CNN Promotes CUCKOLDRY As “Positive” For Modern Relationships

I wouldn't dream of telling you what to do. If God gave you freedom who am I to take it away?

I believe God provided us a way to live that leads to life and true happiness and those who reject it can do as they please and reap their own reward.

All I'm doing it pointing this out to you
. Yet when their freedoms boil over to restrict or take away our freedoms to live and raise our children the way we see fit, then intervention should take place to stop the intrusion.

Exactly how does any of this effect the way you raise your children? They are not having sex on the streets. It is consenting adults in private.
. There's that word PRIVATE again, yet the lame stream media thinks that it ought to be a study in which everyone should be able to read the news of, and should know of.. lol

Don't let your kids watch tv unsupervised.

But let me see if I get this. You are not upset about cuckholdry. You are upset about CNN doing a story about a study about cuckholdry?
Hmm, now where did you get the idea that I am for cuckwhoredee ??? I am with the rest here who thinks it deplorable. To each their own I guess, but it wouldn't have been for me and my wife.

Then you shouldn't do it. Its not my thing either, and I am polyamorous. But I don't get why people are so upset about what someone else does in bed.
Honestly, what kind of a "man" would enjoy or allow his wife getting fucked by another man.

Fucking disgusting.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

Just because you find something disgusting, doesn't mean it is a mental disorder.

Different strokes for different folks. People have different fantasies and things that arouse them.

And I can guarantee to you there are conservative men out there actively participating in watching their wife get screwed by other men.

Being conservative or liberal doesn't dictate what you're attracted to and what you find sexually pleasing.

I consider myself a liberal. I'm firmly on the left. However, I never have and never will engage in an open relationship. I'm strictly monogamous. However, I personally know some conservative who are into some freaky stuff.

But I don't judge anyone for it. As long as it involves consenting adults, what's the problem?
You're trying to tie ideology to this, but that isn't the point. Plain and simple, it's fucking disgusting watching your spouse getting fucked by another person, and then participating in it. At what point do liberals say there are certain things that are abnormal or perverted? Probably never. Fact is, those participating in this kind of behavior themselves KNOW that this is abnormal and a perversion. Very soon liberals will be also be saying that having sex with dogs would be "something that turns certain people on and people's personal business".

For you it is disgusting. Probably a lot of people will find it disgusting. The only thing that really means is that most people probably won't try it. That is fine.

For some it is a fantasy. For others it is an exciting new phase in their love life.

The point is, unless you are involved, why worry about it?
Because tomorrow the Left will will promote marriage for threesomes. You realize that there is no limit to Leftwing insanity.
Are they not just reporting on a study ?
What if the study said that cuckoldry was harmful to society? Would you then say that they were 'just reporting a study'?

Yep. Because some imaginary reasons why 3 consenting adults doing what they want in private is somehow harmful is laughable.
So, you would question the agenda behind 'just reporting on a study' if that study said something you disagree with.

Game, Set, Match.
Honestly, what kind of a "man" would enjoy or allow his wife getting fucked by another man.

Fucking disgusting.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

Just because you find something disgusting, doesn't mean it is a mental disorder.

Different strokes for different folks. People have different fantasies and things that arouse them.

And I can guarantee to you there are conservative men out there actively participating in watching their wife get screwed by other men.

Being conservative or liberal doesn't dictate what you're attracted to and what you find sexually pleasing.

I consider myself a liberal. I'm firmly on the left. However, I never have and never will engage in an open relationship. I'm strictly monogamous. However, I personally know some conservative who are into some freaky stuff.

But I don't judge anyone for it. As long as it involves consenting adults, what's the problem?
You're trying to tie ideology to this, but that isn't the point. Plain and simple, it's fucking disgusting watching your spouse getting fucked by another person, and then participating in it. At what point do liberals say there are certain things that are abnormal or perverted? Probably never. Fact is, those participating in this kind of behavior themselves KNOW that this is abnormal and a perversion. Very soon liberals will be also be saying that having sex with dogs would be "something that turns certain people on and people's personal business".

For you it is disgusting. Probably a lot of people will find it disgusting. The only thing that really means is that most people probably won't try it. That is fine.

