CNN on Benghazi committee: Immediate headline "GOP committee finds no wrongdoing by Clinton"

The trumpeteers' squealing and braying and crying will only increase during the next four plus months.
If they had an ounce of truth they would have paraded it in front of the press and waved it in front of everyone's eyes. They didn't because they have nothing and never did. This was nothing more than a attempt to influence the election and if Democrats had not presented their report yesterday, you wouldn't have seen the Republican version for two or three more months.

At this point what does the death of an American Ambassador and three other Americans make?
Did I get that right?
How does that compare to the 5000+ dead U.S. military because of Bush's lies?

How many women have lost their lives due to Texas' unconstitutional extreme anti-abortion tactics? Should Texas officials be prosecuted for murder?
The report proves she knew it was terrorist attack. It proves she lied about the video.
Oh no! Go tell Trey.

Poor Papi, why must you hate the truth? Do you like Hillary's dick?
Poor little angry elephant,

Air assets were close enough to arrive in Benghazi hours before the fight was over. Troops were close enough to get there before the fight was over. Tactical aircraft were at Aviano and Airborne quick response troops in Vicenza. Less than 2 hours away and guess what? The military had time to get there in 13 hours Add that to the fact that a drone was filming the fight in real time. They could have launched the aircraft and troops and sit there and watch the Cavalry come to the rescue. All they had to do was stock up on popcorn and candy. But they chose to sit on their sorrowful dead asses and watch Americans die.
Wrong, wrong, wrong, Chris Stevens was dead within four hours, there was nothing that anyone could do and the fact that you are still holding on to this factoid after being debunked two years ago, merely displays your ignorance of the subject. Read up or go home.
Of course Stevens and another was dead but the response team could have been there toot sweet. And for 20 years I was on emergency response teams with several successful missions so don't even try to educate me on what the fuck the military can or can't do, Peaches.

Look if you have read the book 13 hours or watched the movie, which was written by CIA agents on the ground fighting this battle, it's clear that it completely admonishes Hillary Clinton from any negligence.

Ambassador Chris Stevens was supposed to be 400 miles away in a secure location in Tripoli. He made a choice to go to Benghazi (by himself)--rent an unsecure villa, and against the advice of the CIA on the ground and was killed. He showed up on the 10th of September to do this, then on the 11th of September he was killed. Hillary Clinton didn't even know he was in Benghazi.

As far as getting military support, that was also explained in the book. Help did arrive but it was too late to save 3 other CIA agents.

Republicans have wasted millions of taxpayer dollars over all of this, in their witch hunt efforts, and you should be pissed off at them.

We have had many U.S Embassies that have been attacked over the decades, this is nothing new. Most notably under Reagan when 240 U.S. Marines were killed in a U.S. Embassy in Lebanon. Of course that was only 1 investigation. The only thing that was new, is that it was under Barack Obama's and Hillary Clinton's watch.

Read it, watched it. The whole thing was because of gross negligence and criminal incompetence caused by Political Correctness.

Since you are the self proclaimed expert on U.S. Embassy attacks now, maybe you could also explain the 240 U.S. Marines that were killed in a U.S. embassy in Lebanon and what was the cause of that, along with all of the below embassy attacks.

List of attacks on diplomatic missions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
What most people forget is that they were attacked only days before, yet Reagan did nothing.
The republican panel members effort to blame Hillary has ended and their Bogus Benghazi Panel are now uniting with the fugitive Dr. Richard Kimble in search of a One Armed Bandit.
Only in your mind.

She armed the assholes that attacked the compound. This was a result of her private war against Gaddafi.

No, only in your mind.

"House Republicans find nothing new on Hillary Clinton."

The House Republicans were not investigating Hillary Clinton.
And neither is the FBI.
Wow. The bias is so pathetic it's sickening. The Benghazi committee press conference was finishing and the theme was "read the report". Trey Gowdy, when asked if Clinton was at fault, implied she was but rather answered "just read the report".

When he walked off stage...CNN IMMEDIATELY ran the headline "GOP led committee finds no wrongdoing by Hillary".

