CNN "reporter" banned from WH event for being rude and not listening to the rules

White House bans CNN reporter from open press event

Damn idiots at CNN need to learn obviously...having a hard time realizing that the American people don't give a shit if they are banned or not. Learn your place and things will go MUCH smoother.
Banned or "uninvited" for doing her job pf asking questions. WTF happened to the first amendment? Are we gonna allow the WH to control the press now? How long till tRump goes full on fascist?
Her 1st Amendment rights have not been infringed. She has no right to access the President. She is still free to cry about it in the medium of her choice.

She is a member of the press. That is a part of the Constitution. A free and unfettered press. Try reading it sometime.

Operation Mockingbird......look it up sometime.....knowledge is power.
That's almost as bad as fox showing pictures of a pregame prayer, and claiming it was the players during the National Anthem.

Who ever said I was a fan of Fox news? When you "assume" you make an ass out of yourself. I haven't owned a TV since 2012 and haven't missed it a bit.

Doesn't matter if you have a TV. You support Republican politicians. You follow the republican line. You are a republican. Fox is the media wing of the GOP. You can't have it both ways. Your actions place you in firmly within the fox bubble, and You are on the fox team.

I am a constitutionalist, so neither bought and paid for political party that is owned by USA.INC could ever represent me. I opted out of being one of their de-facto employees, got out from under the Uniform Commercial Code. Those like yourself just HAVE to put people into categories. Anyone that isn't a leftard MUST be a republican.......step outside of the bubble, Bulldog.

You are not a constitutionalist. A free and unfettered press is part of the Constitution. Trump violated that because he didn't like the question.

View attachment 207009

It doesn't matter. Try reading the Constitution.
That's almost as bad as fox showing pictures of a pregame prayer, and claiming it was the players during the National Anthem.

Who ever said I was a fan of Fox news? When you "assume" you make an ass out of yourself. I haven't owned a TV since 2012 and haven't missed it a bit.

Doesn't matter if you have a TV. You support Republican politicians. You follow the republican line. You are a republican. Fox is the media wing of the GOP. You can't have it both ways. Your actions place you in firmly within the fox bubble, and You are on the fox team.

I am a constitutionalist, so neither bought and paid for political party that is owned by USA.INC could ever represent me. I opted out of being one of their de-facto employees, got out from under the Uniform Commercial Code. Those like yourself just HAVE to put people into categories. Anyone that isn't a leftard MUST be a republican.......step outside of the bubble, Bulldog.

You are not a constitutionalist. A free and unfettered press is part of the Constitution. Trump violated that because he didn't like the question.

--LOL he has not stopped CNN from continuing with their lies

They had every right to be there. Trump violated their first amendment rights.
Who ever said I was a fan of Fox news? When you "assume" you make an ass out of yourself. I haven't owned a TV since 2012 and haven't missed it a bit.

Doesn't matter if you have a TV. You support Republican politicians. You follow the republican line. You are a republican. Fox is the media wing of the GOP. You can't have it both ways. Your actions place you in firmly within the fox bubble, and You are on the fox team.

I am a constitutionalist, so neither bought and paid for political party that is owned by USA.INC could ever represent me. I opted out of being one of their de-facto employees, got out from under the Uniform Commercial Code. Those like yourself just HAVE to put people into categories. Anyone that isn't a leftard MUST be a republican.......step outside of the bubble, Bulldog.

You are not a constitutionalist. A free and unfettered press is part of the Constitution. Trump violated that because he didn't like the question.

View attachment 207009

It doesn't matter. Try reading the Constitution.

It matters a great deal......control the media, you control the information and thus control the narrative. America has become a duplicate of the USSR. Alternative media is being censored, youtube channels are being attacked and Twitter is engaged in "shadow banning" of anyone that isn't touting the commie agenda.
White House bans CNN reporter from open press event

Damn idiots at CNN need to learn obviously...having a hard time realizing that the American people don't give a shit if they are banned or not. Learn your place and things will go MUCH smoother.
Banned or "uninvited" for doing her job pf asking questions. WTF happened to the first amendment? Are we gonna allow the WH to control the press now? How long till tRump goes full on fascist?
Her 1st Amendment rights have not been infringed. She has no right to access the President. She is still free to cry about it in the medium of her choice.

She is a member of the press. That is a part of the Constitution. A free and unfettered press. Try reading it sometime.

Operation Mockingbird......look it up sometime.....knowledge is power.

Then you have no power. TRY READING THE CONSTITUTION.
Doesn't matter if you have a TV. You support Republican politicians. You follow the republican line. You are a republican. Fox is the media wing of the GOP. You can't have it both ways. Your actions place you in firmly within the fox bubble, and You are on the fox team.

