CNN Promotes CUCKOLDRY As “Positive” For Modern Relationships

Just because some couples enjoy it doesn't make it a positive thing as CNN is suggesting. You don't have to be a fuddy-duddy to observe that cuckholding changes what a committed relationship means.

Never mind that. Let's petition Congress to pass a law making cuckhold trios eligible to marry. You know, to make it fair.

actually, I looked at the original SOUCE... and it speaks mostly about FANTASY.

Cuckolding can be positive for some couples, study says - CNN

I'm not quite sure what the o/p is trying to prove with the thread
OK, then. Thanks for dropping in and adding nothing to the discussion.

She provided her view and perspective. The fact that you disagree doesn't make that worthless.
Just because you find something disgusting, doesn't mean it is a mental disorder.

Different strokes for different folks. People have different fantasies and things that arouse them.

And I can guarantee to you there are conservative men out there actively participating in watching their wife get screwed by other men.

Being conservative or liberal doesn't dictate what you're attracted to and what you find sexually pleasing.

I consider myself a liberal. I'm firmly on the left. However, I never have and never will engage in an open relationship. I'm strictly monogamous. However, I personally know some conservative who are into some freaky stuff.

But I don't judge anyone for it. As long as it involves consenting adults, what's the problem?
You're trying to tie ideology to this, but that isn't the point. Plain and simple, it's fucking disgusting watching your spouse getting fucked by another person, and then participating in it. At what point do liberals say there are certain things that are abnormal or perverted? Probably never. Fact is, those participating in this kind of behavior themselves KNOW that this is abnormal and a perversion. Very soon liberals will be also be saying that having sex with dogs would be "something that turns certain people on and people's personal business".

For you it is disgusting. Probably a lot of people will find it disgusting. The only thing that really means is that most people probably won't try it. That is fine.

For some it is a fantasy. For others it is an exciting new phase in their love life.

The point is, unless you are involved, why worry about it?
Because tomorrow the Left will will promote marriage for threesomes. You realize that there is no limit to Leftwing insanity.
cuckoldry is not a politically motivated activity..It's social interaction, it's not political...
Yeah sure, as if anything is off the table when it comes to liberals Democrats and their quest to increase their voter base.
I was a swinger before I ever voted for Reagan..
You're trying to tie ideology to this, but that isn't the point. Plain and simple, it's fucking disgusting watching your spouse getting fucked by another person, and then participating in it. At what point do liberals say there are certain things that are abnormal or perverted? Probably never. Fact is, those participating in this kind of behavior themselves KNOW that this is abnormal and a perversion. Very soon liberals will be also be saying that having sex with dogs would be "something that turns certain people on and people's personal business".

For you it is disgusting. Probably a lot of people will find it disgusting. The only thing that really means is that most people probably won't try it. That is fine.

For some it is a fantasy. For others it is an exciting new phase in their love life.

The point is, unless you are involved, why worry about it?
Because tomorrow the Left will will promote marriage for threesomes. You realize that there is no limit to Leftwing insanity.
cuckoldry is not a politically motivated activity..It's social interaction, it's not political...
Yeah sure, as if anything is off the table when it comes to liberals Democrats and their quest to increase their voter base.
I was a swinger before I ever voted for Reagan..

There are also plenty of conservatives that participate in sexual activities that are considered kinky or unusual.
For you it is disgusting. Probably a lot of people will find it disgusting. The only thing that really means is that most people probably won't try it. That is fine.

For some it is a fantasy. For others it is an exciting new phase in their love life.

The point is, unless you are involved, why worry about it?
Because tomorrow the Left will will promote marriage for threesomes. You realize that there is no limit to Leftwing insanity.
cuckoldry is not a politically motivated activity..It's social interaction, it's not political...
Yeah sure, as if anything is off the table when it comes to liberals Democrats and their quest to increase their voter base.
I was a swinger before I ever voted for Reagan..

There are also plenty of conservatives that participate in sexual activities that are considered kinky or unusual.
It's not like many folks that carry on with affairs that are hidden from each other, at least everyone is aware and voluntarily participating....
Because tomorrow the Left will will promote marriage for threesomes. You realize that there is no limit to Leftwing insanity.
cuckoldry is not a politically motivated activity..It's social interaction, it's not political...
Yeah sure, as if anything is off the table when it comes to liberals Democrats and their quest to increase their voter base.
I was a swinger before I ever voted for Reagan..

There are also plenty of conservatives that participate in sexual activities that are considered kinky or unusual.
It's not like many folks that carry on with affairs that are hidden from each other, at least everyone is aware and voluntarily participating....

That is the most important distinction. Many of these same people who want to denigrate these acts also support politicians who snuck around behind their spouse's back and fuck someone. The lying and cheating are the biggest things that make it wrong.
Just because some couples enjoy it doesn't make it a positive thing as CNN is suggesting. You don't have to be a fuddy-duddy to observe that cuckholding changes what a committed relationship means.

Never mind that. Let's petition Congress to pass a law making cuckhold trios eligible to marry. You know, to make it fair.

