CNN on Benghazi committee: Immediate headline "GOP committee finds no wrongdoing by Clinton"

7 million dollars wasted. ..
From the party of taking responsibility.
$7 million is a bit much to spend on 4 dead Americans.

$12 million was spent on the 9-11 investigation which involved 3,000 deaths, for a sense of what seems reasonable.

The ultimate conclusion is that there was no QRF within range to help the 4 Americans.

The closest available QRF was at Rota Spain, at the big Navy Base there, and even if they were ready (Marines are always ready) and had deployed right away (it takes about an hour to get a helo ready even if it is gassed up already) there would have still been several hours flying time.

That's what $7 million got us. Any Marine or Navy officer could have told you that for free.

Clearly as in any Embassy attack--we can all turn into arm chair quarterbacks. Mistakes are made--the I wish I would have done this differently always surfaces. But clearly 8 investigations on Benghazi!!! It was done by Republicans to witch hunt Hillary Clinton for nothing more than to get support and donations. That was what it was about.
The republican panel members effort to blame Hillary has ended and their Bogus Benghazi Panel are now uniting with the fugitive Dr. Richard Kimble in search of a One Armed Bandit.
Only in your mind.

She armed the assholes that attacked the compound. This was a result of her private war against Gaddafi.

No, only in your mind.

"House Republicans find nothing new on Hillary Clinton."

But George did.

The republican panel members effort to blame Hillary has ended and their Bogus Benghazi Panel are now uniting with the fugitive Dr. Richard Kimble in search of a One Armed Bandit.
Only in your mind.

She armed the assholes that attacked the compound. This was a result of her private war against Gaddafi.

No, only in your mind.

"House Republicans find nothing new on Hillary Clinton."

But George did.

View attachment 79796

You must smoke crack to think anyone would consider Donald Trump a Son of Liberty he doesn't pay taxes and still won't show his tax returns.
Quit the lies. They were not to absolve ,or charge anyone.
Any absolving is being done by you and yours only, since the announcement of their deaths. Facts matter not to you.
There is no one else responsible for Benghazi. Hillary & Obama were in charge & complete control. Those men gave their lives for Obama & Hillary's ideals of putting forth a non aggressive image towards Islam. Heavy weapons as well as other types of support were requested before & during the attack. They were declined. They are dead solely because of Obama & Hillary. The subsequent attempt to fool Americans by blaming it on a video was a disgusting display of their disregard for our men.

Too bad for your argument that the House Select Committee on Intelligence absolved the administration of any wrongdoing at Benghazi. Otherwise your meme might have worked.

I don't care how many times you scream it ain't changing the fact that "no new evidence is found" It is over and done with, you're leave with nothing.

This is the Clowns in DC you are talking about. They waste tax payer dollars all the time. Nothing new there.

Unlike you, I don't need a hearing to tell me what I should believe. Unlike you I know incompetence when I see it.
Was Bush Jr's administration incompetent?

Bush isn't the subject dumbass. Deflect much asshole??
Quit your lies.
The following facts are among the many new revelations in Part I:

Despite President Obama and Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta’s clear orders to deploy military assets, nothing was sent to Benghazi, and nothing was en route to Libya at the time the last two Americans were killed almost 8 hours after the attacks began. [pg. 141]With Ambassador Stevens missing, the White House convened a roughly two-hour meeting at 7:30 PM, which resulted in action items focused on a YouTube video, and others containing the phrases “f any deployment is made,” and “Libya must agree to any deployment,” and “[w]ill not deploy until order comes to go to either Tripoli or Benghazi.” [pg. 115]The Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff typically would have participated in the White House meeting, but did not attend because he went home to host a dinner party for foreign dignitaries. [pg. 107]A Fleet Antiterrorism Security Team (FAST) sat on a plane in Rota, Spain, for three hours, and changed in and out of their uniforms four times. [pg. 154]None of the relevant military forces met their required deployment timelines. [pg. 150]The Libyan forces that evacuated Americans from the CIA Annex to the Benghazi airport was not affiliated with any of the militias the CIA or State Department had developed a relationship with during the prior 18 months. Instead, it was comprised of former Qadhafi loyalists who the U.S. had helped remove from power during the Libyan revolution. [pg. 144]

Its very simplistic.

