CNN: Michael Cohen in talks to plead guilty to criminal charges

Bad day for Trump

Another of his trusted inner circle takes a deal

Time for a Twitter attack

No Collusion, No Collusion
Witch Hunt, Witch Hunt
Cohen will sing like a canary. He will have his sweet revenge against Trump who he has conspired with and who treated him like trash for the past 25 years.

Hey Donald! Your rating are sure to go through the roof. Stay tuned for the next episode of the Trump Presidential Reality Show entitled, "Karma just kicked me in the gonads" or "How I only hire the best lawyers...NOT!"

A link to the Trump Presidential Reality Show?

Just google Trump.

Just a simple "no" would have sufficed. Go and support Hamas with the rest of your party.
Are you having a tough day, wingnut? :206:

Don't project. I don't have an old man as my avatar. Weird.
Past as defined by the moment of the communication and not by today. I just explained a possible scenario that happened in "the past" but would most certainly be exempt from attorney client privilege. Sorry that this is beyond your intelligence level.

Meeting with Russians to get dirt on Hillary isn't a crime.

If they are agents of the Russian Government and it is not is

Intent is not a crime.

You have to understand the context
Trump is running for PRESIDENT, foreign contacts must be documented

Intent is not a crime. I am not sure how much more clear I can be. And Alan Dershowitz, who is the premier constitutional lawyer in the US and a lifelong Democrat and a HRC supporter, says there was no crime?

Are you smarter on constitutional law than the man who teaches the subject at Harvard?
Dershowitz is compromised. See Epstein, Trump.
Bad day for Trump

Another of his trusted inner circle takes a deal

Time for a Twitter attack

No Collusion, No Collusion
Witch Hunt, Witch Hunt
Cohen will sing like a canary. He will have his sweet revenge against Trump who he has conspired with and who treated him like trash for the past 25 years.

Hey Donald! Your rating are sure to go through the roof. Stay tuned for the next episode of the Trump Presidential Reality Show entitled, "Karma just kicked me in the gonads" or "How I only hire the best lawyers...NOT!"

A link to the Trump Presidential Reality Show?

Just google Trump.

Just a simple "no" would have sufficed. Go and support Hamas with the rest of your party.
Are you having a tough day, wingnut? :206:
Get back to us when someone ACTUALLY makes a Statement about Trump.
Meeting with Russians to get dirt on Hillary isn't a crime.

If they are agents of the Russian Government and it is not is

Intent is not a crime.

You have to understand the context
Trump is running for PRESIDENT, foreign contacts must be documented

Intent is not a crime. I am not sure how much more clear I can be. And Alan Dershowitz, who is the premier constitutional lawyer in the US and a lifelong Democrat and a HRC supporter, says there was no crime?

Are you smarter on constitutional law than the man who teaches the subject at Harvard?
Dershowitz is compromised. See Epstein, Trump.

Why because he doesn't agree with you? Another Leftist trait. If someone doesn't agree with you they are compromised. LOL.
He was interviewed by the Judge in this case as part of the plea agreement. Michael Cohen stated that he was directed to cover up the campaign finance violation at the direction of a campaign official. Since we all know how Trump was complicit, there is nothing or no one else to blame for this. Trump has been implicated and nowhere in American history have we seen something at this level of criminality by a standing president.
And?? ..... :dunno:
And he is now a witness for the prosecution.
Witness to what? .... :dunno:

Trump might've boinked a hot bitch on the side many years ago. Another amazing success for the Deluded, Desperate Left.

Just think if the DOJ was as interested in prosecuting all the under age girls Clinton boinked as governor after getting them hopped up on snow, all the women Hillary destroyed or all the suspicious deaths and suicides the Clintons are hip deep in?
Team Mueller needs to refile the charges on the deadlock counts soonest.
Get a new judge and bring them home.
Let's Make America Better!
You have to understand the context
Trump is running for PRESIDENT, foreign contacts must be documented

So you lose freedoms if you run for office?

So Yes or No.

Are you more knowledgeable about this than Alan Dershowitz?

Dershowitz has the credentials
He also has little credibilty as an impartial legal analyst

So I win

He is a registered Democrat and voted for HRC?!?!? I don't follow your logic.
Registration means nothing. He’s not a politician running for office.
And?? ..... :dunno:
And he is now a witness for the prosecution.
Witness to what? .... :dunno:

Trump might've boinked a hot bitch on the side many years ago. Another amazing success for the Deluded, Desperate Left.

Just think if the DOJ was as interested in prosecuting all the under age girls Clinton boinked as governor after getting them hopped up on snow, all the women Hillary destroyed or all the suspicious deaths and suicides the Clintons are hip deep in?
Could it be that the conservatives are seen as weak in most everything they do or believe in these days, and the liberals are now being seen as strong because they act as if they hold the moral high ground, and sadly the conservatives act as if the moral high ground is but a myth that they aspire to, but are afraid to use it when nessesary ???

Why do the conservatives hold back, but the liberals or leftist use a scorched Earth policy in order to get their way no matter what ???
Has anyone heard the newest Lying Rudy spews out there?

Rudy just said it's all cohen. The Great Douche did nut'in
Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up!
Not going to happen after you all decided to let queen Hillary go after all that she has done, and worse decided to support her for President after knowing what she had done.
He was interviewed by the Judge in this case as part of the plea agreement. Michael Cohen stated that he was directed to cover up the campaign finance violation at the direction of a campaign official. Since we all know how Trump was complicit, there is nothing or no one else to blame for this. Trump has been implicated and nowhere in American history have we seen something at this level of criminality by a standing president.

Since we all know Trump was complicit.
Who will be spewing in front of Mueller soon? David or Roger?

Cohen Fingered this company today in crimes to
elect the Great LYING Douche FRAUD Con-Man Grifter..


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