CNN on Benghazi committee: Immediate headline "GOP committee finds no wrongdoing by Clinton"

The republican panel members effort to blame Hillary has ended and their Bogus Benghazi Panel are now uniting with the fugitive Dr. Richard Kimble in search of a One Armed Bandit.
There is no one else responsible for Benghazi. Hillary & Obama were in charge & complete control. Those men gave their lives for Obama & Hillary's ideals of putting forth a non aggressive image towards Islam. Heavy weapons as well as other types of support were requested before & during the attack. They were declined. They are dead solely because of Obama & Hillary. The subsequent attempt to fool Americans by blaming it on a video was a disgusting display of their disregard for our men.

Too bad for your argument that the House Select Committee on Intelligence absolved the administration of any wrongdoing at Benghazi. Otherwise your meme might have worked.
When did the HSC release their findings? Had they read today's report when they absolved the criminals? Didn't think so.

September of last year and they had been investigating it since 2012. They found no wrongdoing and today backed that up.
The republican panel members effort to blame Hillary has ended and their Bogus Benghazi Panel are now uniting with the fugitive Dr. Richard Kimble in search of a One Armed Bandit.
There is no one else responsible for Benghazi. Hillary & Obama were in charge & complete control. Those men gave their lives for Obama & Hillary's ideals of putting forth a non aggressive image towards Islam. Heavy weapons as well as other types of support were requested before & during the attack. They were declined. They are dead solely because of Obama & Hillary. The subsequent attempt to fool Americans by blaming it on a video was a disgusting display of their disregard for our men.

Too bad for your argument that the House Select Committee on Intelligence absolved the administration of any wrongdoing at Benghazi. Otherwise your meme might have worked.

Of course they found no wrong doing.

You can't arrest someone for incompetence and as far as douchebag in the WH is concerned, he thought more of his Vegas fund raiser than he did of four dead men.

You obviously could care less about those men as well. If you thought anything of their deaths you wouldn't be defending incompetence.
The republican panel members effort to blame Hillary has ended and their Bogus Benghazi Panel are now uniting with the fugitive Dr. Richard Kimble in search of a One Armed Bandit.
There is no one else responsible for Benghazi. Hillary & Obama were in charge & complete control. Those men gave their lives for Obama & Hillary's ideals of putting forth a non aggressive image towards Islam. Heavy weapons as well as other types of support were requested before & during the attack. They were declined. They are dead solely because of Obama & Hillary. The subsequent attempt to fool Americans by blaming it on a video was a disgusting display of their disregard for our men.

Too bad for your argument that the House Select Committee on Intelligence absolved the administration of any wrongdoing at Benghazi. Otherwise your meme might have worked.

Of course they found no wrong doing.

You can't arrest someone for incompetence and as far as douchebag in the WH is concerned, he thought more of his Vegas fund raiser than he did of four dead men.

You obviously could care less about those men as well. If you thought anything of their deaths you wouldn't be defending incompetence.
Nailed it!
So to you, like him, it is nothing but political. Sick.
Hope he gets voted out of office.
Last year, Congressman Kevin McCarthy was quoted:

"Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi special committee, a select committee. What are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping."

Yeah, we know exactly what it was all about and the fact they ran it out until now pretty much validates it. Lying scum of the earth, pay the damn money back.
Thats because if there was wrongdoing the Republicans would play the Easter Egg game and tell people to go find it. They'd be shouting from the roof tops that finally their 23rd investigation turned up something
The FIRST investigation turned up FOUR DEAD AMERICANS & ONE BIG ASS LIE.

All a result of Hillary's ideals.

The 4 dead guys were already turned up and what you claim is a lie is only a claim. 17 investigations later and you still have shit but rumors and allegations.

Maybe you guys just suck that bad where you cant lay a glove on her :dunno:
Thats because if there was wrongdoing the Republicans would play the Easter Egg game and tell people to go find it. They'd be shouting from the roof tops that finally their 23rd investigation turned up something
The FIRST investigation turned up FOUR DEAD AMERICANS & ONE BIG ASS LIE.

All a result of Hillary's ideals.

The 4 dead guys were already turned up and what you claim is a lie is only a claim. 17 investigations later and you still have shit but rumors and allegations.

Maybe you guys just suck that bad where you cant lay a glove on her :dunno:

I watched the news just like millions of others where the administration blamed Benghazi on a video.

Where the hell were you??
Thats because if there was wrongdoing the Republicans would play the Easter Egg game and tell people to go find it. They'd be shouting from the roof tops that finally their 23rd investigation turned up something
I don't think anyone's listening, so shouting is fruitless.

