CNN POLL: 75% Of Financial Experts Say Romney Victory Would Improve Markets...

We have very few substances that are zero tolerance pollutants, and you had better be glad of it, the trade-offs are already there with gradual pressure to improve upon them.

When is clean air and water clean enough for you? And, if it is clean enough, why do we need the cost of gradual pressure to make it cleaner? The answer is simple; to zealots, our air and water will never be clean enough.

And, you failed to address the cost of clean air and water in good paying manufacturing jobs. That is also indicative of zealots. You fail to consider that your desire for pristine air and water is paid for by a loss of manufacturing jobs, while you continue to lambaste the capitalists for moving their operations to more favorable environments.

Those capitalists learned, many years ago, that the same people who scream for clean air and water will not pay the extra cost to manufacturing to meet the desired standards. Instead, they buy products made overseas, in countries that are not concerned so much with clean air and water.

You were not alive before the 80's, the '70's. You never heard of the massive pollution put out by industries? They also covered up pollution and built houses on the land, causing the people to die from toxic exposure. Trust industry to police it's own pollution, not in a million years the way that greedy people run them for profit at the cost of human life.

:badgrin:Well dude no one is saying we don't need regulations to handle this. But when the gov't continues adding on regulations one after another its just the same as turning the business over to the gov't. For the past 3 1/2 years the gov't has gotten to the point they want their hands into every action one takes. When this happens it is almost impossible to run or start business.

You know we have regulations on gov't too. That is to keep them in their place. The only thing is the gov't doesn't always like to go by it they like taking their own actions.
According to a National Geographic poll America would be safer during an alien attack with Obama as President than with Romney as President.

:DHaHa. Whats he going to do bow down to them first. And then appologize for our mistakes next?
The Markets are up 80% under President Obama.

Does Romney promise to improve on that?

:eusa_angel:Why don't you take some time and go out and ask some investors. I bet they will even buy you a beer.

Investors had no problem getting back into the market after Obama was elected. They managed to increase the market from 6600 to over 13000. They don't seem to be that concerned about Obamas fact, they seem downright bullish
They might feel a little bearish if they were small business owners, newly strapped with 2500 new pages of care costs, 8000 new pages of you-oughta laws, and 90,000 new Presidential edicts, all three of which could be politely called "Obamascares"

It's not all market. You can't give out jobs if there is a worry you can't pay for them in the next 3 months or so due to a shitload of new laws and paperwork, any of which you fail to execute, you could receive unorthodox fines and/or jail time. If you're already working for less than your janitor makes, you're sure not going to hire him an assistant, even if he needs one.

And while I'm on the subject, a lot of business owners clean the bathrooms themselves.
The stock market under obama is all about foreign investment. Very few are investing in American companies. The fall of Facebook for example.
75% Of Financial Experts Say Romney Victory Would Improve Markets...

Is this the same 75% of experts that never saw this recession coming and predeicted a 6 month adjustment once it did start?

Why should we listen to them now?
It is a worldwide financial market. Investors in Venezuela are no doubt doing well too. They just aren't investing in Venezuela.
President Obama has been rightfully criticized for his observation that “the private sector is doing fine.” The statement was a glaring indication that the president has no understanding of the country’s economic problems and therefore has no idea how to solve them.

The Romney campaign was quick to make use of the president’s gaffe, running ads accusing him of being out of touch and clueless. ( and Romney's not?)

That the Republicans would exploit the president’s “misstatement” is not surprising. After all, Obama has presided over three and half years of economic retrogression, and he is a vulnerable incumbent. Moreover, the president’s apparent aloofness allows the patrician Romney to campaign as the more populist candidate.

While this may make for an interesting presidential campaign, the unfortunate truth of it is nothing more than political theatre. Both the Obama and Romney campaigns are being financed by the same Wall Street interests, and neither of them are likely to cross their paymasters. Moreover, switching out Obama for Romney is pointless, for their differences on both domestic and foreign policy are nominal.

