CNN on Benghazi committee: Immediate headline "GOP committee finds no wrongdoing by Clinton"

Did you complain about the $6 billion unaccounted for while Clinton was SOS? $7 million is nothing.

Opposition. Tells us all where you come from.
7 million dollars wasted. ..
From the party of taking responsibility.
Well, you have two choices.

Vote for the warmongering globalist dictator wannabe, who has this weird habit of attacking women, and has serious anger-management issues....or you can vote for Trump.
What galls me are the empty headed Left heads who are doing nothing but shouting old talking points, old denials, old accusations and attacking the Benghazi report without having read it. They will defend and apologize for everything the Administration and Cohorts have ever done until the last second before jumping ship like the rats they are.

There's nothing new to add. Why would anyone waste their time after having read the other seven reports, when it doesn't add anything?
Do you actually believe the Democrats' version that mentioned Trump 23 times?

No, because the real number is 13, but leave it to Republicans to lie.
Why was he even mentioned once in it?

He was mentioned because he will be the Republican nominee and was outspoken about Clinton's role in Benghazi.
So Democrats politicized their response while accusing the committee of doing the same.

What would you do if the opposition spent $7 million and had "nothing new to add"
7 million dollars wasted. ..
From the party of taking responsibility.
Well, you have two choices.

Vote for the warmongering globalist dictator wannabe, who has this weird habit of attacking women, and has serious anger-management issues....or you can vote for Trump.
What galls me are the empty headed Left heads who are doing nothing but shouting old talking points, old denials, old accusations and attacking the Benghazi report without having read it. They will defend and apologize for everything the Administration and Cohorts have ever done until the last second before jumping ship like the rats they are.

There's nothing new to add. Why would anyone waste their time after having read the other seven reports, when it doesn't add anything?
No, because the real number is 13, but leave it to Republicans to lie.
Why was he even mentioned once in it?

He was mentioned because he will be the Republican nominee and was outspoken about Clinton's role in Benghazi.
So Democrats politicized their response while accusing the committee of doing the same.

What would you do if the opposition spent $7 million and had "nothing new to add"
Seems you feel all news about Benghazi is old news, or you shit can any new discoveries.

Me: You know Benghazi?

You: Never met him.
You'll be alright again as soon as you get past "nothing new to add"
This was the republican panel members summation bailing so compare it to the democrat panel members summation. Then go back and read those pages you seriously think are valid and ask yourself : Are republican voters that gullible they are still swallowing the republican panel's previous Get Hillary dogma?
Do you actually believe the Democrats' version that mentioned Trump 23 times?

No, because the real number is 13, but leave it to Republicans to lie.
Why was he even mentioned once in it?

He was mentioned because he will be the Republican nominee and was outspoken about Clinton's role in Benghazi.
You are a fucking loser
It's easier to trick someone than convince them they've been tricked.
Repeating your lie does not make it so. Anyone who wishes for the truth can read the report for themselves.
7 million dollars wasted. ..
From the party of taking responsibility.
Well, you have two choices.

Vote for the warmongering globalist dictator wannabe, who has this weird habit of attacking women, and has serious anger-management issues....or you can vote for Trump.
What galls me are the empty headed Left heads who are doing nothing but shouting old talking points, old denials, old accusations and attacking the Benghazi report without having read it. They will defend and apologize for everything the Administration and Cohorts have ever done until the last second before jumping ship like the rats they are.

There's nothing new to add. Why would anyone waste their time after having read the other seven reports, when it doesn't add anything?
Why was he even mentioned once in it?

He was mentioned because he will be the Republican nominee and was outspoken about Clinton's role in Benghazi.
So Democrats politicized their response while accusing the committee of doing the same.

What would you do if the opposition spent $7 million and had "nothing new to add"
Other seven reports, de Fuca? Today's report is the one that counts, the one the world digests and the one that sinks the Perfect Woman and the Perfect Messiah.
Today's report is the one that had nothing new to add. So sorry for your committee's gross failure after spending $7 million dollars for nothing.
7 million dollars wasted. ..
From the party of taking responsibility.
Well, you have two choices.

