CNN: Michael Cohen in talks to plead guilty to criminal charges

Who else benefitted from this? It sure didn't benefit Cohen, it benefitted the person who had the most to gain from it, Donald Trump.
I am not arguing Trump had nothing to with it. I am questioning the not naming Trump by name and not cooperating with prosecutors.
Does it make a difference? Do you think it somehow absolves the president? Congress can give Cohen immunity and force him to tell Congress the whole story. Given that, do you think Cohen will hold back? Not likely.

His rep is mud. Secretly recording clients is slimy at best. He also committed other crimes not related to Trump. He is at best a tainted witness.
He is still an officer of the court and his word has a huge impact on the proceedings because of that. It's a problem for Trump whose background isn't any cleaner than Cohen's. If he had gone through life without his current reputation you might have some foundation, he doesn't and you don't.

He changed his story. He is not credible. Stop this.
Do you know what is on them? How do you know they will come in handy?
A fair assumption, given that a warrant was obtained for their seizure. Oh, and the fact that we heard one leaked tape conatining Trump and Cohen discussing yhe hush payments, and cohen just pled guilty to illegal hush payments.
It's gone to far, and the real lawmen and smart people in this country need to step up and put the corruption, and the abuses in check finally.

Mueller is not the person or lawman to be running any investigation where he somehow has been given this open ended ability to charge or investigate Americans for stealing a candy bar back in the 1940's when they were a children. Get real people.

The investigation being enacted from a dossier that was politically motivated by a candidates enemies, should be ended immediately. No fair trials, justice or outcomes can come from such a tainted pool of individuals or groups found within this thing.

The show or circus should end before it gets more stupid than it already has been.

How can this country be this dam crazy these days ??
It wasn't in the 1940's. And there is no circus. Reasonable people call this the "rule of law".
Just remember that when the tide changes.

You think that this nation or it's citizens are dependent upon Donald Trump to either make it or break it ?? Better guess again, but what you leftist are doing to this nation won't end well for your power hungry dreams or your dreams of total power being realized totally in the future. People don't and won't forget this bullcrap, and mueller, comey and others have made a mockery of the justice system in this country over Hillary and company.
Who else benefitted from this? It sure didn't benefit Cohen, it benefitted the person who had the most to gain from it, Donald Trump.
I am not arguing Trump had nothing to with it. I am questioning the not naming Trump by name and not cooperating with prosecutors.
Does it make a difference? Do you think it somehow absolves the president? Congress can give Cohen immunity and force him to tell Congress the whole story. Given that, do you think Cohen will hold back? Not likely.

His rep is mud. Secretly recording clients is slimy at best. He also committed other crimes not related to Trump. He is at best a tainted witness.
He is still an officer of the court and his word has a huge impact on the proceedings because of that. It's a problem for Trump whose background isn't any cleaner than Cohen's. If he had gone through life without his current reputation you might have some foundation, he doesn't and you don't.

He changed his story. He is not credible. Stop this.
Apparently, the judge viewed him as credible or he would not have accepted his guilty plea.
You want folks to STFU, because your having to stuff too many sour grapes down your throat today. Get over yourself. The law and the truth win, and the criminals and those who are complicit like you, lose.

Law and mean what you think law and truth are. Tell me again how you are smarter than Alan Dershowitz. You are false.
We'll, tell us today how a guilty plea by Cohen, and found guilty by a jury for Manafort, have nothing to do with the law? What is Dershowitz defense?

Neither Cohen nor Manafort are Trump. At best as I can see you have him for fibbing about knowing about the meeting between Don Jr. and some Russians. I will wait and see what Dershowitz says.The news just came out. I am not a mind reader nor am I a constitutional attorney. Neither are you. People on both sides will see what they want to see.
Cohen admitted to campaign finance violations ordered by the candidate, and paid back by the candidate. There was only one candidate for Cohen.

He is not credible. Initially he said that was not the case. Then the Gov't finds other criminal activity and he changes his tune to save himself and his family? He may be telling the truth but he is not credible. I agree that there will likely be an impeachment.
At minimum there should be. Bear in mind, this is only a fraction of the number of schemes Trump was involved with to make this an illegal election.
Law and mean what you think law and truth are. Tell me again how you are smarter than Alan Dershowitz. You are false.
We'll, tell us today how a guilty plea by Cohen, and found guilty by a jury for Manafort, have nothing to do with the law? What is Dershowitz defense?