They had months or warnings, they did nothing.

Can't get any simpler than that.
And they came up with nothing new to add. Is that shameful or just stupidity?
That isn't new and was covered in many other reports. The airbase in Italy was too far and they had a refueling problem they could not respond for lack of logistical support.

They had a QRT twenty minutes away. They just never got the order to go.

Couldn't find the link but found this one. Rescue was on the way but was turned back.

Its up to you to believe it. Or not.
Report: U.S. Rescue Team Was on its Way to Benghazi, But Was Turned Back
The republican panel members effort to blame Hillary has ended and their Bogus Benghazi Panel are now uniting with the fugitive Dr. Richard Kimble in search of a One Armed Bandit.
Only in your mind.

She armed the assholes that attacked the compound. This was a result of her private war against Gaddafi.

No, only in your mind.

"House Republicans find nothing new on Hillary Clinton."

But George did.

View attachment 79796

You must smoke crack to think anyone would consider Donald Trump a Son of Liberty he doesn't pay taxes and still won't show his tax returns.

Yeah and you smoke crack if you think that incompetent POS Hillary Clinton would make a good POTUS.

Guess you max out your income smoking that crack idiot.
Quit your lies.
The following facts are among the many new revelations in Part I:

Despite President Obama and Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta’s clear orders to deploy military assets, nothing was sent to Benghazi, and nothing was en route to Libya at the time the last two Americans were killed almost 8 hours after the attacks began. [pg. 141]With Ambassador Stevens missing, the White House convened a roughly two-hour meeting at 7:30 PM, which resulted in action items focused on a YouTube video, and others containing the phrases “f any deployment is made,” and “Libya must agree to any deployment,” and “[w]ill not deploy until order comes to go to either Tripoli or Benghazi.” [pg. 115]The Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff typically would have participated in the White House meeting, but did not attend because he went home to host a dinner party for foreign dignitaries. [pg. 107]A Fleet Antiterrorism Security Team (FAST) sat on a plane in Rota, Spain, for three hours, and changed in and out of their uniforms four times. [pg. 154]None of the relevant military forces met their required deployment timelines. [pg. 150]The Libyan forces that evacuated Americans from the CIA Annex to the Benghazi airport was not affiliated with any of the militias the CIA or State Department had developed a relationship with during the prior 18 months. Instead, it was comprised of former Qadhafi loyalists who the U.S. had helped remove from power during the Libyan revolution. [pg. 144]

And they came up with nothing new to add. Is that shameful or just stupidity?
That isn't new and was covered in many other reports. The airbase in Italy was too far and they had a refueling problem they could not respond for lack of logistical support.

They had a QRT twenty minutes away. They just never got the order to go.

Couldn't find the link but found this one. Rescue was on the way but was turned back.

Its up to you to believe it. Or not.
Report: U.S. Rescue Team Was on its Way to Benghazi, But Was Turned Back
They were dead before anyone could have rescued anybody.
Considering she immediately told her daughter and Egyptian Pm it was an attack-not a video, well you decide, along with this and much more-
A senior watch officer at the DSCC described the events as “a full on attack against our compound.”38 The same individual also said there was “zip, nothing nada” when asked if there was any rioting in Benghazi reported prior to the attack.39 At 6:34 p.m. on September 11, 2012, the DSCC sent a “terrorism event information” to the Office of the Secretary.40 The update noted that “host nation militia forces have responded to the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi” and “were engaged with the attackers.”41 Lamb testified information received by the DSCC—directly from all of the agents on the ground—was relayed to Kennedy.42 None of the Diplomatic Security agents on the ground reported anything about a protest in Benghazi. None of the Diplomatic Security agents on the ground reported anything about a video. Kennedy testified that he passed on information from the DSCC directly to Secretary of State Hillary R. Clinton: I stayed in my office, except for the SVTC [Secure Video Teleconference] the chairman referred to, monitoring my telephone, monitoring my emails, and making telephone calls or coordinating activities as were required.… I went up several times to brief the Secretary on the latest information that I was receiving from Diplomatic Security, which was receiving it from the ground.43

So have you read the report? Does it find wrongdoing by Clinton?

