CNN "reporter" banned from WH event for being rude and not listening to the rules

I am a constitutionalist, so neither bought and paid for political party that is owned by USA.INC could ever represent me. I opted out of being one of their de-facto employees, got out from under the Uniform Commercial Code. Those like yourself just HAVE to put people into categories. Anyone that isn't a leftard MUST be a republican.......step outside of the bubble, Bulldog.

You are not a constitutionalist. A free and unfettered press is part of the Constitution. Trump violated that because he didn't like the question.

--LOL he has not stopped CNN from continuing with their lies

They had every right to be there. Trump violated their first amendment rights.

no they dont

Yes they do.

no really they don't

nowhere in the Constitution does it say they have a right ot a press conference
Why do you hate the Constitution?

The dumb Left Wing crackpot Reporters have not lost their Freedom of the Press or Freedom of Speech.
They can say anything that they want and they will.

Yes, they have the freedom to say what they want. That's covered under freedom of speech. The freedom of the press is not the same thing.

Trump is not stopping CNN from reporting anything that they want.
BTW, CNN is not News, it's a left wing hate machine.
It's good that Trump has put them on his ignore list.

Trump is ignoring the Constitution. CNN has a right to be there at a open press event.

You are a right wing hate machine.
You are wrong. If your idea was true, no one would need a press pass, which is given and revoked at the President's grace.

There is no right to attend.

none what so ever
Who ever said I was a fan of Fox news? When you "assume" you make an ass out of yourself. I haven't owned a TV since 2012 and haven't missed it a bit.

Doesn't matter if you have a TV. You support Republican politicians. You follow the republican line. You are a republican. Fox is the media wing of the GOP. You can't have it both ways. Your actions place you in firmly within the fox bubble, and You are on the fox team.

I am a constitutionalist, so neither bought and paid for political party that is owned by USA.INC could ever represent me. I opted out of being one of their de-facto employees, got out from under the Uniform Commercial Code. Those like yourself just HAVE to put people into categories. Anyone that isn't a leftard MUST be a republican.......step outside of the bubble, Bulldog.

Damn Dale. If you suck dicks, it doesn't matter if you want to refer to yourself as a penile flavor tester. You would still be just be another dick sucker Works the same way. If you support republican politicians, and republican programs, and that disgusting republican president, then you're a republican. You can call yourself a fluffy bunny if you want to, you're still just another republican.

Save your queer talk for the bath-houses you frequent. I don't support the GOP, but I definitely like people like Rand Paul There isn't a single leftard politician that I have even the slightest bit of respect for because they believe that the Constitution is outdated, they believe in Fabian socialism and MANY of them have ties to commie front why in the HELL would I EVER support or tout the DNC? Better dead than red, Bulldog.........

So you think anyone who would think the constitution was less than perfectly suited for their time and should be modified to better fit a changing world is anti American? How about a strait yes or no answer this time?

I would say that they are commies and I don't give a shit which bought and paid for political party has to say about it. The Bill of Rights says it all and we have given up those rights in exchange for privileges and it sickens me.
Doesn't matter if you have a TV. You support Republican politicians. You follow the republican line. You are a republican. Fox is the media wing of the GOP. You can't have it both ways. Your actions place you in firmly within the fox bubble, and You are on the fox team.

I am a constitutionalist, so neither bought and paid for political party that is owned by USA.INC could ever represent me. I opted out of being one of their de-facto employees, got out from under the Uniform Commercial Code. Those like yourself just HAVE to put people into categories. Anyone that isn't a leftard MUST be a republican.......step outside of the bubble, Bulldog.

Damn Dale. If you suck dicks, it doesn't matter if you want to refer to yourself as a penile flavor tester. You would still be just be another dick sucker Works the same way. If you support republican politicians, and republican programs, and that disgusting republican president, then you're a republican. You can call yourself a fluffy bunny if you want to, you're still just another republican.

Save your queer talk for the bath-houses you frequent. I don't support the GOP, but I definitely like people like Rand Paul There isn't a single leftard politician that I have even the slightest bit of respect for because they believe that the Constitution is outdated, they believe in Fabian socialism and MANY of them have ties to commie front why in the HELL would I EVER support or tout the DNC? Better dead than red, Bulldog.........

So you think anyone who would think the constitution was less than perfectly suited for their time and should be modified to better fit a changing world is anti American? How about a strait yes or no answer this time?

I would say that they are commies and I don't give a shit which bought and paid for political party has to say about it. The Bill of Rights says it all and we have given up those rights in exchange for privileges and it sickens me.

Ban those reporters who do not know how to behave, there are rules, if they can not follow the rules they should not be there.


The President is absolutely right!

MAGA! :2up:
White House bans CNN reporter from open press event

Damn idiots at CNN need to learn obviously...having a hard time realizing that the American people don't give a shit if they are banned or not. Learn your place and things will go MUCH smoother.

