CNN on Benghazi committee: Immediate headline "GOP committee finds no wrongdoing by Clinton"

Yep, GOP led Benghazi report vindicates Senator Hillary Rodham from all and any wrong doing in the Benghazi situation.

Read it weep Cons...
Democrats’ Benghazi panel report clears Hillary
Republicans Leveled By Bombshell Report That Clears Hillary Clinton On Benghazi
Republicans’ $7 Million Benghazi Report Is Another Dud


Trey Gowdy and his gang of thugs should apologize to Hillary and taxpayers.

Hillary should apologize to lying to the American people about the video.
Honey, are you stating that no Democrats blamed Bush?And I guess you missed where Gowdy stated the were not assigned to blame anyone, but to report the facts, which is exactly what they did. The fact you don't like some of their findings, backed up with evidence, tour accusations should be directed at those that betrayed you.
If they had an ounce of truth they would have paraded it in front of the press and waved it in front of everyone's eyes.
Isn't it a hoot watching the Democrat fanatics try to fool normal people into beliving the Republicans on the committee are as slavering and biased as the Democrats are?

:cuckoo: :laugh:
You mean like during the 9/11 investigation when Democrats didn't blame the administration? Or did you mean the attack in Beirut when the Democrats didn't blame Reagan?

This would have been a great opportunity for the GOP to show they aren't a bunch of assholes with bad haircuts.

I'm telling you the Congressional hearings on 9/11 and Beirut were not witch hunts against Republican politicians.

Hey, you remember when Clinton testified and Gowdy melted, remember that? Fun, huh?

He's shinier than a seal.


That's a chemical face peel. What pale skin 51 year old has no wrinkles? If Caitlyn Jenner had a magazine he'd probably be the first subscriber.
So, you didn't want evidence to be released? You wanted it to be a vague peachy king report where nothing could be learned of the failures?
Having read the 9/11 Commission report they were not vague.
Honey, are you stating that no Democrats blamed Bush?And I guess you missed where Gowdy stated the were not assigned to blame anyone, but to report the facts, which is exactly what they did. The fact you don't like some of their findings, backed up with evidence, tour accusations should be directed at those that betrayed you.
If they had an ounce of truth they would have paraded it in front of the press and waved it in front of everyone's eyes.
Isn't it a hoot watching the Democrat fanatics try to fool normal people into beliving the Republicans on the committee are as slavering and biased as the Democrats are?

:cuckoo: :laugh:
You mean like during the 9/11 investigation when Democrats didn't blame the administration? Or did you mean the attack in Beirut when the Democrats didn't blame Reagan?

This would have been a great opportunity for the GOP to show they aren't a bunch of assholes with bad haircuts.

I'm telling you the Congressional hearings on 9/11 and Beirut were not witch hunts against Republican politicians.

Hey, you remember when Clinton testified and Gowdy melted, remember that? Fun, huh?

He's shinier than a seal.

So, you didn't want evidence to be released? You wanted it to be a vague peachy king report where nothing could be learned of the failures?
Having read the 9/11 Commission report they were not vague.
Honey, are you stating that no Democrats blamed Bush?And I guess you missed where Gowdy stated the were not assigned to blame anyone, but to report the facts, which is exactly what they did. The fact you don't like some of their findings, backed up with evidence, tour accusations should be directed at those that betrayed you.
If they had an ounce of truth they would have paraded it in front of the press and waved it in front of everyone's eyes.
Isn't it a hoot watching the Democrat fanatics try to fool normal people into beliving the Republicans on the committee are as slavering and biased as the Democrats are?

:cuckoo: :laugh:
You mean like during the 9/11 investigation when Democrats didn't blame the administration? Or did you mean the attack in Beirut when the Democrats didn't blame Reagan?

This would have been a great opportunity for the GOP to show they aren't a bunch of assholes with bad haircuts.

I'm telling you the Congressional hearings on 9/11 and Beirut were not witch hunts against Republican politicians.

Hey, you remember when Clinton testified and Gowdy melted, remember that? Fun, huh?

He's shinier than a seal.

Honey, they found no new evidence.
When will they apologize to Hillary?

The Definitive Clinton E-mail Scandal Analysis: The Real Scandals are GOP Witch Hunt, Benghazi Committee, & Media Hype

Yes, the "Innocence of Muslims" video really did play role in the Benghazi attacks

Benghazi Suspect Says Attacks Were Instigated by Anti-Islam Internet Video

Anger Over a Film Fuels Anti-American Attacks in Libya and Egypt - The New York Times

Tale of the Tape: Republicans accused Obama of misreading the Libya intelligence to suit his worldview. Then they did the same thing.

