CNN Promotes CUCKOLDRY As “Positive” For Modern Relationships

Once again what we see here is an example of what level of selfishness can be engage in and be accepted. Or, like CNN, trying to raise the bar of acceptability to it's eventuality and that is a society of anything goes. Where people can engage in all manner of fantasies without penalty.

What is lost here is the children of the marriage. With marriage comes a persons most supreme responsibility... their children. You want to talk about studies, then talk about the studies that consistently show that children raised in a traditional two parent household do better in every single category. And have exponentially less chance to engage in violent/criminal behavior.

Anything the parents engage in that comes with a high risk of fucking up the marriage is irresponsible and selfish. They are fooling around with their childrens future, and their potential success and failure. Cuckolding is a depraved, selfish act. Period.
Indeed, being civilized means controlling ones desires. There is no such society where people get to engage in whatever desire they have - and there not be a price to pay for it. And that is why it is called a fantasy. And fantasies are better left in your head.

You want to impose your version of morality on to others.

Your argument presumes that the relationship isn't consensual for all parties.

Haha...I would think you were smarter than that.
No, rather CNN is trying to present amorality as the same as morality. Or perhaps, amorality doesn't even exist.
Someone can take any bad behavior, any, and make an argument that it isn't bad, and all you are trying to do is enforce your sense of values on them.
Sometimes things don't pass the smell test. They just don't. And engaging in behavior that seriously risks your marriage, and thereby screwing up your kids lives in the process is wrong. And sorry, but you can't make it right because you want to. The hallmark of a millennial.
Just like divorce is wrong because it screws up children's lives...

Exactly, so you agree then.
But you have been divorced...
Are you able to offer something to the discussion other than nit picking?

Now that gets the dumbest question of the day award right there....
It pains me to agree with you because you and moonglow are kindred irrelevants.

There is a difference. Moonglow is actually trying to be relevant.
Uh huh, and he does it without actually reading the remarks. Sadly, not unlike you, he thinks he's funny.
and if you can't comprehend English I wouldn't be an upstart about it..Reporting on a story is just reporting...Doesn't mean that they advocate what is going on, just reporting.....
If you are not interested in discussing the story being reported, why needle those who are? I'm not talking about CNN, I'm discussing the story. Again, you might want to read what someone is saying before you criticize what they are saying. It'll help your presence look less pointless.
Once again what we see here is an example of what level of selfishness can be engage in and be accepted. Or, like CNN, trying to raise the bar of acceptability to it's eventuality and that is a society of anything goes. Where people can engage in all manner of fantasies without penalty.

What is lost here is the children of the marriage. With marriage comes a persons most supreme responsibility... their children. You want to talk about studies, then talk about the studies that consistently show that children raised in a traditional two parent household do better in every single category. And have exponentially less chance to engage in violent/criminal behavior.

Anything the parents engage in that comes with a high risk of fucking up the marriage is irresponsible and selfish. They are fooling around with their childrens future, and their potential success and failure. Cuckolding is a depraved, selfish act. Period.
Indeed, being civilized means controlling ones desires. There is no such society where people get to engage in whatever desire they have - and there not be a price to pay for it. And that is why it is called a fantasy. And fantasies are better left in your head.

You want to impose your version of morality on to others.

Your argument presumes that the relationship isn't consensual for all parties.

Haha...I would think you were smarter than that.
No, rather CNN is trying to present amorality as the same as morality. Or perhaps, amorality doesn't even exist.
Someone can take any bad behavior, any, and make an argument that it isn't bad, and all you are trying to do is enforce your sense of values on them.
Sometimes things don't pass the smell test. They just don't. And engaging in behavior that seriously risks your marriage, and thereby screwing up your kids lives in the process is wrong. And sorry, but you can't make it right because you want to. The hallmark of a millennial.
Just like divorce is wrong because it screws up children's lives...

Exactly, so you agree then.
But you have been divorced...

