CNN: Michael Cohen in talks to plead guilty to criminal charges

Are we seriously all playing lawyer together. STFU WTP.
You want folks to STFU, because your having to stuff too many sour grapes down your throat today. Get over yourself. The law and the truth win, and the criminals and those who are complicit like you, lose.

Law and mean what you think law and truth are. Tell me again how you are smarter than Alan Dershowitz. You are false.
We'll, tell us today how a guilty plea by Cohen, and found guilty by a jury for Manafort, have nothing to do with the law? What is Dershowitz defense?

Neither Cohen nor Manafort are Trump. At best as I can see you have him for fibbing about knowing about the meeting between Don Jr. and some Russians. I will wait and see what Dershowitz says.The news just came out. I am not a mind reader nor am I a constitutional attorney. Neither are you. People on both sides will see what they want to see.
Cohen admitted to campaign finance violations ordered by the candidate, and paid back by the candidate. There was only one candidate for Cohen.
It's gone to far, and the real lawmen and smart people in this country need to step up and put the corruption, and the abuses in check finally.

Mueller is not the person or lawman to be running any investigation where he somehow has been given this open ended ability to charge or investigate Americans for stealing a candy bar back in the 1940's when they were a children. Get real people.

The investigation being enacted from a dossier that was politically motivated by a candidates enemies, should be ended immediately. No fair trials, justice or outcomes can come from such a tainted pool of individuals or groups found within this thing.

The show or circus should end before it gets more stupid than it already has been.

How can this country be this dam crazy these days ??
Judging by what has come out thus far, it seems Mueller is on the right track and is the only thing able to clean up this slimy mess. Mueller is a credit to the FBI and the Justice Department. I fail to see how anyone sees it differently from the results we have seen in a relatively short time.
It's gone to far, and the real lawmen and smart people in this country need to step up and put the corruption, and the abuses in check finally.

Mueller is not the person or lawman to be running any investigation where he somehow has been given this open ended ability to charge or investigate Americans for stealing a candy bar back in the 1940's when they were children. Get real people.

The investigation being enacted from a dossier that was politically motivated by a candidates enemies, should be ended immediately. No fair trials, justice or outcomes can come from such a tainted pool of individuals or groups found within this thing.

The show or circus should end before it gets more stupid than it already has been.

How can this country be this dam crazy these days ??
You are living in an alternate universe.
It's gone to far, and the real lawmen and smart people in this country need to step up and put the corruption, and the abuses in check finally.

Mueller is not the person or lawman to be running any investigation where he somehow has been given this open ended ability to charge or investigate Americans for stealing a candy bar back in the 1940's when they were a children. Get real people.

The investigation being enacted from a dossier that was politically motivated by a candidates enemies, should be ended immediately. No fair trials, justice or outcomes can come from such a tainted pool of individuals or groups found within this thing.

The show or circus should end before it gets more stupid than it already has been.

How can this country be this dam crazy these days ??
Judging by what has come out thus far, it seems Mueller is on the right track and is the only thing able to clean up this slimy mess. Mueller is a credit to the FBI and the Justice Department. I fail to see how anyone sees it differently from the results we have seen in a relatively short time.
One of the few in this country we can really trust.
It's gone to far, and the real lawmen and smart people in this country need to step up and put the corruption, and the abuses in check finally.

Mueller is not the person or lawman to be running any investigation where he somehow has been given this open ended ability to charge or investigate Americans for stealing a candy bar back in the 1940's when they were a children. Get real people.

The investigation being enacted from a dossier that was politically motivated by a candidates enemies, should be ended immediately. No fair trials, justice or outcomes can come from such a tainted pool of individuals or groups found within this thing.

The show or circus should end before it gets more stupid than it already has been.

How can this country be this dam crazy these days ??
Judging by what has come out thus far, it seems Mueller is on the right track and is the only thing able to clean up this slimy mess. Mueller is a credit to the FBI and the Justice Department. I fail to see how anyone sees it differently from the results we have seen in a relatively short time.

BULLSHIT! He was brought in to investigate the Russian interference with the 2016 election and any possible collusion with the Trump campaign. Today's news has absolutely NOTHING to do with that.
Who else benefitted from this? It sure didn't benefit Cohen, it benefitted the person who had the most to gain from it, Donald Trump.
I am not arguing Trump had nothing to with it. I am questioning the not naming Trump by name and not cooperating with prosecutors.
Does it make a difference? Do you think it somehow absolves the president? Congress can give Cohen immunity and force him to tell Congress the whole story. Given that, do you think Cohen will hold back? Not likely.

His rep is mud. Secretly recording clients is slimy at best. He also committed other crimes not related to Trump. He is at best a tainted witness.
He is still an officer of the court and his word has a huge impact on the proceedings because of that. It's a problem for Trump whose background isn't any cleaner than Cohen's. If he had gone through life without his current reputation you might have some foundation, he doesn't and you don't.
It didn't take prosecutors long to leak the info to ABC and CNN. Are there any secrets left?
It's gone to far, and the real lawmen and smart people in this country need to step up and put the corruption, and the abuses in check finally.

Mueller is not the person or lawman to be running any investigation where he somehow has been given this open ended ability to charge or investigate Americans for stealing a candy bar back in the 1940's when they were a children. Get real people.

The investigation being enacted from a dossier that was politically motivated by a candidates enemies, should be ended immediately. No fair trials, justice or outcomes can come from such a tainted pool of individuals or groups found within this thing.

The show or circus should end before it gets more stupid than it already has been.

