Americans say Our President IS VERY likeable

the chinese said Mao was likeable.
the cubans said castro was likeable
the germans said hitler was likeable
the venezuelans said chavez was likeable
the romans said Nero was likeable
the russians said Lenin was likeable


Nope, in every case the people were told that they would say that the leader was wonderful and that they liked him. Those who did not "like" him had a way of disappearing.

sorry if your grasp of history is lacking.
Americans would hate obozo if we had a press that did its job. Their policy is "we will not criticize a black president on anything." pure racism.

i just wish people, the media and alleged "conservative" talk show hosts would STOP calling that son-of-a-bitch a black president, call him for what he is, a fucking MULATTO !!!!

i have nothing against mulattos (Mulatto: the first-generation offspring of a black person and a white person, a person of mixed white and black ancestry) from merriam-webster dictionary.

Washington – President Barack Obama's personal popularity may be one reason he came out of what was arguably the worst week of his presidency with his approval rating holding steady, according to a new national poll.

A CNN/ORC International survey, released Monday, also indicates that Americans see the current controversies as very important, maybe even as much as the Iran-Contra scandal, but they haven't reached the epic levels of Watergate.

Fifty-nine percent of Americans have an unfavorable opinion of the Republican Party, tying the all-time record for negative views of the GOP.

CNN Poll: Likability helps Obama survive brutal week ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs[/url]

I've read that Ted Bundy and John Wayne Gacy were very likeable too.
I like Obama, I like to punch him everymorning

the chinese said Mao was likeable.
the cubans said castro was likeable
the germans said hitler was likeable
the venezuelans said chavez was likeable
the romans said Nero was likeable
the russians said Lenin was likeable


Nope, in every case the people were told that they would say that the leader was wonderful and that they liked him. Those who did not "like" him had a way of disappearing.

sorry if your grasp of history is lacking.

Show us some similar polls on these people.

Nope, in every case the people were told that they would say that the leader was wonderful and that they liked him. Those who did not "like" him had a way of disappearing.

sorry if your grasp of history is lacking.

Show us some similar polls on these people.

opinion polls are not allowed under dictators. OR, the the answer is determined before the poll is begun.

do you think any of those dictators allowed fair polls of their likeability? Do you really believe that likeability equals competence? Willie Nelson is very likeable but I would not want him for president, would you?

Nope, in every case the people were told that they would say that the leader was wonderful and that they liked him. Those who did not "like" him had a way of disappearing.

sorry if your grasp of history is lacking.

Show us some similar polls on these people.

google anything on Kim jung uns death, you will see people openly weeping.

All Germans Loved Hitler

Stalin was considered a major hero and his body is still visited to this day

but really, obama has not one clue what his people are doing and neither do the people under him and those under them. That's an absolute failure of leadership
the chinese said Mao was likeable.
the cubans said castro was likeable
the germans said hitler was likeable
the venezuelans said chavez was likeable
the romans said Nero was likeable
the russians said Lenin was likeable


Nope, in every case the people were told that they would say that the leader was wonderful and that they liked him. Those who did not "like" him had a way of disappearing.

sorry if your grasp of history is lacking.

Kim Jong Il was adored. When he died people were crying in the streets.
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Washington – President Barack Obama's personal popularity may be one reason he came out of what was arguably the worst week of his presidency with his approval rating holding steady, according to a new national poll.

A CNN/ORC International survey, released Monday, also indicates that Americans see the current controversies as very important, maybe even as much as the Iran-Contra scandal, but they haven't reached the epic levels of Watergate.

Fifty-nine percent of Americans have an unfavorable opinion of the Republican Party, tying the all-time record for negative views of the GOP.

CNN Poll: Likability helps Obama survive brutal week ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs[/url] in lawn ornament.
well i honestly don't put much faith in polls. but on the other hand, we do have alot of people in our country now that condones communism and socialism. That is what the President is, and i guess alot of the public is turning that way. we have tons of immigants and illegals that are communist lovingi people too.
53% said he is not a typical politician...70% will soon figure out these "scandals" are Pubcrappe...hater dupes NOT. One Obama lie, tools of the greedy idiot rich?
Do you guys really think the poll has any validity, or means anything at all? Aside from reflecting exactly what the prez's press corps wants you to believe?
I have a rough time understanding all the folks that hate Obama,,,they liked "W"!

I don't hate Pres. Obama, Kiwiman, I don't like him, and the reason I don't like him is that I see him as an Arrogant, Cocky, Secretive, Over sensitive, Narcisstic, Cold, Know it all, (except when asked important questions, and then knows nothing), Prevaricator.

Did I miss anything?
You say Americans find Obama likeable. I would like to restate that as SOME Americans find Obama likeable. Perhaps they are so enamored of and worshipful of the Messiah that they are more than willing to eat whatever swill he dumps in the trough and thank him for it.

Hell's bells - some people find cobras likeable, but I'll be damned if I want to be around one.

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