CDZ CNN Obliteration of a News Report


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Most of know this already, but for the few who don't, this is an example of how CNN takes what could have been an informative and interesting news report, and converts it into a pile of racist, anti-white, anti-cop propaganda.

On the CNN afternoon show, CNN Newsroom With Brooke Baldwin, there was an interview with Ron Davis, father of Jordan Davis, the black teenage boy who was shot and killed at a gas station, by Michael Dunn. The first, and most glaring, defect of this "report" is that Davis is the ONLY one being interviewed. They could have had on any one of a number of people to add a little balance to this report.

They could have had Dunn's father as well (who was paying for Dunn's legal defense). Or Dun's daughter, who disputes the murder conviction against her father. They could have had Dunn's attorney, Cory Strolla, who also disputes the verdict. But instead of presenting a two sided report, in which viewers could have seen a completely different picture than what Ron Davis drew, CNN presented a one-sided view, which was filled with very biased talk about "unarmed" black kids being shot, by allegedly evil cops, who favor whites.

Davis' remarks could easily have been contested, if not thoroughly refuted. CNN never gave viewers that opportunity. Maybe this is why CNN's primetime ratings are only about 1/3 that of Fox News,which routinely has guests and Fox contributors representing both sides of an issue.
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There was a sudden upward surge?

Public reaction is not a requisite for a news broadcast. It also has been decades since those purporting to teach actual journalism retired and left the field to failed editorial writers.
There was a sudden upward surge?

Public reaction is not a requisite for a news broadcast. It also has been decades since those purporting to teach actual journalism retired and left the field to failed editorial writers.

I find good journalism right now on Fox, which really does present both sides of issues, with representives of both sides speaking. The lack of that, and the consequent lack of "actual journalism" is exactly what the OP is talking about.

If the report I cited had been on Fox, we undoubtedly, would have seen one of the people I mentioned, from Dunn's side of it, on the show.
There was a sudden upward surge?

Public reaction is not a requisite for a news broadcast. It also has been decades since those purporting to teach actual journalism retired and left the field to failed editorial writers.

I find good journalism right now on Fox, which really does present both sides of issues, with representives of both sides speaking. The lack of that, and the consequent lack of "actual journalism" is exactly what the OP is talking about.

If the report I cited had been on Fox, we undoubtedly, would have seen one of the people I mentioned, from Dunn's side of it, on the show.

That's why libtards loathe Fox, they can't tolerate the other side having a voice.

Most of know this already, but for the few who don't, this is an example of how CNN takes what could have been an informative and interesting news report, and converts it into a pile of racist, anti-white, anti-cop propaganda.

On the CNN afternoon show, CNN Newsroom With Brooke Baldwin, there was an interview with Ron Davis, father of Jordan Davis, the black teenage boy who was shot and killed at a gas station, by Michael Dunn. The first, and most glaring, defect of this "report" is that Davis is the ONLY one being interviewed. They could have had on any one of a number of people to add a little balance to this report.

They could have had Dunn's father as well (who was paying for Dunn's legal defense). Or Dun's daughter, who disputes the murder conviction against her father. They could have had Dunn's attorney, Cory Strolla, who also disputes the verdict. But instead of presenting a two sided report, in which viewers could have seen a completely different picture than what Ron Davis drew, CNN presented a one-sided view, which was filled with very biased talk about "unarmed" black kids being shot, by allegedly evil cops, who favor whites.

Davis' remarks could easily have been contested, if not thoroughly refuted. CNN never gave viewers that opportunity. Maybe this is why CNN's primetime ratings are only about 1/3 that of Fox News,which routinely has guests and Fox contributors representing both sides of an issue.

I quit watching CNN when they railroaded Lou Dobbs out of the company just because they wet their pants over some La Raza racists who didn't like his view on criminal illegal aliens. Then they put some block head idiot with a Spanish surname on the air who was actually painful to watch and listen to. I think they eventually fired the idiot but I was long gone by then and don't ever plan to watch a single minute of that channel's inane propaganda and biased tabloid junk again. We can all forget about 'The Media'; they're morons, cretins, and hacks, all of them, and have no morals or standards of any kind. They certainly aren't journalists any more.
Ah ... just remembered the name, Rick Sanchez ... fired for babbling racist stuff ... lol ...

Rick Sanchez - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

On further research, the Sanchez and La Raza love fest was even more hilarious than I thought:

Can Rick Sanchez come back after being fired from CNN McClatchy DC McClatchy DC

""There are people in television who think they're smart because they're on television,'' Roberts said. "They think they don't have to think. And Sanchez is a victim of that. He really thought that what came out of his mouth was pearls of wisdom, and the stupidity just flowed. . . . Is he anti-Semitic? I don't think so. But he was very intemperate in his remarks, and he deserved to be fired.''

"He's a very passionate guy, and that can maybe sometimes get the best of him,'' said Lisa Navarette, spokeswoman for the National Council of La Raza, a Hispanic lobby. "But he was an important advocate within CNN for diversity and an important voice for lowering the heat on coverage of the immigration issue. . . . We were sad to see him go.''

"And, Navarette added, the anger over Sanchez's remarks about Jews is masking the truth of his complaints about discrimination against Hispanic reporters and anchors in the English-speaking television world."

This is stuff that would be mistaken for spoofs right out of the pages The Onion, only it's actually real life for these morons.
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