Vote for the warmongering globalist dictator wannabe, who has this weird habit of attacking women, and has serious anger-management issues....or you can vote for Trump.
What galls me are the empty headed Left heads who are doing nothing but shouting old talking points, old denials, old accusations and attacking the Benghazi report without having read it. They will defend and apologize for everything the Administration and Cohorts have ever done until the last second before jumping ship like the rats they are.

There's nothing new to add. Why would anyone waste their time after having read the other seven reports, when it doesn't add anything?
Why was he even mentioned once in it?

He was mentioned because he will be the Republican nominee and was outspoken about Clinton's role in Benghazi.
So Democrats politicized their response while accusing the committee of doing the same.

What would you do if the opposition spent $7 million and had "nothing new to add"
Seems you feel all news about Benghazi is old news, or you shit can any new discoveries.

Me: You know Benghazi?

You: Never met him.
You'll be alright again as soon as you get past "nothing new to add"
From what I heard....Hillary shut down anyone who requested more security and actually provided the weapons to Al Qaeda they used to kill us with.
Wow. The bias is so pathetic it's sickening. The Benghazi committee press conference was finishing and the theme was "read the report". Trey Gowdy, when asked if Clinton was at fault, implied she was but rather answered "just read the report".

When he walked off stage...CNN IMMEDIATELY ran the headline "GOP led committee finds no wrongdoing by Hillary".

God damn....CNN must have a staff of alien speed readers!!!! They read the report, 800 pages long, in less than 2 seconds!!!!!

What did you expect? I mean honestly? ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN are all in the tank for the bitch. Remember this: Gross Imcompetence is NOT a criminal activity when liberal ISIS supporters are involved.

The report could have found that Hillary Clinton herself dropped one of the shells into the tube that killed one of the guys - and she wouldn't be guilty.

Liberal ISIS supporters' sense of "right and wrong" is as cold as their black hearts. And people wonder why I contend that this country is all but dead.

I agree.

Gross incompetence isn't illegal nor is it criminal. No way would Hitlery be found guilty of anything criminal because she did nothing illegal.

She and her State Department were grossly incompetent and four good men died because of that incompetence.

Nothing illegal about it so the findings of the investigation don't surprise me at all.
For the Liberal voter it makes her a Presidential candidate.

This was a partisan witch hunt from the git go and Republicans should be ashamed to have spent almost $30 million dollars investigating literally, by their own words nothing. Speaker Ryan was screaming last week about the stunt that Democrats pulled over gun control, but ignored their own stunt that cost taxpayers big bucks and yielded absolutely nothing.
7 million dollars wasted. ..
From the party of taking responsibility.
Well, you have two choices.

Vote for the warmongering globalist dictator wannabe, who has this weird habit of attacking women, and has serious anger-management issues....or you can vote for Trump.
What galls me are the empty headed Left heads who are doing nothing but shouting old talking points, old denials, old accusations and attacking the Benghazi report without having read it. They will defend and apologize for everything the Administration and Cohorts have ever done until the last second before jumping ship like the rats they are.

There's nothing new to add. Why would anyone waste their time after having read the other seven reports, when it doesn't add anything?
Why was he even mentioned once in it?

He was mentioned because he will be the Republican nominee and was outspoken about Clinton's role in Benghazi.
So Democrats politicized their response while accusing the committee of doing the same.

What would you do if the opposition spent $7 million and had "nothing new to add"
Other seven reports, de Fuca? Today's report is the one that counts, the one the world digests and the one that sinks the Perfect Woman and the Perfect Messiah.
Today's report is the one that had nothing new to add. So sorry for your committee's gross failure after spending $7 million dollars for nothing.
Weird that they didn't bother pretending she was cleared until AFTER Donald Trump was the nominee, and Republican Establishment Servants started declaring their support for her. It's almost like they realized they weren't getting their own Establishment candidate... decided to go with the other one... then realized that they needed to clean up her image.