You're handlers have told you to ignore everything but what they put out. There's too much at stake to let the truth get any traction.
The republican panel members effort to blame Hillary has ended and their Bogus Benghazi Panel are now uniting with the fugitive Dr. Richard Kimble in search of a One Armed Bandit.
There is no one else responsible for Benghazi. Hillary & Obama were in charge & complete control. Those men gave their lives for Obama & Hillary's ideals of putting forth a non aggressive image towards Islam. Heavy weapons as well as other types of support were requested before & during the attack. They were declined. They are dead solely because of Obama & Hillary. The subsequent attempt to fool Americans by blaming it on a video was a disgusting display of their disregard for our men.

Too bad for your argument that the House Select Committee on Intelligence absolved the administration of any wrongdoing at Benghazi. Otherwise your meme might have worked.

Of course they found no wrong doing.

You can't arrest someone for incompetence and as far as douchebag in the WH is concerned, he thought more of his Vegas fund raiser than he did of four dead men.

You obviously could care less about those men as well. If you thought anything of their deaths you wouldn't be defending incompetence.

Obviously this event can't be boiled down to the simplistic level you put it at. 8 Congressional investigations, $29 million dollars spent, 50 congressional hearings, thousands of pages of documents, hundreds of people testifying and thousands of questions asked all revealed nothing. Nothing new to add.

At some point you have to ask yourself this: If the $22 million spent revealed no new truth to be found, why was it necessary to spend $7 million more to get a different and more preferred truth?
Quit the lies. They were not to absolve ,or charge anyone.
Any absolving is being done by you and yours only, since the announcement of their deaths. Facts matter not to you.
The republican panel members effort to blame Hillary has ended and their Bogus Benghazi Panel are now uniting with the fugitive Dr. Richard Kimble in search of a One Armed Bandit.
There is no one else responsible for Benghazi. Hillary & Obama were in charge & complete control. Those men gave their lives for Obama & Hillary's ideals of putting forth a non aggressive image towards Islam. Heavy weapons as well as other types of support were requested before & during the attack. They were declined. They are dead solely because of Obama & Hillary. The subsequent attempt to fool Americans by blaming it on a video was a disgusting display of their disregard for our men.

Too bad for your argument that the House Select Committee on Intelligence absolved the administration of any wrongdoing at Benghazi. Otherwise your meme might have worked.
I agree.

Gross incompetence isn't illegal nor is it criminal. No way would Hitlery be found guilty of anything criminal because she did nothing illegal.

She and her State Department were grossly incompetent and four good men died because of that incompetence.

Nothing illegal about it so the findings of the investigation don't surprise me at all.
For the Liberal voter it makes her a Presidential candidate.
Must have a vagina

Keep searching, there's someone out there for everyone.
You must be one of those Wiccans.

Only way you can meet girls.

I'm good, but thanks for the concern.
I'm not concerned.
Thats because if there was wrongdoing the Republicans would play the Easter Egg game and tell people to go find it. They'd be shouting from the roof tops that finally their 23rd investigation turned up something
The FIRST investigation turned up FOUR DEAD AMERICANS & ONE BIG ASS LIE.

All a result of Hillary's ideals.

The 4 dead guys were already turned up and what you claim is a lie is only a claim. 17 investigations later and you still have shit but rumors and allegations.

Maybe you guys just suck that bad where you cant lay a glove on her :dunno:

I watched the news just like millions of others where the administration blamed Benghazi on a video.

Where the hell were you??

And that is a lie because......

And that is important because.....

Once you answer those questions you'll see how much nothing you have
The republican panel members effort to blame Hillary has ended and their Bogus Benghazi Panel are now uniting with the fugitive Dr. Richard Kimble in search of a One Armed Bandit.
There is no one else responsible for Benghazi. Hillary & Obama were in charge & complete control. Those men gave their lives for Obama & Hillary's ideals of putting forth a non aggressive image towards Islam. Heavy weapons as well as other types of support were requested before & during the attack. They were declined. They are dead solely because of Obama & Hillary. The subsequent attempt to fool Americans by blaming it on a video was a disgusting display of their disregard for our men.

Too bad for your argument that the House Select Committee on Intelligence absolved the administration of any wrongdoing at Benghazi. Otherwise your meme might have worked.

Of course they found no wrong doing.

You can't arrest someone for incompetence and as far as douchebag in the WH is concerned, he thought more of his Vegas fund raiser than he did of four dead men.