I am a constitutionalist, so neither bought and paid for political party that is owned by USA.INC could ever represent me. I opted out of being one of their de-facto employees, got out from under the Uniform Commercial Code. Those like yourself just HAVE to put people into categories. Anyone that isn't a leftard MUST be a republican.......step outside of the bubble, Bulldog.

You are not a constitutionalist. A free and unfettered press is part of the Constitution. Trump violated that because he didn't like the question.

View attachment 207009

It doesn't matter. Try reading the Constitution.

It matters a great deal......control the media, you control the information and thus control the narrative. America has become a duplicate of the USSR. Alternative media is being censored, youtube channels are being attacked and Twitter is engaged in "shadow banning" of anyone that isn't touting the commie agenda.

TRY READING THE CONSTITUTION. Trump is trying to control the media. Trump is a wannabee Vladimir Putin.
White House bans CNN reporter from open press event

Damn idiots at CNN need to learn obviously...having a hard time realizing that the American people don't give a shit if they are banned or not. Learn your place and things will go MUCH smoother.
Banned or "uninvited" for doing her job pf asking questions. WTF happened to the first amendment? Are we gonna allow the WH to control the press now? How long till tRump goes full on fascist?
Her 1st Amendment rights have not been infringed. She has no right to access the President. She is still free to cry about it in the medium of her choice.

She is a member of the press. That is a part of the Constitution. A free and unfettered press. Try reading it sometime.

Operation Mockingbird......look it up sometime.....knowledge is power.

Then you have no power. TRY READING THE CONSTITUTION.

I know it well and I also know how it has been usurped going all the way back to the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of USA.INC and what FDR did to the people and how it has affected us to this day. I have forgotten more than you will ever know, "snowflake".
The biggest problem with journalists lately, not just CNN, (and probably the best recorded in full example of it was with a Univision reporter) is that these journalists are /not/ reporting on the news anymore. They're trying to debate him, they're trying to embarrass him, they're trying to interfere with what's going on at that particular presser or whatever. It's like the one jack off reporter who started legit yelling at Kim Jong Un demanding his total and immediate denuclearization at the first presser with him and President Trump - that's legit interfering in world peace shit but the journalists don't give two shits about anything but getting some click bait story. Or ya know, how many fucking times are the journalists going to ask the same god damn question in a row after he's already given them his answer - why the hell does the President need to put up with an hour of the press kicking a dead horse?

On the other hand, we have the left and 99% of the media in full support of colleges, FB, and YouTube silencing the "intellectual dark web" (the "semi-official" name of the internet news community.) And the media is trying to shut down the IDW to line their own pockets, aka they can't afford to lose any more eyeballs to them. They are literally going so far as to publicly attack these independent journalist talk shows, using their TV weight to try to crush them. It's actually rather hilarious to see how capitalist shark the MSM is given all the socialist bullshit they feed their viewers.
Bull fuking sh!t.

She did what they all do all the time every time for decades.

Trump is a wannabe dictator.
Canidate Obama boots conservative press off plane
Obama Kicks Reporters Off Plane

Anita Dunn, Obamas communications director on Fox News: "“We’re going to treat them the way we would treat an opponent,” said Anita Dunn, the White House communications director, in a telephone interview on Sunday. “As they are undertaking a war against Barack Obama and the White House, we don’t need to pretend that this is the way that legitimate news organizations behave.”
White House, 2009: 'Don't Pretend' Fox News Is a 'Legitimate News Organization'

Turns out Obama talked the same smack about Fox as Trump does about CNN
Did Mainstream Media Forget How Obama Treated Fox News?

Obama administration spied on Fox News' James Rosen
Justice Department’s scrutiny of Fox News reporter James Rosen in leak case draws fire

Reporter barred from talking attendees at Michelle Obama event
Reporter Banned by White House from Talking to Crowd at Michelle Obama Event

VIDEO: Obama himself has heckler reporter kicked out of White House

Fox News Reporter subpoenaed over story he ran about terror suspects
Fox News Reporter Fought Subpoena in Justice Dept. Leak Inquiry

Obama administration uploaded spyware and classified data into CBS' Sharyl Attkissons computer to intimidate her due to her coverage of fast and furious
CBS News confirms Sharyl Attkisson's computer hacked

Obama administration secretly subpoenaed AP reporters private phone records
Why the AP scandal is so scary - NY Daily News

Gave a false narrative to "clueless" reporters to sell the Iran deal
NY Times: White House Used ‘Often Misleading Or False’ Narrative To Sell Iran Deal To ‘Clueless’ Reporters
White House bans CNN reporter from open press event