Also neat how the guy she used as a scape goat for this incident is still in jail, last I checked.
We must be reading totally different reports was the one you've seen written in crayon.
Final Benghazi Report Reveals Hillary Clinton's Failure To Competently Realize Risks
All that means is she reacted badly.
Not illegally

If that is the case, fine. I don't want someone who reacts badly and gets people killed to be president.

So, no indictment then?
I guess not.

Not while Big-ears is president.

Corruption......they name is Democrat.
Two separate issues. This is Benghazi. Her emails scandal was only first discovered through Benghazi.
We must be reading totally different reports was the one you've seen written in crayon.
Final Benghazi Report Reveals Hillary Clinton's Failure To Competently Realize Risks
All that means is she reacted badly.
Not illegally

If that is the case, fine. I don't want someone who reacts badly and gets people killed to be president.

So, no indictment then?
We must be reading totally different reports was the one you've seen written in crayon.
Final Benghazi Report Reveals Hillary Clinton's Failure To Competently Realize Risks
All that means is she reacted badly.
Not illegally

If that is the case, fine. I don't want someone who reacts badly and gets people killed to be president.

So, no indictment then?
I guess not.

Corruption......thy name is america.

We must be reading totally different reports was the one you've seen written in crayon.
Final Benghazi Report Reveals Hillary Clinton's Failure To Competently Realize Risks
All that means is she reacted badly.
Not illegally

If that is the case, fine. I don't want someone who reacts badly and gets people killed to be president.

So, no indictment then?
I guess not.

Corruption......thy name is america.

Two separate issues. This is Benghazi. Her emails scandal was only first discovered through Benghazi.
Holla when ya get one.

We must be reading totally different reports was the one you've seen written in crayon.
Final Benghazi Report Reveals Hillary Clinton's Failure To Competently Realize Risks
All that means is she reacted badly.
Not illegally

If that is the case, fine. I don't want someone who reacts badly and gets people killed to be president.

So, no indictment then?
Wow. The bias is so pathetic it's sickening. The Benghazi committee press conference was finishing and the theme was "read the report". Trey Gowdy, when asked if Clinton was at fault, implied she was but rather answered "just read the report".

When he walked off stage...CNN IMMEDIATELY ran the headline "GOP led committee finds no wrongdoing by Hillary".

God damn....CNN must have a staff of alien speed readers!!!! They read the report, 800 pages long, in less than 2 seconds!!!!!

What did you expect? I mean honestly? ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN are all in the tank for the bitch. Remember this: Gross Imcompetence is NOT a criminal activity when liberal ISIS supporters are involved.

The report could have found that Hillary Clinton herself dropped one of the shells into the tube that killed one of the guys - and she wouldn't be guilty.

Liberal ISIS supporters' sense of "right and wrong" is as cold as their black hearts. And people wonder why I contend that this country is all but dead.

I agree.

Gross incompetence isn't illegal nor is it criminal. No way would Hitlery be found guilty of anything criminal because she did nothing illegal.

She and her State Department were grossly incompetent and four good men died because of that incompetence.

Nothing illegal about it so the findings of the investigation don't surprise me at all.
For the Liberal voter it makes her a Presidential candidate.
Must have a vagina
We must be reading totally different reports was the one you've seen written in crayon.
Final Benghazi Report Reveals Hillary Clinton's Failure To Competently Realize Risks
All that means is she reacted badly.
Not illegally

If that is the case, fine. I don't want someone who reacts badly and gets people killed to be president.

So, no indictment then?
There may not be a criminal indictment but millions of people will re-assess what was truthfully reported and will take on a new perspective. IMO Hillary was torpedoed today and is going down with the ship just like a captain is supposed to do. Also, it just blew Obama's Great Legacy out of the water. GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!
Wow. The bias is so pathetic it's sickening. The Benghazi committee press conference was finishing and the theme was "read the report". Trey Gowdy, when asked if Clinton was at fault, implied she was but rather answered "just read the report".

When he walked off stage...CNN IMMEDIATELY ran the headline "GOP led committee finds no wrongdoing by Hillary".