God damn....CNN must have a staff of alien speed readers!!!! They read the report, 800 pages long, in less than 2 seconds!!!!!

This was the AP Headline:

Benghazi report faults security; no new Clinton allegations

Benghazi report faults security; no new Clinton allegations
I had a lot fun today on these Benghazi threads. I haven't seen this much hullabaloo since Granny got her tit caught in a washing machine wringer. That was in '48.
You are ancient, hoss!

Do you remember hog slaughtering after first frost?
Sure do Jake. I shot my first deer when I was 12. About 7 farmers would transport their hogs to my Granddad's farm for butchering. When I was 13 years old they let me shoot the hogs and I shot about 30 hogs with 30 rounds of .22 Long Rifle from a single shot rifle.
You are ancient, hoss!

Do you remember hog slaughtering after first frost?
Sure do Jake. I shot my first deer when I was 12. About 7 farmers would transport their hogs to my Granddad's farm for butchering. When I was 13 years old they let me shoot the hogs and I shot about 30 hogs with 30 rounds of .22 Long Rifle from a single shot rifle.
good days


I nearly lost my head from a cow we had to put down. My damn uncle strung him up and told me to start cutting. The spinal column on these animals may not be dead, and the nerve reactions can cause a kick of full force. The sucker left me with bruises on my shoulder that took weeks to go away. That ended my football year.
Wow. The bias is so pathetic it's sickening. The Benghazi committee press conference was finishing and the theme was "read the report". Trey Gowdy, when asked if Clinton was at fault, implied she was but rather answered "just read the report".

When he walked off stage...CNN IMMEDIATELY ran the headline "GOP led committee finds no wrongdoing by Hillary".

God damn....CNN must have a staff of alien speed readers!!!! They read the report, 800 pages long, in less than 2 seconds!!!!!
Other than Susan Rice's misstatements early on, and Leon Panetta taking 2 hours to make a decision to deploy Marines that were never ended up being deployed, there was nothing new in this report, which is 800 pages long.

The breakdown that cost the lives of the 4 Americans was due to a breakdown between the CIA and the Navy/Marines at Rota Spain. And even then it looks like the Marines were too far away to get there in time.

Hillary had nothing to do with it.

What the Navy needs to do to ensure this absolutely never happens again is to forward deploy sufficient Naval and Marine strength around to globe to be able to send a QRF (a big helicopter full of Marines) to every embassy and consulate around the globe.

Not sure that is even possible.
Yes, the IC issued 300 intel reports between Feb 1st, 2012 and September 10th.

Nothing in today's report states that any of those intel reports contained precise intelligence regarding any specific impending attacks.

"In the months before the attacks on September 11, 2012, the IC provided strategic warning through numerous intelligence reports that the security situation in eastern Libya was deteriorating and that U.S. facilities and personnel were at risk in Benghazi."

Intelligence Committee Releases Bipartisan Report on Benghazi Attacks - Press Releases - News Room - United States Senator Dianne Feinstein

I'm sure Hillary would have been made privy to that intelligence as well. Come on, Doc, at least make this a challenge for me.


Warnings Before the Attacks and Failures to Provide Security

In the months before the attacks on September 11, 2012, the IC provided ample strategic warning that a security situation in eastern Libya was deteriorating and that U.S. facilities and personnel were at risk in Benghazi

The IC produced hundreds of analytic reports in the months preceding the September 11-12, 2012 attacks, providing strategic warning that militias and terrorist and affiliated groups had the capability and intent to strike U.S. and Western facilities and personnel in Libya.

- On June 12, 2012, the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) produced a report entitled, "Libya Terrorists Now Targeting U.S. and Western Interests." The report noted recent attacks against the U.S. Mission compound in Benghazi, the growing ties between al-Qa'ida (AQ) regional nodes and Libya-based terrorists, and stated: "We expect more anti-U.S.terrorist attacks in eastern Libya [redacted], due to the the terrorists' greater presence there....This will include terrorists conducting more ambush and IED [improvised explosive device] attacks as well as more threats against [redacted]."

