like the total ass he is since he opened his drooling pie hole.

So why doesn't Romney make him look really ridiculous and release his taxes?? Because he can't. And you and all of the rest of the bat crap crazy right wingers know it. But you love to play games.

Why? Evidently you are too stoopid to understand what you read and responded to. Let me type it again really, really slow so you can understand it better.

Opportunity? He disgraced himself by making allegations and being too pussy to substaniate them. The burden of proof is on Harry, not Romney. I realize your grasp of the Constitution and law is tainted by liberalism, but here in America, we are innocent until PROVEN quilty and proving it is the responsibility of the one making the allegation. Harry needs to put up or shut up. He's looked like the total ass he is since he opened his drooling pie hole.

Reid already looks ridiculous for making unsubstaniated allegations. If I were Romney, I'd be sitting back and laughing at Harry's flailing aimlessly too. NOW, if Harry can PROVE what he's saying, then he actually would have something. As it is, he looks desperate to defend his Dear Leader thru deflection that only the sheeple are buying into. He already has those morons votes, so this tack isn't buying them anything.
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A second source, said to be "close to Senator [Harry] Reid," has told CNN's Dana Bash that Reid's original a credible person

oh, well, if the second anonymous source is saying the first anonymous source is "a credible person", i say we hang romney.


Well my 4th cousin removed--(can't remember his name) aunt who's 3rd cousin's friend of a friend told her that Obama never went to Harvard.

[ame=]Thats what she said! - YouTube[/ame]
Why? Evidently you are too stoopid to understand what you read and responded to. Let me type it again really, really slow so you can understand it better.

Opportunity? He disgraced himself by making allegations and being too pussy to substaniate them. The burden of proof is on Harry, not Romney. I realize your grasp of the Constitution and law is tainted by liberalism, but here in America, we are innocent until PROVEN quilty and proving it is the responsibility of the one making the allegation. Harry needs to put up or shut up. He's looked like the total ass he is since he opened his drooling pie hole.

Reid already looks ridiculous for making unsubstaniated allegations. If I were Romney, I'd be sitting back and laughing at Harry's flailing aimlessly too. NOW, if Harry can PROVE what he's saying, then he actually would have something. As it is, he looks desperate to defend his Dear Leader thru deflection that only the sheeple are buying into. He already has those morons votes, so this tack isn't buying them anything.

I would disagree.

Romney is the one applying for the presidency. It's really on him to prove that he paid his taxes, and his fair share of them.

Incidently, I think it's very possible he paid no tax in 2008 or 2009, if all of his money was in investments and his investments all tanked with the rest of the economy and he took capital losses.

But if that's the case, just come out and say it.
Doesn't it figure that Conservative would use a chopped up, out of context mashup of Obama in his sigline?

That's just pathetic.

Nothing chopped up, dumbass. That is the entire line. I was unaware of any rule requiring the posting of an entire speech in a sig line. Perhaps you could point that rule out to me??? Or, perhaps if you feel I've broken a rule, you could simply reort it.

Dumb ass.

You're also a hypocritical little douchenozzle... here is the ENTIRE quote from Katz... not that mashed up part YOU have in your sig...

It depends on how stupid Americans really are. Women are abysmally stupid, that won't change and obama will still get the stupid female vote.
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There is no reason to refuse to release the returns unless he's hiding something or he perhaps hopes to release them closer to the election to embarrass Obama.

There is no reason to refuse to release the college transcripts unless he's hiding something or he perhaps hopes to release them closer to the election to embarrass Romney.
Romney hasn't released his college transcripts either....but Obama has released his tax returns....

romney's tax returns are very relevant to this election....when he says he intends to lower taxes on people like himself even more....
Why? Evidently you are too stoopid to understand what you read and responded to. Let me type it again really, really slow so you can understand it better.

Opportunity? He disgraced himself by making allegations and being too pussy to substaniate them. The burden of proof is on Harry, not Romney. I realize your grasp of the Constitution and law is tainted by liberalism, but here in America, we are innocent until PROVEN quilty and proving it is the responsibility of the one making the allegation. Harry needs to put up or shut up. He's looked like the total ass he is since he opened his drooling pie hole.

Reid already looks ridiculous for making unsubstaniated allegations. If I were Romney, I'd be sitting back and laughing at Harry's flailing aimlessly too. NOW, if Harry can PROVE what he's saying, then he actually would have something. As it is, he looks desperate to defend his Dear Leader thru deflection that only the sheeple are buying into. He already has those morons votes, so this tack isn't buying them anything.