Yes, well after my children were grown.
My daughter was 26, and my son was 22.
Now that gets the dumbest question of the day award right there....
It pains me to agree with you because you and moonglow are kindred irrelevants.

There is a difference. Moonglow is actually trying to be relevant.
Uh huh, and he does it without actually reading the remarks. Sadly, not unlike you, he thinks he's funny.
and if you can't comprehend English I wouldn't be an upstart about it..Reporting on a story is just reporting...Doesn't mean that they advocate what is going on, just reporting.....
If you are not interested in discussing the story being reported, why needle those who are? I'm not talking about CNN, I'm discussing the story. Again, you might want to read what someone is saying before you criticize what they are saying. It'll help your presence look less pointless.
Interacting with you is pointless....But hey if someone has a cuck fetish whoop de doo....
You want to impose your version of morality on to others.

Your argument presumes that the relationship isn't consensual for all parties.

Haha...I would think you were smarter than that.
No, rather CNN is trying to present amorality as the same as morality. Or perhaps, amorality doesn't even exist.
Someone can take any bad behavior, any, and make an argument that it isn't bad, and all you are trying to do is enforce your sense of values on them.
Sometimes things don't pass the smell test. They just don't. And engaging in behavior that seriously risks your marriage, and thereby screwing up your kids lives in the process is wrong. And sorry, but you can't make it right because you want to. The hallmark of a millennial.
Just like divorce is wrong because it screws up children's lives...

Exactly, so you agree then.
But you have been divorced...

Yes, well after my children were grown.
My daughter was 26, and my son was 22.
Then they have accepted it and live with it......Much like swingers lives...You idea of morality is not what others perceive, we are not all the same and should not have to all be the same, like religion endorses.....
Just because some couples enjoy it doesn't make it a positive thing as CNN is suggesting. You don't have to be a fuddy-duddy to observe that cuckholding changes what a committed relationship means.

Never mind that. Let's petition Congress to pass a law making cuckhold trios eligible to marry. You know, to make it fair.
Are you familiar with the words "can be"?
Are you able to offer something to the discussion other than nit picking?

Now that gets the dumbest question of the day award right there....
It pains me to agree with you because you and moonglow are kindred irrelevants.
You nose needs to be a little higher when you say that..Did you get the part in the story where they are quoting a study?
Go bother someone else, you pathetic troll.
So specific people want no advice when asked of these things through their so called studies that are conducted, and they don't want the evidence that shows the failures in these things to prevail ? Got it..

I'm sure some are failures.

But some are positive.

Like many things in life.

And the story said that some are positive.
. Wonder what the percentages of the failures are ?? If say 99.9% end in failure, then should a mainstream media organization site the study regardless without listing the downsides of the study ?? If they don't list the downsides is it not an agenda being pushed ?
Are you familiar with the words "can be"?
Are you able to offer something to the discussion other than nit picking?

Now that gets the dumbest question of the day award right there....
It pains me to agree with you because you and moonglow are kindred irrelevants.
You nose needs to be a little higher when you say that..Did you get the part in the story where they are quoting a study?
Go bother someone else, you pathetic troll.
:desk: I say old man where's your sense of adventure....Try a three way today...Include the wife if you want...But don't knock it till you try it..And CNN is just reporting.. Had FOX done this it would have been kosher...
Trump supporters who defend a guy who fucked a porn star while his wife was at home with their newborn then paid her off to keep her quiet are upset that CNN is "supporting" a consensual relationship.


IF the Dims actually provided an alternative party that did not declare war on God by voting to withdraw him from their party platform and did not only support abortion on demand but then demands that tax payers fund it and also want 50 year old men to go to the bathroom next to their 5 year old daughter could perhaps persuade some of these religious people on the right to vote for them.

