CNN "reporter" banned from WH event for being rude and not listening to the rules

Make up your mind .. You care what rest of the world thinks of Trump or you don't?

I only care if the other parts of the world like him, and many do and most are following his leadership. So good.

If the bad guys and leftists hate him, here or there, it's just business as usual. Nobody is interesting unless they are an ally to Trump and us: a real ally, on our side. Not a pretend post-WWII "ally." People on our side are interesting. Enemies are same old, same old.
I could care less WHO is standing behind the little ****. She was told to shut up and respect the office she decided to scream and yell and she was removed and banned rightfully so.
Amen to this. Everyone has the right to speak their mind, but if they can't do it in a civil manner, prepare to be thrown out.

God bless you always!!!

Why do you hate the Constitution?

The dumb Left Wing crackpot Reporters have not lost their Freedom of the Press or Freedom of Speech.
They can say anything that they want and they will.

Yes, they have the freedom to say what they want. That's covered under freedom of speech. The freedom of the press is not the same thing.

Trump is not stopping CNN from reporting anything that they want.
BTW, CNN is not News, it's a left wing hate machine.
It's good that Trump has put them on his ignore list.
^^ Alas he didn't. As I understand it the WH just said the rude reporter who'd been disruptive couldn't go; they said CNN could send another journalist instead.

Of course CNN decided it was a much better story to play victim so here we are with the lefties having a OMG freedom of speech cry fest ~rolls eyes~
This is where the left completely ignores the reality and supplements their bullshit "freedom of the press" howls...

Gotta give CNN credit for knowing the full breadth of the stupidity of their viewers.
White House bans CNN reporter from open press event

Damn idiots at CNN need to learn obviously...having a hard time realizing that the American people don't give a shit if they are banned or not. Learn your place and things will go MUCH smoother.

That is why it is free you stupid shit.
we are all controlled by rules and common decency. if you think you're above that, you are in fact, the problem.

and my guess is you know nothing of the press cause they are controlled by rules.
White House bans CNN reporter from open press event

Damn idiots at CNN need to learn obviously...having a hard time realizing that the American people don't give a shit if they are banned or not. Learn your place and things will go MUCH smoother.

That is why it is free you stupid shit.
we are all controlled by rules and common decency. if you think you're above that, you are in fact, the problem.

and my guess is you know nothing of the press cause they are controlled by rules.
These press events are always rude due their inherent nature. Reporters are all trying to ask questions at the same time, always lots of yelling. This is the way its always been. Fox news has a different take.

What rule was broken?
Apparently she was asked to pipe down and after numerous warnings, apparently decided that she was not going to leave when everyone else was told to.

Act like a brat, get treated like a brat ~shrug~
Apparently she was asked to pipe down and after numerous warnings, apparently decided that she was not going to leave when everyone else was told to.

Act like a brat, get treated like a brat ~shrug~
The CNN bitch is just trying to make a name for herself.
She better be careful of what she wishes for. CNN will use her up and spit her out.
I give her a few months before the CNN executives realize she is actually helping the REPs in Nov./2020.
Apparently she was asked to pipe down and after numerous warnings, apparently decided that she was not going to leave when everyone else was told to.

Act like a brat, get treated like a brat ~shrug~
The CNN bitch is just trying to make a name for herself.
She better be careful of what she wishes for. CNN will use her up and spit her out.
I give her a few months before the CNN executives realize she is actually helping the REPs in Nov./2020.

I'm not sure CNN has a brain left to think about something so deep man. Sometimes I wonder if they were bought by the Clinton's like the DNC was...
I could care less WHO is standing behind the little ****. She was told to shut up and respect the office she decided to scream and yell and she was removed and banned rightfully so.
Amen to this. Everyone has the right to speak their mind, but if they can't do it in a civil manner, prepare to be thrown out.

God bless you always!!!

Why do you hate the Constitution?
I don't, but since you have asked me a question, I have one for you as well. What did I say that makes me look like I hate the Constitution?

CNN is not News, it's a left wing hate machine.
Which is what leads me to this question. If they are not a legitimate network anymore, why has it been allowed to keep going then?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. This whole matter makes me wonder why the rag magazines are still being made. Even if anything that gets printed in them is true, I am sure that its a safe bet to say that not everything printed in them is right.
I think ALL the reporters are guilty of what the CNN reporter did, and I agree that it is annoying as hell when the President is asked about some unrelated domestic scandal like Russia or Stormy when the Pres is holding a presser after meeting with the EU about tariffs or whatever. Completely off topic and maybe the public would actually like more information about that meeting, whatever it was.
Reporters do it all the time, and they all do it. I wasn't there, so I don't know about her screaming or being rude, but the off topic stuff.....I wouldn't mind if they'd all get over that and save it for another time.
Hopefully, that CNN reporter isn't banned for all time--just a slap on the wrist like some of our little bans here?
Trump needs to be careful about that, though, considering how vicious his campaign against CNN has been. It will be construed as shutting down free speech, sure as anything.
maybe if the president would have more press conferences, this would not happen at his foreign leader meet ups?