You obviously could care less about those men as well. If you thought anything of their deaths you wouldn't be defending incompetence.

Obviously this event can't be boiled down to the simplistic level you put it at. 8 Congressional investigations, $29 million dollars spent, 50 congressional hearings, thousands of pages of documents, hundreds of people testifying and thousands of questions asked all revealed nothing. Nothing new to add.

At some point you have to ask yourself this: If the $22 million spent revealed no new truth to be found, why was it necessary to spend $7 million more to get a different and more preferred truth?

Its very simplistic.

They had months or warnings, they did nothing.

Can't get any simpler than that.
I agree with Congressman Gowdy:

ON MEACHAM, EXECUTIVE EDITOR, RANDOM HOUSE: Congressman, what is the lesson that the country should take from your report?

GOWDY: That Congress does a lousy job of conducting apolitical, nonpartisan investigations and the American people deserve better.
  • Did we taxpayers really want to pay for a months-long investigation resulting in an 800 page report, the key lesson of which, as stated by the report's primary author/"owner," that Congress isn't any good at nonpartisanship? Really? Who didn't know that?
  • Who doesn't know that American voters are, as well as lousy at apolitical, nonpartisan reviews and analysis of pretty much everything, often unwilling to do so even if and when they otherwise can practice apolitical, nonpartisan behavior and thought?
Quit the lies. They were not to absolve ,or charge anyone.
Any absolving is being done by you and yours only, since the announcement of their deaths. Facts matter not to you.
The republican panel members effort to blame Hillary has ended and their Bogus Benghazi Panel are now uniting with the fugitive Dr. Richard Kimble in search of a One Armed Bandit.
There is no one else responsible for Benghazi. Hillary & Obama were in charge & complete control. Those men gave their lives for Obama & Hillary's ideals of putting forth a non aggressive image towards Islam. Heavy weapons as well as other types of support were requested before & during the attack. They were declined. They are dead solely because of Obama & Hillary. The subsequent attempt to fool Americans by blaming it on a video was a disgusting display of their disregard for our men.

Too bad for your argument that the House Select Committee on Intelligence absolved the administration of any wrongdoing at Benghazi. Otherwise your meme might have worked.

I don't care how many times you scream it ain't changing the fact that "no new evidence is found" It is over and done with, you're leave with nothing.
Thats because if there was wrongdoing the Republicans would play the Easter Egg game and tell people to go find it. They'd be shouting from the roof tops that finally their 23rd investigation turned up something
The FIRST investigation turned up FOUR DEAD AMERICANS & ONE BIG ASS LIE.

All a result of Hillary's ideals.

The 4 dead guys were already turned up and what you claim is a lie is only a claim. 17 investigations later and you still have shit but rumors and allegations.

Maybe you guys just suck that bad where you cant lay a glove on her :dunno:

I watched the news just like millions of others where the administration blamed Benghazi on a video.

Where the hell were you??
His head then, like now, was up Obama's ass. No time for fact finding in there
The republican panel members effort to blame Hillary has ended and their Bogus Benghazi Panel are now uniting with the fugitive Dr. Richard Kimble in search of a One Armed Bandit.
There is no one else responsible for Benghazi. Hillary & Obama were in charge & complete control. Those men gave their lives for Obama & Hillary's ideals of putting forth a non aggressive image towards Islam. Heavy weapons as well as other types of support were requested before & during the attack. They were declined. They are dead solely because of Obama & Hillary. The subsequent attempt to fool Americans by blaming it on a video was a disgusting display of their disregard for our men.

Too bad for your argument that the House Select Committee on Intelligence absolved the administration of any wrongdoing at Benghazi. Otherwise your meme might have worked.

Of course they found no wrong doing.

You can't arrest someone for incompetence and as far as douchebag in the WH is concerned, he thought more of his Vegas fund raiser than he did of four dead men.

You obviously could care less about those men as well. If you thought anything of their deaths you wouldn't be defending incompetence.

Obviously this event can't be boiled down to the simplistic level you put it at. 8 Congressional investigations, $29 million dollars spent, 50 congressional hearings, thousands of pages of documents, hundreds of people testifying and thousands of questions asked all revealed nothing. Nothing new to add.

At some point you have to ask yourself this: If the $22 million spent revealed no new truth to be found, why was it necessary to spend $7 million more to get a different and more preferred truth?

Its very simplistic.

They had months or warnings, they did nothing.

