CNN Poll: Strong leadership helps Obama survive brutal week


Gold Member
Jan 23, 2012
Despite all the scandals that rocked the Reagan administration, President Reagan emerged even stronger and more likable. Dittos, it seems for President Obama.

CNN Poll: Likability helps Obama survive brutal week ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

The new numbers indicate that Obama remains popular, with 79% of Americans saying the president is likable.

"This underscores just how important the president's personal characteristics have been to him, and how useful it is to the White House that IRS, Benghazi, and AP controversies have not dimmed Obama's personal popularity so far," says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland.
Likeability is just about the antipode of leadership.

Obama has nearly no leadership skills at all. The man consistently makes amateur mistakes when working with Congress. He leads from behind. His pattern is to hang back and let other people do all the heavy lifting, and then he tries to swoop in at the last minute to take all the glory, often sabotaging the entire effort of his party, causing failure more often than success.

Leadership? If I weren't so damned tired at the moment, I'd be busting my sides open laughing.

So he's a likeable guy you would want to smoke a bong with. Okay. Fine. But he leads like a stoner, too.
Despite all the scandals that rocked the Reagan administration, President Reagan emerged even stronger and more likable. Dittos, it seems for President Obama.

CNN Poll: Likability helps Obama survive brutal week ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

The new numbers indicate that Obama remains popular, with 79% of Americans saying the president is likable.

"This underscores just how important the president's personal characteristics have been to him, and how useful it is to the White House that IRS, Benghazi, and AP controversies have not dimmed Obama's personal popularity so far," says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland.

Lmao.... 79% percent of Americans think he is "likable" hell I like Obama as a person, I think he would be a fun guy to hang out with like Bill Clinton... But as POTUS? he is no leader.
Wait, wait can you please point out this strong leadership? Is it blaming Booosh? Is it claiming "I know nothing" I just got to know.
Likeability is just about the antipode of leadership.

Obama has nearly no leadership skills at all. The man consistently makes amateur mistakes when working with Congress. He leads from behind. His pattern is to hang back and let other people do all the heavy lifting, and then he tries to swoop in at the last minute to take all the glory, often sabotaging the entire effort of his party, causing failure more often than success.

Leadership? If I weren't so damned tired at the moment, I'd be busting my sides open laughing.

So he's a likeable guy you would want to smoke a bong with. Okay. Fine. But he leads like a stoner, too.

Strong leadership is one of Obama's finest characteristics. Killed Osama bin Laden, passed affordable healthcare for all. Shot down 'don't ask, don't tell'. The demise of Mubarack, Gaddafi, and Syria's Assad to follow. Ended the war in Iraq. Revitalized General Motors. Passed Wall Street Reform... etc, etc, etc.
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Likeability is just about the antipode of leadership.

Obama has nearly no leadership skills at all. The man consistently makes amateur mistakes when working with Congress. He leads from behind. His pattern is to hang back and let other people do all the heavy lifting, and then he tries to swoop in at the last minute to take all the glory, often sabotaging the entire effort of his party, causing failure more often than success.

Leadership? If I weren't so damned tired at the moment, I'd be busting my sides open laughing.

So he's a likeable guy you would want to smoke a bong with. Okay. Fine. But he leads like a stoner, too.

Strong leadership is one of Obama's finest characteristics. Killed bin Laden, passed afforadable healthcare for all. Shot down 'don't ask, don't tell. The demise of Mubarack, Gaddafi, and Syria/s Assad to follow. Ended the war in Iraq. Revitalized General Motors. Passed Wall Street Reform... etc, etc, etc.

I'd laugh but, you're probably serious.
Despite all the scandals that rocked the Reagan administration, President Reagan emerged even stronger and more likable. Dittos, it seems for President Obama.

CNN Poll: Likability helps Obama survive brutal week ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

The new numbers indicate that Obama remains popular, with 79% of Americans saying the president is likable.

"This underscores just how important the president's personal characteristics have been to him, and how useful it is to the White House that IRS, Benghazi, and AP controversies have not dimmed Obama's personal popularity so far," says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland.

As long as you all keep feeding the low information voters misinformation, that will continue to be the case.

The Landmark Legal Foundation sued the IRS in 1997 after being audited. Its brief quoted an IRS official who had explained at an IRS meeting in San Francisco that audit requests from members of Congress or their staff had been shredded and also suggested how future requests from Capitol Hill could be camouflaged. The IRS told the court that it could not find 114 key files relating to possible political manipulation of audits of tax-exempt organizations.