Last time I checked the unborn Holocaust "Trumps" street whores.
Haha...I would think you were smarter than that.
No, rather CNN is trying to present amorality as the same as morality. Or perhaps, amorality doesn't even exist.
Someone can take any bad behavior, any, and make an argument that it isn't bad, and all you are trying to do is enforce your sense of values on them.
Sometimes things don't pass the smell test. They just don't. And engaging in behavior that seriously risks your marriage, and thereby screwing up your kids lives in the process is wrong. And sorry, but you can't make it right because you want to. The hallmark of a millennial.
Just like divorce is wrong because it screws up children's lives...

Exactly, so you agree then.
But you have been divorced...

Yes, well after my children were grown.
My daughter was 26, and my son was 22.
Then they have accepted it and live with it......Much like swingers lives...You idea of morality is not what others perceive, we are not all the same and should not have to all be the same, like religion endorses.....

Please point out where I said we should all be the same.
What I am saying, and is inarguable, is that there exist no place, no relationship, no group, no society in which people get to do whatever they want and there is no price to pay for it. That is a fools paradise. It doesn't exist.
It is absurd to think that people who engage in these acts are impervious to jealousy, envy, covetousness and infidelity because they both like doing this thing.
When you have children, young children, they are your supreme responsibility. They depend on you to form who they are and whom they will become. Inviting such risky behavior into your home puts that relationship in danger. That's a fact. And no amount of ignoring common sense changes it.
Are they not just reporting on a study ?
What if the study said that cuckoldry was harmful to society? Would you then say that they were 'just reporting a study'?
How would that have worked on the Orville, in an alternate reality, perhaps not so far away.

A captain knowing his first mate is in good hands, must be of some comfort.


And we keep on tumbling down the rabbit hole, and have been tumbling down since the 60s.

Very soon they will be promoting the passage of a law that allows THREE people to get married.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

Hey why not? The type of sex and relationships people choose to have doesn't harm anyone. Three people getting married has 0 effect on your life.

i agree, no limits, let's just let nine people and three dogs and two camels ALL get "married" as ONE family....and let them do it in a church. And let them get a "tax break" and "deduction" from the govt. for being married and having children and puppies. Why not, to each his own.
Condoms fail, and condoms don't prevent relationships from being destroyed either.

Maybe they can wrap giant condoms around their children during the divorce.

Cheating destroys more relationships than open relationships do. What the children know hasn't stopped men & women from lying and cheating throughout history.

I see, so the options are cheating vs. open relationships?

How about not doing either? That will save even more relationships.

It reminds me of the condemnation the Catholic church received for speaking against contraception. All the news was about spreading STD's thanks to the Catholic church. But then I did something inexplicable. I began to think for myself and realized the absurdity with that line of reasoning. If you are going to violate the Catholic church doctrine by having sex outside of marriage then why listen to them about not using contraception. That's what they call insane.

By all means, if you are going to do it anyway, then be open about it, much like you should be honest if you want to murder someone.

By all means, if you are going to do these things anyway, they you are on your own and many will suffer as a result even if you take precautions

I have never said anyone has to do anything.

I am simply engaging in a discussion of what some people do. And yes, the church has always condemned sex outside of marriage. But marriages between virgins are probably pretty rare.

Besides, why would I let your religious beliefs shape what I do?

I wouldn't dream of telling you what to do. If God gave you freedom who am I to take it away?

I believe God provided us a way to live that leads to life and true happiness and those who reject it can do as they please and reap their own reward.

All I'm doing it pointing this out to you
. Yet when their freedoms boil over to restrict or take away our freedoms to live and raise our children the way we see fit, then intervention should take place to stop the intrusion.

Exactly how does any of this effect the way you raise your children? They are not having sex on the streets. It is consenting adults in private.
Honestly, what kind of a "man" would enjoy or allow his wife getting fucked by another man.

Fucking disgusting.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.
Hey why not? The type of sex and relationships people choose to have doesn't harm anyone. Three people getting married has 0 effect on your life.

Conservatives used to stand for individual choice and freedom. No mas - Sad

Exactly!! I am a fiscal conservative. But now I am called a CINO because I don't worry about what others do in their bedrooms.

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