For some it is a fantasy. For others it is an exciting new phase in their love life.

The point is, unless you are involved, why worry about it?
Because tomorrow the Left will will promote marriage for threesomes. You realize that there is no limit to Leftwing insanity.

And I think the gov't has no business at all in the marriage business. The fact that people have to apply for a license to get special benefits for being in a committed relationship is insanity.
Are they not just reporting on a study ?
What if the study said that cuckoldry was harmful to society? Would you then say that they were 'just reporting a study'?

Yep. Because some imaginary reasons why 3 consenting adults doing what they want in private is somehow harmful is laughable.
So, you would question the agenda behind 'just reporting on a study' if that study said something you disagree with.

Game, Set, Match.

Not at all. I would see it as the same as the people who claimed same sex marriage would lead to people wanting to marry their dog.

What consenting adults do in the privacy of their bedrooms is none of anyone's business. The only negative I get from the CNN story is pity for people who WANT to try cuckoldry but are afraid to try it until they read some study.
Honestly, what kind of a "man" would enjoy or allow his wife getting fucked by another man.

Fucking disgusting.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

Just because you find something disgusting, doesn't mean it is a mental disorder.

Different strokes for different folks. People have different fantasies and things that arouse them.

And I can guarantee to you there are conservative men out there actively participating in watching their wife get screwed by other men.

Being conservative or liberal doesn't dictate what you're attracted to and what you find sexually pleasing.

I consider myself a liberal. I'm firmly on the left. However, I never have and never will engage in an open relationship. I'm strictly monogamous. However, I personally know some conservative who are into some freaky stuff.

But I don't judge anyone for it. As long as it involves consenting adults, what's the problem?
You're trying to tie ideology to this, but that isn't the point. Plain and simple, it's fucking disgusting watching your spouse getting fucked by another person, and then participating in it. At what point do liberals say there are certain things that are abnormal or perverted? Probably never. Fact is, those participating in this kind of behavior themselves KNOW that this is abnormal and a perversion. Very soon liberals will be also be saying that having sex with dogs would be "something that turns certain people on and people's personal business".

For you it is disgusting. Probably a lot of people will find it disgusting. The only thing that really means is that most people probably won't try it. That is fine.

For some it is a fantasy. For others it is an exciting new phase in their love life.

The point is, unless you are involved, why worry about it?
Because tomorrow the Left will will promote marriage for threesomes. You realize that there is no limit to Leftwing insanity.

Again, what people do in their bedrooms and relationships has zero effect on your life.
Honestly, what kind of a "man" would enjoy or allow his wife getting fucked by another man.

Fucking disgusting.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

Just because you find something disgusting, doesn't mean it is a mental disorder.

Different strokes for different folks. People have different fantasies and things that arouse them.

And I can guarantee to you there are conservative men out there actively participating in watching their wife get screwed by other men.

Being conservative or liberal doesn't dictate what you're attracted to and what you find sexually pleasing.

I consider myself a liberal. I'm firmly on the left. However, I never have and never will engage in an open relationship. I'm strictly monogamous. However, I personally know some conservative who are into some freaky stuff.

But I don't judge anyone for it. As long as it involves consenting adults, what's the problem?
You're trying to tie ideology to this, but that isn't the point. Plain and simple, it's fucking disgusting watching your spouse getting fucked by another person, and then participating in it. At what point do liberals say there are certain things that are abnormal or perverted? Probably never. Fact is, those participating in this kind of behavior themselves KNOW that this is abnormal and a perversion. Very soon liberals will be also be saying that having sex with dogs would be "something that turns certain people on and people's personal business".

For you it is disgusting. Probably a lot of people will find it disgusting. The only thing that really means is that most people probably won't try it. That is fine.

For some it is a fantasy. For others it is an exciting new phase in their love life.

The point is, unless you are involved, why worry about it?
Because tomorrow the Left will will promote marriage for threesomes. You realize that there is no limit to Leftwing insanity.