Can't get any simpler than that and I unlike you, I don't need an investigation to know incompetence when I see it.
Thats because if there was wrongdoing the Republicans would play the Easter Egg game and tell people to go find it. They'd be shouting from the roof tops that finally their 23rd investigation turned up something
The FIRST investigation turned up FOUR DEAD AMERICANS & ONE BIG ASS LIE.

All a result of Hillary's ideals.

The 4 dead guys were already turned up and what you claim is a lie is only a claim. 17 investigations later and you still have shit but rumors and allegations.

Maybe you guys just suck that bad where you cant lay a glove on her :dunno:
Glad to see you support corruption. It will weaken your position in future.
The republican panel members effort to blame Hillary has ended and their Bogus Benghazi Panel are now uniting with the fugitive Dr. Richard Kimble in search of a One Armed Bandit.
There is no one else responsible for Benghazi. Hillary & Obama were in charge & complete control. Those men gave their lives for Obama & Hillary's ideals of putting forth a non aggressive image towards Islam. Heavy weapons as well as other types of support were requested before & during the attack. They were declined. They are dead solely because of Obama & Hillary. The subsequent attempt to fool Americans by blaming it on a video was a disgusting display of their disregard for our men.

Too bad for your argument that the House Select Committee on Intelligence absolved the administration of any wrongdoing at Benghazi. Otherwise your meme might have worked.

Of course they found no wrong doing.

You can't arrest someone for incompetence and as far as douchebag in the WH is concerned, he thought more of his Vegas fund raiser than he did of four dead men.

You obviously could care less about those men as well. If you thought anything of their deaths you wouldn't be defending incompetence.

Obviously this event can't be boiled down to the simplistic level you put it at. 8 Congressional investigations, $29 million dollars spent, 50 congressional hearings, thousands of pages of documents, hundreds of people testifying and thousands of questions asked all revealed nothing. Nothing new to add.

At some point you have to ask yourself this: If the $22 million spent revealed no new truth to be found, why was it necessary to spend $7 million more to get a different and more preferred truth?

Its very simplistic.

They had months or warnings, they did nothing.

Can't get any simpler than that.
And they came up with nothing new to add. Is that shameful or just stupidity?
Thats because if there was wrongdoing the Republicans would play the Easter Egg game and tell people to go find it. They'd be shouting from the roof tops that finally their 23rd investigation turned up something
The FIRST investigation turned up FOUR DEAD AMERICANS & ONE BIG ASS LIE.

All a result of Hillary's ideals.

The 4 dead guys were already turned up and what you claim is a lie is only a claim. 17 investigations later and you still have shit but rumors and allegations.

Maybe you guys just suck that bad where you cant lay a glove on her :dunno:

I watched the news just like millions of others where the administration blamed Benghazi on a video.

Where the hell were you??
His head then, like now, was up Obama's ass. No time for fact finding in there

Aww, when you cant find answers you go back to butt jokes like a grown up
No life that is serving our country should have a $ amount applied to them, such as you are doing. To prevent it from happening again, it is worth any amount of money.

How about that $6 billion unaccounted for by Clinton's State Dept? Was that worth it to you?

The republican panel members effort to blame Hillary has ended and their Bogus Benghazi Panel are now uniting with the fugitive Dr. Richard Kimble in search of a One Armed Bandit.
There is no one else responsible for Benghazi. Hillary & Obama were in charge & complete control. Those men gave their lives for Obama & Hillary's ideals of putting forth a non aggressive image towards Islam. Heavy weapons as well as other types of support were requested before & during the attack. They were declined. They are dead solely because of Obama & Hillary. The subsequent attempt to fool Americans by blaming it on a video was a disgusting display of their disregard for our men.

Too bad for your argument that the House Select Committee on Intelligence absolved the administration of any wrongdoing at Benghazi. Otherwise your meme might have worked.

Of course they found no wrong doing.

You can't arrest someone for incompetence and as far as douchebag in the WH is concerned, he thought more of his Vegas fund raiser than he did of four dead men.

You obviously could care less about those men as well. If you thought anything of their deaths you wouldn't be defending incompetence.

Obviously this event can't be boiled down to the simplistic level you put it at. 8 Congressional investigations, $29 million dollars spent, 50 congressional hearings, thousands of pages of documents, hundreds of people testifying and thousands of questions asked all revealed nothing. Nothing new to add.

At some point you have to ask yourself this: If the $22 million spent revealed no new truth to be found, why was it necessary to spend $7 million more to get a different and more preferred truth?

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