Neither Cohen nor Manafort are Trump. At best as I can see you have him for fibbing about knowing about the meeting between Don Jr. and some Russians. I will wait and see what Dershowitz says.The news just came out. I am not a mind reader nor am I a constitutional attorney. Neither are you. People on both sides will see what they want to see.
Cohen admitted to campaign finance violations ordered by the candidate, and paid back by the candidate. There was only one candidate for Cohen.

He is not credible. Initially he said that was not the case. Then the Gov't finds other criminal activity and he changes his tune to save himself and his family? He may be telling the truth but he is not credible. I agree that there will likely be an impeachment.
At minimum there should be. Bear in mind, this is only a fraction of the number of schemes Trump was involved with to make this an illegal election.

I don't think these "schemes" impacted the election. Unless he somehow changed peoples votes. I could be wrong.
It's gone to far, and the real lawmen and smart people in this country need to step up and put the corruption, and the abuses in check finally.

Mueller is not the person or lawman to be running any investigation where he somehow has been given this open ended ability to charge or investigate Americans for stealing a candy bar back in the 1940's when they were a children. Get real people.

The investigation being enacted from a dossier that was politically motivated by a candidates enemies, should be ended immediately. No fair trials, justice or outcomes can come from such a tainted pool of individuals or groups found within this thing.

The show or circus should end before it gets more stupid than it already has been.

How can this country be this dam crazy these days ??
It wasn't in the 1940's. And there is no circus. Reasonable people call this the "rule of law".
Just remember that when the tide changes.

You think that this nation or it's citizens are dependent upon Donald Trump to either make it or break it ?? Better guess again, but what you leftist are doing to this nation won't end well for your power hungry dreams or your dreams of total power being realized totally in the future. People don't and won't forget this bullcrap, and mueller, comey and others have made a mockery of the justice system in this country over Hillary and company.

You are on the wrong side of history, which will view the people covering for Trump as conspirators and unethical sheep.
I am not arguing Trump had nothing to with it. I am questioning the not naming Trump by name and not cooperating with prosecutors.
Does it make a difference? Do you think it somehow absolves the president? Congress can give Cohen immunity and force him to tell Congress the whole story. Given that, do you think Cohen will hold back? Not likely.

His rep is mud. Secretly recording clients is slimy at best. He also committed other crimes not related to Trump. He is at best a tainted witness.
He is still an officer of the court and his word has a huge impact on the proceedings because of that. It's a problem for Trump whose background isn't any cleaner than Cohen's. If he had gone through life without his current reputation you might have some foundation, he doesn't and you don't.

He changed his story. He is not credible. Stop this.
Apparently, the judge viewed him as credible or he would not have accepted his guilty plea.

The prosecutors took that plea. He has yet to be cross examined. Stop it.
It's gone to far, and the real lawmen and smart people in this country need to step up and put the corruption, and the abuses in check finally.

Mueller is not the person or lawman to be running any investigation where he somehow has been given this open ended ability to charge or investigate Americans for stealing a candy bar back in the 1940's when they were a children. Get real people.

The investigation being enacted from a dossier that was politically motivated by a candidates enemies, should be ended immediately. No fair trials, justice or outcomes can come from such a tainted pool of individuals or groups found within this thing.

The show or circus should end before it gets more stupid than it already has been.

How can this country be this dam crazy these days ??
It wasn't in the 1940's. And there is no circus. Reasonable people call this the "rule of law".
Just remember that when the tide changes.

You think that this nation or it's citizens are dependent upon Donald Trump to either make it or break it ?? Better guess again, but what you leftist are doing to this nation won't end well for your power hungry dreams or your dreams of total power being realized totally in the future. People don't and won't forget this bullcrap, and mueller, comey and others have made a mockery of the justice system in this country over Hillary and company.
"What the Leftist are doing to this nation"? Are saying that the truth and the rule of law are a bad for this country?
Give me a break. They couldn't even convict John Edwards when he spent a million dollars to keep his love child secret. This will be old news by the end of the week.
It's gone to far, and the real lawmen and smart people in this country need to step up and put the corruption, and the abuses in check finally.

Mueller is not the person or lawman to be running any investigation where he somehow has been given this open ended ability to charge or investigate Americans for stealing a candy bar back in the 1940's when they were a children. Get real people.