Damn idiots at CNN need to learn obviously...having a hard time realizing that the American people don't give a shit if they are banned or not. Learn your place and things will go MUCH smoother.
President Pussy can't handle questions from the press. Not news.
Canidate Obama boots conservative press off plane
Obama Kicks Reporters Off Plane

Anita Dunn, Obamas communications director on Fox News: "“We’re going to treat them the way we would treat an opponent,” said Anita Dunn, the White House communications director, in a telephone interview on Sunday. “As they are undertaking a war against Barack Obama and the White House, we don’t need to pretend that this is the way that legitimate news organizations behave.”
White House, 2009: 'Don't Pretend' Fox News Is a 'Legitimate News Organization'

Turns out Obama talked the same smack about Fox as Trump does about CNN
Did Mainstream Media Forget How Obama Treated Fox News?

Obama administration spied on Fox News' James Rosen
Justice Department’s scrutiny of Fox News reporter James Rosen in leak case draws fire

Reporter barred from talking attendees at Michelle Obama event
Reporter Banned by White House from Talking to Crowd at Michelle Obama Event

VIDEO: Obama himself has heckler reporter kicked out of White House

Fox News Reporter subpoenaed over story he ran about terror suspects
Fox News Reporter Fought Subpoena in Justice Dept. Leak Inquiry

Obama administration uploaded spyware and classified data into CBS' Sharyl Attkissons computer to intimidate her due to her coverage of fast and furious
CBS News confirms Sharyl Attkisson's computer hacked

Obama administration secretly subpoenaed AP reporters private phone records
Why the AP scandal is so scary - NY Daily News

Gave a false narrative to "clueless" reporters to sell the Iran deal
NY Times: White House Used ‘Often Misleading Or False’ Narrative To Sell Iran Deal To ‘Clueless’ Reporters
White House bans CNN reporter from open press event

Damn idiots at CNN need to learn obviously...having a hard time realizing that the American people don't give a shit if they are banned or not. Learn your place and things will go MUCH smoother.

What I would expect from a lying Trump weasel. The reason is because they didn't like the question she asked earlier. Trump is a dictatorial thug. Good little Nazis.
Canidate Obama boots conservative press off plane
Obama Kicks Reporters Off Plane

Anita Dunn, Obamas communications director on Fox News: "“We’re going to treat them the way we would treat an opponent,” said Anita Dunn, the White House communications director, in a telephone interview on Sunday. “As they are undertaking a war against Barack Obama and the White House, we don’t need to pretend that this is the way that legitimate news organizations behave.”
White House, 2009: 'Don't Pretend' Fox News Is a 'Legitimate News Organization'

Turns out Obama talked the same smack about Fox as Trump does about CNN
Did Mainstream Media Forget How Obama Treated Fox News?

Obama administration spied on Fox News' James Rosen
Justice Department’s scrutiny of Fox News reporter James Rosen in leak case draws fire

Reporter barred from talking attendees at Michelle Obama event
Reporter Banned by White House from Talking to Crowd at Michelle Obama Event

VIDEO: Obama himself has heckler reporter kicked out of White House

Fox News Reporter subpoenaed over story he ran about terror suspects
Fox News Reporter Fought Subpoena in Justice Dept. Leak Inquiry

Obama administration uploaded spyware and classified data into CBS' Sharyl Attkissons computer to intimidate her due to her coverage of fast and furious
CBS News confirms Sharyl Attkisson's computer hacked

Obama administration secretly subpoenaed AP reporters private phone records
Why the AP scandal is so scary - NY Daily News

Gave a false narrative to "clueless" reporters to sell the Iran deal
NY Times: White House Used ‘Often Misleading Or False’ Narrative To Sell Iran Deal To ‘Clueless’ Reporters
White House bans CNN reporter from open press event

Damn idiots at CNN need to learn obviously...having a hard time realizing that the American people don't give a shit if they are banned or not. Learn your place and things will go MUCH smoother.
Banned or "uninvited" for doing her job pf asking questions. WTF happened to the first amendment? Are we gonna allow the WH to control the press now? How long till tRump goes full on fascist?
Canidate Obama boots conservative press off plane
Obama Kicks Reporters Off Plane

Anita Dunn, Obamas communications director on Fox News: "“We’re going to treat them the way we would treat an opponent,” said Anita Dunn, the White House communications director, in a telephone interview on Sunday. “As they are undertaking a war against Barack Obama and the White House, we don’t need to pretend that this is the way that legitimate news organizations behave.”
White House, 2009: 'Don't Pretend' Fox News Is a 'Legitimate News Organization'

Turns out Obama talked the same smack about Fox as Trump does about CNN
Did Mainstream Media Forget How Obama Treated Fox News?