One potential bombshell of the Clinton era that went relatively unrecognized was an Associated Press report in 1999 that "officials in the Democratic White House and members of both parties in Congress have prompted hundreds of audits of political opponents in the 1990s," including "personal demands for audits from members of Congress." Audit requests from congressmen were marked "expedite" or "hot politically" and IRS officials were obliged to respond within 15 days. Permitting congressmen to secretly and effortlessly sic G-men on whomever they pleased epitomized official Washington's contempt for average Americans and fair play. But because the abuse was bipartisan, there was little enthusiasm on Capitol Hill for an investigation.

The IRS has usually done an excellent job of stifling investigations of its practices. A 1991 survey of 800 IRS executives and managers by the nonprofit Josephson Institute of Ethics revealed that three out of four respondents felt entitled to deceive or lie when testifying before a congressional committee.

James Bovard: A Brief History of IRS Political Targeting -

Maybe it's time for a fair Flat Tax. Has the IRS outlived it's usefulness.
Likeability is just about the antipode of leadership.

Obama has nearly no leadership skills at all. The man consistently makes amateur mistakes when working with Congress. He leads from behind. His pattern is to hang back and let other people do all the heavy lifting, and then he tries to swoop in at the last minute to take all the glory, often sabotaging the entire effort of his party, causing failure more often than success.

Leadership? If I weren't so damned tired at the moment, I'd be busting my sides open laughing.

So he's a likeable guy you would want to smoke a bong with. Okay. Fine. But he leads like a stoner, too.

Strong leadership is one of Obama's finest characteristics. Killed bin Laden, passed afforadable healthcare for all. Shot down 'don't ask, don't tell. The demise of Mubarack, Gaddafi, and Syria/s Assad to follow. Ended the war in Iraq. Revitalized General Motors. Passed Wall Street Reform... etc, etc, etc.

I'd laugh but, you're probably serious.

I forgot to add... beat the hell out of John McCain, Sarah Palin and Mitt Romney! :clap2:
Nothing that comes from the regime or any of its mouthpieces can be trusted. This is the age of American propaganda.
Likeability is just about the antipode of leadership.

Obama has nearly no leadership skills at all. The man consistently makes amateur mistakes when working with Congress. He leads from behind. His pattern is to hang back and let other people do all the heavy lifting, and then he tries to swoop in at the last minute to take all the glory, often sabotaging the entire effort of his party, causing failure more often than success.

Leadership? If I weren't so damned tired at the moment, I'd be busting my sides open laughing.

So he's a likeable guy you would want to smoke a bong with. Okay. Fine. But he leads like a stoner, too.

Strong leadership is one of Obama's finest characteristics. Killed bin Laden, passed afforadable healthcare for all. Shot down 'don't ask, don't tell. The demise of Mubarack, Gaddafi, and Syria/s Assad to follow. Ended the war in Iraq. Revitalized General Motors. Passed Wall Street Reform... etc, etc, etc.
Seal team six killed Bin Laden Obama gave them the OK to do it Obamacare highly unpopular being called a train wreck by some Democrats now don't ask don't tell whatever gays serving in the military never was a big deal to me or most people I suspect Mubarak gone Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood don't look like a major improvement Gaddafi gone see Benghazi Assad to soon be gone we have been hearing that for over two years now and Russia, Iran, Hamas and Hezbollah are now sending him arms and fighters the status of forces agreement in Iraq that brought U.S. troops home was negotiated before Obama was ever sworn in still have not got all the bailout money back from G.M. I have seen no major difference in how Wall Street does business since the Reform was passed.

Let's ask these people

Obama ain't much. But he's a huge step up out of the sewer this halfwit inheritor dragged the nation through.
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Strong leadership is one of Obama's finest characteristics. Killed bin Laden, passed afforadable healthcare for all. Shot down 'don't ask, don't tell. The demise of Mubarack, Gaddafi, and Syria/s Assad to follow. Ended the war in Iraq. Revitalized General Motors. Passed Wall Street Reform... etc, etc, etc.

I'd laugh but, you're probably serious.

I forgot to add... beat the hell out of John McCain, Sarah Palin and Mitt Romney! :clap2:

Just curious why did you omit Paul Ryan? because he didnt have a Republican vargina? why didnt you mention him? is it because you couldnt toss him under the buss?

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