CNN: OBAMA cabinet member will be president if Trump and Pence are killed at the inauguration

I just watched the infamous segment. They actually discussed What would happen in the event that Obama and Biden and Ryan were killed to start that piece.

There was no opining about how great it would be if tragedy struck Trump.

Mother fucking dishonest hacks. You simply must play the victim. It's like you need to be outraged in order to breathe.

Now you put words in my mouth. I didn't suggest that CNN thought it would be "great" if it happened. I am suggesting it is not newsworthy, nor the type of information that is at all relevant, unless some sort of horrible tragedy struck.

There are radicals who are openly stating they are protesting and "against the peaceful transfer of power". This has been covered, it's not theory, such anti-democratic nutjobs exist. You have seen how millionaire celebrities are acting and reacting, and they have the world at their fingertips. What do you think some down and out angry alt-left person might do?

Look at it this way. If someone actually commits a crime and says "I was motivated to do this a story on CNN that a Democrat would become president" would you feel differently?

It's a disgusting segment. Let me say, I don't get Fox in Canada, I have watched CNN for years. I used to respect them and many of their journalists. The last two years or so they have become far less interested in news and much more interested in influencing. They aren't the only ones, especially when it's a quiet news day, but a story like this is just classless, I don't care how you defend it.

You are a dupe and a concern troll. You never watched the segment before posting about it. Weird.

Here is the segment on youtube. Almsot 700k views, notice all the thumbs down?

I watched it and throughout the segment it states that the replacement would be a Democrat cabinet member. This is clearly in bad taste during a contention election result, inauguration and the like.

Are you going to doubt Jennifer Holliday when she says she has received death threats? This from a lady who only wanted to sing. Do you think maybe, just maybe there are some who might want to do more than just threaten?

I am not a knee jerk reaction type of person, but with the current environment and police already on high alert, protests from every alt-left corner, this is a ridiculous, not news worthy story. Anything for ratings and a reaction I suppose. It works, kudos to CNN for working hard and creatively to improve their post-election ratings drop.
I just watched the infamous segment. They actually discussed What would happen in the event that Obama and Biden and Ryan were killed to start that piece.

There was no opining about how great it would be if tragedy struck Trump.

Mother fucking dishonest hacks. You simply must play the victim. It's like you need to be outraged in order to breathe.

Now you put words in my mouth. I didn't suggest that CNN thought it would be "great" if it happened. I am suggesting it is not newsworthy, nor the type of information that is at all relevant, unless some sort of horrible tragedy struck.

There are radicals who are openly stating they are protesting and "against the peaceful transfer of power". This has been covered, it's not theory, such anti-democratic nutjobs exist. You have seen how millionaire celebrities are acting and reacting, and they have the world at their fingertips. What do you think some down and out angry alt-left person might do?

Look at it this way. If someone actually commits a crime and says "I was motivated to do this a story on CNN that a Democrat would become president" would you feel differently?

It's a disgusting segment. Let me say, I don't get Fox in Canada, I have watched CNN for years. I used to respect them and many of their journalists. The last two years or so they have become far less interested in news and much more interested in influencing. They aren't the only ones, especially when it's a quiet news day, but a story like this is just classless, I don't care how you defend it.

You are a dupe and a concern troll. You never watched the segment before posting about it. Weird.
they got their marching orders from their masters in their right wing faux media to be upset and outraged that cnn did this segment, then spread the video they were suppose to be upset with, to millions of more people, so these new people could see the video segment of CNN's that they said should not have been run.... :cuckoo:

they are brainless pawns
I just watched the infamous segment. They actually discussed What would happen in the event that Obama and Biden and Ryan were killed to start that piece.

There was no opining about how great it would be if tragedy struck Trump.

Mother fucking dishonest hacks. You simply must play the victim. It's like you need to be outraged in order to breathe.

Now you put words in my mouth. I didn't suggest that CNN thought it would be "great" if it happened. I am suggesting it is not newsworthy, nor the type of information that is at all relevant, unless some sort of horrible tragedy struck.

There are radicals who are openly stating they are protesting and "against the peaceful transfer of power". This has been covered, it's not theory, such anti-democratic nutjobs exist. You have seen how millionaire celebrities are acting and reacting, and they have the world at their fingertips. What do you think some down and out angry alt-left person might do?

Look at it this way. If someone actually commits a crime and says "I was motivated to do this a story on CNN that a Democrat would become president" would you feel differently?

It's a disgusting segment. Let me say, I don't get Fox in Canada, I have watched CNN for years. I used to respect them and many of their journalists. The last two years or so they have become far less interested in news and much more interested in influencing. They aren't the only ones, especially when it's a quiet news day, but a story like this is just classless, I don't care how you defend it.

You are a dupe and a concern troll. You never watched the segment before posting about it. Weird.
they got their marching orders from their masters in their right wing faux media to be upset and outraged that cnn did this segment, then spread the video they were suppose to be upset with, to millions of more people, so they could see the video segment of CNN's that should not have been run.... :cuckoo:

they are brainless pawns
"Brainless Pawns" are marching and protesting today.
I just watched the infamous segment. They actually discussed What would happen in the event that Obama and Biden and Ryan were killed to start that piece.

There was no opining about how great it would be if tragedy struck Trump.

Mother fucking dishonest hacks. You simply must play the victim. It's like you need to be outraged in order to breathe.

Now you put words in my mouth. I didn't suggest that CNN thought it would be "great" if it happened. I am suggesting it is not newsworthy, nor the type of information that is at all relevant, unless some sort of horrible tragedy struck.

