CNN "reporter" banned from WH event for being rude and not listening to the rules

Even Fox News stands by CNN. They know that they must also stand up to the corrupt and miserable Trump Administration. The only people apparently backing the Trump Administration on this matter are Trump's mindless minions.

Fox News announces support of CNN after White House bans reporter
Lol, you do realize a reporter did the exact same to obama? They ran him out and chased him down. He also couldn't come back. Thanks for admitting obama was an asshole

What happened with Obama means nothing now. The truth is that the whore now occupying the Oval Office wants to run away from being open and transparent with the American People. As with any good republican, he just runs away; and calls people names.Look what happened to Sandra Fluke. Look what happened with this DeSantis from Florida. Look what happened when the young woman confronted the candidate for governor of Pennsylvania.We are in an historical period in which yellow-bellied little republican bitch-boys just deflect and run away. They are known as unable to face the American Public. They are cowards through and through.
Obama had the untransparent administration in history. Lol, we know every move Trump makes. Lol, also you really bringing up a whore who couldn't afford birth control? In the early ninties i paid $30 a month for my girlfriends birth control. I didnt expect everyone else to pay for it.
I think the President of Fox News speaks for Fox News. He is backing CNN.
Who is the president of Fox News?? Jay Wallace.
Roger Ailes was accused of sexual misconduct, resigned, and then strangely died within days of his resignation.
Ever since then several conservative pundits have been either forced to leave or removed.
At the same time known Trump haters like Juan Williams, Bret Baer, Chris Wallace (a registered Democrat), and known homosexual Shepard Smith still remain.
Fox News cannot be trusted these days any more than CNN because the leadership has been taken over by the enemy.
So an endorsement by Fox News management these days is no different than CNN or MSNBC in my opinion.
The only difference is they show both sides of most stories, when CNN and MSNBC have gone over the cliff into outright advocacy.

In other words you object to having real newspeople at Fox News. 90 percent of the people at Fox are pro-Trump and that is not good enough for you. Fox hardly shows both sides anymore and their prime time lineup is a 3 hour commercial for Trump.

90 percent of the people at Fox are pro-Trump and that is not good enough for you.

How many at CNN, MSNBC are 'pro-Trump?
I will take a hypercritical media over a boot licking State media any day of the week.

over a boot licking State media any day of the week.
you were in a coma during Obamas tenure?
I reject your manufactured equivalence. It's bogus.
She was rude and she didn't adhere to the rules. Fox's Shep Smith (never a supporter of the Trump administration) took time during his busy broadcast to solemnly proclaim that the Fox network "adheres to freedom of the press" even though the CNN babe deliberately violated rules and disrupted the news conference.
Even Fox News stands by CNN. They know that they must also stand up to the corrupt and miserable Trump Administration. The only people apparently backing the Trump Administration on this matter are Trump's mindless minions.

Fox News announces support of CNN after White House bans reporter

CNN isn't even a news network when it comes to Trump. They are 99 percent negative about Trump and down right enquirer standard reporting.

That said, Trump is an idiot for going after CNN the way he has as President. Obama had his little war with FOX and lost. Trump should try to mend fences instead of continuing his feud. He is the President of all Americans after all .
She was rude and she didn't adhere to the rules. Fox's Shep Smith (never a supporter of the Trump administration) took time during his busy broadcast to solemnly proclaim that the Fox network "adheres to freedom of the press" even though the CNN babe deliberately violated rules and disrupted the news conference.
Which rules are those? Could you link them up for us?
Fox freaking news proclaimed that "freedom of the press" was more important than the rules and the comfort and dignity of the Presidency so why doesn't the radical left like Fox? Try screaming out in a court room anywhere in the United States even if you are positive that the defendant is innocent. You will find yourself, even if you are a lawyer, in contempt of court and if you resist you will find yourself handcuffed. That's the way the system is supposed to work but CNN seems to think they are the freaking victims when they violate it.
Fox freaking news proclaimed that "freedom of the press" was more important than the rules and the comfort and dignity of the Presidency so why doesn't the radical left like Fox?
Stating something that is basic, common knowledge does not deserve high praise, nor does it excuse any and all behavior.

I gotta tell ya, that didn't take a lot of brain power to puzzle out.
She was blurting out the usual BS questions in a formal environment.............She needs to save that stupidity for the Press Briefings..........

She was looking for a moment of fame...........well she got longer gets to come anymore...........He has every right to do so.........

