CNN "reporter" banned from WH event for being rude and not listening to the rules

Don’t abide by the rules?
Mockingbird Media should not be able to hide behind a press pass!

BRAVO MR PRESIDENT !!!:clap2: :2up:

Hope Acosta will be next! :wink_2:
So a CNN reporter acts like a pompous asshole and gets treated like a pompous asshole?

I need a tissue. I'm balling over here.
Bull fuking sh!t.

She did what they all do all the time every time for decades.

Trump is a wannabe dictator.

There may be a day in the future where Trump isn’t an embarrassment to this nation. Today wasn’t the day. Tomorrow doesn’t look good either.
what a spoiled brat, small handed wimp.....

she was doing her job, according to the constitution and the trump team is abusing their power.....

I don't give a hoot about her Cohen question, but other Americans might....

But her last question would have been nice to know since Putin said yesterday that he was not coming to America in November to a D.C. summit....with Trump.
maybe if the president would have more press conferences, this would not happen at his foreign leader meet ups?

When was Trump's last press conference, one on one with the press core? a year ago?
Nobody has a right to access the POTUS. She...and all others...are free to whine as they will.
White House bans CNN reporter from open press event

Damn idiots at CNN need to learn obviously...having a hard time realizing that the American people don't give a shit if they are banned or not. Learn your place and things will go MUCH smoother.
Banned or "uninvited" for doing her job pf asking questions. WTF happened to the first amendment? Are we gonna allow the WH to control the press now? How long till tRump goes full on fascist?
Reporters suck big hairy ones. I'm glad she was booted. There is a time and place to ask questions, but reporters don't understand that. How many times have we seen them hold a mic to some grieving person asking HOW DO YOU FEEL RIGHT NOW when the person being grieved is dead. Fuck reporters.
Why do you hate the Constitution?
I could care less WHO is standing behind the little ****. She was told to shut up and respect the office she decided to scream and yell and she was removed and banned rightfully so.
Amen to this. Everyone has the right to speak their mind, but if they can't do it in a civil manner, prepare to be thrown out.

God bless you always!!!

Why do you hate the Constitution?
White House bans CNN reporter from open press event

Damn idiots at CNN need to learn obviously...having a hard time realizing that the American people don't give a shit if they are banned or not. Learn your place and things will go MUCH smoother.
Banned or "uninvited" for doing her job pf asking questions. WTF happened to the first amendment? Are we gonna allow the WH to control the press now? How long till tRump goes full on fascist?
Her 1st Amendment rights have not been infringed. She has no right to access the President. She is still free to cry about it in the medium of her choice.
It's not like this was an open or "public" thing, it was a special presser area by invite only. If CNN hadn't been such assholes, to everyone, they'd be invited.
White House bans CNN reporter from open press event

Damn idiots at CNN need to learn obviously...having a hard time realizing that the American people don't give a shit if they are banned or not. Learn your place and things will go MUCH smoother.
American people do care, we hate bullies and wannabe dictators.
Exactly why that bully bitch was thrown out. The media has run up against someone that won't take their shit and the American people LOVE IT!
White House bans CNN reporter from open press event

Damn idiots at CNN need to learn obviously...having a hard time realizing that the American people don't give a shit if they are banned or not. Learn your place and things will go MUCH smoother.
American people do care, we hate bullies and wannabe dictators.

American people voted for Donald Trump!

American people was right!

American people will vote for President Trump again!

American people LOVES Donald Trump!

GOD BLESS PRESIDENT TRUMP AND ALL PATRIOTS OUT THERE! :thankusmile: :clap2::clap2::clap2:
Reporters suck big hairy ones. I'm glad she was booted. There is a time and place to ask questions, but reporters don't understand that. How many times have we seen them hold a mic to some grieving person asking HOW DO YOU FEEL RIGHT NOW when the person being grieved is dead. Fuck reporters.
Why do you hate the Constitution?
I'll tell you when you get on tv crying because you lost your home in a tornado and a reporter shoves a microphone and tv camera in yer face asking you HOW DO YOU FEEL RIGHT NOW?
White House bans CNN reporter from open press event

Damn idiots at CNN need to learn obviously...having a hard time realizing that the American people don't give a shit if they are banned or not. Learn your place and things will go MUCH smoother.
American people do care, we hate bullies and wannabe dictators.
Exactly why that bully bitch was thrown out. The media has run up against someone that won't take their shit and the American people LOVE IT!
American people ? Lol you are what 26% of the eligible voters and you gonna speak on behalf of the majority....most of us will voted against the Billy and his racist party...mark my words.

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