Americans say Our President IS VERY likeable

Oh, how wonderful. Our president is LIKABLE. We no longer care about performance, just likability.

That is how asinine the American public has become. It is sickening.

In other news, most people realize that telephone surveys from news sources are absolute garbage so your OP does not really matter anyway. Or do you actually think that FOX would report similar numbers?

His job approval rating is also higher than it was just before the election.

The simple fact is, except for the inevitable minority on the right, aka the Cult, that is going to hate a Democratic president no matter what,

normal America knows enough to know that Barack Obama is a good man, and a good president, doing a good job.

Washington – President Barack Obama's personal popularity may be one reason he came out of what was arguably the worst week of his presidency with his approval rating holding steady, according to a new national poll.

A CNN/ORC International survey, released Monday, also indicates that Americans see the current controversies as very important, maybe even as much as the Iran-Contra scandal, but they haven't reached the epic levels of Watergate.

Fifty-nine percent of Americans have an unfavorable opinion of the Republican Party, tying the all-time record for negative views of the GOP.

CNN Poll: Likability helps Obama survive brutal week ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs[/url]
I'm very likable to and so are a great many other people so I'm not sure what the point here is.
"Americans say Our President IS VERY likeable"

Since we are going to quote polls....

Americans also say this about

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows that 47% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Obama's job performance. Fifty-two percent (52%) now disapprove.

Today’s figures include 26% who Strongly Approve of the way Obama is performing as president and 40% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential

Approval Index rating of -14 (see trends).

This is only the third day in the past six months that Strong Disapproval of the president has reached 40%. The other two days were May 2 and 3.

Results are updated daily at 9:30 a.m. Eastern

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports?
They said the same about BUSH...and we see what some already said about him in this THREAD...

but lets give the dear Leader a cheer and clap over it...

damn is every Democrat a child?

Obama's popularity is due to great support from the press.

Ask anyone in Washington. They liked Bush better as a person.


I said "ask anyone in Washington".

Obama is an asshole and just about everyone knows it.

Washington – President Barack Obama's personal popularity may be one reason he came out of what was arguably the worst week of his presidency with his approval rating holding steady, according to a new national poll.

A CNN/ORC International survey, released Monday, also indicates that Americans see the current controversies as very important, maybe even as much as the Iran-Contra scandal, but they haven't reached the epic levels of Watergate.

Fifty-nine percent of Americans have an unfavorable opinion of the Republican Party, tying the all-time record for negative views of the GOP.

CNN Poll: Likability helps Obama survive brutal week ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs[/url]

The number of Americans on welfare (food stamps + welfare) is egregious compared to Bush, Clinton, and Reagan Bush yet Obama is more likeable.
Nope, in every case the people were told that they would say that the leader was wonderful and that they liked him. Those who did not "like" him had a way of disappearing.

sorry if your grasp of history is lacking.

Show us some similar polls on these people.

opinion polls are not allowed under dictators. OR, the the answer is determined before the poll is begun.

do you think any of those dictators allowed fair polls of their likeability? Do you really believe that likeability equals competence? Willie Nelson is very likeable but I would not want him for president, would you?

So people did not actually say this, unless they were in fear. Thank you.
Nope, in every case the people were told that they would say that the leader was wonderful and that they liked him. Those who did not "like" him had a way of disappearing.

sorry if your grasp of history is lacking.

Show us some similar polls on these people.

google anything on Kim jung uns death, you will see people openly weeping.

All Germans Loved Hitler

Stalin was considered a major hero and his body is still visited to this day

but really, obama has not one clue what his people are doing and neither do the people under him and those under them. That's an absolute failure of leadership

All Germans lived Hitler? You are either totally ignorant or delusional.
He's likeable, but untrustworthy.

Pew: For Every 10 Americans, Only 3 Trust The Government « CBS DC

WASHINGTON (CBSDC) – The Pew Research Center in Washington, D.C. has found that fewer Americans than ever trust the decisions made by the government.

Data collected from a survey taken in January of this year indicates that all demographics and partisan groups experienced an increasing lack of faith in government leadership, according to a release posted on the Pew Research website late last week.

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