Suck on it.
why must you use the constitution as a shield when it suits your purposes yet attack it when it doesn't (aka gun control)?
I didn't attack the Constitution over gun control. I said I could care less about the 2nd amendment. I'm not a gun guy.

i fully agree that the president - regardless of which side they are on - needs to stay out of the media. not their job and it only causes divide among people on an already sensitive topic. i wish obama never would have called out fox like he did and as often as he did with far reaching implications, like he did.
Fox deserved it and what Obama said was true. In fact, I thought he was a little too nice with his comments, in light of the shit they shovel on a daily basis.

let me get HIS quote for you:

Barack Obama Tried to Silence Political Speech in 2007 -

“And so, if we’re going to change how Rep. John Boehner (R-OH) and Sen. Mitch McConnell think, we’re going to have to change how our body politic thinks, which means we’re going to have to change how the media reports on these issues, and how people’s impressions of what it’s like to struggle in this economy looks like. And how budgets connect to that. And that’s a hard process because that requires a much broader conversation than typically we have on the nightly news.”

that's obama - change how the media reports on news and government issues.
He's not talking about using government to force a change in the media, but that's exactly what Trump is trying to do. Trump deliberately try's to punish people who say and do things he doesn't like.

what does obama have against the constitution? well he's already on record as saying the constitution gets in the way of what he wants to do.
No, he did not say that.

Did Obama say that the Constitution was getting in his way?
As a Senator he said "Seven years before Barack Obama’s “spread the wealth” comment to Joe the Plumber became a GOP campaign theme, the Democratic presidential candidate said in a radio interview the U.S. has suffered from a fundamentally flawed Constitution that does not mandate or allow for redistribution of wealth.
He was saying the Constitution doesn't address income inequality. He didn't say it was getting in the way.

so you wanna keep at that "why do you not love the constitution" crap as a blanket and realize if you want to go there, obama was far worse than trump has been so far.
Obama was no where near Trump. And its not a blanket statement, I was very specific in my criticism. The Constitution guarantees freedom of the press. Any infringement of that right by the President, is just another example that Trump doesn't care about his oath of office. Trump just cares about Trump.

CNN has never given trump a fair shake. trump has never given CNN a reason to really but that doesn't mean CNN should also act the fool. both sides in this are playing some jr high pissing game and it's all stupid and pushing this divide between us further and further apart.
Trump deserves all the criticism he is getting. I don't think he's being criticized enough. And what he is being criticized about, is the shit things he, himself, is doing.

so if you want to "go there" go. i'll go with you. but be honest about it or i'll fart last nights mexican food on you and leave you in my stank.
Was it tamales?
Why are you so into yelling and screaming and mobbing anyone who doesn't do or think exactly as you want?

These CNN reporters are exactly the same as the Maxine Waters mobs and the Red Hen staff that mobbed and shrieked at their customers. Leftists are such incredibly bad people these days.
If I was yelling and screaming, what I stated would be in ALL CAPS.

Secondly, I don't have a problem with disagreement.

And third, you need to realize there are consequences for the things people do. There was nothing wrong with the questions the CNN reporter was asking; there was nothing wrong with what Maxine Waters said; and it is common knowledge businesses that serve the public, have a right to refuse service to anyone.

Why is it you think its okay for a baker to refuse to bake a cake for a gay couple, but its not okay for the Red Hen to refuse service to Sarah Huckabee, because of her constant lying?
And third, you need to realize there are consequences for the things people do. There was nothing wrong with the questions the CNN reporter was asking; there was nothing wrong with what Maxine Waters said; and it is common knowledge businesses that serve the public, have a right to refuse service to anyone.

Why is it you think its okay for a baker to refuse to bake a cake for a gay couple, but its not okay for the Red Hen to refuse service to Sarah Huckabee, because of her constant lying?

Wow. You didn't say a single true or good thing in that post. Your approval of all the leftists who scream and foment violence toward the rest of us is noted.
White House bans CNN reporter from open press event

Damn idiots at CNN need to learn obviously...having a hard time realizing that the American people don't give a shit if they are banned or not. Learn your place and things will go MUCH smoother.

You would be the "damn idiot". Banning her from the Rose Garden event WAS retaliatory. She WAS being punished for questions Trump didn't want to hear. Trump is doing his damnedest to throttle our "Free Press". He's the one telling lie after lie after lie after lie. PS: the American people DO give a shit about this sort of stuff. These are the reasons we are utterly convinced that Donald Trump is an ignorant, childish, amoral ass and, without the slightest doubt, the worst president in the history of this nation.

The dumb liberal reporters have not lost their Freedom of the Press.
They can still trash Trump, and they will.
BTW CNN is pure left wing hate, lies and unwatchable for intelligent voters.

How would you know.. Trump supporters are not intelligent.
Doesn't matter if you have a TV. You support Republican politicians. You follow the republican line. You are a republican. Fox is the media wing of the GOP. You can't have it both ways. Your actions place you in firmly within the fox bubble, and You are on the fox team.

I am a constitutionalist, so neither bought and paid for political party that is owned by USA.INC could ever represent me. I opted out of being one of their de-facto employees, got out from under the Uniform Commercial Code. Those like yourself just HAVE to put people into categories. Anyone that isn't a leftard MUST be a republican.......step outside of the bubble, Bulldog.