When was Trump's last press conference, one on one with the press core? a year ago?
You have a point there.
White House bans CNN reporter from open press event

Damn idiots at CNN need to learn obviously...having a hard time realizing that the American people don't give a shit if they are banned or not. Learn your place and things will go MUCH smoother.

That is why it is free you stupid shit.
we are all controlled by rules and common decency. if you think you're above that, you are in fact, the problem.

and my guess is you know nothing of the press cause they are controlled by rules.

So, you think the press should be barred from asking about Trump's lies?

You do. Trump does.

You think it is OK for Trump to limit the press to what they can ask?

If a reporter asks the wrong question, they get barred.

Trump gets to decide what that wrong question is.

Trumpettes think this is what the press is about.

If you don't want Trump to be asked about his lies, tell him to quit lying.
CNN is a joke of a network......will never forget how they faked being in Saudi Arabia during Desert Storm when they were really broadcasting from the CNN studio in Atlanta.

That's almost as bad as fox showing pictures of a pregame prayer, and claiming it was the players during the National Anthem.

Who ever said I was a fan of Fox news? When you "assume" you make an ass out of yourself. I haven't owned a TV since 2012 and haven't missed it a bit.

Doesn't matter if you have a TV. You support Republican politicians. You follow the republican line. You are a republican. Fox is the media wing of the GOP. You can't have it both ways. Your actions place you in firmly within the fox bubble, and You are on the fox team.

I am a constitutionalist, so neither bought and paid for political party that is owned by USA.INC could ever represent me. I opted out of being one of their de-facto employees, got out from under the Uniform Commercial Code. Those like yourself just HAVE to put people into categories. Anyone that isn't a leftard MUST be a republican.......step outside of the bubble, Bulldog.

Damn Dale. If you suck dicks, it doesn't matter if you want to refer to yourself as a penile flavor tester. You would still be just be another dick sucker Works the same way. If you support republican politicians, and republican programs, and that disgusting republican president, then you're a republican. You can call yourself a fluffy bunny if you want to, you're still just another republican.
Are you talking about that progressivepatriot guy? All he talks about is sucking cocks.
Even Fox News stands by CNN. They know that they must also stand up to the corrupt and miserable Trump Administration. The only people apparently backing the Trump Administration on this matter are Trump's mindless minions.

Fox News announces support of CNN after White House bans reporter
I could care less WHO is standing behind the little ****. She was told to shut up and respect the office she decided to scream and yell and she was removed and banned rightfully so.

You need a refresher on who works for who. The President works for the people. He's a federal employee. Reporters are a conduit of information for the people to be briefed about the comings and goings of said federal employee. Respect for the office will be had when said office earns it. Run along.
That's almost as bad as fox showing pictures of a pregame prayer, and claiming it was the players during the National Anthem.

Who ever said I was a fan of Fox news? When you "assume" you make an ass out of yourself. I haven't owned a TV since 2012 and haven't missed it a bit.

Doesn't matter if you have a TV. You support Republican politicians. You follow the republican line. You are a republican. Fox is the media wing of the GOP. You can't have it both ways. Your actions place you in firmly within the fox bubble, and You are on the fox team.

I am a constitutionalist, so neither bought and paid for political party that is owned by USA.INC could ever represent me. I opted out of being one of their de-facto employees, got out from under the Uniform Commercial Code. Those like yourself just HAVE to put people into categories. Anyone that isn't a leftard MUST be a republican.......step outside of the bubble, Bulldog.

Damn Dale. If you suck dicks, it doesn't matter if you want to refer to yourself as a penile flavor tester. You would still be just be another dick sucker Works the same way. If you support republican politicians, and republican programs, and that disgusting republican president, then you're a republican. You can call yourself a fluffy bunny if you want to, you're still just another republican.
Are you talking about that progressivepatriot guy? All he talks about is sucking cocks.

You can easily see who I was responding to, and in what context.
Who ever said I was a fan of Fox news? When you "assume" you make an ass out of yourself. I haven't owned a TV since 2012 and haven't missed it a bit.

Doesn't matter if you have a TV. You support Republican politicians. You follow the republican line. You are a republican. Fox is the media wing of the GOP. You can't have it both ways. Your actions place you in firmly within the fox bubble, and You are on the fox team.

I am a constitutionalist, so neither bought and paid for political party that is owned by USA.INC could ever represent me. I opted out of being one of their de-facto employees, got out from under the Uniform Commercial Code. Those like yourself just HAVE to put people into categories. Anyone that isn't a leftard MUST be a republican.......step outside of the bubble, Bulldog.

Damn Dale. If you suck dicks, it doesn't matter if you want to refer to yourself as a penile flavor tester. You would still be just be another dick sucker Works the same way. If you support republican politicians, and republican programs, and that disgusting republican president, then you're a republican. You can call yourself a fluffy bunny if you want to, you're still just another republican.
Are you talking about that progressivepatriot guy? All he talks about is sucking cocks.

You can easily see who I was responding to, and in what context.
You guys sure talk about sucking cocks a lot.

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