Cuckholdery is just a modified version of swinging or being in an open relationship. As for making polygamy legal, I don't see a problem with it.
Cuckolds don’t consent to being cuckolded, so no.
Just because some couples enjoy it doesn't make it a positive thing as CNN is suggesting. You don't have to be a fuddy-duddy to observe that cuckholding changes what a committed relationship means.

Never mind that. Let's petition Congress to pass a law making cuckhold trios eligible to marry. You know, to make it fair.

Cuckholdery is just a modified version of swinging or being in an open relationship. As for making polygamy legal, I don't see a problem with it.
Cuckolds don’t consent to being cuckolded, so no.

Whether the classic definition of "cuckold" applies it not really the issue. Like the word "Gay" evolving from meaning happy to also meaning homosexual, word definitions can expand or change.

The term "cuckold" is also used to describe a situation in which the wife screws another man, often with the husband present to watch.
It is hilarious that Republicans will go nuts over some opinion article when Evangelicals will call someone like Trump their "cultural leader" and 72% of Republicans say he is a role model for their children.

See, I don't have to lie. Just tell the truth.

Pedophilia, adultery, lying, peeking, sexual assault. Republicans can excuse and rationalize anything if it supports their weird policies.

Trump roles off his porn star bang and tells her, you remind me of my daughter. Not even that causes outrage among the GOP. Which makes you wonder, what are their morals. Really, what morals do they actually have? Do as I tell you, not as I do. That's their message.
So I watched a report that said this entire study was actually based upon the cuck fantasies of gay men, which the study then lazily attributed to typical couples. I didn't bother looking further into it because frankly I don't care that much.

That said, I'll add a few opinions:

1) as a competitive bisexual woman I admit that I rather enjoy destroying any "rivals" - it is the only reason I was comfortable with open relationships in the past. It basically gives me more incentive to put in a little extra effort.

2) I do not believe that many people are turned on by this, the vast, vast majority would be angry about it - IMO this is like shades of gray type shit, sado's and masochists like this kind of thing...

3) I suspect that 99% of the time folks are getting/being taken emotional advantage of when they get into this situation. I absolutely do not recommend this for anyone who has ever felt jealous in any relationship, not just the relationship they are in at the time, but /any/ relationship ever; and it's not just about /ONE/ partner, that's BOTH partners, both need to be completely non-jealous or this shit is just going to end poorly.

4) I do not think that this is something that needs to be discussed on the nightly news, it's stupid to even "accidentally" encourage anyone to give this a try. It will ruin relationships, but I guess if they're stupid enough to think they can handle it, they deserve the heartbreak.
Polygamy is better! Cuckoldry should be for guys who, "lost the bet".

Better? It depends on what the people involved want. I don't think there is any "better".

For some couples, monogamy is better.
For some couples, swinging is better.
For some couples, polygamy or polyamory is better.
For some couples, cuckoldry is better.

Of the 4 listed above, poly is probably the toughest.
Just because some couples enjoy it doesn't make it a positive thing as CNN is suggesting. You don't have to be a fuddy-duddy to observe that cuckholding changes what a committed relationship means.

Never mind that. Let's petition Congress to pass a law making cuckhold trios eligible to marry. You know, to make it fair.

Cuckholdery is just a modified version of swinging or being in an open relationship. As for making polygamy legal, I don't see a problem with it.
Cuckolds don’t consent to being cuckolded, so no.

Whether the classic definition of "cuckold" applies it not really the issue. Like the word "Gay" evolving from meaning happy to also meaning homosexual, word definitions can expand or change.

The term "cuckold" is also used to describe a situation in which the wife screws another man, often with the husband present to watch.
Yes, I think we are all aware of how regressives like to hijack and change the meaning of words. Now they want to convince us that being a cuckold is a good thing and means consenting to and watching your wife have sex with someone else - we’ll thats STILL not what a cuckold is.
Why would cuckoldry be better for any guy?

In my case, it should be for when I have to come home and say, "oh, honey i lost the bet", hope you don't mind covering it for me.

Because some men love to see their wife/significant other being pleasured. It is also often a Dominant/submissive thing.

Poly is tougher because it involves emotional connections. The other 3 are typically just sex.
Just because some couples enjoy it doesn't make it a positive thing as CNN is suggesting. You don't have to be a fuddy-duddy to observe that cuckholding changes what a committed relationship means.

Never mind that. Let's petition Congress to pass a law making cuckhold trios eligible to marry. You know, to make it fair.

Cuckholdery is just a modified version of swinging or being in an open relationship. As for making polygamy legal, I don't see a problem with it.
Cuckolds don’t consent to being cuckolded, so no.

Whether the classic definition of "cuckold" applies it not really the issue. Like the word "Gay" evolving from meaning happy to also meaning homosexual, word definitions can expand or change.

The term "cuckold" is also used to describe a situation in which the wife screws another man, often with the husband present to watch.
Yes, I think we are all aware of how regressives like to hijack and change the meaning of words. Now they want to convince us that being a cuckold is a good thing and means consenting to and watching your wife have sex with someone else - we’ll thats STILL not what a cuckold is.

Well, feel free to email people and correct their usage of the word. Meanwhile, for the purposes of this discussion, it is the word used to describe wives having sex with another man while husband is fully aware of what is happening.

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