God damn....CNN must have a staff of alien speed readers!!!! They read the report, 800 pages long, in less than 2 seconds!!!!!

What did you expect? I mean honestly? ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN are all in the tank for the bitch. Remember this: Gross Imcompetence is NOT a criminal activity when liberal ISIS supporters are involved.

The report could have found that Hillary Clinton herself dropped one of the shells into the tube that killed one of the guys - and she wouldn't be guilty.

Liberal ISIS supporters' sense of "right and wrong" is as cold as their black hearts. And people wonder why I contend that this country is all but dead.

I agree.

Gross incompetence isn't illegal nor is it criminal. No way would Hitlery be found guilty of anything criminal because she did nothing illegal.

She and her State Department were grossly incompetent and four good men died because of that incompetence.

Nothing illegal about it so the findings of the investigation don't surprise me at all.
For the Liberal voter it makes her a Presidential candidate.
Must have a vagina

Keep searching, there's someone out there for everyone.
We must be reading totally different reports was the one you've seen written in crayon.
Final Benghazi Report Reveals Hillary Clinton's Failure To Competently Realize Risks
All that means is she reacted badly.
Not illegally

If that is the case, fine. I don't want someone who reacts badly and gets people killed to be president.

So, no indictment then?
There may not be a criminal indictment but millions of people will re-assess what was truthfully reported and will take on a new perspective. IMO Hillary was torpedoed today and is going down with the ship just like a captain is supposed to do. Also, it just blew Obama's Great Legacy out of the water. GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!

I'm sure you're right about all that, can't wait.
What, deflection? No surprise. You won't answer the questions, because then you would have to admit fault where it squarely sits, the lying by Clinton to the families and to us.
Hey, fool, you are the one who initially responded to my post and opened with calling me an idiot to only go on without a valid response to what I wrote, shit for brains! Now you claim I DEFLECTED? You truly are an ignorant fuck, you aborted excuse for a person! Now go get your picture of Hillary, get over to the corner and masturbate away, jerk-off! You don't belong with the adults!
Her email scandal is being investigated by the fbi.
And you failed to answer whether you are a US citizen.
We must be reading totally different reports was the one you've seen written in crayon.
Final Benghazi Report Reveals Hillary Clinton's Failure To Competently Realize Risks
All that means is she reacted badly.
Not illegally

If that is the case, fine. I don't want someone who reacts badly and gets people killed to be president.

So, no indictment then?
There may not be a criminal indictment but millions of people will re-assess what was truthfully reported and will take on a new perspective. IMO Hillary was torpedoed today and is going down with the ship just like a captain is supposed to do. Also, it just blew Obama's Great Legacy out of the water. GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!

I'm sure you're right about all that, can't wait.
Wow. The bias is so pathetic it's sickening. The Benghazi committee press conference was finishing and the theme was "read the report". Trey Gowdy, when asked if Clinton was at fault, implied she was but rather answered "just read the report".

When he walked off stage...CNN IMMEDIATELY ran the headline "GOP led committee finds no wrongdoing by Hillary".

God damn....CNN must have a staff of alien speed readers!!!! They read the report, 800 pages long, in less than 2 seconds!!!!!

What did you expect? I mean honestly? ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN are all in the tank for the bitch. Remember this: Gross Imcompetence is NOT a criminal activity when liberal ISIS supporters are involved.

The report could have found that Hillary Clinton herself dropped one of the shells into the tube that killed one of the guys - and she wouldn't be guilty.

Liberal ISIS supporters' sense of "right and wrong" is as cold as their black hearts. And people wonder why I contend that this country is all but dead.

I agree.

Gross incompetence isn't illegal nor is it criminal. No way would Hitlery be found guilty of anything criminal because she did nothing illegal.

She and her State Department were grossly incompetent and four good men died because of that incompetence.

Nothing illegal about it so the findings of the investigation don't surprise me at all.
For the Liberal voter it makes her a Presidential candidate.
Must have a vagina

Keep searching, there's someone out there for everyone.
You must be one of those Wiccans.

Only way you can meet girls.

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