You would be the "damn idiot". Banning her from the Rose Garden event WAS retaliatory. She WAS being punished for questions Trump didn't want to hear. Trump is doing his damnedest to throttle our "Free Press". He's the one telling lie after lie after lie after lie. PS: the American people DO give a shit about this sort of stuff. These are the reasons we are utterly convinced that Donald Trump is an ignorant, childish, amoral ass and, without the slightest doubt, the worst president in the history of this nation.

The dumb liberal reporters have not lost their Freedom of the Press.
They can still trash Trump, and they will.
BTW CNN is pure left wing hate, lies and unwatchable for intelligent voters.

How would you know.. Trump supporters are not intelligent.
Trump won whites with a college degree 49% to 45%

YAWN! Keep your elitist snob attitude it makes our victories SOOOO much sweeter. Let's see. My masters degree mother voted for Trump,my bachelors degree aunt voted for Trump,My business owner brother voted for Trump....etc etc etc...keep whining we keep winning which is better!
I am a constitutionalist, so neither bought and paid for political party that is owned by USA.INC could ever represent me. I opted out of being one of their de-facto employees, got out from under the Uniform Commercial Code. Those like yourself just HAVE to put people into categories. Anyone that isn't a leftard MUST be a republican.......step outside of the bubble, Bulldog.

Damn Dale. If you suck dicks, it doesn't matter if you want to refer to yourself as a penile flavor tester. You would still be just be another dick sucker Works the same way. If you support republican politicians, and republican programs, and that disgusting republican president, then you're a republican. You can call yourself a fluffy bunny if you want to, you're still just another republican.

Save your queer talk for the bath-houses you frequent. I don't support the GOP, but I definitely like people like Rand Paul There isn't a single leftard politician that I have even the slightest bit of respect for because they believe that the Constitution is outdated, they believe in Fabian socialism and MANY of them have ties to commie front why in the HELL would I EVER support or tout the DNC? Better dead than red, Bulldog.........

So you think anyone who would think the constitution was less than perfectly suited for their time and should be modified to better fit a changing world is anti American? How about a strait yes or no answer this time?

I would say that they are commies and I don't give a shit which bought and paid for political party has to say about it. The Bill of Rights says it all and we have given up those rights in exchange for privileges and it sickens me.

Ban those reporters who do not know how to behave, there are rules, if they can not follow the rules they should not be there.


The President is absolutely right!

MAGA! :2up:

you didnt hear this leftists bitch

when obama threw out a reporter

Damn Dale. If you suck dicks, it doesn't matter if you want to refer to yourself as a penile flavor tester. You would still be just be another dick sucker Works the same way. If you support republican politicians, and republican programs, and that disgusting republican president, then you're a republican. You can call yourself a fluffy bunny if you want to, you're still just another republican.

Save your queer talk for the bath-houses you frequent. I don't support the GOP, but I definitely like people like Rand Paul There isn't a single leftard politician that I have even the slightest bit of respect for because they believe that the Constitution is outdated, they believe in Fabian socialism and MANY of them have ties to commie front why in the HELL would I EVER support or tout the DNC? Better dead than red, Bulldog.........

So you think anyone who would think the constitution was less than perfectly suited for their time and should be modified to better fit a changing world is anti American? How about a strait yes or no answer this time?

I would say that they are commies and I don't give a shit which bought and paid for political party has to say about it. The Bill of Rights says it all and we have given up those rights in exchange for privileges and it sickens me.

Ban those reporters who do not know how to behave, there are rules, if they can not follow the rules they should not be there.


The President is absolutely right!

MAGA! :2up:

you didnt hear this leftists bitch

when obama threw out a reporter


and there we go again showing the duplicity and the hypocrisy of the Left!

disgusting thugs!

So glad there is a new Sheriff in Town! :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:
Her 1st Amendment rights have not been infringed. She has no right to access the President. She is still free to cry about it in the medium of her choice.

She is a member of the press. That is a part of the Constitution. A free and unfettered press. Try reading it sometime.

Operation Mockingbird......look it up sometime.....knowledge is power.

Then you have no power. TRY READING THE CONSTITUTION.

I know it well and I also know how it has been usurped going all the way back to the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of USA.INC and what FDR did to the people and how it has affected us to this day. I have forgotten more than you will ever know, "snowflake".

You are the snowflake. If his last name Obama, you would be criticizing the President for this act. You have apparently forgotten about the Constitution.

She got put in "time-out", snowflake", CNN isn't banned from the press corp. What is so fucking funny is how hard CNN has been lobbying to get Infowars censored and Infowars has a better track record of truth telling than CNN could ever hope to have.
Save your queer talk for the bath-houses you frequent. I don't support the GOP, but I definitely like people like Rand Paul There isn't a single leftard politician that I have even the slightest bit of respect for because they believe that the Constitution is outdated, they believe in Fabian socialism and MANY of them have ties to commie front why in the HELL would I EVER support or tout the DNC? Better dead than red, Bulldog.........

So you think anyone who would think the constitution was less than perfectly suited for their time and should be modified to better fit a changing world is anti American? How about a strait yes or no answer this time?

