CNN Medical Analyst Wen: ‘Don’t Wear a Cloth Mask,’ Non-Surgical Masks Are ‘Facial Decorations'

They never even said "drink plenty of water and get some rest". It's been nothing but a constant barrage of "vaccines" and "masks".

And every time someone tries to find a way to treat people once they already have Covid, the left lands on it like an avalanche, trying desperately to invalidate it. I've never seen another disease where the whole concept of treating people who have it is completely verboten.
Wen said, “I do not think that Mayor de Blasio should be canceling the New York City event because it requires proof of vaccination and it is outdoors. We should be keeping the events that are safe and also the events that are fun for people, too. We can’t be canceling everything, especially if we’re going to be living with COVID for the foreseeable future. I would you say if you choose to go, make sure you’re vaccinated and boosted and wearing a mask. Even though it is outdoors, there are a lot of people packed around you wear a three-ply surgical mask. Don’t wear a cloth mask. Cloth masks are little more than facial decorations. There’s no place for them in light of Omicron.”

This doctor says masks are bullshit, so she must be RACIST!!

Lefties know masks are's their virtue signaling and identifying their tribe.

The purpose of the mask is to show the public that "you care" about covid and your "awareness".

So it really isn't useless at all.

Just like a red ribbon doesn't do anything to stop aids or breast cancer or anything else, it still signifies awareness.
Wen said, “I do not think that Mayor de Blasio should be canceling the New York City event because it requires proof of vaccination and it is outdoors. We should be keeping the events that are safe and also the events that are fun for people, too. We can’t be canceling everything, especially if we’re going to be living with COVID for the foreseeable future. I would you say if you choose to go, make sure you’re vaccinated and boosted and wearing a mask. Even though it is outdoors, there are a lot of people packed around you wear a three-ply surgical mask. Don’t wear a cloth mask. Cloth masks are little more than facial decorations. There’s no place for them in light of Omicron.”

This doctor says masks are bullshit, so she must be RACIST!!

Lefties know masks are's their virtue signaling and identifying their tribe.
Masks are bullshit?

She literally said to wear one of these.

They never even said "drink plenty of water and get some rest". It's been nothing but a constant barrage of "vaccines" and "masks".


That should tell everyone something.

Not even a "This is a great time to get into shape. Eat well, exercise, drink plenty of water, cut back on alcohol, take daily Zinc and D supplements."


....until Pfizer comes out with their therapeutics....then they will sell that. :laughing0301:
And every time someone tries to find a way to treat people once they already have Covid, the left lands on it like an avalanche, trying desperately to invalidate it. I've never seen another disease where the whole concept of treating people who have it is completely verboten.

It's bizarre that it is happening, and it's bizarre more people are not taking notice.
It's bizarre that it is happening, and it's bizarre more people are not taking notice.

It really is. The attitude this whole time has been, "Your only hope is to never get it. If you do, too bad for you. You'll probably die, and just have to hope you're lucky." And everyone's so focused on panicking over, "I MUST not get it!" that they don't even see how weird this is.

That should tell everyone something.

Not even a "This is a great time to get into shape. Eat well, exercise, drink plenty of water, cut back on alcohol, take daily Zinc and D supplements."


....until Pfizer comes out with their therapeutics....then they will sell that. :laughing0301:

Exactly. The JAB makers can't even advertise their products because they would have to list off all the side effects and warnings.
Exactly. The JAB makers can't even advertise their products because they would have to list off all the side effects and warnings.

And no one is asking why every other pharmaceutical product EVER has a list of side effects and precautions.....BUT NOT THE COVID EXPERIMENTAL GENE THERAPY!

It's so painfully obvious to anyone willing to just open their eyes!
Pfizermectin is coming out soon.

It is the same drug classification as IVERMECTIN, but at 1000 times the cost to the users. :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Gee, I wonder why Big Pharma and the Media that Big Pharma pays are vilifying IVERMECTIN.


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It's bizarre that it is happening, and it's bizarre more people are not taking notice.

Lately, I feel like I am in a scenario similar to the movie They Live, somehow able to see a reality that is right in front of everyone's faces, but nearly everyone refuses to see; and nearly everyone thinks I'm crazy for trying to tell them what it is that they stubbornly refuse to see.

Lately, I feel like I am in a scenario similar to the movie They Live, somehow able to see a reality that is right in front of everyone's faces, but nearly everyone refuses to see; and nearly everyone thinks I'm crazy for trying to tell them what it is that they stubbornly refuse to see.

I think about that all the time.

When Roddy finally got David Keith to put on the sunglasses after that epic fight.
I think about that all the time.

When Roddy finally got David Keith to put on the sunglasses after that epic fight.

Another movie that I find myself relating very much to is Conspiracy Theory. In this movie, Mel Gibson plays a guy who is very obviously somewhat f•••ed up in the head. Among other things, he's a whacko conspiracy theorist. But as the story develops, there turns out to be a genuine conspiracy, far more bizarre, far more sinister, far more batshit crazy than any of what he thinks is going on, and he's always been caught up in the middle of all of it without even knowing. I don't so much relate to the main protagonist as I do to another character played by Julia Roberts, who tolerates him and his conspiracy theories, but thinks he's nuts, until she also finds out about the real conspiracy, and how she is caught up in it as well.

I think that if I could travel back only about ten or fifteen years, and try to tell the younger version of me what I have seen, the younger me would dismiss the older me as a whacked-out conspiracy kook.
Wen said, “I do not think that Mayor de Blasio should be canceling the New York City event because it requires proof of vaccination and it is outdoors. We should be keeping the events that are safe and also the events that are fun for people, too. We can’t be canceling everything, especially if we’re going to be living with COVID for the foreseeable future. I would you say if you choose to go, make sure you’re vaccinated and boosted and wearing a mask. Even though it is outdoors, there are a lot of people packed around you wear a three-ply surgical mask. Don’t wear a cloth mask. Cloth masks are little more than facial decorations. There’s no place for them in light of Omicron.”

This doctor says masks are bullshit, so she must be RACIST!!
How is it possible to be this fucking terrible at reading?

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