- On June 18, 2012, the Pentagon's Joint Staff produced a slide in its daily intelligence report entitled "(U) Terrorism: Conditions Ripe for More Attacks, Terrorist Safe Haven in Libya." In the slide, the Joint Staff assessed "[redacted] support will increase Libyan terrorist in the permissive post-revolution security environment. Attacks will also increase in number and lethality as terrorists connect with AQ associates in Libya. Areas of eastern Libya will likely become a safe haven by the end of 2012 [redacted]."

- On July 2, 2012, DIA produced a report that discussed the founding of Ansar al-Sharia (AAS) entitled [redacted]. The report stated: [redacted]

- On July 6, 2012, CIA produced a report entitled, "Libya: Al-Qa'ida Establishing Sanctuary." In the report, CIA state: "Al Qa'ida affiliated groups and associates are exploiting their capabilities and expand their operational reach. This year, Muhammad Jamal's Egypt-based network, al Qa'ida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), and al-Qa'ida in the Lands of the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) have conducted training, build communication networks, and facilitated extremist travel across North Africa from their safe haven in parts of eastern Libya

- On August 19, 2012, the Pentagon's Joint Staff produced a slide in its daily intelligence report entitled "(U) Libya: Terrorists to Increase Strength During Next Six Months." In this slide, the Joint Staff stated: "There are no near term prospects for a reversal in the trend towards a terrorist safe haven in Libya, and areas of eastern Libya will likely become a broader safe haven by the end of 2012. The conditions in Libya will allow terrorists to increase attacks against Western and Libyan interests in the country, as well as attempt attacks in the region and possibly Europe in the nexts six months."

- On September 5, 2012, AFRICOM produced a Theater Analysis Report entitled (U) Libya: Extremism in Libya Past, Present, and Future." The report contained a map showing how "[redacted] are actively exploiting the open operating environment in Libya." (The map is located in Appendix IV of this report). The report also noted: "Disarray in Libya's security services, and a likely focus by authorities on persuit of Qadhafi loyalists is likely allowing jihadists in Libya freedom to recruit, train, and facilitated the movement of fighters and weapons. The threat to Western and U.S. interests and individuals remains , particularly in northeast-Libya."

- On September 7, 2012, DIA produced a report entitled: "[redacted]" that stated "[redacted]...."

--, pp. 9-11

Yes, numerous reports were made saying that the situation was deteriorating.

None of those reports said anything about an "imminent attack", or contained any specific information regarding a forthcoming attack.

I said nothing about an "imminent attack" or "forthcoming attack" Doc, nor did I suggest that. I am simply stating that if she had acted on the intelligence she already had (what I just posted), assets in the region could have been re-positioned to prevent an attack of this nature. The attack was preventable, and everyone had the necessary intelligence to act accordingly. Nobody did.

Again, if you're such an expert on U.S. Embassy attacks why not take it upon yourself to figure out how 240 U.S. Marines could have been saved in Lebanon under the Reagan administration. Then after that move into the Bush administration where 13 U.S. Embassies were attacked. Maybe you could have saved another 60 lives in those attacks. Lebanon was investigated once, and there were no investigations done on the embassies attacked under Bush.

Benghazi (8 investigations are over). It was all done by the Republican party in their continual witch hunt on Hillary Clinton. Why? For donations and support. They came up empty handed again, as they have done in the past--and in this instance they wasted another 7 million taxpayer dollars for their Benghazi dog and pony show. Get a CLUE. That's all this was ever about.


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7 million dollars wasted. ..
From the party of taking responsibility.
$7 million is a bit much to spend on 4 dead Americans.

$12 million was spent on the 9-11 investigation which involved 3,000 deaths, for a sense of what seems reasonable.

The ultimate conclusion is that there was no QRF within range to help the 4 Americans.

The closest available QRF was at Rota Spain, at the big Navy Base there, and even if they were ready (Marines are always ready) and had deployed right away (it takes about an hour to get a helo ready even if it is gassed up already) there would have still been several hours flying time.

That's what $7 million got us. Any Marine or Navy officer could have told you that for free.

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