I would say that they are commies and I don't give a shit which bought and paid for political party has to say about it. The Bill of Rights says it all and we have given up those rights in exchange for privileges and it sickens me.

Ban those reporters who do not know how to behave, there are rules, if they can not follow the rules they should not be there.


The President is absolutely right!

MAGA! :2up:

you didnt hear this leftists bitch

when obama threw out a reporter


and there we go again showing the duplicity and the hypocrisy of the Left!

disgusting thugs!

So glad there is a new Sheriff in Town! :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

me too

i hope we get many more Trumps in office and offices all across this country
Doesn't matter if you have a TV. You support Republican politicians. You follow the republican line. You are a republican. Fox is the media wing of the GOP. You can't have it both ways. Your actions place you in firmly within the fox bubble, and You are on the fox team.

I am a constitutionalist, so neither bought and paid for political party that is owned by USA.INC could ever represent me. I opted out of being one of their de-facto employees, got out from under the Uniform Commercial Code. Those like yourself just HAVE to put people into categories. Anyone that isn't a leftard MUST be a republican.......step outside of the bubble, Bulldog.

Damn Dale. If you suck dicks, it doesn't matter if you want to refer to yourself as a penile flavor tester. You would still be just be another dick sucker Works the same way. If you support republican politicians, and republican programs, and that disgusting republican president, then you're a republican. You can call yourself a fluffy bunny if you want to, you're still just another republican.

Save your queer talk for the bath-houses you frequent. I don't support the GOP, but I definitely like people like Rand Paul There isn't a single leftard politician that I have even the slightest bit of respect for because they believe that the Constitution is outdated, they believe in Fabian socialism and MANY of them have ties to commie front why in the HELL would I EVER support or tout the DNC? Better dead than red, Bulldog.........

So you think anyone who would think the constitution was less than perfectly suited for their time and should be modified to better fit a changing world is anti American? How about a strait yes or no answer this time?

I would say that they are commies and I don't give a shit which bought and paid for political party has to say about it. The Bill of Rights says it all and we have given up those rights in exchange for privileges and it sickens me.

But weren't the bill of rights amendments to that "perfect document"? Was it flawed until that point? What about the other amendments, weren't they modifications to better suit the time they were written for? Explain yourself.
Wow. You didn't say a single true or good thing in that post.
What the hell are you talking about? I found a cure for cancer; achieved world peace; and located the remains of Jimmy Hoffa.......ALL, in that one post!

Your approval of all the leftists who scream and foment violence toward the rest of us is noted.
This is a good example of the lunacy you people believe. You're not right in the head. The CNN reporter didn't say or do anything that could be construed as 'violence'. Maxine Waters didn't say or do anything related to 'violence'. And businesses refusing service to a patron, has nothing to do with 'violence'.

Let me know when you return to planet earth.
Your approval of all the leftists who scream and foment violence toward the rest of us is noted.

The CNN reporter didn't say or do anything that could be construed as 'violence'. Maxine Waters didn't say or do anything related to 'violence'. And businesses refusing service to a patron, has nothing to do with 'violence'.

Let me know when you return to planet earth.

It is you who are out in orbit, if you think the terrible shrieking leftist behavior referred to is nonviolent. Everyone can see leftists are completely out of control and are trying for civil war.
It is you who are out in orbit, if you think the terrible shrieking leftist behavior referred to is nonviolent. Everyone can see leftists are completely out of control and are trying for civil war.
What's violent about it?
All this thread proves is the truth is rude in the Trump WH , Trump press .....

I hope Cohen sings like a stuck pig, let Trump try and stop the press then

C'mon.....let's face it.....CNN getting the bumpy all the time from the administration is hysterical. Its cant miss TV live 2 weeks ago at the NATO summit when a president Trump smacked Acosta upside the head on live TV :113:. Just great could picture millions at home laughing their collective ashes off at that moment!
And third, you need to realize there are consequences for the things people do. There was nothing wrong with the questions the CNN reporter was asking; there was nothing wrong with what Maxine Waters said; and it is common knowledge businesses that serve the public, have a right to refuse service to anyone.

Why is it you think its okay for a baker to refuse to bake a cake for a gay couple, but its not okay for the Red Hen to refuse service to Sarah Huckabee, because of her constant lying?

Wow. You didn't say a single true or good thing in that post. Your approval of all the leftists who scream and foment violence toward the rest of us is noted.

You expect a hateful troll to post true or good things? I admire your optimism.
It does appear, on its face, that this particular reporter was treated unfairly.

However, there seems to be an overreaction, given that CNN could have sent someone else.

CNN clearly has an anti-Trump agenda and perhaps the President is getting a little tired of putting up with it.
It does appear, on its face, that this particular reporter was treated unfairly.

However, there seems to be an overreaction, given that CNN could have sent someone else.

CNN clearly has an anti-Trump agenda and perhaps the President is getting a little tired of putting up with it.

Trump has tweeted that CNN is fake news and the enemy of the people lots of times. I can't imagine why they would be less than flattering to him.

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