CNN "reporter" banned from WH event for being rude and not listening to the rules

Doesn't matter if you have a TV. You support Republican politicians. You follow the republican line. You are a republican. Fox is the media wing of the GOP. You can't have it both ways. Your actions place you in firmly within the fox bubble, and You are on the fox team.

I am a constitutionalist, so neither bought and paid for political party that is owned by USA.INC could ever represent me. I opted out of being one of their de-facto employees, got out from under the Uniform Commercial Code. Those like yourself just HAVE to put people into categories. Anyone that isn't a leftard MUST be a republican.......step outside of the bubble, Bulldog.

Damn Dale. If you suck dicks, it doesn't matter if you want to refer to yourself as a penile flavor tester. You would still be just be another dick sucker Works the same way. If you support republican politicians, and republican programs, and that disgusting republican president, then you're a republican. You can call yourself a fluffy bunny if you want to, you're still just another republican.
Are you talking about that progressivepatriot guy? All he talks about is sucking cocks.

You can easily see who I was responding to, and in what context.
You guys sure talk about sucking cocks a lot.

I like to put things in terms the other person can relate to. In your case, I might relate what I say to some aspect of your experiences of dropping out of school in the 8th grade, or getting all dolled up for your date to a cross burning.
Ban CNN permanently

Ban those scum....those CIA scum

I have no problem with it! :biggrin:

I don't think CNN should be banned. I have no problem with the individual reporter not being allowed to cover press conferences.
I am a constitutionalist, so neither bought and paid for political party that is owned by USA.INC could ever represent me. I opted out of being one of their de-facto employees, got out from under the Uniform Commercial Code. Those like yourself just HAVE to put people into categories. Anyone that isn't a leftard MUST be a republican.......step outside of the bubble, Bulldog.

Damn Dale. If you suck dicks, it doesn't matter if you want to refer to yourself as a penile flavor tester. You would still be just be another dick sucker Works the same way. If you support republican politicians, and republican programs, and that disgusting republican president, then you're a republican. You can call yourself a fluffy bunny if you want to, you're still just another republican.
Are you talking about that progressivepatriot guy? All he talks about is sucking cocks.

You can easily see who I was responding to, and in what context.
You guys sure talk about sucking cocks a lot.

I like to put things in terms the other person can relate to. In your case, I might relate what I say to some aspect of your experiences of dropping out of school in the 8th grade, or getting all dolled up for your date to a cross burning.
Or actually being funny.

But it was just an observation. I don't care what you do.

Banned or "uninvited" for doing her job pf asking questions. WTF happened to the first amendment? Are we gonna allow the WH to control the press now? How long till tRump goes full on fascist?
Her 1st Amendment rights have not been infringed. She has no right to access the President. She is still free to cry about it in the medium of her choice.

She is a member of the press. That is a part of the Constitution. A free and unfettered press. Try reading it sometime.

Operation Mockingbird......look it up sometime.....knowledge is power.

Then you have no power. TRY READING THE CONSTITUTION.

I know it well and I also know how it has been usurped going all the way back to the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of USA.INC and what FDR did to the people and how it has affected us to this day. I have forgotten more than you will ever know, "snowflake".

You are the snowflake. If his last name Obama, you would be criticizing the President for this act. You have apparently forgotten about the Constitution.
Even Fox News stands by CNN. They know that they must also stand up to the corrupt and miserable Trump Administration. The only people apparently backing the Trump Administration on this matter are Trump's mindless minions.

Fox News announces support of CNN after White House bans reporter

Bret Baer is one of the 3 assholes that bushwacked Trump.
Megan Kelly and Chris Wallace were to other two.
Baer doesn't speak for the views of Fox News, and neither does this Salvador Hernandez.

I think the President of Fox News speaks for Fox News. He is backing CNN.
Who is the president of Fox News?? Jay Wallace.
Roger Ailes was accused of sexual misconduct, resigned, and then strangely died within days of his resignation.
Ever since then several conservative pundits have been either forced to leave or removed.
At the same time known Trump haters like Juan Williams, Bret Baer, Chris Wallace (a registered Democrat), and known homosexual Shepard Smith still remain.
Fox News cannot be trusted these days any more than CNN because the leadership has been taken over by the enemy.
So an endorsement by Fox News management these days is no different than CNN or MSNBC in my opinion.
The only difference is they show both sides of most stories, when CNN and MSNBC have gone over the cliff into outright advocacy.

In other words you object to having real newspeople at Fox News. 90 percent of the people at Fox are pro-Trump and that is not good enough for you. Fox hardly shows both sides anymore and their prime time lineup is a 3 hour commercial for Trump.
White House bans CNN reporter from open press event

Damn idiots at CNN need to learn obviously...having a hard time realizing that the American people don't give a shit if they are banned or not. Learn your place and things will go MUCH smoother.

What "rules" are there. A person who attempts to lead the executive branch may be questioned on anything relevant to his actions. The stupid whore just thinks that people ought to kiss his fat butt. He owes the American people transparency. We pay this whore's salary.
Her 1st Amendment rights have not been infringed. She has no right to access the President. She is still free to cry about it in the medium of her choice.