How can this country be this dam crazy these days ??
Judging by what has come out thus far, it seems Mueller is on the right track and is the only thing able to clean up this slimy mess. Mueller is a credit to the FBI and the Justice Department. I fail to see how anyone sees it differently from the results we have seen in a relatively short time.

BULLSHIT! He was brought in to investigate the Russian interference with the 2016 election and any possible collusion with the Trump campaign. Today's news has absolutely NOTHING to do with that.
Wrong! Anything that related to the election.
Who will be spewing in front of Mueller soon? David or Roger?

Cohen Fingered this company today in crimes to
elect the Great LYING Douche FRAUD Con-Man Grifter..

View attachment 212137
More people besides Trump and Cohen will be implicated.

Trump wasnt implicated i read the plea.
Cohen said it was the candidate. Who was the candidate?
Who else was running and was his client?
It's gone to far, and the real lawmen and smart people in this country need to step up and put the corruption, and the abuses in check finally.

Mueller is not the person or lawman to be running any investigation where he somehow has been given this open ended ability to charge or investigate Americans for stealing a candy bar back in the 1940's when they were a children. Get real people.

The investigation being enacted from a dossier that was politically motivated by a candidates enemies, should be ended immediately. No fair trials, justice or outcomes can come from such a tainted pool of individuals or groups found within this thing.

The show or circus should end before it gets more stupid than it already has been.

How can this country be this dam crazy these days ??
Judging by what has come out thus far, it seems Mueller is on the right track and is the only thing able to clean up this slimy mess. Mueller is a credit to the FBI and the Justice Department. I fail to see how anyone sees it differently from the results we have seen in a relatively short time.

BULLSHIT! He was brought in to investigate the Russian interference with the 2016 election and any possible collusion with the Trump campaign. Today's news has absolutely NOTHING to do with that.
Wrong again, he was brought to investigate Russia and ANYTHING he discovered because of it.
Who will be spewing in front of Mueller soon? David or Roger?

Cohen Fingered this company today in crimes to
elect the Great LYING Douche FRAUD Con-Man Grifter..

View attachment 212137
More people besides Trump and Cohen will be implicated.

Trump wasnt implicated i read the plea.
Cohen said it was the candidate. Who was the candidate?
Who else was running and was his client?
I think it is sad that they are hanging on to candidate versus Trump. How sad and pathetic is that?
It's gone to far, and the real lawmen and smart people in this country need to step up and put the corruption, and the abuses in check finally.

Mueller is not the person or lawman to be running any investigation where he somehow has been given this open ended ability to charge or investigate Americans for stealing a candy bar back in the 1940's when they were a children. Get real people.

The investigation being enacted from a dossier that was politically motivated by a candidates enemies, should be ended immediately. No fair trials, justice or outcomes can come from such a tainted pool of individuals or groups found within this thing.

The show or circus should end before it gets more stupid than it already has been.

How can this country be this dam crazy these days ??
Judging by what has come out thus far, it seems Mueller is on the right track and is the only thing able to clean up this slimy mess. Mueller is a credit to the FBI and the Justice Department. I fail to see how anyone sees it differently from the results we have seen in a relatively short time.

BULLSHIT! He was brought in to investigate the Russian interference with the 2016 election and any possible collusion with the Trump campaign. Today's news has absolutely NOTHING to do with that.
You mean, as far as you know. You should keep in mind that Mueller is not giving you daily briefings on the investigation.
the nice thing is that Cohen can't be pardoned
Why not? ...... :dunno:
He plead guilty to a State crime, not pardonable by a president.
"Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump's former personal attorney, pleaded guilty in Manhattan federal court Tuesday"
I am wrong then. Mea culpa. The material will be passed on to the state attorneys.
Cohen will plead guilty again, in state court. As he will make a deal with Mueller for less time in jail..
Cohen' charges:

Counts 1-5: Tax evasion.
Count 6: False statements to a financial institution in connection with a credit decision.
Count 7: Willfully causing an unlawful corporate contribution ( 52 USC 30118(a) )
Count 8: Excessive campaign contribution.
Are we seriously all playing lawyer together. STFU WTP.
You want folks to STFU, because your having to stuff too many sour grapes down your throat today. Get over yourself. The law and the truth win, and the criminals and those who are complicit like you, lose.

Law and mean what you think law and truth are. Tell me again how you are smarter than Alan Dershowitz. You are false.
We'll, tell us today how a guilty plea by Cohen, and found guilty by a jury for Manafort, have nothing to do with the law? What is Dershowitz defense?

Neither Cohen nor Manafort are Trump. At best as I can see you have him for fibbing about knowing about the meeting between Don Jr. and some Russians. I will wait and see what Dershowitz says.The news just came out. I am not a mind reader nor am I a constitutional attorney. Neither are you. People on both sides will see what they want to see.
Cohen admitted to campaign finance violations ordered by the candidate, and paid back by the candidate. There was only one candidate for Cohen.

He is not credible. Initially he said that was not the case. Then the Gov't finds other criminal activity and he changes his tune to save himself and his family? He may be telling the truth but he is not credible. I agree that there will likely be an impeachment.
Will Manafort be on suicide watch?

Will the Russian mob kill him in jail
and make it look like suicide now?

How fast will the Great Douche Pardon him?


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Twitter is not a reliable news source. This tweet sounds more like jumping the gun over today's earlier reporting that Cohen is in talks for a plea deal.
It’s reliable when the tweet is from a reporter covering this beat.

Reliable to whom? Have you fact-checked said reporter? Likely not. This is why I take Twitter with a grain of salt.
You don’t know this reporter, so nobody knows this reporter? :icon_rolleyes:

More like, talk to me when it's a source other than Twitter.

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