CNN: Michael Cohen in talks to plead guilty to criminal charges

Cohen knows all of Trumpy’s criminal activity.

You guys are on a roll now. Started out looking to stop foreign powers from messing in our elections------- Russians! Russians! Russians! SCREW DAT. Much more important to find out if Trump ever banged some bitch on the side long before he was ever in office.

After all, Democrats never REALLY wanted to fix our election system--- --- if all the corruption and loopholes were ever really fixed, you'd never get another democrat in office ever again.
He reached a deal.

A longtime business partner of Michael D. Cohen, the personal lawyer of President Donald Trump, has pleaded guilty to tax evasion in a deal that allows him to dodge prison time, indicating that he is cooperating with prosecutors.

Evgeny Freidman, a taxi operator who allegedly owed some $5 million in back taxes, entered into the surprise plea deal in Albany on Tuesday.

His lawyer, Patrick Egan, said he was satisfied with the guilty plea. Freidman — the so-called Taxi King of New York who operated taxis for Cohen’s family and others — will serve five years of probation for evading $50,000 in taxes.

Egan declined to comment on whether his client was cooperating with federal prosecutors in Manhattan who are investigating Cohen’s financial dealings.

Skipping out on taxes isn't smart. Especially when you get caught.
Where is the part about Trump?
Cohen knows all of Trumpy’s criminal activity.

If true, he is bound by attorney client privilege that can only be broken with consent from Trump. If it is broken otherwise it’s illegal and cannot be used in a court of law and any evidence obtained by it is tainted and likewise illegal
There is no attorney/client privilege between co-conspirators. Privilege also might not apply if recordings of their meetings were made- I suggest you turn in your law degree...back into the Crackerjack box with it!
Intent is not a crime.

You have to understand the context
Trump is running for PRESIDENT, foreign contacts must be documented

So you lose freedoms if you run for office?

So Yes or No.

Are you more knowledgeable about this than Alan Dershowitz?

Dershowitz has the credentials
He also has little credibilty as an impartial legal analyst

So I win
Because he's a screaming liberal? I'd agree with you, but Dershowitz puts civil liberties above partisan politics. He doesn't like Trump, but he doesn't succumb to TDS when it comes to law. As far as campaign's using undocumented foreign contacts......Hillary Clinton, Chris Steele and his Russian contacts. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
From the article you posted. .... :cool:

"Communications about past crimes and frauds are almost always privileged, but communications about ongoing or future ones usually aren’t."

Past as defined by the moment of the communication and not by today. I just explained a possible scenario that happened in "the past" but would most certainly be exempt from attorney client privilege. Sorry that this is beyond your intelligence level.

Meeting with Russians to get dirt on Hillary isn't a crime.
Yes it is.
From the article you posted. .... :cool:

"Communications about past crimes and frauds are almost always privileged, but communications about ongoing or future ones usually aren’t."

Past as defined by the moment of the communication and not by today. I just explained a possible scenario that happened in "the past" but would most certainly be exempt from attorney client privilege. Sorry that this is beyond your intelligence level.

Meeting with Russians to get dirt on Hillary isn't a crime.

If they are agents of the Russian Government and it is not is

Intent is not a crime.
The crime is the meeting, Short Bus.
From the article you posted. .... :cool:

"Communications about past crimes and frauds are almost always privileged, but communications about ongoing or future ones usually aren’t."

Past as defined by the moment of the communication and not by today. I just explained a possible scenario that happened in "the past" but would most certainly be exempt from attorney client privilege. Sorry that this is beyond your intelligence level.

Meeting with Russians to get dirt on Hillary isn't a crime.

If they are agents of the Russian Government and it is not is

Intent is not a crime.
The crime is the meeting, Short Bus.

Not per Dershowitz.

Are you smarter than a Harvard Law Professor? Me thinks not.
Bad day for Trump

Another of his trusted inner circle takes a deal

Time for a Twitter attack

No Collusion, No Collusion
Witch Hunt, Witch Hunt
Cohen will sing like a canary. He will have his sweet revenge against Trump who he has conspired with and who treated him like trash for the past 25 years.

Hey Donald! Your rating are sure to go through the roof. Stay tuned for the next episode of the Trump Presidential Reality Show entitled, "Karma just kicked me in the gonads" or "How I only hire the best lawyers...NOT!"

A link to the Trump Presidential Reality Show?

Just google Trump.

Just a simple "no" would have sufficed. Go and support Hamas with the rest of your party.
Are you having a tough day, wingnut? :206:

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