And now the GOP’s theory, like the CIA’s initial theory, is falling apart. On Oct. 16, David Kirkpatrick of the New York Times reported from Cairo:

To Libyans who witnessed the assault and know the attackers, there is little doubt what occurred: a well-known group of local Islamist militants struck the United States Mission without any warning or protest, and they did it in retaliation for the video. That is what the fighters said at the time, speaking emotionally of their anger at the video without mentioning Al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden or the terrorist strikes of 11 years earlier. And it is an explanation that tracks with their history as members of a local militant group determined to protect Libya from Western influence. … The assailants approvingly recalled a 2006 assault by local Islamists that had destroyed an Italian diplomatic mission in Benghazi over a perceived insult to the prophet. In June the group staged a similar attack against the Tunisian Consulate over a different film. … Other Benghazi militia leaders who know the group say its leaders and ideology are all homegrown. … [T]hey openly proselytize for their brand of puritanical Islam and political vision. They profess no interest in global fights against the West or distant battles aimed at removing American troops from the Arabian Peninsula.

Republicans Said Obama Misrepresented the Libya attack. Now the Joke’s On Them.
Yep, GOP led Benghazi report vindicates Senator Hillary Rodham from all and any wrong doing in the Benghazi situation.

Read it weep Cons...
Democrats’ Benghazi panel report clears Hillary
Republicans Leveled By Bombshell Report That Clears Hillary Clinton On Benghazi
Republicans’ $7 Million Benghazi Report Is Another Dud


Didn't the Republicans want those who lost civil suits against corporations to be required to pay the defendant's attorney costs? Wouldn't it be nice if the cost of all of the investigations by Congressional Republicans which came to nothing, be reimbursed to the American people in terms of extending UE or giving a raise to SS for Seniors or (gasp) lower the national debt. And wouldn't it be very nice if D. Issa was kicked out of the H. or Rep. for costing the American people so much of their tax money on frivolous investigations?
Nope, the left still will not tell us if they think it was due to a video.


They lost this debate, a long time ago.
So, you didn't want evidence to be released? You wanted it to be a vague peachy king report where nothing could be learned of the failures?
Having read the 9/11 Commission report they were not vague.
Honey, are you stating that no Democrats blamed Bush?And I guess you missed where Gowdy stated the were not assigned to blame anyone, but to report the facts, which is exactly what they did. The fact you don't like some of their findings, backed up with evidence, tour accusations should be directed at those that betrayed you.
If they had an ounce of truth they would have paraded it in front of the press and waved it in front of everyone's eyes.
Isn't it a hoot watching the Democrat fanatics try to fool normal people into beliving the Republicans on the committee are as slavering and biased as the Democrats are?

:cuckoo: :laugh:
You mean like during the 9/11 investigation when Democrats didn't blame the administration? Or did you mean the attack in Beirut when the Democrats didn't blame Reagan?

This would have been a great opportunity for the GOP to show they aren't a bunch of assholes with bad haircuts.

I'm telling you the Congressional hearings on 9/11 and Beirut were not witch hunts against Republican politicians.

Hey, you remember when Clinton testified and Gowdy melted, remember that? Fun, huh?

He's shinier than a seal.


Nope, never said that.
Dozens of people will be going over that report and give dozens of opinions on what it says. Based on that report there may or may not be recommendations of further action.
Honey, are you stating that no Democrats blamed Bush?And I guess you missed where Gowdy stated the were not assigned to blame anyone, but to report the facts, which is exactly what they did. The fact you don't like some of their findings, backed up with evidence, tour accusations should be directed at those that betrayed you.
If they had an ounce of truth they would have paraded it in front of the press and waved it in front of everyone's eyes.
Isn't it a hoot watching the Democrat fanatics try to fool normal people into beliving the Republicans on the committee are as slavering and biased as the Democrats are?

:cuckoo: :laugh:
You mean like during the 9/11 investigation when Democrats didn't blame the administration? Or did you mean the attack in Beirut when the Democrats didn't blame Reagan?

This would have been a great opportunity for the GOP to show they aren't a bunch of assholes with bad haircuts.

They were not assigned to blame anyone?

That's the funniest thing yet.

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