CNN on Benghazi committee: Immediate headline "GOP committee finds no wrongdoing by Clinton"

There's a reason the GOP released the report now and didn't hold off for a couple months.
Why did they do it today?

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They didn't delay it to get it closer to the election because they realized it wasn't going to harm Clinton that much.
They had to release it because Democrats released their report first and detailed all of the lies, left out testimony and clipped sentences.
Show me any prior report that showed Marines changed 4 times waiting to be told to deploy to help those in Benghazi.
Show me where any prior report knew that the first meeting was more on talking points rather than on the ongoing attack.

Quit your lying.
So, you didn't want evidence to be released? You wanted it to be a vague peachy king report where nothing could be learned of the failures?
Having read the 9/11 Commission report they were not vague.
Honey, are you stating that no Democrats blamed Bush?And I guess you missed where Gowdy stated the were not assigned to blame anyone, but to report the facts, which is exactly what they did. The fact you don't like some of their findings, backed up with evidence, tour accusations should be directed at those that betrayed you.
Isn't it a hoot watching the Democrat fanatics try to fool normal people into beliving the Republicans on the committee are as slavering and biased as the Democrats are?

:cuckoo: :laugh:
You mean like during the 9/11 investigation when Democrats didn't blame the administration? Or did you mean the attack in Beirut when the Democrats didn't blame Reagan?

This would have been a great opportunity for the GOP to show they aren't a bunch of assholes with bad haircuts.

I'm telling you the Congressional hearings on 9/11 and Beirut were not witch hunts against Republican politicians.

Hey, you remember when Clinton testified and Gowdy melted, remember that? Fun, huh?

He's shinier than a seal.

Honey, they found no new evidence.
Show me any prior report that showed Marines changed 4 times waiting to be told to deploy to help those in Benghazi.
Show me where any prior report knew that the first meeting was more on talking points rather than on the ongoing attack.

Quit your lying.
So, you didn't want evidence to be released? You wanted it to be a vague peachy king report where nothing could be learned of the failures?
Having read the 9/11 Commission report they were not vague.
Honey, are you stating that no Democrats blamed Bush?And I guess you missed where Gowdy stated the were not assigned to blame anyone, but to report the facts, which is exactly what they did. The fact you don't like some of their findings, backed up with evidence, tour accusations should be directed at those that betrayed you.
You mean like during the 9/11 investigation when Democrats didn't blame the administration? Or did you mean the attack in Beirut when the Democrats didn't blame Reagan?

This would have been a great opportunity for the GOP to show they aren't a bunch of assholes with bad haircuts.

I'm telling you the Congressional hearings on 9/11 and Beirut were not witch hunts against Republican politicians.

Hey, you remember when Clinton testified and Gowdy melted, remember that? Fun, huh?

He's shinier than a seal.

Honey, they found no new evidence.

Honey, they found no new evidence.
Show me any prior report that showed Marines changed 4 times waiting to be told to deploy to help those in Benghazi.
Show me where any prior report knew that the first meeting was more on talking points rather than on the ongoing attack.

Quit your lying.
So, you didn't want evidence to be released? You wanted it to be a vague peachy king report where nothing could be learned of the failures?
Having read the 9/11 Commission report they were not vague.
Honey, are you stating that no Democrats blamed Bush?And I guess you missed where Gowdy stated the were not assigned to blame anyone, but to report the facts, which is exactly what they did. The fact you don't like some of their findings, backed up with evidence, tour accusations should be directed at those that betrayed you.
You mean like during the 9/11 investigation when Democrats didn't blame the administration? Or did you mean the attack in Beirut when the Democrats didn't blame Reagan?

This would have been a great opportunity for the GOP to show they aren't a bunch of assholes with bad haircuts.

I'm telling you the Congressional hearings on 9/11 and Beirut were not witch hunts against Republican politicians.

Hey, you remember when Clinton testified and Gowdy melted, remember that? Fun, huh?

