CNN Now Warns Unemployment Is “Too Low” As Trump Administration Follows Through

As unemployment rates have risen, so have the number of disability applications that SSA has received for Disability Insurance (DI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). From 2007 to 2011, the number of DI applications for workers increased by 34 percent, and SSI disability applications increased by 18 percent.
Again we see what slick professional liars the Right are!!! They falsely claim that DI has replaced UI, but if you notice they don't use the number of DI AWARDS to support their lie, which have DECLINED since 2010, but dishonestly use the number of applications that have increased while ignoring the fact that with the increase in applications came an increase in rejections. In fact, in Bush's last year 38.4% of applications for DI were awarded benefits, but under Obama that award rate DECLINED to 32%.

The Right ALWAYS lies about everything because they think lying proves them to be intellectually superior to honest people!!!

Any fool can tell the truth, but it requires a man of some sense to know how to lie well.
- Samuel Butler
You are one stupid puppy. No one cares about the rate of approval. Go ahead and post the total number of people approved. Bet you won't do it.
If Trump walked on water, they would complain that he couldn't swim. It's the coerced news network...


If there are employable people getting unemployment and welfare, we are not at full employment.
As unemployment rates have risen, so have the number of disability applications that SSA has received for Disability Insurance (DI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). From 2007 to 2011, the number of DI applications for workers increased by 34 percent, and SSI disability applications increased by 18 percent.
Again we see what slick professional liars the Right are!!! They falsely claim that DI has replaced UI, but if you notice they don't use the number of DI AWARDS to support their lie, which have DECLINED since 2010, but dishonestly use the number of applications that have increased while ignoring the fact that with the increase in applications came an increase in rejections. In fact, in Bush's last year 38.4% of applications for DI were awarded benefits, but under Obama that award rate DECLINED to 32%.

The Right ALWAYS lies about everything because they think lying proves them to be intellectually superior to honest people!!!

Any fool can tell the truth, but it requires a man of some sense to know how to lie well.
- Samuel Butler
You are one stupid puppy. No one cares about the rate of approval. Go ahead and post the total number of people approved. Bet you won't do it.
You lost your bet!!! :rofl::lmao:
Awards by year:
2010: 1,052,551
2011: 1,025,003
2012: 979,973
2013: 884,894
2014: 810,973
2015: 775,739
2016: 744,268

First quarter under Don THE Con DI awards INCREASED by 12.02% over Obama's last quarter. 172,895 awards Obama's last quarter and 193,674 awards Tramp's first quarter.
There were less people collecting DI in Obama's last year, 744,268, than in 2002 under bush, 750,464.
That is why the professional liars who feed you SUCKERS your fake news use applications rather than awards!!!!!

Don't you morons ever get tired of making fools of yourselves by parroting the lies from GOP Hate Media fake news?????
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Put a 10,000 load behind it and try again. You're just not very smart, are ya?

That's a crash into a barrier, which is 60% worse than hitting another vehicle horizontally. The sort of damage you described requires a head on driver to driver side impact. Or as I first predicted a T-bone into the driver side of your vehicle. The sort of damage you describe, at the speeds you describe aren't supported by any crash test data.

You wasn't there were you dumb ass. This is what the truck looked like after.

View attachment 137751
BTW the airbag didn't deploy, put that is your crash data.
I'll be waiting for your apology. :smoke:

I see you ran off with your tail between your legs, LITTLE BOY.

I wonder how many people in America can't pass a drug test? That's where the unemployment is.
hell, there are jobs that don't test....and not all of them are bad paying
They didn't make me get a drug test for my job. I've only been asked once to take one, and that was by some great big fascist government protected monopoly. Smart companies know that if they excluded all the people who smoke marijuana from being hired, they would be losing out on a lot of good talent.
I wonder how many people in America can't pass a drug test? That's where the unemployment is.
hell, there are jobs that don't test....and not all of them are bad paying

True story:

I had a couple renting an apartment from me. Great tenants. They paid their rent (not always on time) they were clean, quiet, but both worked fast food jobs.

They were young and smoked pot, but didn't want to give it up. That's why they never tried to get better jobs. Better paying jobs do drug test.

I don't know how they are doing now, but it's my hope they gave up the dope to pursue a better life. When they left last year, they were both in their mid 20's. I would hate to see them working fast food jobs until they are in their 50's, and then of course it's too late to advance yourself at that age.
I wonder how many people in America can't pass a drug test? That's where the unemployment is.
hell, there are jobs that don't test....and not all of them are bad paying
They didn't make me get a drug test for my job. I've only been asked once to take one, and that was by some great big fascist government protected monopoly. Most companies know that if they excluded all the people who smoke marijuana from being hired, they would be losing out and a lot of good talent.

That is true, but the reason companies do drug test is to get cheaper rates on Workman's Compensation insurance. Unfortunately, we are becoming a society that is governed by insurance companies.
I wonder how many people in America can't pass a drug test? That's where the unemployment is.
hell, there are jobs that don't test....and not all of them are bad paying
They didn't make me get a drug test for my job. I've only been asked once to take one, and that was by some great big fascist government protected monopoly. Most companies know that if they excluded all the people who smoke marijuana from being hired, they would be losing out and a lot of good talent.

That is true, but the reason companies do drug test is to get cheaper rates on Workman's Compensation insurance. Unfortunately, we are becoming a society that is governed by insurance companies.
Yeah, I know. I recently was on a flight to Milwauke, and 50 feet from the gate the plane stopped and waited for 40 minutes because of a little lighting off in the distance. That was totally because of insurance companies.
Total number on SSDI increased by a more than million people under Obama.

2008 7,427,203

2016 8,808,736

So yeah, you are wrong again. That has to suck.

Disabled-worker statistics
So now you shift from applications and awards per year to total increases per term. As new awards are given each year the total will always increase, but it increased over 1 million LESS in Obama's 8 years than in Bush's 8 years.

Bush went from 5,052,895 when he started to 7,442,377 when he left an increase of 2,389,462 in 8 years.
Obama went from 7,442,377 to 8,795,964 an increase of 1,353,587 in 8 years.

You are caught lying with numbers while comparing apples to oranges.
Now that really sucks!!!

Disabled-worker statistics

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