Obama administration spied on Fox News' James Rosen
Justice Department’s scrutiny of Fox News reporter James Rosen in leak case draws fire

Reporter barred from talking attendees at Michelle Obama event
Reporter Banned by White House from Talking to Crowd at Michelle Obama Event

VIDEO: Obama himself has heckler reporter kicked out of White House

Fox News Reporter subpoenaed over story he ran about terror suspects
Fox News Reporter Fought Subpoena in Justice Dept. Leak Inquiry

Obama administration uploaded spyware and classified data into CBS' Sharyl Attkissons computer to intimidate her due to her coverage of fast and furious
CBS News confirms Sharyl Attkisson's computer hacked

Obama administration secretly subpoenaed AP reporters private phone records
Why the AP scandal is so scary - NY Daily News

Gave a false narrative to "clueless" reporters to sell the Iran deal
NY Times: White House Used ‘Often Misleading Or False’ Narrative To Sell Iran Deal To ‘Clueless’ Reporters
Even Fox News stands by CNN. They know that they must also stand up to the corrupt and miserable Trump Administration. The only people apparently backing the Trump Administration on this matter are Trump's mindless minions.

Fox News announces support of CNN after White House bans reporter

Bret Baer is one of the 3 assholes that bushwacked Trump.
Megan Kelly and Chris Wallace were to other two.
Baer doesn't speak for the views of Fox News, and neither does this Salvador Hernandez.

I think the President of Fox News speaks for Fox News. He is backing CNN.
Who is the president of Fox News?? Jay Wallace.
Roger Ailes was accused of sexual misconduct, resigned, and then strangely died within days of his resignation.
Ever since then several conservative pundits have been either forced to leave or removed.
At the same time known Trump haters like Juan Williams, Bret Baer, Chris Wallace (a registered Democrat), and known homosexual Shepard Smith still remain.
Fox News cannot be trusted these days any more than CNN because the leadership has been taken over by the enemy.
So an endorsement by Fox News management these days is no different than CNN or MSNBC in my opinion.
The only difference is they show both sides of most stories, when CNN and MSNBC have gone over the cliff into outright advocacy.
White House bans CNN reporter from open press event

Damn idiots at CNN need to learn obviously...having a hard time realizing that the American people don't give a shit if they are banned or not. Learn your place and things will go MUCH smoother.
American people do care, we hate bullies and wannabe dictators.

American people voted for Donald Trump!

American people was right!

American people will vote for President Trump again!

American people LOVES Donald Trump!

GOD BLESS PRESIDENT TRUMP AND ALL PATRIOTS OUT THERE! :thankusmile: :clap2::clap2::clap2:
Those that voted for the orange are the minority, most are dumb, racists and bigots.
Prove otherwise ;)

Two term President!

America and the the rest of the world loves Donald Trump!

Way To Go!:banana::2up:
Make up your mind .. You care what rest of the world thinks of Trump or you don't?
Even Fox News stands by CNN. They know that they must also stand up to the corrupt and miserable Trump Administration. The only people apparently backing the Trump Administration on this matter are Trump's mindless minions.

Fox News announces support of CNN after White House bans reporter

Bret Baer is one of the 3 assholes that bushwacked Trump.
Megan Kelly and Chris Wallace were to other two.
Baer doesn't speak for the views of Fox News, and neither does this Salvador Hernandez.

I think the President of Fox News speaks for Fox News. He is backing CNN.
Who is the president of Fox News?? Jay Wallace.
Roger Ailes was accused of sexual misconduct, resigned, and then strangely died within days of his resignation.
Ever since then several conservative pundits have been either forced to leave or removed.
At the same time known Trump haters like Juan Williams, Bret Baer, Chris Wallace (a registered Democrat), and known homosexual Shepard Smith still remain.
Fox News cannot be trusted these days any more than CNN because the leadership has been taken over by the enemy.
So an endorsement by Fox News management these days is no different than CNN or MSNBC in my opinion.
The only difference is they show both sides of most stories, when CNN and MSNBC have gone over the cliff into outright advocacy.

Fox couldn't be trusted even before; they're politically biased after all. That said though, I hear the company is going to be run by the kidlets who are lefties anyway.

OAN is the only place out there for unbiased news. They do have libertarian slanted opinion shows; Ledger Report and Tipping Point, but most of the day it's just news feeds read out without opinion.
That the Trumpsters think it all 'trump hate' means they bow to the oligarchy

and yes it includes the obamas and the clintons

imagine that!!


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