He's shinier than a seal.

Honey, they found no new evidence.

List the indictment recommendations in the report.
Let's not mince words here.

If the Republicans had released 800 pages of blank paper,

the deranged around here would insist that was even more proof of Hillary Clinton's guilt.
Show me any prior report that showed Marines changed 4 times waiting to be told to deploy to help those in Benghazi.
Show me where any prior report knew that the first meeting was more on talking points rather than on the ongoing attack.

Quit your lying.
So, you didn't want evidence to be released? You wanted it to be a vague peachy king report where nothing could be learned of the failures?
Having read the 9/11 Commission report they were not vague.
Honey, are you stating that no Democrats blamed Bush?And I guess you missed where Gowdy stated the were not assigned to blame anyone, but to report the facts, which is exactly what they did. The fact you don't like some of their findings, backed up with evidence, tour accusations should be directed at those that betrayed you.

I'm telling you the Congressional hearings on 9/11 and Beirut were not witch hunts against Republican politicians.

Hey, you remember when Clinton testified and Gowdy melted, remember that? Fun, huh?

He's shinier than a seal.

Honey, they found no new evidence.

List the indictment recommendations in the report.

Now the FBI is going to be pressured to present their findings and it will really be over and Republicans have no one to kick except their own.
There's a reason the GOP released the report now and didn't hold off for a couple months.
Why did they do it today?

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They didn't delay it to get it closer to the election because they realized it wasn't going to harm Clinton that much.
Actually the report was delayed because the State department and Obama administration had been refusing to release documents / reports. This has been reported several times by multiple news sources recently. In one case documents that had been subpoenaed and then subsequently HIDDEN were found almost an entire year later, hidden in some obscure State Department office / department.

Kinda hard to finish an investigation when those partly being investigated are perjuring themselves, hiding documents that have just been subpoenaed, shredding and deleting documents they claimed never existed...only to be found later by the FBI.....
Yes, his grandmother said, "He was born right here in this house." (Uncle nodded agreement)

No, she said no such thing, and she did specifically state he was born in Hawaii.

All birthers, without exception, are pathological liars.
Wow. The bias is so pathetic it's sickening. The Benghazi committee press conference was finishing and the theme was "read the report". Trey Gowdy, when asked if Clinton was at fault, implied she was but rather answered "just read the report".

When he walked off stage...CNN IMMEDIATELY ran the headline "GOP led committee finds no wrongdoing by Hillary".

God damn....CNN must have a staff of alien speed readers!!!! They read the report, 800 pages long, in less than 2 seconds!!!!!

Incompetence isn't a crime so the findings don't surprise me.

Her and her State Departments incompetence caused the deaths of those four men.

Its just a shame the families of those dead men can't sue the shit out of the Fed Govt.
Gowdy Doody has no credibility. His own staff turned on him. He is nothing more than a loser hack.
When will they apologize to Hillary?

The Definitive Clinton E-mail Scandal Analysis: The Real Scandals are GOP Witch Hunt, Benghazi Committee, & Media Hype

Yes, the "Innocence of Muslims" video really did play role in the Benghazi attacks

Benghazi Suspect Says Attacks Were Instigated by Anti-Islam Internet Video

Anger Over a Film Fuels Anti-American Attacks in Libya and Egypt - The New York Times

Tale of the Tape: Republicans accused Obama of misreading the Libya intelligence to suit his worldview. Then they did the same thing.

