CNN Promotes CUCKOLDRY As “Positive” For Modern Relationships

Once again what we see here is an example of what level of selfishness can be engage in and be accepted. Or, like CNN, trying to raise the bar of acceptability to it's eventuality and that is a society of anything goes. Where people can engage in all manner of fantasies without penalty.

What is lost here is the children of the marriage. With marriage comes a persons most supreme responsibility... their children. You want to talk about studies, then talk about the studies that consistently show that children raised in a traditional two parent household do better in every single category. And have exponentially less chance to engage in violent/criminal behavior.

Anything the parents engage in that comes with a high risk of fucking up the marriage is irresponsible and selfish. They are fooling around with their childrens future, and their potential success and failure. Cuckolding is a depraved, selfish act. Period.
Indeed, being civilized means controlling ones desires. There is no such society where people get to engage in whatever desire they have - and there not be a price to pay for it. And that is why it is called a fantasy. And fantasies are better left in your head.

You want to impose your version of morality on to others.

Your argument presumes that the relationship isn't consensual for all parties.
I refuse to purposely click on a CNN link. Cuckolding means that the wife is having illicit sex with another man, a maritital crime. The husband would not be participating. If CNNs idea that it's beneficial, and the husband is participating, then it's really sinful swinging that nasty perverts do. How is this beneficial?
Some couples enjoy it. That is not a myth.

Why does anyone else care if they do?

Why does anyone care? Well perhaps because it affects society at large.

It will spread more STD's, which we will all have to pay for, it will create more unwanted children or abortions, which we will all wind up paying for, it will cause more broken relationships, which again filters down to harming children, and we have to splain and try to convince our children that this is wrong and that they should not embrace it, even though more and more in society seems to be doing so.

Basically you just made the argument that sex should only be for those in marriage.
. Huh ? I didn't see it in that way when read his words.
More right-wing sexual hysteria. Notice how many of their men get caught cheating after practicing "open marriage" on the sly. I'm not a real proponent of "open marriage." I personally think that sex should be private and not performed for the edification of a third party. But whatever floats a particular couple's mutual boat, so what? And cheating guys at least need to give their wives the same leeway.

I found the real story, and it's about a study of sexual fantasies:

Cuckolding can be positive for some couples, study says - CNN

I don't know who the bozo is who made the Youtube video. He sounded British, but he probably made it for the American hysterical market. We Americans seem to have much more distress over sex and the human body than any other developed nation. It's really boring and there is no point to it.

Brace yourselves. I think that the hystericals who have been screaming on the "Mental Illness on Parade a Wka the Women's March" will be over soon, screeching as usual.

And this is why we have proof that the Bible was inspired by God and not men.

Why else would you have a book condemn fornicating and adultery and drunkenness?

As for women writing it, pfft. Wives, submit yourselves to your husbands?

Don't think so.

The Bible, like the Constitution, is a warning which is ignored, just like the Constitution today.

There is no proof that the bible was "inspired by God" or any Supreme Being. Constantine's all-boy commission included whatever he wished them to, including the musings of such as paul and timothy. Just who were these guys?

Why would anyone "submit" themselves to anyone else, based solely on genitals? Think, man, think! Do you know who thinks up "Catholic doctrine"? An exclusively male bunch in stylish robes, a bunch that will not allow any female person in.

Most people want a loving relationship. No one can have such a relationship who denigrates and debases his or her partner. This is what male supremacists/people who believe in patriarchy do. Real men do not do this.
I refuse to purposely click on a CNN link. Cuckolding means that the wife is having illicit sex with another man, a maritital crime. The husband would not be participating. If CNNs idea that it's beneficial, and the husband is participating, then it's really sinful swinging that nasty perverts do. How is this beneficial?

That is your version of religion and morality. It is not everyone's. Don't impose your version onto others.

It is beneficial because all three parties get something out of it.

It is not your business to tell others what is beneficial to them.
Some couples enjoy it. That is not a myth.

Why does anyone else care if they do?

Why does anyone care? Well perhaps because it affects society at large.

It will spread more STD's, which we will all have to pay for, it will create more unwanted children or abortions, which we will all wind up paying for, it will cause more broken relationships, which again filters down to harming children, and we have to splain and try to convince our children that this is wrong and that they should not embrace it, even though more and more in society seems to be doing so.

If the couples have unprotected sex, you might have a point. But I can say from personal knowledge, the "kink community" is more adamant about using condoms than any group I have talked to.

Condoms fail, and condoms don't prevent relationships from being destroyed either.