You are not a constitutionalist. A free and unfettered press is part of the Constitution. Trump violated that because he didn't like the question.

--LOL he has not stopped CNN from continuing with their lies

They had every right to be there. Trump violated their first amendment rights.

no they dont

Yes they do.
You are not a constitutionalist. A free and unfettered press is part of the Constitution. Trump violated that because he didn't like the question.

--LOL he has not stopped CNN from continuing with their lies

They had every right to be there. Trump violated their first amendment rights.

no they dont

Yes. The first amendment gives them the right to be there. As a courtesy, and for convenience, the press has agreed to use the pool system but that doesn't eliminate the tight of the press to freely ask questions.
freedom of the press is a right. much like all rights, they need to be respect or you lose them. why would the press be above the loss of rights when the rest of us are not, once we abuse them?

i worked my way through college as a photo journalist for a small town in western oklahoma. my final year i left the newspaper and worked for the college to finish my minor in journalism and my other degree. what is being done today is far from journalism in the traditional sense. but even then i had to abide by police and other laws when i did my reporting. if i went to a city council meeting and acted the fool to embarrass someone, i would be escorted out and called into my editors office the next day and seriously cussed out. you see, i am there at these meetings by invite and if i don't respect that, i lose the invite.

now this wasn't to say i couldn't write or report negative news. can, did, no issues. but i had to act professionally in these meetings or i was out the door. period. end of story. journalism today has pushed any semblance of respect out the door and they WANT the drama. sure fire hits, ya know?

"“At the conclusion of a press event in the Oval Office a reporter shouted questions and refused to leave despite repeatedly being asked to do so,” Sanders said. “Subsequently, our staff informed her she was not welcome to participate in the next event, but made clear that any other journalist from her network could attend.”"

the event was over. the reporter kept on and on and after being asked to stop, he refused. if someone isn't going to cooperate with the rules, boot their happy ass out. there needs to be consequences for bad behavior and i'm sorry that upsets you and others but this reporter brought it upon herself in this instance and *this* reporter here has zero sympathy for those who think they are above common courtesy.

i have no sympathy for ANYONE who can't conduct themselves in a proper manner regardless of the event. you wanna act 12, you get treated that way. end of story.

so if she lost her "rights" due to her own behaviors, good. next time maybe she'll not do that and follow the rules everyone else doesn't seem to have an issue following. maybe you should ask yourself why she can't or what puts her above all else in this instance.

The trouble is it didn't happen. Fox News has confirmed this and they are pro-Trump.
I could care less WHO is standing behind the little ****. She was told to shut up and respect the office she decided to scream and yell and she was removed and banned rightfully so.
Amen to this. Everyone has the right to speak their mind, but if they can't do it in a civil manner, prepare to be thrown out.

God bless you always!!!

Why do you hate the Constitution?

The dumb Left Wing crackpot Reporters have not lost their Freedom of the Press or Freedom of Speech.
They can say anything that they want and they will.

Yes, they have the freedom to say what they want. That's covered under freedom of speech. The freedom of the press is not the same thing.

Trump is not stopping CNN from reporting anything that they want.
BTW, CNN is not News, it's a left wing hate machine.
It's good that Trump has put them on his ignore list.

Trump is ignoring the Constitution. CNN has a right to be there at a open press event.

You are a right wing hate machine.
She was rude and she didn't adhere to the rules. Fox's Shep Smith (never a supporter of the Trump administration) took time during his busy broadcast to solemnly proclaim that the Fox network "adheres to freedom of the press" even though the CNN babe deliberately violated rules and disrupted the news conference.

She did not you lying fascist weasel.
She was blurting out the usual BS questions in a formal environment.............She needs to save that stupidity for the Press Briefings..........

She was looking for a moment of fame...........well she got longer gets to come anymore...........He has every right to do so.........

Suck on it.

Just like every other reporter. He has no right to do that. The White House belongs to the people not Trump.
Amen to this. Everyone has the right to speak their mind, but if they can't do it in a civil manner, prepare to be thrown out.

God bless you always!!!

Why do you hate the Constitution?

The dumb Left Wing crackpot Reporters have not lost their Freedom of the Press or Freedom of Speech.
They can say anything that they want and they will.

Yes, they have the freedom to say what they want. That's covered under freedom of speech. The freedom of the press is not the same thing.

Trump is not stopping CNN from reporting anything that they want.
BTW, CNN is not News, it's a left wing hate machine.
It's good that Trump has put them on his ignore list.

Trump is ignoring the Constitution. CNN has a right to be there at a open press event.

You are a right wing hate machine.
You are wrong. If your idea was true, no one would need a press pass, which is given and revoked at the President's grace.

There is no right to attend.

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