Again, what people do in their bedrooms and relationships has zero effect on your life.
. Relay your message to CNN please, because undoubtedly they figure that everyone must care or why report the study ? Truth is you're right, no one cares, and it should remain private so it will have zero effect on people's lives.
I read the article twice. It was fully attributed to the people who did the study and reached their conclusions. I think that the headline on this thread is very misleading. It's not advocacy to merely report on somebody's research.

Tempest in a teapot. So some people have sexual fantasies, so what else is new? If you don't like the study's findings, and some of you appear not to, that's your business. If you didn't like the header, you didn't need to read the article. Some people care about this stuff, and others don't.

I'm just surprised that CNN allows two-line headers. I spent years writing up everything from OSHA regs, to the results of government studies, judicial decisions, and sometimes only got one line to stuff the concept in. You really work up a sweat in writing the intro, too.

CNN is a news organization, not the morality police.
CNN is a news organization, not the morality police.
. Could have fooled me by the way these media organizations hold such agressive views on what they decide to interject themselves into via the subjects of morality or immorality. I guess that's why they call it ENTERTAINMENT NEWS.

If live by the sword, then it is that they should die by the same sword (sword being their mouth).
CNN is a news organization, not the morality police.
. Could have fooled me by the way these media organizations hold such agressive views on what they decide to interject themselves into via the subjects of morality or immorality. I guess that's why they call it ENTERTAINMENT NEWS.

If live by the sword, then it is that they should die by the same sword (sword being their mouth).

This article appeared in the Health section, not Entertainment.

Exactly what are media organizations interjecting and on what topics?
Honestly, what kind of a "man" would enjoy or allow his wife getting fucked by another man.

Fucking disgusting.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

Just because you find something disgusting, doesn't mean it is a mental disorder.

Different strokes for different folks. People have different fantasies and things that arouse them.

And I can guarantee to you there are conservative men out there actively participating in watching their wife get screwed by other men.

Being conservative or liberal doesn't dictate what you're attracted to and what you find sexually pleasing.

I consider myself a liberal. I'm firmly on the left. However, I never have and never will engage in an open relationship. I'm strictly monogamous. However, I personally know some conservative who are into some freaky stuff.

But I don't judge anyone for it. As long as it involves consenting adults, what's the problem?
You're trying to tie ideology to this, but that isn't the point. Plain and simple, it's fucking disgusting watching your spouse getting fucked by another person, and then participating in it. At what point do liberals say there are certain things that are abnormal or perverted? Probably never. Fact is, those participating in this kind of behavior themselves KNOW that this is abnormal and a perversion. Very soon liberals will be also be saying that having sex with dogs would be "something that turns certain people on and people's personal business".

For you it is disgusting. Probably a lot of people will find it disgusting. The only thing that really means is that most people probably won't try it. That is fine.

For some it is a fantasy. For others it is an exciting new phase in their love life.

The point is, unless you are involved, why worry about it?
Because tomorrow the Left will will promote marriage for threesomes. You realize that there is no limit to Leftwing insanity.
cuckoldry is not a politically motivated activity..It's social interaction, it's not political...
CNN is a news organization, not the morality police.
. Could have fooled me by the way these media organizations hold such agressive views on what they decide to interject themselves into via the subjects of morality or immorality. I guess that's why they call it ENTERTAINMENT NEWS.

If live by the sword, then it is that they should die by the same sword (sword being their mouth).

All news has become entertainment. Or at least big business.

There was a time when the news was reported as a service to the viewers. Then news went 24 hours. It became big business. And when do people watch the news? When they are scared. So a scared viewership is more profitable. Whether it is fear of conservatives destroying the environment & health insurance or trans people in bathrooms waiting to molest your wives and gays marrying for the sole purpose of destroying the family unit. If people are afraid they watch more news. And the race to be the first to report breaking news has made verification of stories less important.
Honestly, what kind of a "man" would enjoy or allow his wife getting fucked by another man.

Fucking disgusting.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

Just because you find something disgusting, doesn't mean it is a mental disorder.

Different strokes for different folks. People have different fantasies and things that arouse them.

And I can guarantee to you there are conservative men out there actively participating in watching their wife get screwed by other men.