Maybe they can wrap giant condoms around their children during the divorce.

Cheating destroys more relationships than open relationships do. What the children know hasn't stopped men & women from lying and cheating throughout history.


What about if their mama watches and they have their consent?

Roll Tide!!!

You advertise an American pig. A man who exploits women.
There is no national religion so trying to assert you religion as the"normal" religion with social practices is not going to be enforced upon the population...No matter how insufferable you act, ghosh!
Some couples enjoy it. That is not a myth.

Why does anyone else care if they do?

Why does anyone care? Well perhaps because it affects society at large.

It will spread more STD's, which we will all have to pay for, it will create more unwanted children or abortions, which we will all wind up paying for, it will cause more broken relationships, which again filters down to harming children, and we have to splain and try to convince our children that this is wrong and that they should not embrace it, even though more and more in society seems to be doing so.

Basically you just made the argument that sex should only be for those in marriage.
. Huh ? I didn't see it in that way when read his words.

Your argument is the one made by those who say sex should only be within the confines of a marriage.
There is no national religion so trying to assert you religion as the"normal" religion with social practices is not going to be enforced upon the population...No matter how insufferable you act, ghosh!

Normal religion? What is a normal religion?
Some couples enjoy it. That is not a myth.

Why does anyone else care if they do?

Why does anyone care? Well perhaps because it affects society at large.

It will spread more STD's, which we will all have to pay for, it will create more unwanted children or abortions, which we will all wind up paying for, it will cause more broken relationships, which again filters down to harming children, and we have to splain and try to convince our children that this is wrong and that they should not embrace it, even though more and more in society seems to be doing so.

Basically you just made the argument that sex should only be for those in marriage.
. Huh ? I didn't see it in that way when read his words.

Your argument is the one made by those who say sex should only be within the confines of a marriage.
The mentality of most that hardly ever get laid...
More right-wing sexual hysteria. Notice how many of their men get caught cheating after practicing "open marriage" on the sly. I'm not a real proponent of "open marriage." I personally think that sex should be private and not performed for the edification of a third party. But whatever floats a particular couple's mutual boat, so what? And cheating guys at least need to give their wives the same leeway.

I found the real story, and it's about a study of sexual fantasies:

Cuckolding can be positive for some couples, study says - CNN

I don't know who the bozo is who made the Youtube video. He sounded British, but he probably made it for the American hysterical market. We Americans seem to have much more distress over sex and the human body than any other developed nation. It's really boring and there is no point to it.

Brace yourselves. I think that the hystericals who have been screaming on the "Mental Illness on Parade a Wka the Women's March" will be over soon, screeching as usual.

And this is why we have proof that the Bible was inspired by God and not men.

Why else would you have a book condemn fornicating and adultery and drunkenness?

As for women writing it, pfft. Wives, submit yourselves to your husbands?

Don't think so.

The Bible, like the Constitution, is a warning which is ignored, just like the Constitution today.

There is no proof that the bible was "inspired by God" or any Supreme Being. Constantine's all-boy commission included whatever he wished them to, including the musings of such as paul and timothy. Just who were these guys?

Why would anyone "submit" themselves to anyone else, based solely on genitals? Think, man, think! Do you know who thinks up "Catholic doctrine"? An exclusively male bunch in stylish robes, a bunch that will not allow any female person in.

Most people want a loving relationship. No one can have such a relationship who denigrates and debases his or her partner. This is what male supremacists/people who believe in patriarchy do. Real men do not do this.

Constantine was a fraud. He continued to worship pagan gods even though he officially adopted Christianity as a religion in his kingdom. Granted, there are rumors he converted on his death bed.

And no, there is no proof that the God of the Bible is all the Bible says he is, but there is evidence. One of the evidences is that the law of love rules above all.

Christians are told that love is the law. If we obey the Golden Rule we obey all the law. Sex is no different. Again, our focus is love, not pleasure.

Those who seek only pleasure wind up in crack houses.

As for marriage, it is not a sexist institution. In fact, when the Bible was written marriage was the only protection women had in a society dominated by males.
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There is no national religion so trying to assert you religion as the"normal" religion with social practices is not going to be enforced upon the population...No matter how insufferable you act, ghosh!

Normal religion? What is a normal religion?
What ever one they decide is...

There is nothing normal about telling people not to sin, for sin comes as normal.

In fact, we cannot live apart from sin, unless we embrace a God who can overcome sin in our lives.

Those who have had enough of the ravages of sin or can see what it has done to them or make them see how empty they are because of is are those who are open to alternatives.