She is a member of the press. That is a part of the Constitution. A free and unfettered press. Try reading it sometime.

Operation Mockingbird......look it up sometime.....knowledge is power.

Then you have no power. TRY READING THE CONSTITUTION.

I know it well and I also know how it has been usurped going all the way back to the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of USA.INC and what FDR did to the people and how it has affected us to this day. I have forgotten more than you will ever know, "snowflake".

You are the snowflake. If his last name Obama, you would be criticizing the President for this act. You have apparently forgotten about the Constitution.

You have apparently forgotten about the Constitution.

What part of it covers this?
Even Fox News stands by CNN. They know that they must also stand up to the corrupt and miserable Trump Administration. The only people apparently backing the Trump Administration on this matter are Trump's mindless minions.

Fox News announces support of CNN after White House bans reporter

Bret Baer is one of the 3 assholes that bushwacked Trump.
Megan Kelly and Chris Wallace were to other two.
Baer doesn't speak for the views of Fox News, and neither does this Salvador Hernandez.

I think the President of Fox News speaks for Fox News. He is backing CNN.
Who is the president of Fox News?? Jay Wallace.
Roger Ailes was accused of sexual misconduct, resigned, and then strangely died within days of his resignation.
Ever since then several conservative pundits have been either forced to leave or removed.
At the same time known Trump haters like Juan Williams, Bret Baer, Chris Wallace (a registered Democrat), and known homosexual Shepard Smith still remain.
Fox News cannot be trusted these days any more than CNN because the leadership has been taken over by the enemy.
So an endorsement by Fox News management these days is no different than CNN or MSNBC in my opinion.
The only difference is they show both sides of most stories, when CNN and MSNBC have gone over the cliff into outright advocacy.

In other words you object to having real newspeople at Fox News. 90 percent of the people at Fox are pro-Trump and that is not good enough for you. Fox hardly shows both sides anymore and their prime time lineup is a 3 hour commercial for Trump.

90 percent of the people at Fox are pro-Trump and that is not good enough for you.

How many at CNN, MSNBC are 'pro-Trump?
Even Fox News stands by CNN. They know that they must also stand up to the corrupt and miserable Trump Administration. The only people apparently backing the Trump Administration on this matter are Trump's mindless minions.

Fox News announces support of CNN after White House bans reporter

Bret Baer is one of the 3 assholes that bushwacked Trump.
Megan Kelly and Chris Wallace were to other two.
Baer doesn't speak for the views of Fox News, and neither does this Salvador Hernandez.

I think the President of Fox News speaks for Fox News. He is backing CNN.
Who is the president of Fox News?? Jay Wallace.
Roger Ailes was accused of sexual misconduct, resigned, and then strangely died within days of his resignation.
Ever since then several conservative pundits have been either forced to leave or removed.
At the same time known Trump haters like Juan Williams, Bret Baer, Chris Wallace (a registered Democrat), and known homosexual Shepard Smith still remain.
Fox News cannot be trusted these days any more than CNN because the leadership has been taken over by the enemy.
So an endorsement by Fox News management these days is no different than CNN or MSNBC in my opinion.
The only difference is they show both sides of most stories, when CNN and MSNBC have gone over the cliff into outright advocacy.

In other words you object to having real newspeople at Fox News. 90 percent of the people at Fox are pro-Trump and that is not good enough for you. Fox hardly shows both sides anymore and their prime time lineup is a 3 hour commercial for Trump.

90 percent of the people at Fox are pro-Trump and that is not good enough for you.

How many at CNN, MSNBC are 'pro-Trump?
I will take a hypercritical media over a boot licking State media any day of the week.
Even Fox News stands by CNN. They know that they must also stand up to the corrupt and miserable Trump Administration. The only people apparently backing the Trump Administration on this matter are Trump's mindless minions.

Fox News announces support of CNN after White House bans reporter

Most of his supporters are fake profile trolls paid by lobbyists. The real truth is that Trump's approval ratings are lower than any president in recent history. There are random idiots , millionaire business owners, wall st thieves, and evil billionaires that support him , but he is going to lose big-time in 2020. Any idiot can beat him in 2020, even a saggy old fool like Biden.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Bret Baer is one of the 3 assholes that bushwacked Trump.
Megan Kelly and Chris Wallace were to other two.
Baer doesn't speak for the views of Fox News, and neither does this Salvador Hernandez.

I think the President of Fox News speaks for Fox News. He is backing CNN.
Who is the president of Fox News?? Jay Wallace.
Roger Ailes was accused of sexual misconduct, resigned, and then strangely died within days of his resignation.
Ever since then several conservative pundits have been either forced to leave or removed.
At the same time known Trump haters like Juan Williams, Bret Baer, Chris Wallace (a registered Democrat), and known homosexual Shepard Smith still remain.
Fox News cannot be trusted these days any more than CNN because the leadership has been taken over by the enemy.
So an endorsement by Fox News management these days is no different than CNN or MSNBC in my opinion.
The only difference is they show both sides of most stories, when CNN and MSNBC have gone over the cliff into outright advocacy.