Yet the two year old Benghazi committee had nothing new to add after spending $7 million dollars. You should be shocked, dismayed and outraged.

$7 million doing the job they are elected to do. A mere pittance compared to the $500 million Obama gave to bankrupt Solyndra.

The only difference is that the government was able to recoup all of the $536 million dollar loan to Solyndra - not so much in the case of Gowdy's clown court.

How did it "recoup" the money from this loan?

Do you ever tire of always being a day late and a dollar short?
Thats because if there was wrongdoing the Republicans would play the Easter Egg game and tell people to go find it. They'd be shouting from the roof tops that finally their 23rd investigation turned up something
The FIRST investigation turned up FOUR DEAD AMERICANS & ONE BIG ASS LIE.

All a result of Hillary's ideals.

The 4 dead guys were already turned up and what you claim is a lie is only a claim. 17 investigations later and you still have shit but rumors and allegations.

Maybe you guys just suck that bad where you cant lay a glove on her :dunno:
Glad to see you support corruption. It will weaken your position in future.

Again, your sheer declaration means nothing. You need more than pointing to your butt and going "owee"
The point should be clear. Obama refuses to follow the law. It is obvious from this report that he is covering it up. Plenty of evidence was found to support a prosecution of the guilty, but that won't happen. Obama is breaking his oath to enforce the law. That is corruption.

And you support it.

Anyone who supports corruption in any form, and knows it, is corrupt themselves.

So what we are seeing is a government that is intentionally screwing this country up. That's why they were allowed to win. The only type of person that will be allowed to be in charge of this country, in this type of corrupt environment, is someone who will intentionally screw up the economy. That's what Globalists want. They're making billions off of failing economies.

And you support it because of your inherent racism.
Thats because if there was wrongdoing the Republicans would play the Easter Egg game and tell people to go find it. They'd be shouting from the roof tops that finally their 23rd investigation turned up something
The FIRST investigation turned up FOUR DEAD AMERICANS & ONE BIG ASS LIE.

All a result of Hillary's ideals.

The 4 dead guys were already turned up and what you claim is a lie is only a claim. 17 investigations later and you still have shit but rumors and allegations.

Maybe you guys just suck that bad where you cant lay a glove on her :dunno:
Glad to see you support corruption. It will weaken your position in future.

Again, your sheer declaration means nothing. You need more than pointing to your butt and going "owee"
The point should be clear. Obama refuses to follow the law. It is obvious from this report that he is covering it up. Plenty of evidence was found to support a prosecution of the guilty, but that won't happen. Obama is breaking his oath to enforce the law. That is corruption.

And you support it.

Anyone who supports corruption in any form, and knows it, is corrupt themselves.

So what we are seeing is a government that is intentionally screwing this country up. That's why they were allowed to win. The only type of person that will be allowed to be in charge of this country, in this type of corrupt environment, is someone who will intentionally screw up the economy. That's what Globalists want. They're making billions off of failing economies.

And you support it because of your inherent racism.

Obama refuses to follow the law?????

Then why doesn't the Republican Congress recommend he be prosecuted?
We must be reading totally different reports was the one you've seen written in crayon.
Final Benghazi Report Reveals Hillary Clinton's Failure To Competently Realize Risks
All that means is she reacted badly.
Not illegally

If that is the case, fine. I don't want someone who reacts badly and gets people killed to be president.

So, no indictment then?
I guess not.

Not while Big-ears is president.

Corruption......they name is Democrat.

Except this is a REPUBLICAN report.
As if the Democrats would give a shit?

Funny you care about those boys, yet not these four...
Deflection once again. That was almost 40 years ago. Today it is about Benghazi.
Of course, unless there were charges, you could give a flying f*** about the lives lost due to gross incompetence.

The 270 Marines who lost their lives to Ronald Reagan's incompetence didn't get this kind of investigation, don't you dare tell me its non-partisan and a fair inquiry. The only people unawares are you and a loony bin of others.
Oh fuck you if you think the stink of Marine deaths is too long ago to bring up. Its closer to thirty years and those boys wouldn't even be 50 years old now.