Since 2008, the Fed (The PRIVATELY controlled Federal Reserve Bank) has tripled the size of its balance sheet, purchasing $2 trillion in bonds, all with money it created out of thin air. This has enriched a few well-connected Wall Street firms and propped up the bond market, but it has also prevented the necessary deflationary correction from occurring, thus setting the economy up for a much greater calamity in the near future. As Peter Schiff writes,

When looking back from a point in the future, I believe that the years immediately after the credit collapse of 2008 will stand out as a period of dangerous economic negligence. We have bought ourselves some time by sweeping enormous problems under the rug. Through a combination of political cowardice, economic ignorance, and false confidence, we are digging ourselves into a hole so deep that it may take generations to crawl out.

While the Fed’s money printing has enabled a spate of government bailouts and various so-called stimulus programs, it has punished savers and those on fixed incomes. This deliberate policy of economic repression has forced many to wade into the dangerous waters of the stock market in hopes of getting returns that keep pace with the central bank’s inflation. This creates more distortions in the market and sets up millions of Americans to be burned when the inevitable correction happens.

source link:The Continuing Economic Crisis by Tim Kelly

The Markets are up 80% under President Obama.

Does Romney promise to improve on that?

:eusa_angel:Why don't you take some time and go out and ask some investors. I bet they will even buy you a beer.

Investors had no problem getting back into the market after Obama was elected. They managed to increase the market from 6600 to over 13000. They don't seem to be that concerned about Obamas fact, they seem downright bullish

The folks amazed by an 80% recovery are probably attracted to small shiny objects waving in front of them too.. Getting 80% BACK from a crash like that just HAPPENED. Slowly and painfully. With no help essentially from anything Obama has done or said.

6600 WAS NOT normal.. 13000 is pitiful in terms of growth and stability. The market has been wandering in the Sinai desert for most of that time.. And more importantly, the rate of GOOD SOLID new companies that have a chance to change the market has slowed to almost zero...

Go ahead run on recovering from 6600.. See how much personal thanks you get...
The stock market under obama is all about foreign investment. Very few are investing in American companies. The fall of Facebook for example.

The American market is kicking ass. The foreign markets are suffering. Didn't you hear about all that Greece stuff?
:eusa_angel:Why don't you take some time and go out and ask some investors. I bet they will even buy you a beer.

Investors had no problem getting back into the market after Obama was elected. They managed to increase the market from 6600 to over 13000. They don't seem to be that concerned about Obamas fact, they seem downright bullish

The folks amazed by an 80% recovery are probably attracted to small shiny objects waving in front of them too.. Getting 80% BACK from a crash like that just HAPPENED. Slowly and painfully. With no help essentially from anything Obama has done or said.

6600 WAS NOT normal.. 13000 is pitiful in terms of growth and stability. The market has been wandering in the Sinai desert for most of that time.. And more importantly, the rate of GOOD SOLID new companies that have a chance to change the market has slowed to almost zero...

Go ahead run on recovering from 6600.. See how much personal thanks you get...

You mean like how Bush was given a Dow at 10750 and left it at 8150?

That kind of Republican growth?
Investors had no problem getting back into the market after Obama was elected. They managed to increase the market from 6600 to over 13000. They don't seem to be that concerned about Obamas fact, they seem downright bullish

The folks amazed by an 80% recovery are probably attracted to small shiny objects waving in front of them too.. Getting 80% BACK from a crash like that just HAPPENED. Slowly and painfully. With no help essentially from anything Obama has done or said.

6600 WAS NOT normal.. 13000 is pitiful in terms of growth and stability. The market has been wandering in the Sinai desert for most of that time.. And more importantly, the rate of GOOD SOLID new companies that have a chance to change the market has slowed to almost zero...

Go ahead run on recovering from 6600.. See how much personal thanks you get...

You mean like how Bush was given a Dow at 10750 and left it at 8150?

That kind of Republican growth?

Yeah the same crash that had very little to do with either Bush or Obama.. The one you want to primitively attribute to Presidents of either stripe. It's juvenile to believe that Obama or ANY Prez would have deflated the housing bubble that caused it. Because it was a total bipartisian effort to INFLATE the bubble..