As Christ once said, he has come for those who are sick and in need of a physician.

Christ once said that we should love those who hate and abuse us. This is anything but normal. In fact, this is nothing short of supernatural.
There is no national religion so trying to assert you religion as the"normal" religion with social practices is not going to be enforced upon the population...No matter how insufferable you act, ghosh!

Normal religion? What is a normal religion?
What ever one they decide is...

There is nothing normal about telling people not to sin, for sin comes as normal.

In fact, we cannot live apart from sin, unless we embrace a God who can overcome sin in our lives.

Those who have had enough of the ravages of sin or can see what it has done to them or make them see how empty they are because of is are those who are open to alternatives.

As Christ once said, he has come for those who are sick and in need of a physician.
That's okay, we get recycled like Jesus did...
I refuse to purposely click on a CNN link. Cuckolding means that the wife is having illicit sex with another man, a maritital crime. The husband would not be participating. If CNNs idea that it's beneficial, and the husband is participating, then it's really sinful swinging that nasty perverts do. How is this beneficial?

That is your version of religion and morality. It is not everyone's. Don't impose your version onto others.

It is beneficial because all three parties get something out of it.

It is not your business to tell others what is beneficial to them.
. Well most people like to stick with what is proven to be a good thing, and to stay clear of the things in which are proven to be a bad thing, so if something is bad and it begins to invade the spaces of those whom know it's bad, then they want the same results that you espouse here. They want the bad to stay the Hell out of their space and lives in which they are raising their children in. Problem is that the bad can't stand that, because it can't do damage if told to get the Hell out of someone's space or face.

So then the bad go and aquire government to beat the good over the head with their bad in order to cause the submission of the good in order to then force the good to except the bad as something good.
Trump supporters who defend a guy who fucked a porn star while his wife was at home with their newborn then paid her off to keep her quiet are upset that CNN is "supporting" a consensual relationship.

I refuse to purposely click on a CNN link. Cuckolding means that the wife is having illicit sex with another man, a maritital crime. The husband would not be participating. If CNNs idea that it's beneficial, and the husband is participating, then it's really sinful swinging that nasty perverts do. How is this beneficial?

That is your version of religion and morality. It is not everyone's. Don't impose your version onto others.

It is beneficial because all three parties get something out of it.

It is not your business to tell others what is beneficial to them.
. Well most people like to stick with what is proven to be a good thing, and to stay clear of the things in which are proven to be a bad thing, so if something is bad and it begins to invade the spaces of those whom know it's bad, then they want the same results that you espouse here. They want the bad to stay the Hell out of their space and lives in which they are raising their children in. Problem is that the bad can't stand that, because it can't do damage if told to get the Hell out of someone's space or face.

So then the bad go and aquire government to beat the good over the head with their bad in order to cause the submission of the good in order to then force the good to except the bad as something good.

So don't have a consensual relationship that involves another man sleeping with your wife. Case closed.

But don't tell others what is good for them.


And we keep on tumbling down the rabbit hole, and have been tumbling down since the 60s.

And because sheep idiots are so easy to indoctrinated via this method, the dumbasses will actually use this as an ok thing to do. It's proven relationships like this do not last it ends up in divorce......... even if there are idiots doing and it's been on going for a lets say a few years it gets old dumbases . You can be guaranteed it won't last.

This is all being engineered to DESTROY THE FAMILY..........

Some should bother to read it, it can be found in his book

Trump supporters who defend a guy who fucked a porn star while his wife was at home with their newborn then paid her off to keep her quiet are upset that CNN is "supporting" a consensual relationship.

. A consentual relationship or a manipulated relationship where one is talked into something that is later regretted big time once the three in the group self destruct ? If Trump did what you alledge, then at least he had the decency not to involve his family in such a thing.
Some couples enjoy it. That is not a myth.

Why does anyone else care if they do?

Because it sets the wrong MORALS and VALUES for the next generation.......... We already have a generation of freaks who wnat to FK anything that walks and to top it all off they don't even know wtf sex they are.

This gives idiots who have a third wheel an excuse to acceptance. Cause CNN said it was so meanwhile the lying pos morons intentionally post this bs to create that exact thought process " IT's OK TO DO SEE HONEY CNN HAD AN ARTICLE ON IT" lets try it.... two years later DIVORCED . if not married she finds OUT SHE HAS HERPES OR AIDS BECAUSE SHE IS FKING EVERYONE BOTH MEN HAD SEX WITH.

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