CNN Promotes CUCKOLDRY As “Positive” For Modern Relationships

No capital incentive at all. Just 4 variations on human sexual relationships that couple can enjoy.
depends on the capital incentive under Any form of capitalism.

what if my girl has been complaining she isn't getting used enough lately?

poker party wife

Then you are falling down on the job?

That is, IF you had a girlfriend.
let's assume i have a stressful job, at the moment, and maybe made a bad investment?

Then either let her date someone else too, buy her a B.O.B (Battery Operated Boyfriend, breakup with her, or tell her she will get it when you feel up to it.
What if she says, if your first mate has to bail you out, You have to watch?

Then you decide whether you want to watch and either do it or let her leave. You don't HAVE to do anything you don't want to do.
depends on the capital incentive under Any form of capitalism.

what if my girl has been complaining she isn't getting used enough lately?

poker party wife

Then you are falling down on the job?

That is, IF you had a girlfriend.
let's assume i have a stressful job, at the moment, and maybe made a bad investment?

Then either let her date someone else too, buy her a B.O.B (Battery Operated Boyfriend, breakup with her, or tell her she will get it when you feel up to it.
What if she says, if your first mate has to bail you out, You have to watch?

Then you decide whether you want to watch and either do it or let her leave. You don't HAVE to do anything you don't want to do.
What if she insists it is about Teamwork, and don't worry i will get my turn; and, nice boyfriends do in modern times?

Whatever shall I do.
And when the wife comes home pregnant by the man who cuckolded her husband? I'm sure the prison rolls won't swell from manslaughter when the husband sees red.
Then you are falling down on the job?

That is, IF you had a girlfriend.
let's assume i have a stressful job, at the moment, and maybe made a bad investment?

Then either let her date someone else too, buy her a B.O.B (Battery Operated Boyfriend, breakup with her, or tell her she will get it when you feel up to it.
What if she says, if your first mate has to bail you out, You have to watch?

Then you decide whether you want to watch and either do it or let her leave. You don't HAVE to do anything you don't want to do.
What if she insists it is about Teamwork, and don't worry i will get my turn; and, nice boyfriends do in modern times?

Whatever shall I do.

Make a decision like a grown man.
And when the wife comes home pregnant by the man who cuckolded her husband? I'm sure the prison rolls won't swell from manslaughter when the husband sees red.

That will be up to the couple to decide. Every person I know in an open marriage uses condoms when they have sex with other partners.
Related - one of my ex girlfriends had two "husbands." They all lived together, but it was more on the lines of polygamy; she did whatever she wanted and they were relegated to being at her beck and call. Neither of them saw others. I asked her why she didn't just have an open marriage, she told me "over her dead body" because she "didn't share." I told her I wasn't going to be monogamous for her and we ended up splitting. For her it was about control, for them they liked being controlled - she was a dom.

I always thought her "husband's" were pussies honestly, not my type at all, but they /were/ okay with it, both loved her very much and refused to give her up even if "her love wasn't strong enough to keep her satisfied" (that was the first [real] husband's words.) I wished him best of luck back then and it apparently worked because that was like 20 years ago and they're all still together.

(I still do not recommend this stuff to any couple.)
And when the wife comes home pregnant by the man who cuckolded her husband? I'm sure the prison rolls won't swell from manslaughter when the husband sees red.
Only the right wing has a problem with both, an ounce of prevention and a pound of cure, in modern times.
Related - one of my ex girlfriends had two "husbands." They all lived together, but it was more on the lines of polygamy; she did whatever she wanted and they were relegated to being at her beck and call. Neither of them saw others. I asked her why she didn't just have an open marriage, she told me "over her dead body" because she "didn't share." I told her I wasn't going to be monogamous for her and we ended up splitting. For her it was about control, for them they liked being controlled - she was a dom.

I always thought her "husband's" were pussies honestly, not my type at all, but they /were/ okay with it, both loved her very much and refused to give her up even if "her love wasn't strong enough to keep her satisfied" (that was the first [real] husband's words.) I wished him best of luck back then and it apparently worked because that was like 20 years ago and they're all still together.

(I still do not recommend this stuff to any couple.)

Some of the men who are submissives are pussies. Some are shakers & movers in their "real" life. I had a friend who was a Dom. She lived in one of the major cities in Texas. The chief of police was her sub for a number of years. They were both happy about it.
Related - one of my ex girlfriends had two "husbands." They all lived together, but it was more on the lines of polygamy; she did whatever she wanted and they were relegated to being at her beck and call. Neither of them saw others. I asked her why she didn't just have an open marriage, she told me "over her dead body" because she "didn't share." I told her I wasn't going to be monogamous for her and we ended up splitting. For her it was about control, for them they liked being controlled - she was a dom.

I always thought her "husband's" were pussies honestly, not my type at all, but they /were/ okay with it, both loved her very much and refused to give her up even if "her love wasn't strong enough to keep her satisfied" (that was the first [real] husband's words.) I wished him best of luck back then and it apparently worked because that was like 20 years ago and they're all still together.

(I still do not recommend this stuff to any couple.)

Some of the men who are submissives are pussies. Some are shakers & movers in their "real" life. I had a friend who was a Dom. She lived in one of the major cities in Texas. The chief of police was her sub for a number of years. They were both happy about it.

I don't like any subs frankly, I want a "battle of wills" at all times (in and out of the bedroom). I've always felt that if a man isn't at least my equal he's not worth my efforts/time. ~shrug~
Some couples enjoy it. That is not a myth.