The investigation being enacted from a dossier that was politically motivated by a candidates enemies, should be ended immediately. No fair trials, justice or outcomes can come from such a tainted pool of individuals or groups found within this thing.

The show or circus should end before it gets more stupid than it already has been.

How can this country be this dam crazy these days ??
It wasn't in the 1940's. And there is no circus. Reasonable people call this the "rule of law".
Just remember that when the tide changes.

You think that this nation or it's citizens are dependent upon Donald Trump to either make it or break it ?? Better guess again, but what you leftist are doing to this nation won't end well for your power hungry dreams or your dreams of total power being realized totally in the future. People don't and won't forget this bullcrap, and mueller, comey and others have made a mockery of the justice system in this country over Hillary and company.
Hillary Clinton was never prosecuted because they couldn't generate evidence that would convict her. She fought the government for twenty-five years and they spent $100 million trying to nail her. At some point, you have to admit you never had anything on her, or perhaps your leo's were the worst that money could buy. Regardless, it is time to stop beating that dead horse. Trump is a criminal and we need to come to grips with that as a nation.
The name will be revealed or Cohen spends more time.

I don't think that is a possibility. He plead out. All over but the fitting for the orange jumpsuit.

That was a very scripted and planned allocution of the plea.
Does it make a difference? Do you think it somehow absolves the president? Congress can give Cohen immunity and force him to tell Congress the whole story. Given that, do you think Cohen will hold back? Not likely.

His rep is mud. Secretly recording clients is slimy at best. He also committed other crimes not related to Trump. He is at best a tainted witness.
He is still an officer of the court and his word has a huge impact on the proceedings because of that. It's a problem for Trump whose background isn't any cleaner than Cohen's. If he had gone through life without his current reputation you might have some foundation, he doesn't and you don't.

He changed his story. He is not credible. Stop this.
Apparently, the judge viewed him as credible or he would not have accepted his guilty plea.

The prosecutors took that plea. He has yet to be cross examined. Stop it.
He pled guilty, its over, there will be no cross-examination unless he is prosecuted for something else.
Stormy an American HERO who touched the Great Douche and came out CLEAN!

We'll, tell us today how a guilty plea by Cohen, and found guilty by a jury for Manafort, have nothing to do with the law? What is Dershowitz defense?

Neither Cohen nor Manafort are Trump. At best as I can see you have him for fibbing about knowing about the meeting between Don Jr. and some Russians. I will wait and see what Dershowitz says.The news just came out. I am not a mind reader nor am I a constitutional attorney. Neither are you. People on both sides will see what they want to see.
Cohen admitted to campaign finance violations ordered by the candidate, and paid back by the candidate. There was only one candidate for Cohen.

He is not credible. Initially he said that was not the case. Then the Gov't finds other criminal activity and he changes his tune to save himself and his family? He may be telling the truth but he is not credible. I agree that there will likely be an impeachment.
At minimum there should be. Bear in mind, this is only a fraction of the number of schemes Trump was involved with to make this an illegal election.

I don't think these "schemes" impacted the election. Unless he somehow changed peoples votes. I could be wrong.
He did; The Election Was Stolen – Here’s How... - Greg Palast


Southern states have closed down at least 868 polling places for the 2016 election
His rep is mud. Secretly recording clients is slimy at best. He also committed other crimes not related to Trump. He is at best a tainted witness.
He is still an officer of the court and his word has a huge impact on the proceedings because of that. It's a problem for Trump whose background isn't any cleaner than Cohen's. If he had gone through life without his current reputation you might have some foundation, he doesn't and you don't.

He changed his story. He is not credible. Stop this.
Apparently, the judge viewed him as credible or he would not have accepted his guilty plea.

The prosecutors took that plea. He has yet to be cross examined. Stop it.
He pled guilty, its over, there will be no cross-examination unless he is prosecuted for something else.

If he is a witness against Trump I mean. Not against himself.
Cohen' charges:

Counts 1-5: Tax evasion.
Count 6: False statements to a financial institution in connection with a credit decision.
Count 7: Willfully causing an unlawfulwIling corporate contribution ( 52 USC 30118(a) )
Count 8: Excessive campaign contribution.
Wow and all this caused our election process to become sullied!
The endless rabbit chase of minors because he can’t get Major Trump. Trump needs to end this national embarrassment, the wailing from defeated again libs will not be as bad as this jumping from target to target to target.....

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