There are radicals who are openly stating they are protesting and "against the peaceful transfer of power". This has been covered, it's not theory, such anti-democratic nutjobs exist. You have seen how millionaire celebrities are acting and reacting, and they have the world at their fingertips. What do you think some down and out angry alt-left person might do?

Look at it this way. If someone actually commits a crime and says "I was motivated to do this a story on CNN that a Democrat would become president" would you feel differently?

It's a disgusting segment. Let me say, I don't get Fox in Canada, I have watched CNN for years. I used to respect them and many of their journalists. The last two years or so they have become far less interested in news and much more interested in influencing. They aren't the only ones, especially when it's a quiet news day, but a story like this is just classless, I don't care how you defend it.

You are a dupe and a concern troll. You never watched the segment before posting about it. Weird.

Here is the segment on youtube. Almsot 700k views, notice all the thumbs down?

I watched it and throughout the segment it states that the replacement would be a Democrat cabinet member. This is clearly in bad taste during a contention election result, inauguration and the like.

Are you going to doubt Jennifer Holliday when she says she has received death threats? This from a lady who only wanted to sing. Do you think maybe, just maybe there are some who might want to do more than just threaten?

I am not a knee jerk reaction type of person, but with the current environment and police already on high alert, protests from every alt-left corner, this is a ridiculous, not news worthy story. Anything for ratings and a reaction I suppose. It works, kudos to CNN for working hard and creatively to improve their post-election ratings drop.

I hope it's Mad Dog...but I bet it's Ryan.
I just watched the infamous segment. They actually discussed What would happen in the event that Obama and Biden and Ryan were killed to start that piece.

There was no opining about how great it would be if tragedy struck Trump.

Mother fucking dishonest hacks. You simply must play the victim. It's like you need to be outraged in order to breathe.

Now you put words in my mouth. I didn't suggest that CNN thought it would be "great" if it happened. I am suggesting it is not newsworthy, nor the type of information that is at all relevant, unless some sort of horrible tragedy struck.

There are radicals who are openly stating they are protesting and "against the peaceful transfer of power". This has been covered, it's not theory, such anti-democratic nutjobs exist. You have seen how millionaire celebrities are acting and reacting, and they have the world at their fingertips. What do you think some down and out angry alt-left person might do?

Look at it this way. If someone actually commits a crime and says "I was motivated to do this a story on CNN that a Democrat would become president" would you feel differently?

It's a disgusting segment. Let me say, I don't get Fox in Canada, I have watched CNN for years. I used to respect them and many of their journalists. The last two years or so they have become far less interested in news and much more interested in influencing. They aren't the only ones, especially when it's a quiet news day, but a story like this is just classless, I don't care how you defend it.

You are a dupe and a concern troll. You never watched the segment before posting about it. Weird.
they got their marching orders from their masters in their right wing faux media to be upset and outraged that cnn did this segment, then spread the video they were suppose to be upset with, to millions of more people, so they could see the video segment of CNN's that should not have been run.... :cuckoo:

they are brainless pawns
"Brainless Pawns" are marching and protesting today.
:thup: equal opportunity and all that jazz! :lol:
Trump intends to terminate CNN. So maybe they are publicly hoping someone beats him to the punch.
Absolutely a fake story from the far right.

First, I am not the far right. Either are many who watched this video are are unhappy with it, over 700k as of now.

Second, if anything this is fake news from CNN.

Can you imagine CNN did a slick video as they did here for Clinton after she collapsed on the way to the limo? Have a lengthy discussion of who would take over the presidency if she passed (as they assumed she would win)?

I can't either. It would be too insensitive to run such a story...
I don't care what you think you are.

What you are in fact is a purveyor of fake news.
I don't care what you think you are.

What you are in fact is a purveyor of fake news.

How am I a purveyor of fake news? I didn't create the headline they used in their segment. It is irresponsible to use that approach but if you want to defend it go ahead.

Watch the video again and consider what is being stated:


How is this a developing story? What type of act are they insinuating might happen? Again I ask you to show evidence that they did a similar type "Developing Now" story for any other president, on inauguration day no less while performers have been threatened, people have protested the results and are planning to protest on Inauguration Day.

You are giving them a free pass for such a disgusting headline simply because you don't like Trump. If it's fake news, it's fake news from CNN themselves. Their headline, their "developing now" story, their fake news that is nothing more than a punch to the gut and is poorly timed.
CNN is all junk news.

The succession is as follows:

Vice President - GOP
Speaker of the House - (Ryan -GOP)
Pres Pro Tem of Senate - (Hatch - GOP)

Currently ratified:

Sec Defense (Gen. James Mattis US Army-Ret)
I just watched the infamous segment. They actually discussed What would happen in the event that Obama and Biden and Ryan were killed to start that piece.

There was no opining about how great it would be if tragedy struck Trump.

Mother fucking dishonest hacks. You simply must play the victim. It's like you need to be outraged in order to breathe.
Speaker Ryan would be President. CNN Not only broadcasts fake news, the shit they say is wrong.
I just watched the infamous segment. They actually discussed What would happen in the event that Obama and Biden and Ryan were killed to start that piece.

There was no opining about how great it would be if tragedy struck Trump.

Mother fucking dishonest hacks. You simply must play the victim. It's like you need to be outraged in order to breathe.
Speaker Ryan would be President. CNN Not only broadcasts fake news, the shit they say is wrong.

You didn't watch. Ignorance is your call g card.

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