Why does anyone else care if they do?
Because it contributes to the emasculation of the American male and every other Western man that is what progressives are doing as we speak. CNN is propaganda on any social issue.
Related - one of my ex girlfriends had two "husbands." They all lived together, but it was more on the lines of polygamy; she did whatever she wanted and they were relegated to being at her beck and call. Neither of them saw others. I asked her why she didn't just have an open marriage, she told me "over her dead body" because she "didn't share." I told her I wasn't going to be monogamous for her and we ended up splitting. For her it was about control, for them they liked being controlled - she was a dom.

I always thought her "husband's" were pussies honestly, not my type at all, but they /were/ okay with it, both loved her very much and refused to give her up even if "her love wasn't strong enough to keep her satisfied" (that was the first [real] husband's words.) I wished him best of luck back then and it apparently worked because that was like 20 years ago and they're all still together.

(I still do not recommend this stuff to any couple.)

Some of the men who are submissives are pussies. Some are shakers & movers in their "real" life. I had a friend who was a Dom. She lived in one of the major cities in Texas. The chief of police was her sub for a number of years. They were both happy about it.

I don't like any subs frankly, I want a "battle of wills" at all times (in and out of the bedroom). I've always felt that if a man isn't at least my equal he's not worth my efforts/time. ~shrug~

Eh, I'm not a big fan of it as a full time thing. Occasional "games" can be fun. But I have always preferred women who can hold their own or better.
Related - one of my ex girlfriends had two "husbands." They all lived together, but it was more on the lines of polygamy; she did whatever she wanted and they were relegated to being at her beck and call. Neither of them saw others. I asked her why she didn't just have an open marriage, she told me "over her dead body" because she "didn't share." I told her I wasn't going to be monogamous for her and we ended up splitting. For her it was about control, for them they liked being controlled - she was a dom.

I always thought her "husband's" were pussies honestly, not my type at all, but they /were/ okay with it, both loved her very much and refused to give her up even if "her love wasn't strong enough to keep her satisfied" (that was the first [real] husband's words.) I wished him best of luck back then and it apparently worked because that was like 20 years ago and they're all still together.

(I still do not recommend this stuff to any couple.)

Some of the men who are submissives are pussies. Some are shakers & movers in their "real" life. I had a friend who was a Dom. She lived in one of the major cities in Texas. The chief of police was her sub for a number of years. They were both happy about it.
Did she work in the Department of Corrections?

some guys just need, a little correction, every once in a while.
Related - one of my ex girlfriends had two "husbands." They all lived together, but it was more on the lines of polygamy; she did whatever she wanted and they were relegated to being at her beck and call. Neither of them saw others. I asked her why she didn't just have an open marriage, she told me "over her dead body" because she "didn't share." I told her I wasn't going to be monogamous for her and we ended up splitting. For her it was about control, for them they liked being controlled - she was a dom.

I always thought her "husband's" were pussies honestly, not my type at all, but they /were/ okay with it, both loved her very much and refused to give her up even if "her love wasn't strong enough to keep her satisfied" (that was the first [real] husband's words.) I wished him best of luck back then and it apparently worked because that was like 20 years ago and they're all still together.

(I still do not recommend this stuff to any couple.)

Some of the men who are submissives are pussies. Some are shakers & movers in their "real" life. I had a friend who was a Dom. She lived in one of the major cities in Texas. The chief of police was her sub for a number of years. They were both happy about it.

I don't like any subs frankly, I want a "battle of wills" at all times (in and out of the bedroom). I've always felt that if a man isn't at least my equal he's not worth my efforts/time. ~shrug~

Eh, I'm not a big fan of it as a full time thing. Occasional "games" can be fun. But I have always preferred women who can hold their own or better.

I'm a bit /too/ dominant to play with subs. If one were to allow me I would control every little thing by force of will or psychological violence; ultimately I would "own" them as common slaves and chattel. This is not a proper way to be for a friendship, much less anything more meaningful... Folks like me require someone who can stand up to them and tell them they are wrong when they cross such boundaries. Were my husband not such a colossal asshole I have no doubt he'd be the most miserable repressed son of a bitch on the planet. I do not warn people to stay away from this kind of stuff without reason, I've destroyed people with these kinds of "games."

Oh sure, its exhilarating to dominate others, but it is not at its raw core "respectful" at all - that is nothing more than the thin veneer of propriety that folks like me use to make it sound okay... This stuff can cause long lasting psychological harm to people, even those who think they are into it. I strongly believe it is nothing short of predatory, abusive, and inherently wrong to subvert others into this kind of stuff and I /seriously/ question the motives of the "study" this is based on, much less CNN's decision to run it as a global media "acceptance" or whatever.

It is of course entirely possible that I'm wrong... I used to liken my husband to the rock I crashed uselessly against, but it seems that erosion took it's toll on him... The fool had an affair after 17 years, weakly suckered in by a woman who merely gave him the time of day. Ironic in a way because I'd actually thought him better than me, thought him a bit of a hero and even idolized him in a lot of ways. It's hard to watch someone in that position fall, and perhaps also hard to accept their failure as partly your own. The dumbass could easily have avoided it all had he not been such a pussy, and yet, I realize how high my expectations of him have always been. Forgiving him was easy, I really don't care but for the deception, but the weakness... I am not sure I can truly forgive it. Now that I know his Achilles heel I find myself constantly fighting the urge to put him to his knees. In a way he's become a different and even harder challenge; the mirror image now perhaps, as he challenges /my/ long term will power.

The will power to resist the very predatory nature that makes me object to the media putting these things out there for "common" consumption and experimentation...

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