Being conservative or liberal doesn't dictate what you're attracted to and what you find sexually pleasing.

I consider myself a liberal. I'm firmly on the left. However, I never have and never will engage in an open relationship. I'm strictly monogamous. However, I personally know some conservative who are into some freaky stuff.

But I don't judge anyone for it. As long as it involves consenting adults, what's the problem?
You're trying to tie ideology to this, but that isn't the point. Plain and simple, it's fucking disgusting watching your spouse getting fucked by another person, and then participating in it. At what point do liberals say there are certain things that are abnormal or perverted? Probably never. Fact is, those participating in this kind of behavior themselves KNOW that this is abnormal and a perversion. Very soon liberals will be also be saying that having sex with dogs would be "something that turns certain people on and people's personal business".

For you it is disgusting. Probably a lot of people will find it disgusting. The only thing that really means is that most people probably won't try it. That is fine.

For some it is a fantasy. For others it is an exciting new phase in their love life.

The point is, unless you are involved, why worry about it?
Because tomorrow the Left will will promote marriage for threesomes. You realize that there is no limit to Leftwing insanity.

And I think the gov't has no business at all in the marriage business. The fact that people have to apply for a license to get special benefits for being in a committed relationship is insanity.
And I think asking a priest or rabbi to perform a "religious" marriage ceremony when the religion does not believe in THAT type of marriage is the real insanity, an insult to the faith, and an imposition on people's rights.
Honestly, what kind of a "man" would enjoy or allow his wife getting fucked by another man.

Fucking disgusting.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

Just because you find something disgusting, doesn't mean it is a mental disorder.

Different strokes for different folks. People have different fantasies and things that arouse them.

And I can guarantee to you there are conservative men out there actively participating in watching their wife get screwed by other men.

Being conservative or liberal doesn't dictate what you're attracted to and what you find sexually pleasing.

I consider myself a liberal. I'm firmly on the left. However, I never have and never will engage in an open relationship. I'm strictly monogamous. However, I personally know some conservative who are into some freaky stuff.

But I don't judge anyone for it. As long as it involves consenting adults, what's the problem?
You're trying to tie ideology to this, but that isn't the point. Plain and simple, it's fucking disgusting watching your spouse getting fucked by another person, and then participating in it. At what point do liberals say there are certain things that are abnormal or perverted? Probably never. Fact is, those participating in this kind of behavior themselves KNOW that this is abnormal and a perversion. Very soon liberals will be also be saying that having sex with dogs would be "something that turns certain people on and people's personal business".

For you it is disgusting. Probably a lot of people will find it disgusting. The only thing that really means is that most people probably won't try it. That is fine.

For some it is a fantasy. For others it is an exciting new phase in their love life.

The point is, unless you are involved, why worry about it?
Because tomorrow the Left will will promote marriage for threesomes. You realize that there is no limit to Leftwing insanity.
cuckoldry is not a politically motivated activity..It's social interaction, it's not political...
Yeah sure, as if anything is off the table when it comes to liberals Democrats and their quest to increase their voter base.


And we keep on tumbling down the rabbit hole, and have been tumbling down since the 60s.

perhaps you should use an actual source and not a nutty meme?
Just because some couples enjoy it doesn't make it a positive thing as CNN is suggesting. You don't have to be a fuddy-duddy to observe that cuckholding changes what a committed relationship means.

Never mind that. Let's petition Congress to pass a law making cuckhold trios eligible to marry. You know, to make it fair.

actually, I looked at the original SOUCE... and it speaks mostly about FANTASY.

Cuckolding can be positive for some couples, study says - CNN

I'm not quite sure what the o/p is trying to prove with the thread
Just because you find something disgusting, doesn't mean it is a mental disorder.

Different strokes for different folks. People have different fantasies and things that arouse them.

And I can guarantee to you there are conservative men out there actively participating in watching their wife get screwed by other men.

Being conservative or liberal doesn't dictate what you're attracted to and what you find sexually pleasing.

I consider myself a liberal. I'm firmly on the left. However, I never have and never will engage in an open relationship. I'm strictly monogamous. However, I personally know some conservative who are into some freaky stuff.