You partisians just need something simple to argue about I guess. In fact -- I'll stick my neck out here and claim that Bush loved "home ownership" figures enough to overlook the impending disaster that Clinton and Fannie/Freddie helped spawn.. So Bush DOES have DIRECT culpability in the matter. But Obama hasn't done JACK to stop the economic contraction. Not there's a lot he could PRO-Actively do except become a Capitalist Free Market type. Enough Bipartisianship there for ya pal?
The stock market under obama is all about foreign investment. Very few are investing in American companies. The fall of Facebook for example.

The American market is kicking ass. The foreign markets are suffering. Didn't you hear about all that Greece stuff?

Another pitiful 'Occupy' poser. Back in love with Wall Street again ay? You silly Obamabots just can't make up your mind. Is Wall Street "Evil" or not? 'Occupy' posers boasting about Wall Street gains, really is hilarious. What a bunch of dishonest hypocrites.
The Markets are up 80% under President Obama.

Does Romney promise to improve on that?

:eusa_angel:Why don't you take some time and go out and ask some investors. I bet they will even buy you a beer.

Investors had no problem getting back into the market after Obama was elected. They managed to increase the market from 6600 to over 13000. They don't seem to be that concerned about Obamas fact, they seem downright bullish

The market is still below the highs during GWB. Not to mention record unemployment, credit downgrades, sinking US $, record debt, record deficits, record Americans on public assistance, etc.

Yep, well done Barry Kardashian.
I don't care about the markets, unless it's the job market. If Romney can increase our jobs and raise our mw, I'd be all over him but that will never happen. Years ago our country became more about making the wealthy wealthier and less about making our country and our people stronger.
:eusa_angel:Why don't you take some time and go out and ask some investors. I bet they will even buy you a beer.

Investors had no problem getting back into the market after Obama was elected. They managed to increase the market from 6600 to over 13000. They don't seem to be that concerned about Obamas fact, they seem downright bullish

The market is still below the highs during GWB. Not to mention record unemployment, credit downgrades, sinking US $, record debt, record deficits, record Americans on public assistance, etc.

Yep, well done Barry Kardashian.

Obviously, you make perfect sense. But don't expect to get through to the Obamabot 'Occupy' posers. Today they love Wall Street, tomorrow they'll despise it and declare it "Evil." They're not honest or intelligent people. But nice try anyway. :)
Pretty narrow group there, any mention of the ones he simply liquidated without a second thought? A president must have some sort of concern for those working people who suffer by his decisions and I do not see that in him.

I'm sure that the people working at companies like Staples, Toys R Us, Burger King, Burlington Coat Factory, etcetera, are all perfectly happy to be in that "narrow group".

Can you tell me that anything he has ever done has been primarily to create jobs? Of course not, his primary aim in business has always been to enrich himself, you want to apply that attitude to the presidency and expect beneficial results for the population at large? This guy would gauge his success by Wall Street and nothing else and it is glaringly obvious that their success does not trickle down nearly as much as republicans would like us to believe.

Very few people go into business to create jobs. They go into business to make money and to serve a perceived need. Jobs result from that effort.

Millions of people making financial decisions, that they perceive to be in their own best interests, are the driving forces behind a free economy. They purchase items they need or want, because they believe they are better off for the purchase. They do not consider that others benefit from their purchase, but that is automatic in a capitalistic economy.

The problem that left wing financial wizards have, is that they cannot seem to recognize that Joe Plumber, and Suzy Secretary, vary in their decision making processes, depending on the personal feelings they have about their future security. They don't buy that new washing machine, or big screen TV, when they worry that their job may disappear tomorrow. The day to day items they do buy have little multiplication power in the economy, and much of that transfers to china where those everyday products are made.

The only way that government can help an economy is to reduce the tax and regulatory burden on those who are producing jobs. That equates to job security and buyers more willing to commit to purchases of durable goods. That makes the economy grow and everyone, including government, benefits from a growing economy.

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