You should care about them too and the fact that you have nothing to say about that failure sums you up.
How are the two examples similar?
Three hours after the initial attack began, Bash emailed senior leaders at the State Department to inform them of the assets that could be deployed in response to the attack. Five hours after the initial attack began, formal authorization to deploy the assets was issued. 513 Instead of setting the N hour at the time the Secretary of Defense gave his order before the Bash’s email, or even setting the N hour at the time orders were issued to the forces at 8:39 p.m., the Joint Staff coordinated with the U.S. SOF force to ask, “what would you like to set as N hour?” Given the urgency of the Secretary’s intended deployment of these units and particularly in light of what was continuing to happen in Benghazi, this cannot be justified, particularly since it was already known the likelihood of further unrest in the region was significant. N hour was ultimately set at 11:00 p.m.—more than seven hours after the attacks in Benghazi began, more than four hours after the Secretary gave the order to deploy the forces, and more than two hours after that order was finally relayed to the forces. Though, Petraeus quipped to the Committee, “N hour has nothing to do with this whatsoever, with great respect. That is completely irrelevant[,]” the setting of the N hour was symptomatic of a larger lack of urgency in responding to the situation on the ground. 514 Almost six hours after first learning of the initial attack on U.S. facilities in Benghazi, no asset had been deployed to Benghazi or Tripoli. Moreo512

( Panetta Transcript at 23. 513 Email from Vice Admiral Kurt Tidd, Director of Operations, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Dep’t of Defense, to Deputy Director of Operations, et al. (Sep. 11, 2012 8:53PM) (on file with Committee, SCB 001376). 514 Testimony of General David A. Petraeus, Director, Central Intelligence Agency, Tr. at 16 (March 19, 2016) [hereinafter Petraeus Transcript 2] (on file with the Committee).)

no asset ordered by the Secretary was even moving toward Benghazi or Tripoli aside from military personnel in Tripoli who mustered the ingenuity, courage, and resolve to ferry themselves toward danger. At the White House, McDonough knew at 11:45 p.m. the situation in Benghazi remained “fluid”, Stevens was still “unaccounted for”, and one State Department officer had been killed. He included this in his 11:45 p.m. email on September 11. Despite the fact that more than six hours had lapsed between the time the first attack was known and the time of this email, McDonough was still speaking of assets “deploying” rather than assets deployed. If there is evidence McDonough placed calls or sent emails inquiring about the status of the deployment, the White House has not shared that evidence with the Committee. Rather, what was learned is McDonough made mention of calling “YouTube” to request the taking down of two videos and he references having had the Secretary call “Pastor Jones to ask him to pull down his video.” Why McDonough had time to concern himself with “You Tube” videos while an Ambassador was missing and unaccounted for remains unclear. And why the Secretary of Defense was used to call “You Tube” and a “pastor” about a video—that had not and would not be linked to the attacks in Benghazi—rather than inquiring about the status of the asset deployment he ordered five hours earlier is also unclear. What is clear is the United States Government sent personnel into a dangerous post-revolution environment in Benghazi, Libya. Those sent displayed heroism and valor. They also displayed a sense of urgency in discharging the mission assigned to them. Chris Stevens had the urgency to travel to Benghazi because decisions needed to be made before the end of the fiscal year. Chris Stevens felt the urgency to assign himself to cover a one-week gap in the Principal Officer position in Benghazi. Those Americans assigned to work at a nearby Annex had the sense of urgency to fight their way onto the Benghazi Mission compound because a sister U.S. agency was under attack. Diplomatic Security Agents had the urgency to return time and time again into a burning building in search of Smith and Stevens. Diplomatic Security Agents and the team from the Annex no doubt felt the urgency when they fought their way from the compound to the Annex overcoming point-blank machinegun fire and grenade attacks. Team Tripoli sensed the urgency of what was happening in Benghazi and negotiated for private aircraft to race toward the danger in defense of
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Clinton and Obama committed crimes and Congress has decided to charge them for those crimes!!

Wait, Congress has not?

OK, Congress has passed new laws with teeth and provided extra funding to protect our embassies over seas!!

Wait, Congress has not?

The what pertinent change is to come out of all these investigations??

Apparently nothing.

It is kind of hard not to believe that the Benghazi investigations are not purely political theater if Congress does nothing to try and prevent this from occurring again.

At least the Republican report suggest changes, right?

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