But I don't judge anyone for it. As long as it involves consenting adults, what's the problem?
You're trying to tie ideology to this, but that isn't the point. Plain and simple, it's fucking disgusting watching your spouse getting fucked by another person, and then participating in it. At what point do liberals say there are certain things that are abnormal or perverted? Probably never. Fact is, those participating in this kind of behavior themselves KNOW that this is abnormal and a perversion. Very soon liberals will be also be saying that having sex with dogs would be "something that turns certain people on and people's personal business".

For you it is disgusting. Probably a lot of people will find it disgusting. The only thing that really means is that most people probably won't try it. That is fine.

For some it is a fantasy. For others it is an exciting new phase in their love life.

The point is, unless you are involved, why worry about it?
Because tomorrow the Left will will promote marriage for threesomes. You realize that there is no limit to Leftwing insanity.

And I think the gov't has no business at all in the marriage business. The fact that people have to apply for a license to get special benefits for being in a committed relationship is insanity.
And I think asking a priest or rabbi to perform a "religious" marriage ceremony when the religion does not believe in THAT type of marriage is the real insanity, an insult to the faith, and an imposition on people's rights.

How would asking a member of the clergy of any faith to perform a wedding ceremony be a "real insanity, an insult to the faith, and an imposition on people's rights"? It's not an insult nor impolite to ask, just a straight-forward question that requires only a simple "yes" or "no" answer. How does it involve an "imposition on people's rights"? Some faiths perform these ceremonies for same-sex couples and some do not. One doesn't know without asking.

I would think that two people who want to have a religious ceremony want to add a spiritual dimension to their relationship and say things to each other according to their faith tradition in the presence of whatever higher power they believe in. Such a ceremony involves only the couple, the officiant, and those willing to be present. It does not involve any outsiders.

There is much too much high drama going on these days that is simply meaningless, and way too many attempts by people to insinuate themselves into other people's personal affairs.
Just because you find something disgusting, doesn't mean it is a mental disorder.

Different strokes for different folks. People have different fantasies and things that arouse them.

And I can guarantee to you there are conservative men out there actively participating in watching their wife get screwed by other men.

Being conservative or liberal doesn't dictate what you're attracted to and what you find sexually pleasing.

I consider myself a liberal. I'm firmly on the left. However, I never have and never will engage in an open relationship. I'm strictly monogamous. However, I personally know some conservative who are into some freaky stuff.

But I don't judge anyone for it. As long as it involves consenting adults, what's the problem?
You're trying to tie ideology to this, but that isn't the point. Plain and simple, it's fucking disgusting watching your spouse getting fucked by another person, and then participating in it. At what point do liberals say there are certain things that are abnormal or perverted? Probably never. Fact is, those participating in this kind of behavior themselves KNOW that this is abnormal and a perversion. Very soon liberals will be also be saying that having sex with dogs would be "something that turns certain people on and people's personal business".

For you it is disgusting. Probably a lot of people will find it disgusting. The only thing that really means is that most people probably won't try it. That is fine.

For some it is a fantasy. For others it is an exciting new phase in their love life.

The point is, unless you are involved, why worry about it?
Because tomorrow the Left will will promote marriage for threesomes. You realize that there is no limit to Leftwing insanity.

And I think the gov't has no business at all in the marriage business. The fact that people have to apply for a license to get special benefits for being in a committed relationship is insanity.
And I think asking a priest or rabbi to perform a "religious" marriage ceremony when the religion does not believe in THAT type of marriage is the real insanity, an insult to the faith, and an imposition on people's rights.

I don't disagree.
Just because some couples enjoy it doesn't make it a positive thing as CNN is suggesting. You don't have to be a fuddy-duddy to observe that cuckholding changes what a committed relationship means.

Never mind that. Let's petition Congress to pass a law making cuckhold trios eligible to marry. You know, to make it fair.

actually, I looked at the original SOUCE... and it speaks mostly about FANTASY.

Cuckolding can be positive for some couples, study says - CNN

I'm not quite sure what the o/p is trying to prove with the thread
OK, then. Thanks for dropping in and adding nothing to the discussion.

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