I would disagree.

Romney is the one applying for the presidency. It's really on him to prove that he paid his taxes, and his fair share of them. Incidently, I think it's very possible he paid no tax in 2008 or 2009, if all of his money was in investments and his investments all tanked with the rest of the economy and he took capital losses.

But if that's the case, just come out and say it.

It's none of your business whether Romney paid his 'fair share', whatever that actually is.

It's none of your business whether Obama paid his 'fair share', whatever that actually is.

Reid made the accusation, that puts the burden of proof on him. Unless fo course he invokes the Axelrod principle.
Romney hasn't released his college transcripts either....but Obama has released his tax returns....

romney's tax returns are very relevant to this election....when he says he intends to lower taxes on people like himself even more....

How Much is President Obama Worth?

Just as relevant are Obie's transcripts because they will once and for all put to rest whether he was a foreign exchange student which would make him ineligible to be POTUS.

It will likely also show what a piss poor student he was and how he was advanced up the ranks based on nothing he earned.

What does he have to hide since you like to say that about Romney?
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Why? Evidently you are too stoopid to understand what you read and responded to. Let me type it again really, really slow so you can understand it better.

Opportunity? He disgraced himself by making allegations and being too pussy to substaniate them. The burden of proof is on Harry, not Romney. I realize your grasp of the Constitution and law is tainted by liberalism, but here in America, we are innocent until PROVEN quilty and proving it is the responsibility of the one making the allegation. Harry needs to put up or shut up. He's looked like the total ass he is since he opened his drooling pie hole.

Reid already looks ridiculous for making unsubstaniated allegations. If I were Romney, I'd be sitting back and laughing at Harry's flailing aimlessly too. NOW, if Harry can PROVE what he's saying, then he actually would have something. As it is, he looks desperate to defend his Dear Leader thru deflection that only the sheeple are buying into. He already has those morons votes, so this tack isn't buying them anything.

I would disagree.

Romney is the one applying for the presidency. It's really on him to prove that he paid his taxes, and his fair share of them.

Incidently, I think it's very possible he paid no tax in 2008 or 2009, if all of his money was in investments and his investments all tanked with the rest of the economy and he took capital losses.

But if that's the case, just come out and say it.

You do realize that by your standard, anybody could make any claim and then say it is up to the accused to prove it wrong don't you? What's to stop Boehner from claiming that a very reliable source told him that Obama uses Jesus Juice to relax children so he can have his way with them? Would you defend Boehner's claim and say that it is up to Obama to prove the allegation wrong.......or would you insist that if Boehner had evidence of his allegations, it is incumbent on him to provide the proof. You see, that is how it works in America. I'm guessing that you laughed at the demands for a paper document birth certificate from Obama that every other American has possession of or can easily get, yet you are perfectly fine with demanding tax return documents of Romney. You liberals have to make up your mind which way you are going to go with this strategy. Up or down? In or out?
Doesn't it figure that Conservative would use a chopped up, out of context mashup of Obama in his sigline?

That's just pathetic.

Nothing chopped up, dumbass. That is the entire line. I was unaware of any rule requiring the posting of an entire speech in a sig line. Perhaps you could point that rule out to me??? Or, perhaps if you feel I've broken a rule, you could simply reort it.

Dumb ass.

You're also a hypocritical little douchenozzle... here is the ENTIRE quote from Katz... not that mashed up part YOU have in your sig...

It depends on how stupid Americans really are. Women are abysmally stupid, that won't change and obama will still get the stupid female vote.


She says "Women are stupid" as a standalone remark, not relying on the rest of the sentence or paragraph to further clarify or contextualize.

Now - your sigline:

"If you've got a business -- you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen." Barack Obama

Is totally out of context:

President Obama said:
"There are a lot of wealthy, successful Americans who agree with me -- because they want to give something back. They know they didn’t -- look, if you’ve been successful, you didn’t get there on your own. You didn’t get there on your own. I’m always struck by people who think, well, it must be because I was just so smart. There are a lot of smart people out there. It must be because I worked harder than everybody else. Let me tell you something -- there are a whole bunch of hardworking people out there.

"If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.

"The point is, is that when we succeed, we succeed because of our individual initiative, but also because we do things together. There are some things, just like fighting fires, we don’t do on our own. I mean, imagine if everybody had their own fire service. That would be a hard way to organize fighting fires.

That's the type of dishonesty we have come to expect from you.

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