In other words you object to having real newspeople at Fox News. 90 percent of the people at Fox are pro-Trump and that is not good enough for you. Fox hardly shows both sides anymore and their prime time lineup is a 3 hour commercial for Trump.

90 percent of the people at Fox are pro-Trump and that is not good enough for you.

How many at CNN, MSNBC are 'pro-Trump?
I will take a hypercritical media over a boot licking State media any day of the week.

over a boot licking State media any day of the week.
you were in a coma during Obamas tenure?
Even Fox News stands by CNN. They know that they must also stand up to the corrupt and miserable Trump Administration. The only people apparently backing the Trump Administration on this matter are Trump's mindless minions.

Fox News announces support of CNN after White House bans reporter
Lol, you do realize a reporter did the exact same to obama? They ran him out and chased him down. He also couldn't come back. Thanks for admitting obama was an asshole
Even Fox News stands by CNN. They know that they must also stand up to the corrupt and miserable Trump Administration. The only people apparently backing the Trump Administration on this matter are Trump's mindless minions.

Fox News announces support of CNN after White House bans reporter

Bret Baer is one of the 3 assholes that bushwacked Trump.
Megan Kelly and Chris Wallace were to other two.
Baer doesn't speak for the views of Fox News, and neither does this Salvador Hernandez.

I think the President of Fox News speaks for Fox News. He is backing CNN.
Who is the president of Fox News?? Jay Wallace.
Roger Ailes was accused of sexual misconduct, resigned, and then strangely died within days of his resignation.
Ever since then several conservative pundits have been either forced to leave or removed.
At the same time known Trump haters like Juan Williams, Bret Baer, Chris Wallace (a registered Democrat), and known homosexual Shepard Smith still remain.
Fox News cannot be trusted these days any more than CNN because the leadership has been taken over by the enemy.
So an endorsement by Fox News management these days is no different than CNN or MSNBC in my opinion.
The only difference is they show both sides of most stories, when CNN and MSNBC have gone over the cliff into outright advocacy.

In other words you object to having real newspeople at Fox News. 90 percent of the people at Fox are pro-Trump and that is not good enough for you. Fox hardly shows both sides anymore and their prime time lineup is a 3 hour commercial for Trump.
You're mistaken.
Fox always shows both sides. You just think any conservative speech dominates the discussion, and you can't have that.
And it's clear that Fox trades journalists with MSNBC and CNN. 90% or more live in NYC, and went to the same schools. Most of them are Democrats. But only a few of them are idiots, like Juan Williams, Chris Wallace, Bret Baer, Shepard Smith, Megan Kelly, and a few others.
Bret Baer is one of the 3 assholes that bushwacked Trump.
Megan Kelly and Chris Wallace were to other two.
Baer doesn't speak for the views of Fox News, and neither does this Salvador Hernandez.

I think the President of Fox News speaks for Fox News. He is backing CNN.
Who is the president of Fox News?? Jay Wallace.
Roger Ailes was accused of sexual misconduct, resigned, and then strangely died within days of his resignation.
Ever since then several conservative pundits have been either forced to leave or removed.
At the same time known Trump haters like Juan Williams, Bret Baer, Chris Wallace (a registered Democrat), and known homosexual Shepard Smith still remain.
Fox News cannot be trusted these days any more than CNN because the leadership has been taken over by the enemy.
So an endorsement by Fox News management these days is no different than CNN or MSNBC in my opinion.
The only difference is they show both sides of most stories, when CNN and MSNBC have gone over the cliff into outright advocacy.

In other words you object to having real newspeople at Fox News. 90 percent of the people at Fox are pro-Trump and that is not good enough for you. Fox hardly shows both sides anymore and their prime time lineup is a 3 hour commercial for Trump.

90 percent of the people at Fox are pro-Trump and that is not good enough for you.

How many at CNN, MSNBC are 'pro-Trump?
I will take a hypercritical media over a boot licking State media any day of the week.
Why do we have to have either.
Why can't they just do their jobs and report only verified facts??
Even Fox News stands by CNN. They know that they must also stand up to the corrupt and miserable Trump Administration. The only people apparently backing the Trump Administration on this matter are Trump's mindless minions.

Fox News announces support of CNN after White House bans reporter
Lol, you do realize a reporter did the exact same to obama? They ran him out and chased him down. He also couldn't come back. Thanks for admitting obama was an asshole

What happened with Obama means nothing now. The truth is that the whore now occupying the Oval Office wants to run away from being open and transparent with the American People. As with any good republican, he just runs away; and calls people names.Look what happened to Sandra Fluke. Look what happened with this DeSantis from Florida. Look what happened when the young woman confronted the candidate for governor of Pennsylvania.We are in an historical period in which yellow-bellied little republican bitch-boys just deflect and run away. They are known as unable to face the American Public. They are cowards through and through.

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