And now the GOP’s theory, like the CIA’s initial theory, is falling apart. On Oct. 16, David Kirkpatrick of the New York Times reported from Cairo:

To Libyans who witnessed the assault and know the attackers, there is little doubt what occurred: a well-known group of local Islamist militants struck the United States Mission without any warning or protest, and they did it in retaliation for the video. That is what the fighters said at the time, speaking emotionally of their anger at the video without mentioning Al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden or the terrorist strikes of 11 years earlier. And it is an explanation that tracks with their history as members of a local militant group determined to protect Libya from Western influence. … The assailants approvingly recalled a 2006 assault by local Islamists that had destroyed an Italian diplomatic mission in Benghazi over a perceived insult to the prophet. In June the group staged a similar attack against the Tunisian Consulate over a different film. … Other Benghazi militia leaders who know the group say its leaders and ideology are all homegrown. … [T]hey openly proselytize for their brand of puritanical Islam and political vision. They profess no interest in global fights against the West or distant battles aimed at removing American troops from the Arabian Peninsula.

Republicans Said Obama Misrepresented the Libya attack. Now the Joke’s On Them.

That was from 2012.
Facts are, the attack wasn't about a damn video.
We must be reading totally different reports was the one you've seen written in crayon.
Final Benghazi Report Reveals Hillary Clinton's Failure To Competently Realize Risks
All that means is she reacted badly.
Not illegally
You people really will ignore or make excuses for anything as long as it has the name Clinton attached to it. I wonder what a psychologist would make of that ?
I've ignored nothing .
Facts is facts.
As to the rest ,maybe you should ask your shrink?
Yep, GOP led Benghazi report vindicates Senator Hillary Rodham from all and any wrong doing in the Benghazi situation.

Read it weep Cons...
Democrats’ Benghazi panel report clears Hillary
Republicans Leveled By Bombshell Report That Clears Hillary Clinton On Benghazi
Republicans’ $7 Million Benghazi Report Is Another Dud


You must have thought they would find something. I sure didn't. She did nothing illegal nor did her State Department.

To bad you can't be imprisoned for incompetence because she and her entire State Department would be behind bars.
Let's not mince words here.
If the Republicans had released 800 pages of blank paper,the deranged around here would insist that was even more proof of Hillary Clinton's guilt.

As the saying goes, 'If IFs and BUTs were candy and nuts every day would be Christmas.'

Nice sentiment, NYC...IF the GOP had 800 pages of blank paper...but that's not the case. The extremely FULL pages of the Benghazi report outline in great detail the failures and incompetence of the Obama administration and Hillary Clinton and her State Department.

It correctly annotates how the Obama administration and Hillary negotiated to side and become allies with Al Qaeida, responsible for the deaths of over 3,000 Americans in the US and countless in Afghanistan and Iraq, to help them murder Qaddafi, who had begun helping the US combat terrorists in Nrthrn Africa, and help Al Qaeida take over Libya as their own safe haven.

It correctly spells out how remnants of Qaddafi's military - who Obama called our 'enemies' - came to the aide of Americans during the 9/11/12 terrorist attack when our 'allies' - Al Qaeida - attacked the US compound and killed 4 Americans.

Yeah, if only there would have been 800 empty pages...but there weren't. The report clearly spelled out how Obama and Hillary got 4 Americans needlessly killed and how Obama and Hillary helped create Libya an Al Qaeida Safe haven.
There's a reason the GOP released the report now and didn't hold off for a couple months.
Exactly. It gives them time to spin it and lob more unfounded accusations at her before the election. If they waited to release it just before the election, the headline, "No wrongdoing" would be fresh in the minds of voters heading into the booth.
We must be reading totally different reports was the one you've seen written in crayon.
Final Benghazi Report Reveals Hillary Clinton's Failure To Competently Realize Risks
All that means is she reacted badly.
Not illegally
You people really will ignore or make excuses for anything as long as it has the name Clinton attached to it. I wonder what a psychologist would make of that ?
I've ignored nothing .
Facts is facts.
As to the rest ,maybe you should ask your shrink?
I like how you call 'completely F*ing Up, helping terrorists, and getting 4 Americans killed 'acting badly' and argue how it is nothing worth holding them accountable. Had it been a Republican Pres and Sect of State you would have demanded they be tarred and feathered prior to impeachment and jail time.

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